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��f.fil—.a,.,:�.�.,.:l�ta�.. �.:.:,_:s+��'�''. t--....�. -_.,daa.: `�". ...`. . _ .. r `L..«.. - .x _ - __ _„c <br /> �,�.. t�2.L�.�- ..�.+Y.ns RA �c-'.�irrc..iiwsr <br /> � __ �c�£c� �`d..'° _r.i4fQ'�sYi�FM1l'i� ...�u'.v�i..:��,rsyi'.u�:i�'�+��savmoY--- `'rci�' --� -- <br /> `— � ..-..�__ .. . � . <br /> F..__,._ <br /> �! • ' � � <br /> i <br /> � <br /> . ... � <br /> K�'V-10� I/18i90 (521) G�� ISI���ND, NE <br /> : <br /> ! <br /> __ 9�--iQQC3�! <br /> the s�rn� sha11 be added to the Indebtedness. Assignee sha13 : � <br /> _� deduc� and pay.�a11 costs, charges and� expenses incurrec3 by �.� - <br /> hereunder from th�e Reats received by it from the Real Estate, and <br />, shall apply any balaace thereof to the Indebtedness in such :;:<::;.,�:�` <br /> order as Assignee may determ�ne. The collection of the Rents and `�' �� - <br /> - the app7.icat�.on thereaf and of such other funds af Assignor as �� '� <br /> hore3b set fc�rth, shall aot ctare or waive any default�or waive or <br /> madf�y ot affect any noti.ce of default under this Assignanent, the <br />_ Nat�e o� .�he Other Agreements or the acceleration of the � <br /> I�deb��dness by Assiqnee; � <br /> . i£) . to pay, frdcr� and out of � Reats, any taxes, � <br /> 21�9@9SlR@AtS, wat�z rates, sewer rates or ot��r•gov��mental � <br /> � charges levied, ass�ss� or i.mpased agalns� the Rea�.. Esta�e or <br /> aAy part thereof tto tt�e exteat.not paf� bw .the Tenant pursuant � <br /> - ����the Lease� and any aad all c����r charg�, �osts and exge�ses <br /> ' ��iieh Assignee may daem necessa�y or advisab�e to pay in the use, <br /> � r!ianagemeat or oparation of the Real Estate; <br /> � . � <br /> (ga to maintain the Iteal Estate, complete <br /> co�struction of any Improvemer��s under tonstr��etion or renovation � <br /> argd make such repairs and a�te�ations to alI Qr any part of the <br /> Real Estate as 1�signee �ay,. gs� its sole cii���etion, deem � <br /> advisable; and ; ., �. <br /> � <br /> ;�. <br /> . ;�;_ <br /> (h) to generaYT� do, execute �td perfozm any � :. <br /> other act, matter or thing wha�t�oever that nay be de�e, executed '` <br /> and performed by Assign�r undez the ps��isi�ns of the Lease. - <br /> 3. Upon the or�ur�E�ce of any ��a�� of DeFault under � -� <br /> this Assignment, Assignor will direct (to t�Ce extent not • <br /> � previously directed) the Tenant ua�der t�as Le�se to �ay all Rents � <br /> � acaruing thereafter to F�signee. witka�t ��.Titing ��Q <br /> qenerality of the foregafag, Assignor �:�+�b�r �xpre�sly and <br /> irrevocably authorize� Assignee upon the ccc��rence of an Event � <br /> of Default under the N�te, this Assfgnment o� any of the the ' <br /> Other Agzeements, to notify the Tenan� of this Assignment and to <br /> direct tfie �enant to pay all Rents ac�z-uing thereafter to ,,;� <br /> � As�ignee. <br /> �r <br /> 4. �tth respect tc the Lease: �• � <br /> �a) Ass�¢�nor shall nat ��.� cancel, �elease, <br /> terrninate or sur�ender the Lea9e, or germ�t a��� cat�c�llation, <br /> re�ea�se, termination or surre�c��� of the Lea��a �i�� amend, <br /> moc�ify or alter the terns of fiE��e Lease, or i YY1.) �v��.�re, excuse, <br /> _ condone or in any way diseharge in an� material respect the <br /> Tenant of or from the ctzT�gations, ca�rcnants, conditions and <br /> � agreements by th� Tena�t to be performed. Assi.gnar does by these <br /> presents expressiy release, relinquish and assign unto Assignee <br />�► <br /> � -a� <br /> :-_- -- <br />� <br /> , <br /> � � . . <br /> �' _ L_ � L_ J <br /> � - . � <br /> ,.. <br /> . �_ n <br /> � <br /> — {� � � <br /> s��,r <br /> ,. <br /> ...; <br /> . :; . <br /> . �: <br /> ,�; .. <br /> ..� _ __ __ _ _ _ — --- ----- — --- -- _ - --- --- _ _ -- -- --- -- -- - --- ----_ . _ _— <br /> - ----- �-..�..��__ __ <br /> _ <br /> -- __ __-_ _._ — -- --- - - ------ <br /> _ _ __ _ __ _ --_ _ -- - _ <br /> —� ---- �_-.'_—��'-..r-==.' .` ` -�".,�"��a�`'_--- �-� � - - "f+'�.�`--� _ _ .-� — -�--.-_ -� _._.:---�: <br /> —_ . '_' . 'i' . ' __.'�_ � .. .._. �'?` �:Y_ � . <br />