2� 1 ��88�3
<br /> DEED �F TRU�T
<br /> L�an No: 'i D1298�4'1 {��nt�nued} P'age �
<br /> PAYMEN�" �IIND PERFORMAN���. E�cep� as o�h�rwis� pro�ided in �his ❑eed o� Tru��, Trustor shall pay �a Lender a�l
<br /> amounts s��ured by #his Deed of Trust as they ���ome due, and shali strictly and in a timely manner ��rfarm ali of
<br /> Trustor's obEigations under�he Nvte,�his Deed o'F Trus�, and the Reia�ed Documents.
<br /> P��SESSIQN AND MAENTENANCE QF THE PR�PERTY. Trus�ar agrees that Trustar's possession and use o� the
<br /> Praperty shall be ga�erned by the follawing prv�isions:
<br /> Rossession and Use. lJn�iI the ❑cGurrence ❑f an E�en� vf ❑efauit, Tru�t�r may �1} remain in �ossession and
<br /> cvntr�l��the Property; t�} use, vpera�C�or manage#he Proper�y; and {3� cvllec�the Rents from the Prope�#y.
<br /> Du#y to Ma�ntain. Trustflr shail maintain th� �'rvperty in good cond��ion and pr�mpt�y perform all repairs,
<br /> replacemer���, and maintenan�e necessary ta pr���r�e its Waiue.
<br /> ��mpliance 'With En�ironm�ntal Laws. TrustQr represents and warr�nts to Lend�r�hafi: ��} �uring the period ❑f
<br /> Trus�ar's awnership❑f the Property, there has been ne� use, genera'�ivn, manu�Facture, s�orage, trea�men�, disposal,
<br /> releas� ar threatened rel�ase� v� any Hazardvus 5ubstance by �ny pers�n on, under, about ar from �he Proper�y;
<br /> {2� Trust�r has no knQwledg� o�, or reasan �o be�ie�e that th�re has been, excep� �s preWi�usEy di�clased �o and
<br /> a�knt�v►r[edged by Lender in wri�ing, ta� �ny brea�h or �iol�tian ❑� any EnvirQnmen�a4 Laws, {b} any use,
<br /> gencration, manu�ac�ur�, s�arage. �reatmen�. disposai, release ar�hrea�ened r�l�ase of any Ha�ardaus Substance
<br /> on, under. a�out ar trvm the Prap�rty by any prior owners ar o�cupants of the Property. �r tc� any aGtuai vr
<br /> threatened litigation or claims ❑� any kind by any person refa�ing '�a such ma�ters; and �3y Excep� as pre�iously
<br /> dis�losed�❑ and acknowiedged ay Lender in writing, {a� nei�her Trust�r nor any�enant, can�raGtor, agent or o�her
<br /> au�thariz�d user of th� Praper�y shall use, genera��. manu�a�turer s�vre, treat� disp��e ❑f❑r rel�as� any Hazardaus
<br /> Substance nn, underr abour or�ram the Property; and �b� any such aGti�i#y shali be �onducted �n compliance with
<br /> �II appli�able �edera�, sta�e, and iv�al �aws, �eguiations and ordinances, including withaut limita�ion all
<br /> En�ir�nmen�a� Laws. Trustor authorizes Lender and its agen'ts �o enter upon the Praper�y �a mak� such
<br /> inspec�ivn� and tests, ax Trus�Qr's exp�ns�, as Lender may de�m appropriate tn determine c�mplian�� Q� the
<br /> Property wi�h this sectic�n o�F �he Deed o� Trus�. Any inspe�tions nr �tests made by Lende� shall be �or L�nder's
<br /> purpase� anly and sha11 nv�i�e construed�v cr�a�� any res�on�ibili�y or liability ❑n xh� par�of Lender ta Trustar or
<br /> tc� any o�her person. The representations and warr�ntEes c�n�ained herein are ha�ed vn Trustor's due di��gence in
<br /> in�es�Ci��ting the Proper�y �vr Hazardnus 5ubs�ances. Trustc�r hereby {1� ��leases and wai�es any �uture claims
<br /> a�ains� Lend�r for �ndemnity or cantributivn in rhe e�ent Trus�vr be�omes liable �ar clear�up or a�her �osts under
<br /> any such laws; and {2� �grees to indemni�y. d���nd, and hvld harmless Lender against any and all claims, lasses,
<br /> liabilities� damages. penalties� and expenses which Lender may direc'�ly or indirec�ly sustain ar suf�er resulting �rom
<br /> a hreach of this se�tion a�the Deed v�Trust or as a consequence of any use, generatian, manufacture, starage,
<br /> disposal, release a�threa�ened release occurring pri�r t❑Trustar's❑wnership or interest in fhe Praperty, whether or
<br /> na� -the same was or shou�d ha�� been knawn to Trust�r, �'he provisians o� this sectian �#the �eed a� Trust,
<br /> �ncluding the�bi�gatian�o indemni�y and defend, sha�!sur�i�e the paymen�a�the Ind�btedness and�he satisfac�ian
<br /> and r�c�n�eyance v�the lien�#this Deed of Trust and shaii nQt be aftected by L�nder's acquis�i'�ian af any in'�erest
<br /> in�he Proper�y, whether hy far�cl�sure or❑therwise.
<br /> Nuisance. 111��s�e. Trustar sh�ll not cause, �onduc� or RermEt any nuisance nvr cvmmit, permit, ar suf��r any
<br /> stripping v� vr waste on or �v �he Prvperty or �ny por�ian o�the Pr�perty. Wi�h�u� (imiting �he genera�i�y v�the
<br /> foregving, Trustor will not r�ma�e, vr grant�v �ny other party�he right to remo�e, �ny�imber, mineral� {inGluding
<br /> oii and gas�. cval. clay. s�ari�, soil,gra�el ar rac�prod�cts wi�thou�Lender's prior wri�ten�onsent.
<br /> Remvrra[of�mproWemen�s. Trustor shall nv�C dem�lish ar remv�e �ny �mpf�Wemen�s�rom the Real F�rap�r'�y v+rithvut
<br /> Lend�r's priar written consent. As a condi�ion�o the remoWal vf any lmp�a�emen�s, Lender may requir�Trus�ar ta
<br /> mak� arrang�ments sa�is��Cta�y to Lender �� r��lacs such �mpro�ements wi�� �mprovemen�s vf at I�ast equai
<br /> �aEue.
<br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lender and Lender`s agenfis and repr�sen�a�i�es may ent�r upon the Reai Proper�y a� all
<br /> reasonable �imes to attend t❑ Lender's interests and tv insps�� �he Rea� Prope�ty �v� purpases o� Trus�or's
<br /> cvmpEiance with th���rms and c�nditions❑��his ❑eed vf Trust.
<br /> Camp�[iance wi�h Governmenta� Requirements. Trus�vr shal� prvmptly comply with all laws, Qrdinan�es, and
<br /> �eguiations, nvw Qr hereafter in ef�ect, af ali go�ernmental authoriti�s appiicabl� to th� uss ❑r ❑ccupan�y v�F the
<br /> Property. Trustar may contes�in good�ai�h any such law, ordinanG�, or regu�atian and withhv�d complianGe during
<br /> any pr�c�eding, including apprnpriate appeals, sa•long as Trus�ar has n�tified L�nder in wri��ng prior �n daing so
<br /> and sn ivn� as, in Lender's Svfe opinian, Lende�'s int�res�s in the �rvperty are nat�evpardized. Lender rnay require
<br /> Trustar�� pas�adequa�te s�curi�y or a sure�y band, �eas�nably sa��s�Fa�tory to Lender,�o pro�ecfi Lend�r's interes�.
<br /> Duty �v Protect. Trus�t�r agrees nei�her �t� �bandvn or lea�e un�ttended th� Pro��rty. Tru��ar shaEi d❑ a�l ❑ther
<br /> a�ts, in addition�a those �c�s set forth abv�e �n�his secti�an, which frvm�he ch�r�ct�r and use v�the Proparty are
<br /> reasonabiy necessary t� pro�ect and prese�We'the Proper�y.
<br /> DUE�N SALE-��NSENT 61� LENDER. Lender mayr at Lender's option. de�lare immediate[y due and payable a�[ sums
<br /> se�ured by�his Deed of T�ust upvn the sale vr trans�er, without Lender's priar wri��en consent, o�a��❑r any part o�the
<br /> R�al Praperty, or any in�erest in the Real Property. A "sa�e o�trans��r" means �he con�eyance of Rea1 Property ar any
<br /> right, title or interest in �he R�ai Prope�ty; whether legaE, beneficial or ��ui�ah[e; v►rhe�her �vluntary or inWaiun�ary;
<br />