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. . � . :�, .. .:; .- .—� �� � �=�.�;:.�. �::� , <br /> r='.. '�..w' �'�.ac,:e..�.kirJ�1R""::•,-wr."n�.c. •.•1ra�i�°kt��' i � - . .'-'�1-l:r. •�� ::a:�Ra::v:'-,_t...,�:r.:fa Cs.92t - _ia�5'azr.��+.b��a4rn�.�-ac'L.zv:._ - .:;�-�r,�i1i`..'�„�a,swrwa�4w _ <br /> � .x���c?��,i i�'�i�-:��" ,a*�--,�,a�it�i;�;*:��� m�arann'�. - — _ <br /> _�_�_ . ! •- � <br /> �' . <br /> i <br /> 3 . <br /> i <br /> � , <br /> x�v-iax isi�i�o (521� c�,r�n asr�, rr� � <br /> _ r <br /> — �a� �aos3� <br /> all of� lts right, power �nd authority to canceZ, releaser <br /> _� terminate or accept a surrender of the Lease. <br /> ` (b� Assiqnor sha11 at all times promptly and � <br /> faithfully keep, perform and comply with, or cause to be kept, <br /> perfarmea and complied with, aad prior to the expiration of the <br /> appl�cable qrace period, if any, a3]. of the tenns, provisions, <br /> covenaats, �aar�anties, conditions and agre8ments contained in the � <br /> Lease to be kept, performed and comglie� s�ith by the i�aiora <br /> therein. t��ignor sha1Z not do or pezr.�f.t anythiag to be done, � <br /> the dofnq df whicha or refrain �ram, doing anything, the omission <br /> o£ wh.f,ch, s��I� 3mpair the security of th.�s As�ignment os will �e <br /> �� <br /> gzaua�s for ��e Tenant �tQ declare a defaos2t under the �ease. <br /> � �tct Na relense or forbearance of aay o� <br /> Ass�g�vr�s ob1153��.ans under the Lease shall reiease Assignor <br /> fr�cm �ts oblfgatt4� undez this Assignment to ger�oran �€td comply <br /> wit#i �11 Q� �he terms, pr�crisions, covenants, wars�nt��.�s, <br /> --� eond�t�aa�,b a�d agreements zontained in the Lease, � � �erformed <br /> aAd �g�;ec� with �� the landlorc3 tharein. . ,: <br />- � � (d) Assignor shall give Ass3gr�ee immediate not�ce <br /> in writfng a� any notice of default qive�a by Assignor r�, or � � . ' <br /> received b�r assiqnor from, the Tenent un��r th+� Lease, �Sy � • <br /> pra�iding to Assignee a photocopy of any such ns�tice given or � . <br /> rec�;ved by Assignor. Assignor shall promptly ��posit with ' � <br /> � Ass�.gnee a true and complete copy of any notice, coi�munication, ,�; <br /> plan, specification or oti��r instrument or doeumec�� �eceived or ` <br /> given by Assignor in any m��erial way relating ta the Lease. � <br /> . �� <br /> (e) If any actic�: or praceeding s�all be <br /> � instituteci to terminate the Lease, Assignor will, imnediately <br /> upon servic� thereof on or to Assignor, deliver to Assignee a <br /> true copy of each petltion, s•.umions, complaint, notice of ����' <br /> motion, order to show cause and of all other provisions, ; � <br /> pleadings and papers, however designated, sarved in any such <br /> action or proceeaing. Assignor shall consult with Assignee prior <br /> to instituting any action or proceeding against the T��ant in . � ' � <br /> connection �ith the Lease, but nwthing containa�H herein shall <br />_ , obll.g�te 1�iss+ignee �ta become a �rfi to or ��.'' <br /> act:.m� flr groceeding. P y Pa=t�cfpate in any �ach <br /> (f) NotwitE�standinq any other provision of this <br /> Assig�zrr�ent or tha Lease, if Assigttr�r shall fail �a to do, <br /> Asstc�+�e may �but shall not be c1a�.�gated tv) tal�e any such action <br /> Assignee deems necessary o� desirable to cure, in whole or in <br /> part, any de£ault by Assig�or undar the �9ase; and upo� the <br />� receipt by� �,�signee from l4ssignor or tt�e Tenant of any written <br /> not3Ce of default b�{ Assignor as �.zzs 3.andlord thereunder, <br /> Assignea may rely t�tereon, and �s�l� notice sha11 constitute £u�.1. <br /> authority to and protection of As�ignee £or any action taken or <br />� <br /> -5_ � <br /> f � <br /> � <br /> _�w _ <br />� � � � L � <br /> �� <br />�. �� <br /> �: � <br /> i <br /> - _ l..... �} <br /> -i%f <br /> ;�1�, : , <br /> ' r-'� <br /> #� <br /> `�.,. <br /> ' .1 <br /> . 7. <br /> _._ . ____- -- _ <br /> ..___ ...-_-,.- _ . <br /> . . _. "":nR�• -- .v!_ -.---" .- - .. -` '_ _ - ._. <br /> -�— --.__ _ __ .--_ — � .'-_ <br /> . w <br /> , _ . , ._ • _,__ _ �-31.�c:-'x-�' . � --��'� _ <br /> .-_-. :. -_ :- __ ._ -__ - .__ __ __- ._-.._ .,._._, - _ _ __'__- "'_. _ __ —__—_._ ______ ' _— _—_— - <br /> _._._. ___-_ <br /> - ._ '." ' "-' -�' _ - ._ __-- _ . . . . . . __"v' _ __ .. <br /> -._•"'�. ,•,F � �.. . . " __ . __ ._ . .'' _.� ' ' _ . ..� . . . . <br /> _ ..... . . . . ... .- _ . � . , � <br />