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2� 1 ��8745 <br /> whose depasits are ins�red by a fed�ral agency, �ns�rum�nt�l ity, or entity; ar�d}Elec�roni� Funds � <br /> Tran s fer. <br /> Payments are d�emed recei�ed�y Lender when recei�ed at the location design�ted in the Note or <br /> at such��her l��ation as may be designated by Lender in ac�ordanc�with the r�otice pravisi�ns ir� <br /> Seetion 1 S. Lend�r may return any payment or�ar�ial payr��ent�f the payrr�ent or partial payments ar� <br /> insufficient ta bring�he Loan current. Lender may acce��any paym�nt or part�al payment �nsufficient <br /> �o bring the Laan current, wi�l�out vva��er of an�righ�s her�und�r or prejud�c�to its rights ta refuse <br /> such paymeflt�r part�al pay ments in the future,�but i.�end�r�s not obligated to apply such paymen�s a� <br /> the t�me such pa�ments ar��.�cepted. �f each Ferioc���Pay�zx�ent is ap�lie�i as of its sGheduled due date, <br /> then Le�der ne�d r�ot pay int�r�st�n unapplied funds. L���der may hold such unappli�d funds until <br /> Barro�v�r make�payrr��n�s ta bring the Laan current. �f Bc�rrower dc�es not da s�w�thin a reasanable <br /> periad of ti�ne, ��nder shal��i�her appiy such fl�nds or re�ur���h�m to �orrawer. If r��t applied ear�ier, <br /> �u�h fu�ds�ill b��p��ied to the outstandin� prir�cipa�bal�nc�und�r the Note imrnedia�ely priar <br /> t�for��losure.No offset 4r�laim. vvh��h B�rro��er might��a��now or in the future against Lender <br /> sha�l relie�e B�rrower from making p�yments d�e under�he�VTote and this Security Instrument or <br /> performing the co�enants�nd agreemer�ts se�ured b�this Security�nstrument. <br /> 2. Appiication of Paynnents or prac�eds. Except as o�herwise described in this Secti�n 2, <br /> all payr�-►en�s accepted and�ppli�d by Lender�ha�l he applied in�he fol�ow�ng order�f p�ior�ty: <br /> ta} �nt�rest due under the I�iote; �b} princip�� due under�he�fote; (c}amounts due u��er SeGtian 3. <br /> Such payments shal� be appl�ed ta each Periadic Payment ��z til�e�rder in�vhich zt became du�. Any <br /> remainin�arr�aunts shall be ap�Iie� first ta Iatc charges. second tc�any other am�unts due under this <br /> Secur�ty Instrum�nt, and then to reduce th�principal �a�ance of th��1ote. <br /> �f Lender rec�i�es a payment fr�m Borr��ver for a de�it����nt��riodic Pa�yrnent which in�ludes a <br /> suffi�ie��am�unt to pay any la�e charge due,the pa�fm�nt may be a�piied to�he delinquent paymen� <br /> and the late charge. If more than�ne Peri��ic ��yme��t is�ra���ariding, Lender may apply any payment <br /> re�e��ed from Borrower to the repa�ment o#'the Periadic Payments if, and t�the extent that, each <br /> p <br /> �yment�an be paid i�full. Tt�the��tent��a�any e��ess exists after the payrrten� �s app�ied to the <br /> full paym�r�t of one or more Periodi�Payme��ts, such ex��ss ma� b�applied t�any �ate charges due. <br /> Valuntary prepayments shall be appl�ed first t� any prepaym�nt�harges and then as described in the <br /> Note. <br /> Any appl�cation of payments, insurar�ce pro�eeds, ar N���cellan�ous praceeds ta pri�Gipal due und�r <br /> the Nate shall n�t extend or postpon�the due date, �r ch���ge t��e am�unt, of the P�r�odic Payments. <br /> 3. Fur�d� for E�crow �tems. Bflrrower shal�pay to L���.der�n the day Periodic Payments are <br /> due under the No�e, un�il th�Note is paid ir� fu�la a s�m �the "Fund��"�ta pro��ide far payment of <br /> amounts du�fo�: �a}taxes and assessments and�ther item�«�hich can attain priority over this Se�urity <br /> Instrument a�a lien ar encumbrance on the Prop�rty; ��} Ie�seh�ld payments or ground rents an <br /> the Praperty, if any; ���prem�ums far any and a�� ��s��ran��re�uired by Lender under S�ctian S; <br /> and (d} Mortga�e�n�urance premiurr�s, �f ar�y, or any sums pava�Ie by Barrower t�Lender in �ieu <br /> of the payment�f Mortgage �nsurar�ce pr�miums in ac�ardan���ith the pro�v�sions of Section �Q. <br /> These items are called "Escrow Items." At arigi�ation ar at any time durin���e term of the Loan, <br /> L�nder may require that�ornmuniri,�AssaGia�=�n �ues, F�es, and �ssessmen�s, if any, be escr�wed <br /> HCFG-0035g 2������7����3 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie M�el�r�ddie tvldc�Ji�lir=DF�M IN�'TRUMEIvT Forrn 3Q�$11[]1 <br /> V�� 44115 <br /> Woiters Kluwer Financia#5enri�es 2�1�'i 2�915.�.�.3509-,��71 GOl�;Y Paae 4 of 17 <br /> � �� <br />