2� 1 ��8748
<br /> in�he Praperty and righ�s under this Sec�rity Instrum�n�; and�d} �ak�s such ac���n as Lend�r may
<br /> reasonab�y requ�re t�assure that Lender's int�re�t �n the Proper�y and r��hts under�his Security �nstrument,
<br /> and gorrawer's�bligatian�o pa�r�he sums secured by �hzs 5ecur�ty �nstrumen�, shaii con�inue unchanged.
<br /> Le�.de��rna� �r�����r�tha�Bo�rti���r���r s�ch����s���e�n���sut�s and���enses �n ar�e�r m�r��f�h��oli�vc�i�g
<br /> forms, as sele�ted by L.e�.der: �a}�ash; �b}money arder; �c}certi�ed check, �ank check, treasurer's check or
<br /> cash��r's check, pro�ided any such check is drawn upan an �ns�itut�on whos�depasi�s are insured b�a
<br /> federal ag�n��, instrumental�ty or enti�y; or(d} E�ec�r�nic Funds Tran�fer. Upon�reinsta�exnent by Borrower,
<br /> �his Secur�ty �nstrum�.ent and ab��gat�flns secured hereby sha11 remain fu�iy effec�ive as �f no accelerat�on had
<br /> occurred. Hawe�er, �his right to reins�a�e shall no�app�y xn the case af ac�e�erat�an under��c�ion 18,
<br /> 2D. Sa[e �f Nvte; Change of Loan Ser�icer; Not�ce ❑f Gri��anc�. T��Note or a partial �nteres� �n the
<br /> �to�e�to�e�her���th thi� Security �nstrumen�}can be�a�d one or more�irnes��vithou�prior notice��
<br /> Borrower. A sa�e m.ight result in a change�n�h�ent�t� �known as the "Loa�x Servicer"} that c���e��s Per�fldxc
<br /> Paym�n�s due under the N'ot�and�his Secur��y Instrurnen�and perfflrms other mor�gage�oan servic�ng
<br /> o�liga��ans under�he Note, �his Securi�� Ins�rument, and Applica�l� Law. There als� mught be ane or more
<br /> changes of�he I.�an Serv�cer unre�ated�o a saie of the Nate. If there�s a change of the Laan Servi�er,
<br /> Borrower w�lX be giv�n wr��ten nfl�i�e�f fhe change which wi�� sta�e�he name and address of the new L�an
<br /> Servicer, th�address t�which pa�men�s shauld�e made and any o�her�nformat�on RESPA r�quires �n
<br /> connect�on vvith a n��ice of transfer of ser�icing. If�he Note is so�d and�hereafter�h�I.oan�s s�r�iced b� a
<br /> Loan Servicer other�han�he purchaser of the No�e, �he mor�gage�oan s�r�icing obl�gations to Bflrr�vver v�ii�
<br /> rema�n w�th�he Loan Ser�i�er ar he�ransferred�o a s�xecessor Loan Ser��cer and are no�assumed�y�h�
<br /> Note pur�has�r unless o�he�-u�ise praWided by the Note purchaser.
<br /> Neither Borrovv�r n�r Lender ma�commence,join, or�b��joined�a any�udicial action�as e�ther an
<br /> �ndi�idua� l�t�gant or the m�mber of a c�ass}that ar�s�s fram the o�her par�y's ac�ian�pursuant�a this �
<br /> Se�ur�ty �nstrunz�nt ar tha�a���ges that the o�her par��has breached any pravisi�n of, or any dut�aured b�
<br /> reas�n af, this Securi�y Ins�rument, until such Borrower or L�nder has not��e��he o�her part.y �w��h such
<br /> notice gi�en�n comp�iance with�h�requirements�f Sec�i�n 1 S}of such alleg�d breach and affnrd�d t�.�
<br /> o�her par�y hereta a reasonabl�per�od af'ter�he g�ving of such no�ice�o take correct�ve a��ian. �f App�icable
<br /> Lav�pro�rides a t�me p�r�od which xnust elaps�before cer�a�n acti�n can be talcen, that�ime period v�ri�� be
<br /> deemed to be reasonab�e far purposes af�his paragraph. The notice�f acceleratian and�pportunit��o cure
<br /> gi�en�o Borrower�ursuant�o Section�2 and�he no�ice af acce�eratian gz�ren�o Borro�ver pursuan��a
<br /> Sec�i�n �8 sha11 be de�med ta sa�isfy�he natic�and�ppor�unity t� take carrec�iv�ac��on pro��siflns of this
<br /> Sect��n��.
<br /> 2,�. Hazardous Substances. As us�d in th�s Section 21: �a} "Ha�ardous�u�s�anc�s"are�hose su�stan�es
<br /> defined as��xic ar hazardous substances, pollu�an�s, ar wastes by Enviranmental Law and the f�l�ovving
<br /> subs�ances: gasa�ine, ker�sene, �ther��ammab�e or t��ic petr�leum products, ��xic pesticides a�d h�rbicides,
<br /> vo�atile solvents, materia�s conta�n�ng asbestos or forma�dehyde, and rad�oac�ive materiais; �b}
<br /> "�nvirnnme���al LQw"means federal �aws and laws of�he jur�sd�ction where the Proper�� is loca��d t�a�
<br /> relate�a health, �afety or en��ronmen�al protec�ion; ��} "�nvirnrrmen�at �'leanup" includes an�response
<br /> acti�n, remed�a� act�on, or remo�al ac�ion, as defined in Environmen�al Lav�; and �d} an "�`nvir�f2�nental
<br /> Canditiot��"m�ans a�ond�t�on thaf�an�ause, contr��ute t�, or a�her�ise trigger an Environmental ��eanup.
<br /> Barrower sha11 no�caus�or permit the presenc�, us�, disposa�, s��rage, or re�ease of an�r �3azardous
<br /> Subs�ances, ar�hreat�n to reiease any �azardous Subs�ances, an ar in�he Property. Borrov�rer shall no�do,
<br /> nor al�ow anyone e�s�to do, anything aff�cting the Proper�y�a}tha��s in�iolation of any En�ironrnen�a�
<br /> Law, �b}v�rhi�h crea�es an�nvironmental Cond��ian, or�c}wh�ch, due�o�he presence, use, or releas�af a
<br /> Hazardous Substance, creates a�ondition�ha�adversely affects fhe valu�of th�Proper�y. The preceding�w�
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle�amiiy-�anr�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNI��RM lNSTRUM�NT �ar�30�8 11��
<br /> VMP[] VMPfi[NE�{i 302}
<br /> Wvlters Kluwer Finar��iaf 5er�ices Page 13 of i 7
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