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2� 1 ��88�3 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 'i❑1295�47 t�antinued} Page 4 <br /> Pr�perty then Lender may do sv. !f any action or pro�eeding is comm�nced that wauEd ma�erially affe�t tender's <br /> interests in �he Property, then Lender on Trustor's behal� may, bu� is no� required to, take any activn tha� Lender <br /> befi��es to be apprapriate to protec� Lender's interes�s. A!i expens�s incurred ar paid by Lender�or such purposes wi[i <br /> then bear�n�eres�a�the rate charged under the No�e�rom the date incurred vr paid by Lender to�he da�e of repayment <br /> by Trus�or. All su�h expenses will became a part af the Indebtedness and. at Lende�'s option, will {A� he payabie an <br /> demand; {B} be added to th� balance ot �he No�e and be apporti�n�d among and be payable ►rvith any ins�alfinent <br /> payments to beGome due during ei�th�r ��} the�erm ❑f any appli�abte insurance po[icy; �r �2} the remaining �erm o�F <br /> t�e Note; or �C} he tr�ated as a bal�oon paymen#w3�i�h wi41 k�e du� and payabl� at the Nflte's ma�urtty. The Deed a� <br /> Trus� also will secure paymen�❑f these amvun�s. The rights provided for in th�s paragraph shall be in additi�n ta any <br /> other righ�s ❑r any remedies tv which Lender may he en�i�ied ❑n account vf any defauEt. Any such actian by L�nder <br /> sha!! nvt be construed as curing#he defauit sa as to bar Lender�ram any remedy that i�otherwise wou�d haWe had. <br /> VIIARRANTYr DEFENSE�F TiTLE, The fallowing pro�isions relating tv ownership o�the Prope�ty are a part���his aeed <br /> af Trust: <br /> Ti#le. Trus�or warran�s that: {a} T�ustor halds ga�d and marketable title o� record t❑ the Praper�y in �ee simpie, <br /> �res and ciear �� al� �iens and en�umbran�es ❑ther than those se� �or�h in the Rea] Proper�y description or in any <br /> �itie insuranc� policy, title report, or �inal titie opinion issued in fa�vr o�, and accepted by, Lender in �onnectian <br /> wi�h this ❑eed a�Trus�t, and {b} Trustor has the full right. p�wer, and au�hority�o execu�e and deEiver this aeed ot <br /> Trus��� Lende�. <br /> De�ense of Ti��e. Subject�� the excep��an in �he paragraph abov�, Trus�or war�ants and w�ll fvre�er de-�end the <br /> �i��e �a the Praperty agains�the lav+rfui claims o�aEl persvns. !n the e�en�any a��ion or praceeding is cammenced <br /> �hat ques�ion$Trustor's��t�e a��he interes#o�Trust�e or Lender under�his I]eed o�Trus�,Trustor shal! defend the <br /> ac�ion at�rus�or's expense. Trustor may be the nominai par�y in su�� prviceeding, bu�Lende�- shall 1ae en�itl�d to <br /> par�icipa�e in the pro�eeding and �o be represented �n the proceeding by cvunse� of Lender's vwn chai�e, and <br /> Trus�ar wiil deli�er, or cause t❑ be dei��ered, ta Lender such instruments as Lender may request from time to time <br /> fo p�rmit such part�cipativn. <br /> Cvmpliance With Laws. Trustor warrants �ha� the Praperty and Trus�a�-'s us� of the Prvperty complies with a�i <br /> exis��ng ap���cab[e laws,ordinances, and regulati�ns o�go��rnm�ntal authorities. <br /> 5urvival a� Pramises. A!I promises, agreements, and s�a�ements Trus�or has made in this Deed of Trus� shall <br /> surWi�e the executian and deli�ery of this Deed o�Trus�, sha�i be con�inuing in nature and shalE remain in full �orce <br /> and ef�e��untii such time as Trustvr's Indebtedness is paid in#ull. <br /> C�NDEMNATi�N. The follawing pro�isions relating to condsmna��vn proceedings are a part of this Deed❑f Trust: <br /> Pro�eedings. If any proG�eding in cvndemna��on is �iled, Trustor shall promptly notify Lender in wri�ing, and <br /> Trus�ar shall promptly�ake such s�eps as may be necessary tn de��nd the act�an and obtain the award. Trustor <br /> may be the naminai party in such prvc�eding, bu�Lender shal�.be enti��ed ta participate in�he proceeding and to be <br /> represen�ed �n the praceeding by cvunsei vf its own choice, and Tr�sstoc wil� de[iWer �� cause to be deli�e�ed '�o <br /> Lender such instrumen�s and documen�ation as may be requested by L�nder from �ime to time �a permit such <br /> par�icipa�ian. <br /> Applica�ion of Net Praceeds. If alI ar any part o�the Property is cvndemned by eminent domain praceedings or by <br /> any proceeding or purchase in lieu af condemnativn. Lend��may a�i�s election require that a!I �r any partion o�#he <br /> ne� proceeds �f the award be applied �o the �ndebtedness or th� repair or restoration a� the Praperty. The net <br /> proceeds ❑f the award shall mean the award af-ter payment o�alE reasonab�e costs, �xp�nses, and attarneys' �ees <br /> incurred by Trustee or Lender in connec�ion wi�h the condemna�ivn. <br /> IMP�5iT1DN �F TA?CES, FEES AND CHARGES BY �DVERNMENTAL AUTH�R[T�ES. The fo�lowing prv�isions relating <br /> to go�ernmen�al taxes,�ees and charges are a part of this ��ed ❑f Trust: <br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. L1pan request hy Lender� Trustor shali ex�cute such dacumen�s in addi�ion to <br /> �his Deed �f Trust and tak� whatever oth�r action is reques�ed by Lender#a perfect and continu� Lender's lien �n <br /> �he Rea! Proper�ty. Trustor shail reimburse Lender �or all �axes, as described beiaw, �ogether with all expenses <br /> incurred in re�ording, perfecting or con�inu�ng �this Deed of Trust, including withaut limi�ation all taxes, fees, <br /> dvcumentary s�amps, and ather�harges for recording or registering this�eed v��rus�. <br /> Taxes. The fo�iowing shall consti�ute taxes �o whi�h �h�s seCtivn applies: ��� a speci�ic tax upan this type o� <br /> D�ed vf Trust or upan ajl ❑r any part of the Inde�tedness se�ured by this Deed of Trus�; �2} a specific �ax vn <br /> T�ustvr which Trustvr is au�horized or requ�red to deduc��rom payments on�he Indebtedness secured by�h�s type <br /> o�Deed af Trust; {3� a tax on this type o�Deed of Trus�chargeabie aga�nst�he Lender or�he halder of the Note; <br /> and {4f a specific tax an a�� ❑r any pvrtion of the Indebtedness or�n payments o� principa� and interest made by <br /> Trustar. � <br /> Subsequent Taxes. �f any tax ta which �his section applies is enacted subsequen� to the date of this �eed vf <br /> Trust, �his e�ent sha[E ha�e the same effec� as an Even� o� D��aul�. and Lender may exercise any o� a�l ❑# its <br /> a�aiiable remedies �or an E�ent o� ❑e�aul� as prv�ided helow unl�ss Trus�a� either {1} pays th� tax betore i� <br /> becomes delinqu�n�, or {�} cvntests�he�ax as praWid�d aba�e in�he Taxes and Liens s�c�ivn and deposi�s wi�h <br /> Lende�cash❑r a su��icient�arporate sur�ty b�nd or vther securi�y sa�isfactory ta Lender. <br />