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2� 1 ��8745 <br /> by Bt�.rrower, and such �u�s, fee� and assessmen�s sha�l b� an Escro�v Item. Borrower sha�i prampt�y <br /> furni5h to �.ender��1 nc3t�c:e�of am�un�s to be paid under this Secti�n. �orrower sha�l pay Lender the <br /> Fun��f�r Escraw�tems unless L�nder wai�es Barrower'��b�igatian ta pay the Funds for any or all <br /> Escrow Items. Lender may�wai�e Borrovver's obl�gation ta pay to Lender Funds far any or all Escrovv <br /> Items at any time. Any su�h wai�er inay only be it�writing. In the event of such vvai��r,Barrower <br /> shall pay direct�y, when and where payab�e,the amoun�s due for any Escraw Items for which <br /> payment of Funds has been wai�ed by Lender and, if Lender r�quires, sha�i furnish to Lender receipts <br /> e�ider�c�ng such payment�vithin such�ime period as Lender may require. Barrower's abligat��n t� <br /> make suc:h payments and t�pr��ide receipts sha11 for ali purp�ses be deemed to be a co�enant and <br /> agreement�ontained in this Security�nstrument, as th� phrase "co�enant and agreement" 15 US�CI lI1 <br /> Section 9. I f Borrower is ob�igated to pay Escrov��� Item�directly, pursuant���wai�er, and Borrovver <br /> fails to pay the amaut�t due for an Escrow I�em, Lender may�xer�is� its rights under S�ction 9 and <br /> pay such amount and B�rrower shall then be �bl iga�ed u�-�der �ectiion 9 to repay to Lender any such <br /> amaunt. Lender ma��revoke the wai�er d�to any or al�Esc��vr� �tems at any tirr�e by a natice �i�en in <br /> ac�ordan�e with S��tion 15 and, u��n such r��a�ation, �orrower shall pa��o Lender all Fun�s, and in <br /> such amaunt�,tha�are t��en requir�d under th s� S�c��on �� <br /> Lender may, at any time,coll�ct and hold Fu�ds�n an amount(a} suffi�ient to permit Lender t�apply <br /> the Funds at�he time s�ecified under RES��, and �b}��at to exc�ed the max�mum amount a �ender <br /> can re uire under RESPA. L�nc�er sha�l estimat�th�amoul�t�f Funds due on the basts of curr�nt data <br /> � <br /> and r�asonabl�estimates�f exp�nditures af fu�ure�scro�v Items or other�vise in accordance with <br /> Appl icable Lar�v. <br /> T�7�FL1C1(�5 S�la�� �7� h��C� l�i al7 lI`�5�1tli�lQI1«���ose al���os��s�re i�s�rred�y a federa�ag�ncy, <br /> instrumer�ta�i , or entity (in��uds��g Lender, if L,�nc��r is �n ��s�i�utian whose depasit�are so insured} <br /> tY <br /> ar in a�� Federal�-Iom� L�ar� �ank. Lender sha�l apply th� Fund�to pay the Escrow Items no later <br /> y <br /> �han th�time specif ed und�r RESPA. Ler�d�r shall nat char�e B�rrawer fo�holding and apply�ing the <br /> Funds, annually analyzin�the escr��° ac�our��, ��r w�rifyir��th� Escrow Iterris, unt�ss Lender pays <br /> Borrower inter�st on the Funds and Appli�able Ila�� perr�ni�s Lender to make such a charge. Unless an <br /> a reement is made �n writing c.�r Appl�cable L�aw requires inter�st�o be pa�d or�t��e Funds, Lender�hall <br /> � <br /> not be required to pay Barrower a�ny inter�st ar earrtings on�he Funds. Barrower and Lender can agree <br /> ir�writin , howe�er,th�at in�erest shall be paid an the Fu�ds. Lender shali gi�e to Borrawer, �ithout <br /> � <br /> �harge, an annual ac�ounting af the Funds as required by RESPA. <br /> �f there is a surplus of�`unds held i�n escr�w, as defined u�der RES�'�, Lender shall acc�unt to <br /> Barrower far th�ex�ess funds in ac�ordan�e with RE5PA. If there ��a sh�r�age�f Funds h�ld in <br /> escrow,as defined under RESP�,Lender�hall natify Borrow�r as required by RESPA,and Barr�wer <br /> sha�l a t�Lender the amoun�necessary tc� mak.� up th� shortage in acc�rdance with RESPA, but <br /> pY <br /> in no more than 1� mon�h�y paymen�s. If there �s a def ciency �f Funds held in escrow, as defined <br /> under RESPA, Lender shal� natify Borr�w�r as required b}�� RESPA, and Borrawer sha11 pay to Lend�r <br /> the amount necessary to make up the defici�ncy in aGcordance with RESPA, but�n no more than l2 <br /> monthly payments. <br /> U on a men� in full of all sums secured �y��i�s S�curifiy In�trur�ent, Lender shall promptly refund to <br /> p PY <br /> Borrower any Funds h��d by Lender. <br /> HCFG-�Q359 �4o3zoo7�s��� <br /> NEBRP.SKA-Single Fam�ly-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNiFflRM IN�TRUM�N�;' Fvrm 3428 1101 <br /> VMP� �4116 <br /> WvEters Kluwer Financ+ai Sen►ices 24i 612 i�1 a.3.2.3��9-.�2��6�721Y Pag�5 af 1 T <br /> � '� <br />