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2� 1 ��8748 <br /> des�gnat�d a substitute notice addr�ss by notice to Lender. Barrower sha��promptly notify Lender of <br /> Barrower's change af addre�s. If L�nder specifies a prace�.ur�for repar�ing Borrawer's �hange of address, <br /> �h�n Borr�w�r sha�� an�y repar�a�hange of address through that spec��ed proc�dur�. <br /> There nlay be only one designated natice address under this Security�nstrument a�any�ne t�m�. Any not�c� <br /> t� Lender shall b�g�ven by d�Iiv�ring it�r by ma�ling i�by�rs�c�ass ma�� �� Lender's address state�i here�n <br /> un�ess Lender has designated ano�her address by n�tice to Borrower. Any not�c�in cann�c�ion with this <br /> Security �nstrument sha�� no�be deemed�o have been g��en�o Lender until a�tually rec�ivtd�� Lend�r. I f <br /> any natice requ�red�y�h�s Secur��y �ns�rument�s aiso requ�red un��r Appl�Cabl�Law, the App�icab�e Law <br /> r�quiremen�w��� satisfy�he carr�sponding requirement under this S�curity �ns�rumen�. <br /> ��i. �a►►�rning Law; Se�erabil�ty; Rules of �vnstruction. This S�curity�nstrum.ent sha�l be governed by <br /> federal Iaw and�he law�f the�urisdic�ion in whiCh�he Property �s �ocat�d. AII rights and obliga�ions <br /> can�a�n�d in th�s Secur��y �ns�rument are subject�o any requ�rements and�imitations of Appli�able Law. <br /> AppliCa�l�Law m�ght�xp��c���y ar�mplicitly a�.�ow the parties �o agree by c�ntrac�or�t m�ght b�s�ient, bu� <br /> such s��ence sha�I nat be c�nstrued as a prohibition against agr�ement by�ontract. �n the event that any <br /> pro��s�on or clause�f th��Securi�y ��strum�nt�r the Note c�nfl��ts w�th Appl�cable Law, Such canflic��hall <br /> no�affect oth�r pro�is��ns flf th�s Se�urity �nstrument�r�he N��e which can be giv�n effec�wi�haut�he <br /> conflic�ing pravis�an. <br /> As used in th�s 5ecur�ty �nstrument: �a} words�f the mascu�ine gen��r shal�mean and�nc�u�e��rrespnnd�ng <br /> neu�er�vords ar wards of the feminine gend�r; �b} wor�.s in�he s�ngu�ar sha��n�ean and�nc�ude th�p�ura� <br /> and vice versa; and �c} th�wor�i "may" gives s�le dis�r�ti�n wi�hout any obl��ation to�ake any action. <br /> '17. Bnrrower's �opy. Borrawer sha��b�given one copy of�he No�e a.nd of this Security �nstrum�nt. <br /> �8. Transfer af the Pr�perty ar a Beneficia� Int�r�st in �arrower. As u�ed in�his Se�tion �S, "�nteres� in <br /> the Pr�per�y" m�ans any �egal ar�en���cia� interest in the Praperty, including, �u�not limi�ed to, thos� <br /> ben�f�c�a� znteres�s transferred �n a bond for deed, can�rac� f�r deed, ins�allment sa��s con�ract ar escraw <br /> agreemen�, the intent of whi�h is the transf�r af�itle b�B�rrower a�a future date to a purchaser. <br /> �f all or any part�f�h�Praperty�r any �n��rest �n the Pr�per�y zs so�d�r transferred�ar if Borrower is not a <br /> natural persnn and a ben��cza� �nterest xn Borr��er is so�d Qr tra�r�sferred} without L�nder's prior written <br /> cans�n�, Lend�r may require imm�d�ate payrn�nt �n full�f ali sums s�cured by this S�curity �nstrumen�. <br /> �a�ve�er, th�s option shall not be e�.erci�ed by Lender if such�xercise is prohibi�ed by Appl�cable Law. <br /> �f Lender ex�rcises this aption, Lender�ha�l give Borrower notiCe of a����eration. The notic�shall provide a <br /> per�od of not l��s �han 3�days from�he date�he nc���ce xs given zn accardance�vith Section �5 with�n which <br /> B�rrawer must pa� aI� sums se�ur�d hy th�s Secur��y �nstrument. If Borrower fails ta pay the�e sums pr�or�o <br /> th�exp�ra�ion of th�s p�r�od, Lender may�nvak�any rernedies permitted by�his Security In�trument without <br /> furth�r not�ce or demand an Barrawer. <br /> 19. Bvrrflwer's R��ht ta Re�nstate After Acce[erativn. �f Barro�ver mee�s cer�ain c�nditions, Barrower <br /> sha�l ha�e the right ta have enforcem�n�af this Se�ur�ty �nstrun�ent di�continued a�any �ime priar to�he <br /> earli�st�f: �a} f�v�days bef�r�sa��of�he Pr�per�y pursuant to an�power�f sale c�ntained in�his Security <br /> �nstruxnent; ��} su�h other per�od as Appiicab�e Law might specify for�he termination of Borrower's ri�ht to <br /> ��zns�a�e; ar�c}ent�y of a�udgmen��nfo�cing this �e�urity Ins�rumen�. Those cond���ons are tha�Borrower: <br /> �a} pays Lender a�� sums which then wauld be due under this Secur�ty �nstrument and�he Note as if no <br /> acce�eration had occurred; �b}cures any defaui��f any other covenants�r agre�men�s; (c}pays ail�xp�nses <br /> incurred in�nforc�ng th�s Security �nstrumen�, inc�ud�ng, but no� limited to, r�a�onab�e attorneys' fees, <br /> proper�y inspec�ion and�a�uat�on fees, a.nd other fe�s incurr�d for the purpos�of pr�te�tzng Lender's zn�er�s� <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amiiy-�annie MaelFr�ddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTftUMENT Form 3q28 7141 <br /> VMP Q VMP6�N�i t�342f <br /> Wvlters Kl�wer Finar�cial Ser�ices Page i 2 vf 17 <br />