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2� 1 ��88�3 <br /> C�FEQ �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 'i�7��8��'I ����7tinuedj Page 3 <br /> wh��her by Qutright �aEe, d��d� ins�allment sale cantrac�, land contract, c�n�r��� �ar d�ed, leasehold in�eres'C with a <br /> ��rm great�r than three {3� years, lease�a�tion c4n�rac�, or [�y sale, assignmen�, ar�ransfer ot any bene�i�i�l in�erest in <br /> vr�❑ any �and trus� hvlding ritle �o�he Rea1 Proper'�y, or by any o�he� m��hvd Qf cQn�eyance of an �n�erest in the Rea! <br /> Property. Hvwe�er� �his op�ian shall no� be �xer�ised by Lender If SUG�'1 exercise is prohibited by ��deral !aw or �by <br /> Nebraska law. <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The fa��vwing provisions rela�ing to the taxes and iiens on the Property are part o��his Q�ed a�F <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustar�h�l� pay►nrhen due �and in ali�v�n�s prior ta d�linquency� ��j�axes, spe�ial tax�s, ass�ssments, <br /> �harges �inCiuding water and sewer�, �in�s �nd rmpas�tions lev�ed agains�or on account of the �'roperxy, and shall <br /> pay when due �f� claims for work done c�n vr�or services rendered or material �Furnished ta �h� �'r�perty. Trustor <br /> shall main�Cain�he Praper�y free ❑�all liens ha�ing priority a�er❑r equal to the�nteres�❑f Lend�r under this ❑eed v� <br /> Trus�, except for the lien vf taxes and assessments not due and excep� as otherwise pra�ided in thts Deed ❑� <br /> Trust. <br /> Righ�to Can�est. Trus�or may►►vi�hhoid pa�rmen�n�an�tax, assessment, vr cla�m i� �onnection wi�h a goQd ta�th <br /> dispute ��er the ���iga�ivn�a pay. sa long as �.end�r's in�erest�n fihe PrQper�y is nat�eopardi�ed. I�� li�n �rises ❑r <br /> is filed as a re�ui� v� nonpaymen�, Trustvr shal! w�thin fi#te�n {15} days after �he lien aris�s or, i� a iien is filed, <br /> within �ifteen ���y days after Trus�ar has nntsce v�r the �iling, secure �Che discharge o�the lien, ❑r if reques�ed by <br /> Lenderr depvsit with Lender cash ar a suf�icien�Gorporate sure�y bond ar o�her security satisfac�ory t❑ Lender in an <br /> amoun�su��F+cien�to discharge the ��en plus any e�sts and attorneys' #�es� ar other charg�s that�auld a�crue as a <br /> resul�a�a forec�osure or saEe under the [Een. In any con�est,Trustar shall de�end itsel�and Lender and sha1I sa�isfy <br /> any ad�erse judgm�nt b��are en�vrcement against�he Property. Trustvr shall n�me Lender as an addE#�vna! ❑h�igee <br /> under any sure�y band�urnEshed in the conte��pra�eedings. <br /> E�idence af Payment. Trustar sha�f upon d�mand furnish to Lender sa�is�actvey eWiden�� o�paym�n�of the�axes <br /> or assessm�n�s and sha�1 au�hori�e�h� apprapriate gov�rnmental c���icia� to d�iiver�v Lende� a� �ny time a written <br /> statement❑�the taxes and assessments agains��he Praperty. <br /> Na#ice o# Cons�ruc�ivn, Trustor sha[� noti#y Lender at leas��fifteen 4�5y days be�ore any work is �ammenced. any <br /> ser�ices are turnished, vr any materiais are supplied t� the Prop�r�y, �f any me�hanic's �ien, mat�r�almen's lien, vr <br /> other lien couid be asser'�ed an account ❑f the wark, ser�ices, �r ma�er��ls. Trustvr wi�� upon reques� �a� Lender <br /> furnish t❑ Lender ad�ance assurances satis�ac�ar� to Lender that Tr�s�C�r can and will pay �he cast o� such <br /> improvemen�s, <br /> PR�PERTY QAMAGE IN�URANCE. The fo�lowing prv�isions relating �o insuring the Prvperty are a �art of�his Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> iV[aintenan�e of Insuran�e. T�us�vr shall procur� and maintaEn polEci�s o� �ire �nsurance with s�tandard extended <br /> Gv�era�� endors�men�s an a �air �alue basis fnr �he �u!! insurabfe value cau�r�ng �!I lmpra�emen�s vn �he Real <br /> Property in an ampun� su�f�cien� t❑ aW�id appiica�ion of any coinsurance cl�use, and with a standard mortgagee <br /> clause in favar a�L�nder. �agether wi�h such❑th�r hazard and liabi�ity Ensurance as Lender r�a�r r��sonably requir�. <br /> Po�i�ies shal! he written in form, amvun�s, ca�erages and basis re�s�nably acceptabfe t� �.ender and issued by a <br /> campany or campanies reasonably ac�ep�able �o Lender. Trustor, upon request v� Lender, wii! deliver to Lend�r <br /> fram tEme tv rime the paiicies vr certi�icates vf insurance in �vrm satis�actvey�Q Lender, incfuding stipuiatians tha� <br /> caverages wil! n�� be cancelled or d��inished withaut at least ten �1�3 days privr written nvtice #o Lender. Each <br /> insu�-ance palEcy a�so sh�il include �n endarsemen� praviding �hat Gvverage in fa�or❑� L�nder will not be impaEred <br /> in any way by any ac�, omission or defaul�of Trustcrr ar any v�her persan. �hnuld the ft�a1 Prop�r�y b� ivcated in <br /> an area designa�ed by the Administratar ���h� Federal Emergency Man��ement Ag�ncy as a s�e�ial �lood hazard <br /> area� Trus�vr �grees ta ob�ain and mai���in Federa! F�o�d �nsu�ance. �f available, for �he �ull unpa�d principa! <br /> i�alance af the loan and any prior iiens on th�prape�ss�uring the�aan, up to�he maximum pai�cy limi�s set under <br /> the Nationa! Flood lnsurance Pragram, ar a� otherwise required by Lender. and to maintain such insurance �or the <br /> term af�he laan. <br /> Application of Prv�e�ds. Trustar shall prQmptly na���y Lend�r❑�any Ivss �r d�mage�n the Pr�per�y. Lender may <br /> make pro�f ot lv�s i� Trus�vr fai�s to d❑ so wi�hin fifteen �15) day� o� �he casual�y. Whether vr ntat Lender's <br /> security is im��ired, Lender may, at Lend�r's electEQn, recei�� and re��in the prvc��ds of any insurance and apply <br /> the proceeds �tn th� reduc��on ❑�th� ind�b�edness. paymen� ot any �ien afi�ecting the Proper�y, or �he r�stvration <br /> and repair ot the Pr�perty. !f Lender efeGts ta app�y �he praceeds�o restara�ivn and repair, Trus�or shaEi repair or <br /> replace.�he damaged �r destrvyed lmpraWements in a manner satis�ac�ory to Lender. Lender shall, upvn <br /> satisfaGtvey proo# ❑f such expenditure, pay ar reimburse Trus�or from the proceeds �or the reasvnable cast o� <br /> repair �r res�arativn i� Trustvr is nat in de�aul� under this Deed ot Trus�. Any prvc�eds which have nat been <br /> disbursed within �8Q days af�er thei� receip� �nd which Lender has nv� cvmmitted #o the r�pair or r�s�tor�tion a� <br /> the Property �h�l1 be used �irs�t� pay any �moun�o►�ring ro Lender under��his Deed o��rust, then 'C� pay accrued <br /> interest, and th� remainder, i� any, �ha�l be app�ied to the princEpal b��ance of�he lndebtedness. �� Lender holds <br /> any proceeds af�er payment in #ul� vf the lndebtedness, such prviceeds shaii be pa�d �o Yrus�a� as Trustar`s <br /> int�res�s may appear. <br /> LENDER'S EXPEN�ITUI�ES. If Trustor �ai1s �A} to keep �he Praperty �ree of a!I taxesr liens, security in�eres�s, <br /> encumbrances, and o�her Gi�ims, �6) tr� prv�ide any required insuranc� on�the Proper#y, ar �C� to ma�e repairs tv the <br />