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2� 1 ��8741 <br /> interest frflm �he date of disbursemen� at the same ra�e assessed on ad�ances under the Contrac� and sha�l be <br /> payable,wi�h in�erest,upon na�ice from Lender t�Borravver reques�ing paymen�. <br /> Inspec�ion. Lender or its agen� may make reasonable en�r�es upon and xnspec�ions �f�he Property. Lender sha�l <br /> g��e Barrower na�ice at the�ime of or prior t�an inspec�ion specify�ng r�asonab��cause for�he inspecti�n. <br /> ��ndemr���iox�. The proceeds of any award or claim for da�nages, direc��r c�nsequ�n��a�, �n connec�ian with any <br /> condemna�ion or�ther�ak�ng of any par� of�he Praperty, ar for conveyance in�ieu of condemnat�on, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and sha��be paxd ta Lender. <br /> �n �he even� of a �o�ai �ak�ng af�he Proper�y, the proceeds sha�� be app��ed t� the sums secured by this Security <br /> �nstrumen�, whe�her or not then due, with any e�cess paid to Borrow�r. �n �h� e�en� of a partial ta.king of�he <br /> Proper�y �n wh�ch the fazr market va�ue of�he Praper�y immediat��y before the taking xs equal to ar grea�er than <br /> the amflunt of the sums secured by this Security �nstrumen� immediate�y before �he taking, unless B�rrawer and <br /> Lender a�herwise agree in wr�f�ng,�he sums secured by th�s Secur��y Zns�ru.ment sha��be reduced by th�amflun�of <br /> the proceeds multip�ied by th� foll�vving frac��on: �a} �he �o�a�amoun�of�he sums secured zmmed�a�e�y before�he <br /> �ak�ng, dxv�ded by �b} the fair marl�et �alue �f�he Proper�y �mmed�ate�y before the taking. Any balance shall be <br /> paid �a Bnrrativer. �n �he �ven� of a par�ial �aking of the I'roper�y in which the fair market va�ue of�he Propex�y <br /> imm�d�ate�y�efore �he takzng is less �han the amflun� of the sums secured immedia�eiy before the tak�ng, un�ess <br /> Barrawer and L�nder o�herw�se agree in�writing flr unless Appl�cab�e Law other�vise pr��zdes, the proceeds sha�� <br /> �e applied�o the sums secured by�h�s Secur�ty�nstrument whether ar no�the sums are then due. <br /> �f the Proper�y is abandoned by Borrflwer, or�f, af�er na��ce by Lender ta B�rr��er tha�the condemnor offers ta <br /> make an au�ard ar set��e a c�a�m for dama�es, Borrov�er fails �o respond to Lender u�i�h�n�he m�nzmum num�er of <br /> da�s estab�zshed by Appli�able Law after the da�e the no�ice �s given,Lender�s auth�rized to c��lect and app�y�he <br /> proceeds, a� x�s ap��an, �i�her to restoration or repazr of the Pr�perty nr to the sums secured by this Security <br /> Instrumen�,whe�her or n���hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherv�i�e agree in writing, any app��catzon of proceeds ta principal shall nflt ex�end <br /> or pos�pane�he due da�e of the paymen�s due under�he�ontrac�or change the amoun�of Such payments. <br /> �orrvv�e� l�ot R.e�eased; F�rbearance By Lender No� a 'Wai�er. Extension of �he t�me far paym�nt �r <br /> madification of amor���a�zon of the sums secured b� �h�s Security �nstrument gran�ed by Le�.der to Borrawer or <br /> any successor in in�eres� of Borrower shall no� aperate to release �he liability of the or�gxna� Borro�ver or <br /> Borrower's successors �n �n�erest. Lender shall na�be required to commence proceed�ngs against any successor in <br /> in�eres�or refuse to extend t�me for payment or a�herw�se mod�fy amor���ation of�he sums secured by th�s Securi�y <br /> �nstrumen� by reason of any demand made by the original Bflrra�uer �r Borrower's successors in xnt�res�. Any <br /> forbearance by Lend�r zn exercising any right or remedy sha11 not be a wa�ver of�r preclude �he exercise of any <br /> ri�ht or remedy. <br /> Su�cessa�s and A�signs �ound; Jo�nf and Severa� Liabili�y; Acc�mmada�ian S�gners. The covenan�s and <br /> agreements af�hks Securit�Ins�rum�nt sha11 bind and benef�t�he successors and assxgns of Lender and Borrower, <br /> subjec� �� the pro�isions of sec��on ti�led Transfer of the Proper�y or a Benefici�l In�eres� in I3orrower. <br /> Borro�er's c�venan�s and agreemen�s sha11 be jo�n�and several. Any person who co-��bns�his Securi�y Instrument <br /> bu� has no persona� �iabi�i�y under �he Contract �"Accommodation Signer"}: �a} �� co-s�gning this Securifiy <br /> Xn��rument only ta mor�gage, grant and canvey �hat Accommoda�zon S�gner's interes� zn the Proper�y under the <br /> terms flf �he Security �nstrument; �b} is n�t pers�nally obliga�ed to pay tihe sums secur�d by th�s Securi�y <br /> Instrumen�; and�c} agrees tha�Lender and any other Barrower may agre��� ex�end,modify, farbear or ma�e any <br /> accommodatzons wi�h regard�o �he�erms�f�his Secur�ty�ns�rument or the C�n�ra��withaut that Accamm�da�ion <br /> Szgner's consent. <br /> JLoan Charges. �f the loan secured by �his Security ��.s�rumen� is subjec� to a �aw which sets ma�imum �oan <br /> charge�, and that law is fzna��y interpreted s� that�he in�eres�or a�her�oan charges col�ected or�o be collected in <br /> connec�ian v�zth �he loan exceed the permi��ed �imits, �hen: �a} any such loan charge sha�� be reduced by the <br /> amount necessary to reduce the charge �o �he permi�ted ��m��s and �b} any sums a�ready callected from B�rrawer <br /> whzch exce�ded permi�ted limits w��� be refunded �o Barr�vver. L�nder may choose �a make th�s refund by <br /> reducing the principa� owed under the Can�ract or by making a d�rec�payment ta Borrower. �f a refund reduces <br /> principal,�he reductian w��I be�reated as a par��a�prepaymen�under the�on�ract. <br /> No�ices. Any notice to Borrawer provided for �n �h�s Security �ns�rument shall be g�ven by de�ivering it or by <br /> ma�ling it by f�rst�lass mai�unless Applicable Law requires use of an��her me�hod. The not�ce sha�1 be direc�ed�o <br /> �he Proper-ty Address or any��her address Borrou�er designa�es by not�ce to Lender. Borrour�r a�rees �o pro�ide <br /> Lender wzth Barrower's mast current mail�ng address, as �� may change from time-to-time. Any natice to Lender <br /> sha1l be giv�n by f�rst c�ass ma��x�Lender's address stated herezn or any other addr�ss Lender des�gnates by na��c� <br /> to Borrawer. Any nat�ce provided for�n thi� Secur�ty�ns�rument sha��be de�med to have been given tn Borrower <br /> flr Lender when g�ven as prov�ded in th�s paragraph. <br /> �avern�ng Law; Severabi��ty.This Secur�ty�nstrument sha��be governed by federallaw and�he 1au�s of the s�ate <br /> of Nebraska. �n �he event that any provis�on ar clause of�.h�s Security �nstrumen� or the Contract conflzc�s with <br /> Appl�cab�e Law, such c�nfl�ct shai� no� affect other provisions �f this Security Ins�� or the Con�ract which <br /> can be g�ven effe�t without the con�.xc�ing pr�visian.To�his end the prnvisions of�his Security�nstrument and the <br /> Contract are dec�ared to be severable. <br /> �orrower's Copy.Barr��er�ha��be given ane copy of th�s Security Instrumen�. <br /> t�'�?fl0�-?O 15 Co�n�liance Systczns.Inc.618A-7I3t)C-241�.t?.3.t.l 11� <br /> Consurner I�eal Estatc:-Secu�-ity Insiruinent I7L?�36 Pa�*e 3 of� www.cornptiancesystems.carn <br />