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2� 1 ��8748 <br /> '�2. Bo�rowe� Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a I�IJa�ver. Extens�on of the time far payment or <br /> modifica�ion of a�nortization of the sums secured by th�s Securi�y �ns�rumen�gran�ed b}� Lend�r�o Ba�rrov�er <br /> or an�Success�r�n In�erest of Borrower shall not�perate�a re�ease the l�ability of Borrawer or any <br /> Successors in�nterest of Borrov�rer. Lender shall no�be requ�r�d�o commence proceedings again��any <br /> Succe�sor in Interest of Borrower or to refus�to e��end�im.e for payment or�ther�v�se mod�fy amart�zation <br /> of�h�sums s�cured by th�s Se�uri�y Instrument by reason af any demand made by�he arig�na� Borrower�r <br /> an� Successars �n�n�erest�f B�rrov�rer. Any forbearan�e�y Lender in exercis�ng any r�ght or remedy <br /> �nclud�ng, w�th�ut��m�tat�on, L,ender's acceptance of payments from�hird p�rsons, entities or Successars �n <br /> �nteres�of Borrower�r i�n amoun�s less�han the amaunt then due, shall no�be a wai�er of�r pre��ude�he <br /> ��ercise af any right ar remedy. <br /> '��. J��n� and �e►��ra� Liabi�it�; �c���igners: ���c�ssars an�d �lss�gns �Q+�ncl. BorrQ��rer cov�nants and <br /> agrees�hat Borrower's obligat�ons and�iab���ty sha11 be�oint and se�erai. Howe��r, an�Borrower vvho <br /> co-signs this Securi�}� Instrumen�but daes n��e��cu��the No���a ��C�-5i�n�r�t}; �a} is co�s�gn�ng�h�s <br /> Securit� �ns�rumen�on���o mor�gag�, grant and convey�he co-s�gner's xn�erest�n�he Proper��under the <br /> ternns of this Secur��� �ns�rum�ent; �b} �s no��ersonall�obiiga�ed fio pa��he su�ms secured�y t�is Security <br /> �ns�rumen�; and �c} agrees �ha� Lender and any other Borrc�wer can agree ta extend, modify, forbear ar make <br /> any accommodations wi�h regard to�he�erms af this Secur�ty �nstrument or the Nate without the co-signer's <br /> consent. <br /> Sub�ect t�the pro�is�ons�f Se��ion 18, any Successor in Inter�st�f Borr�wer v�hfl Borrower's <br /> ab��gations under�h�s S�curi��Ins�rumen� �n vvrit�n�, and is appro�ed by Lender, shall �b�ain all of <br /> �arr�wer's rights and benef�ts under this Securi�y �nstrun�ent. Borrower shall no�be released fr�m <br /> Borrower's obli�ations and ��abi�i�y under this Securi�� �nstrument unless Lender agrees �o such re�ease in <br /> v�rriting. The co�enants and a�r��n�en�s of this Security �nstrument shall bind �excep�as provided �n�ec�ion <br /> 24} and benefi��he successors and assigns of L�nder. <br /> �4. Loan Charges. Lender ma�charge Borrower fees for serv�ces perfarmed �n cnnnect�on vv�th Borrower's <br /> defau�t, for the purpose of prot�cting Lender's in�er�s� in the Proper�y and rights under�h�s S��uri�y <br /> �nstrument, inc�udin�, bu�naf �im�ted�o, attorneys' fees, property �nsp�ction and �raluation fe�s. �n regard t� <br /> any o�her fees, the absence of�xpres� au�har��y in�his Security �ns�rument to charge a sp�cific fee to <br /> Borrow�r shall nat�be cons�rued as a pr�hibition an the chargin�of such fee. Lender may not charge fees <br /> that are�xpressl�proh��ited b��his Security Instrum�nt or by App�icab�e Lav�r. <br /> �f�he I.�oax� �s subj�c��o a�aw which sets ma�imum 1�an charg�s, and�hat�av�r �s �nally in�erpre�ed so�hat <br /> the interes�ar�ther�aan charges collec�ed or�a be�allected �n connec�i�n w�th the Loan�xce�d�he <br /> perm�tted�imi�s, th�n: �a} an� such loan charge sha�l�e reduced by�ae amount necessary�o reduGe the <br /> charge to th�pern�.i�ted�inut; and�b} any sums a�ready co��ected from Borrov�rer which exceeded permitted <br /> limi.ts wi�l be refunded�o Borrower. Lender nr�ay chaase to make th�s refund by reducing�he pr�n��pal owed <br /> under the Note or by mal�ing a dir�ct payment to Borr�v�er. If a refund reduces principa�, �he reduction wi�t <br /> be treated as a part�ai prepaym�n�w�thout any prepayrx�.en�charge �whe�her or not a prepaymen�charge is <br /> provided fflr under the Note�. B�rrower's accep�anGe of any such refund made by d�rect payment ta <br /> Borrow�r wi���ans�itute a wa��er�f any r�gh�of act�Qn Borrower m�gh�have arising ou�of such avercharge. <br /> �5. Not�ces. All no�ic�s gi�r�n by B�rrower�r Lender�n eonnection ur��h�h�s Security Instrument must b�in <br /> v�rit�ng. An�no��ce ta Borro►�rer in connec��on with t�.is Securi�y �nstrument sha��be deem�d to ha�ve b�en <br /> ���en to B�rrower when mai�ed b�r f�rst class mail or when ac�ually delivered to Borrower's notice address if <br /> sent by ather means. No��c��a an�r one Borrower shall constitute n��ice�a a11 Borrowers un�ess Applicabl� <br /> La�v expressl}� requires��herwise. The na�ic�address sha�l be�he Pr�per�y Address unless B�rrQwer has <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Family-�a�nie MaelFreddie Mac UN�FQRM iNSTRUMENT �vrm 3�28 1141 <br /> VMP�] VMPBtNE��9 3��� <br /> Waiters Kluw�r Finan�ial S�r�ices Page 1 1 of'17 <br />