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. e+�d�iat. . wY�"`iv►e2_�`.c..�.�: �,}�,�2 �•c �w�- .F,� r 'xi��r.W+m,?; �'3?�ei:f���m�:...�c�.t ',�°�=�d'°.�1��"""`-C'- =tia`�uaa�rr..�".. ,...cnreiiY:y -':��F.�'�".. .Z..�. _ .._ -- <br /> ._ '.._�.�__._�4�6��k.+t1\'ia.�ul,4ns . 4 _. --- �...4'.'.�'.'. <br /> - � - � <br /> . i • <br /> I <br /> ; . , . <br /> i <br /> KTV-��2 1/I�/90 (521) GRAND ISLAND, NE • <br /> _ �" � � 90-�-1�063�! � . <br /> Agreements aAd a certain i.nsttuction letter of eveai date herewith, <br /> � from Assignor to the Tenaat, with raspect to tha payr2ent of Rents <br /> di�ectZy to As�ignee. <br /> _ 2. The follo�ing shall constitute and be der� to be <br /> an Event of Default hereunder: if Assi.gnor defauI.ts in the <br /> performanca or observance, or there shall occur any breach of an� <br /> term, provision, condition, covenant, warranty or representation <br /> contained in this Assiqnment, wlnich is r�quired to be perf�rr.�d�. <br /> _ observed or kept by Assignor and such default #,g not cured wz�h� � . <br /> fi£teen (iS) days after Ass3gner recefves writtien: notice � <br /> thereof. immed�iately upon the occurrence of an Event o� Def�u2.t_ . <br /> under this Ass�gnment or �+n Event� of Default under th� Nate or <br /> any oE the Other Agreements and so long thereafter as .any► s�ah: � <br /> � Event of Default shall continue, the license meationec7 in. " <br /> Paragraph 1 above along with aII ai�her rights of AssiqAnr �aa ,and� <br /> to the Assiqned Property �hall ��ase and terminate. IA: �UCI3, , �. <br /> event, Pis�lgnee is herehy ��pressly and irrevocably authoriied to <br /> exec�ise aay or all of t�e�,tol].awing rights with respect to the <br /> � I�eas�, subject to the prov�.�3ons of the Lease: <br /> �a) to e�f�rce, exten8, �end or modify the Lense . <br /> or en.join or restrain ttt� violation of aay of tha provisions of <br /> _ the �ease and take aa�r. a��ion and expend such amounts of money as . � <br /> Assignee in its sol� d����retlon c�Eems necessary to cure any �<�. ., <br /> breach or default b�r A�si:�or un�er the Lease, but Assignee shall ���� `� <br /> �'`' �- - <br /> not be obligated to �ure ar�y such breach or default. Assignor � <br /> agrees ta pay to Assigaee upon demand all such amounts paid by - <br /> the Assignee, toqether with interest thereon at a fluctuating rate � _-- <br /> per annum equai to �aur percent (4+�) above tlne rate of interest : <br /> established frorn to time by Assiqnee as Assignee's --� <br /> . "reference rate", but amt to exceed the maximum rate of interest <br /> � permitted by appl.t�able law tthe "I3efat3lt Re1te") , from the date <br /> of e��h such paymsstC made by Ass�gnee and the same shall be added <br /> to �� Inde�tedne��; <br /> (b) to dena:��, collecic, sue for, recover, � <br /> receive, compromise auid as��sst the Rants; � <br /> � ' �c) to give or r�ceive any notice, consent, ,�A_: <br /> waiver or a�proval with respect to the Lease; <br /> .�:: <br /> — (dP to institute, proseccite to completion, or � <br /> conrgromise i� settlement, all summary prctceedings, actions far � <br /> ren� or for remo F�r��g the Tenant under the Lea�e; <br /> (ex� to a�:serve and perform an� or all obligations <br /> of 1.�.ssignor arisi�Ac� uAder th� Lease. Assignar r�iii pay <br /> � imcr�adiately upon a!��nd all such sums paid by �issignee under the <br />� authority hereof, together aith interest thereon at the Default <br /> Rate, fzom the date of each such payment made by Assignee, and <br /> -3- <br /> 7� <br /> ;,��-_- <br />� � <br />� ' � <br /> � , � � � � <br /> � <br />� � <br /> �� <br /> - . .r .. <br /> J �.: <br />-_ ,� � � <br /> ��? <br /> ;3j�FF�_' <br /> Fi�� <br /> ^. �f" s <br /> t �' <br /> ', <br /> �___ ___'____'-�.____..�.� � ..�...�.�...._��.. �___ _"___ __ _-_ _ __ " _ _- _ ... ...- _.._.. ... ..._.. _ _ __ _" <br /> . T__:�r ,--�-�.°ar'.'- . _ a _. _.+�P:'ai '_ .._. • __-.— _—_.�- . '- ' . "_ _" _ _ <br /> . .. . � " _._ _ .. . . .�_ . " <br /> - <br /> , + -. y .. , .''' _ 4 �t._._ _'_r. ..-:... ' ' .'�'' V° - - <br />