2� 1 ��8741
<br /> Paymemt❑f 1'rin�ipal and In�erest; �3t�a�r t"h�.rge�.Borrow�r sha�l promptly pay�r��en due�h�principa�of and
<br /> �n�eres�on the debt owed under�he Contra�t a:r�d late charges a�any other fees and c�az-g�s due under the�ontract.
<br /> .A►pp��cab�e Law. As used in �his Securi�y :[ns�rument, the term ".�pp��cable Law" shal� mearz al� controlling
<br /> applica�le federa�, state and Ioca� s�atutes, re;�u��ti�ns, ordina�ces and adminis�rative rules and �rders ��ha��ave
<br /> the�ffect of lav�r}as u�el�as a��app�xca��e f�na:.,n�n-appealable judic�al opin�ons.
<br /> Charge5; Lx�ns. Borro�er sha11 pay all taxes, assessments, charges, f�nes and �m�os�t�ons a��rzbu�ab�� �� the
<br /> Proper�y ujhich may atta�n priority o�er�h�s ��ecurity I�astrument, and leaseho�d payments or ground re�ts, if any.
<br /> A�the request af Lender,Borrower shal�prompt�y furn�sh to Lender rec�ipts evidenc�n�the payme��s.
<br /> Barr�wer sha11 promp��y discharge a�.y l�en v�rhich has priority o�er�his Security�nstrument unl�ss Borrovver: �a}
<br /> agrees in wri�ing t� the pay�a�.ent of the �bliga�ion secured by �he Iien �n a max�ex� acceptab�e �o Lender; �b�
<br /> co�.�est� �n gaod faith the lien b�, or def�nd� agaznst enforcemen� of�he lien in, Iegal prflceedings �hich in the
<br /> Lender's opir�ion �perate t� prev�nt �he enforcement of�he Iien, or �c} secures fronl the holder of�he lien an
<br /> agreem�n�sa�isfactory�a Lender subord��.ating t�e lien to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines �hat any
<br /> par� of�he Property is su��ect to a lien wh�ch.m�.y a�tain priority over thas Se�urity�nstrument, Lender may g�ve
<br /> B�rrower a notic� iden�ify�n� �he ��en. Borro�ver sha�l satisfy the l�en or�a�e one a�m�re af the act�ons set forth
<br /> above v�x�hin 1�days flf�he giving of nat�ce.
<br /> Ha�arcl or Property Insurance. �flrrower sl�al�k�ep the impr�vemen�s n�w exist�ng �r hereafter erectec�on the
<br /> Property�nsured against loss by fire,hazards inc�uded�i�hin the�err�"ex�ended cover.age" and an��ther�azards,
<br /> includ�ng flaods or flo�ding, for vsrh�ch Lende� requires insuran�e. Th�s znsurance sha11 be maintained i� the
<br /> am�unts and for the periods��a�Lender requ��-es. The insuranc�carr�er provid�ng th�i�lsurance sh�ll be chasen by
<br /> Borrower sub�ect to Lender's approval whicr; shall not be un.reasonably tivithheld. If Borrower fa�1s t� maintain
<br /> caverage described abave, Lender rr�ay, at :;�ender's aption, obtain coverage to pro�ec� Lender's r�ghts in the
<br /> Prop�rty zn accardance�r�th sec�ion�zt�ed Pro��ect�on�f Lender's R�gh�s in the Pr�pe�r�y.
<br /> All insi�rance pol�czes and renewals sha�� be ��.cceptab�e to Lender and shaZ� �nc�ude a. standard mor�gage cl�use.
<br /> Lender shaX�have th�right t�hold the policies a�d renewa�s. �f Lender requires, B�rrovver shall promptly g�ve to
<br /> Lender a��receipts of paid prem�ums and ren�.wal no�ices. �n the ev�nt of loss, Borrav�rer sha�l g�ve promp�notiGe
<br /> to the�nsurance carr�er and Lender. Lender m��y�nake proof of l�ss if no�made promp�ly by Borrov�er.
<br /> Unless Len�.er and Borrowe�- �the�-w�se agreE� in writzng, znsurance praceeds sha�� be appl�ed ta res�oration or
<br /> repair �f th.e Proper�y dama�ed, if, in Lender�'s �a�e d�scre�ior�, the �estoratxon or r�pa�r �s economically �eas�ble
<br /> and Lender's secur��y is nnt lessened. �f, �n L{ynder's s�le dzscre�ion, the restoration ar repa�r zs nati e�onomically
<br /> feasible�r Lender's securi�y wou�d be lessenec�,the�nsurance proceeds shal�be app��ed�o the sums secured by�his
<br /> Sec�xri�� Instrumen�, whether or n�t �hen dL.e, wi�h any �xcess paid ta B�rrower. �f BorroWe� abandons the
<br /> Proper�,or doe�no�answer wzth�n the numbf.r�f days prescri�ed by App�icab�e Lau�as set for�h in a notice fram
<br /> Lend�r to Borrower tha�the �nsurance carrier ha� offered�a set��e a c�azn�., then Lender may col�ec�the �nsurance
<br /> pr�ceed�s. Lender may use the praceeds �a re��a�r or restare �h� Praper�y or �o pay su�r�s se�ured by �h�s Sec�rity
<br /> �nstrument,urhether ar n�t then due.The per�cd of t�me for Borr��er to answer�s set f�r�h ir�the notzce wz��b�gin
<br /> when the notiee�s g�ven.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrotiver o�herwis� agree �n wri�ing, any app�xcati�n flf proceeds��o princ�pal shali not extend
<br /> or pos�pone the due da�e of the p�ym.en�s due ur�der�he �ontract or change �he amaur�t of�he paymen�s. �f under
<br /> the sec�ion ti�led Ac�elera��on; R.emedie�, th€� �roper�y is acquired by Lender, Borrfl��ver's right to any insurance
<br /> p�licies and proceeds resultzng from damage to the Propertiy�r�ar to the acquisi�ion sha�� pa�s to L.ender t� �he
<br /> extent af the sums secured by�his S�c�ri�y�ns�tru�nent immedxa�ely prinr ta the�.cquzsi��on.
<br /> Pre�ervation, Main�enan�e and Pr��e�tio�� �f �he Praper°�y; Borrawer's Laan .A,.ppl�catfon; L�as�ha�ds.
<br /> Borrower sha��na�destirQ�, damage or impa�r the Proper�y, a���tiv�h�Proper�y to det��-iflra�e, or comm��tivast� on
<br /> the Property. Borrovver sha11 be in def�ult�f ar_�y forfeiture action or proceeding,vvheth�r civil or criminal,�s begun
<br /> that in �,ender's good fai�h�udgment c�uld resul� in forfei�ure of the Proper�y or o�hervvise ma��r�a��y�mpair the
<br /> Iien created by this Security Ins�rum�n� or I�ender's security inter�s�. Borrower may cure such a defa�x�t and
<br /> r��nstat�, as provided in secti�n�i���d L�rro��er's Right �❑ R�ins�a�e, by caus�ng the actifln or proceeding �� be
<br /> dism�ss�d with a rul�ng�hat,�n Le�.der's g��d:�'a��h determinat�an,precludes forfe�ture o�the�3arrawer's�nt�rest in
<br /> the Pro;perty or other m�teria� xnzpairmen� ��`t�e lien �reated by th�s Security Ins�r�xr�en� or Lender's securi�y
<br /> zn�er�s�.Borrawer shall a�so be in d�fault xf B��rr�wer,durzng�he l�ar�app�i�ation proc�s�,gave materia�ly�a�se ar
<br /> znaccura�e informa�ion or statements �o L�nder �flr fax�ed to pravide Lender �vith ar.�y ma�eria� �nf�rmation} in
<br /> cannection w��h the l�an ev�denced by the Can�rac�. �f this Securi�y��.s�rument is on a�easeho�d, Borrower sha11
<br /> comply uri�h all the prov�sz�ns af the �ease. If]3�rrovver acquires fee�itle to the Propert�y,the leaseha�d and�he fee
<br /> title sha�i not merge unless Lender agrees�o the merger�n writiY�g.
<br /> Pro�ec�ion af Lender's l�ight5 �n the �roper�y. �f B�rro�r�r fails �o perform the c�venants and agreements
<br /> cflntained xn this Security�nstrumen�, or there �s a legal procee�ding that may s�gn�ficantly affec�L�nder's righ�s xn
<br /> �he Proper�y �such as a pr�ceeding in bankru�a�c�, pr�bate, for condemnation or forfei��re ❑r to �nfnrce lativs flr
<br /> regulati�ans}, �hen Lender may d� and �a� ft�r �hate�er �s n�cessary �o pr�tec� �he �r��ue of th� Pro�erty and
<br /> Lend�r'�righ�s�n�he Praper�y. Lender's ac�ior:s may include pa.ying�.ny sums secured��y a��en tivhich has przar��y
<br /> o�er thzs Security�nstrurnent, appearing zn cot�rt,payz�.g reasor��b�e at�orneys'fees a�d entering on the P�aperty�o
<br /> make r�pazrs.Although Lender may take ac��o��under th�s section,Lender does no�hav��to do so.
<br /> Any amoun�s d�sbursed by Lender u�der �his se�txon sha�l became addit�ona� deb� of Borrower seeured by �.a�s
<br /> Security �nstrument. LTn�ess �3orr��ver and L�nder agre� �a other terms of p�ymen�,, �hese amounts shall b�ar
<br /> t���2�04-241�Ca�npliance Systerf-�s,lnc.f�18A-7D�C-2�1 a.l?.�,i.1 I I 5
<br /> Consurt�er Re.al Estate-Secui'ity Instrurnent DL20a6 Pa�c?of 5 ww-���,compliancesyste�ls.rom
<br />