2� 1 ��8741
<br /> Transf�r of the 1'ro�erty ar a Beneficial In�er�st in I3o�rnv�er.If all flr any part of t�e Property or any int�rest
<br /> in i� is sald or �ransferr�d �or if a benefic�a� xn�erest xn Borr�vver �s so�d or transferr�d and Borravver is na� a
<br /> natural perso�} �rithaut Lender's pr�or,writ�er� c�nsen�, Lender may� at its option, req u�re �mmed�ate p�y�neMt in
<br /> fu1� of a11 surns secured by this Security �ns�trument. �3owever, thi� apti�n shal� no� �e exercised by Lender zf
<br /> exercise�s prohib�ted by federal�aw as of the�3at�of�his Secur��y Ir���rum��t.
<br /> If Lenc�er exercises this opt�on, Lender shall b�ve Bo�ra�er not�ce of a�celera�ian. The no�i�e shall prQ�ide a
<br /> period �f not less than th� minimum number �f days es�a�lxshed b�T App���abie Lavv from the date �he na�ir� is
<br /> delivered or rna�led v��th�n v�hkch Borrower �rnust pay a�l �ums sec�red �y �hzs Securi� �ns�rument. Zf B�rro�ver
<br /> fails �o pay these sums prior to �he exp�a�iarl of�his peri�.�d, �e�de� may in�ake any r�medies permi�t�d by this
<br /> Securit�Instrument with�ut fur�her nfl�ice flr d.emand�n Borro�uer.
<br /> Eorrav�ver's l�ght to ���nsta�e. �f Borrow�:r xnee�s cer�a�n conditiflns, �3orrower slza�� have �h� r�ght �a ]:�ave
<br /> enforcement af th�s Secu�ity Instrument d�scon���.ued at an�t�me pr�or to �he earlier of �a� S days �or such other
<br /> peri�d as Applicab�e Law ma�specify f�r reir�s�a�ement}bef�re sale af�he Property p��r�uant t�any po�er of'sale
<br /> contain�d �n �hzs Secur��y �nstrumerit; or �b} en�ry of a judgmen� enforcing �his `a�curity Instrument. T�ose
<br /> conditi�ns are th�� Borr�wer: �a} p�ys Lender a�l sums which �hen would be due unc�er �his Secur�ty Ins�rument
<br /> and the Con�rac��s xf no accelera�ion had occ��rred;tb�cur�s ai�y defau���f any o�her c��enants or agreement�; �c}
<br /> pays a��expenses incurred in enforcing�his�ecur��y�nstrum�nt,�nc�ud�ng,�bu�not�zm��ed to,reasonab�e a��arney�'
<br /> fees t� the extent perm���ed by law; and �d} ta.�es suGh ac���n as Lender may reas�nably�require tQ assure �ha�the
<br /> �ien of�his Security�nstrument, Lender's righ#.s in the Property and Borrov�rer's obligati.on to pay the sums�ecured
<br /> by t�ais Se�urity ��strument sha�� cant�nue unc�hanged. Upon re�ns�a�ement by Borrower, this Securi�y �ns�ru�nent
<br /> and �he ob�igations sec��ed hereby sha�l rem�i�n fully effe���ve as if no acceleration had �c�urred. Hou�ever, �his
<br /> right to re�nstate sha�l no�apply in��e cas��f acce�erat�on�nder�he sec�ian titled Tran�fer af�he Pra�erty or a
<br /> Beneficiai Interes��n F�rrovver.
<br /> Ha,�ardous Subs�an�es.�3orroujer sha�l not cause or pern�it th�presence,use,disposa.�,starage, or re�ease�f any
<br /> Hazardous Substances fln�r in�he Prope�-ty. E�arrower shal�no�do,�flr all�w anyone eis�to do,anything affer�ing
<br /> the Property tha� xs �n v���ation af any Envir�nm�nta� La�v. The pr�ceding two sen�e:n�es sha�� n�t ap�ly ta the
<br /> presence,use,ar storage on the Property�f srx�a�l quan������of Ha2ardaus Su�s�ances t��at are generally r�cogn�zed
<br /> to be appr�priate ta norma�residen�ial uses and to ma���.��na.�ce flf th�Proper�y.
<br /> Borr��rer sha��pr�mptly give Lender writ�e�.�����ce�f an��nvestiga��on,claim,demanci,lawsui�or��her ac�ion by
<br /> any go�ernmental or regula�ory age�.cy flr pr:�va�e party �nval�ing �he Praper�y and a;ny Hazardous Subst�n�e or
<br /> Env�r�nmental Lavv af wh�ch Borrower has actua� knrwledge. If Bo�rower Iearr�.�, or is not�fied by any
<br /> governmenta�or regu�a�ory authority,that any reznova�or o�ther remediation of any Ha:�ardous Substance affect�ng
<br /> the Property is necessary, Barra�ver shall �7romptly take a�1 nec�ssary remed�a� a.c�zons zn accordance �vi�h
<br /> Environmen�al Law.
<br /> As used �n thzs paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are thc��e subs�az�ces def�ned as tor��� or ha�ardous subs�ances
<br /> by Env�ronmenta� Law and the follawing sL�bstances: gasoX��.e, k�rosene, other flarr�mable or toxic pe�ro�eum
<br /> prod�c�s, t�x�c pest�cid�� an� h�rb�c�des, vfl latile solvents, mater�als containing asb���os or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radi�ac tive mater�als. As uSed in�hxs paragra�h, g'Envzro�enta�Lavv" means federal I,�.�rs and lativs of�he sta�e of
<br /> Nebraska that re�ate to health,safety�r enviro nmenta�pro��ct�ori.
<br /> Acceler-a�ion; R�medies. Lender shal� ��ve r�oti�e �a I34rr�wer pr�or �o ac�elera�tion follaw�ng Barrov�er's
<br /> brea�h af any c�venant or agreernen���a Ch�s Securi�y Ins�r�men�or�he Cantract under whi�h accel�ratxon
<br /> �s perrr�itted �bu�no�pr��r tu acCeler�txan �under the sec�ion txt��d Transfer of th+��'roperty�r a Benef���a�
<br /> In�erest in Larr�wer, u��iQss A�p��cab�e Law pro�xdes vtherwis�}. Th� not��e sha�I 5pecify: �a} ��� r�efault;
<br /> �b� the action reqrxire�. to cur� �he default� �c) a da�e, na� less �han the m��.�mum number of days
<br /> e��abli�h�d by A�apl�cabi�Law fraxn the da���he no��ce�s�i�en��Borrower, b���vh��ch�h�defaui�must be
<br /> cur�d.; and �d� �ha� fa��ure �� c�r� the �lefau�� on flr �efore the date specif�ed ir� �he no��ce may resu�t in
<br /> acce�era��on �f �he s�ms s�cur�d by this Se�urity Ins�rument and sale of �he Property. '�o ��e extQnt
<br /> per�mit�ed by�aw, �he n�tice shal�furth�r inf�rm�vrr�v�er af t�e right �o re�nst:ate after a�c�ierati�n and
<br /> the rxg��.t tfl brin�a�our�a�tion tQ a5sert th e�onwe��stence�f a defau��or any o�h�r defense of���row�r to
<br /> �cc��era��on an� sale. If�he defau��i���� c�ured on or bef�re �h� da�� spec�fied ir� �he no�xce,Lender a�its
<br /> aptian rnay �require irr�med�a�e payment ir� fu�l of all surr�� sec�xred by th�s Secu�-i�y In�trumex�� withaut
<br /> further° deman� and �r�.ay in�oke t�e powea� of 5ale and an� oth�r re�edie� per�r����ed by .,A►.pp��cable Law.
<br /> To �h.e exten� perm�t�e� by law, Lender s���.i� be en���led to co�lect al� expenses in�urred in �ursu�.ng the
<br /> remedi�s pr�v�d�d �n�his Sect�on,inciudin�;, �u� nat�imited �o, reasonab�e �ttorn�eys' fee5 and co5��of title
<br /> ev�dence. -�
<br /> If th��ower af���e �s i�voked, Trustee shall record a r��tic�af c�efaul�in each co��ty xn vvhich any par� of
<br /> the Pr�perty�s locate�I a�nd shall mai�c�p�es af su�h no�xce in �h�manner pre5cril�ed by App�icab�e L►a�v ta
<br /> Borrav�er and �� the o��er persons pre��ribed by Ap���ca�ble Lav�. Af�er the t�m�e requir�d by A.p��xc�ble
<br /> Lav�, Truste� 5h�1� g��� pub�i� no��ce vf s�.le �o �h� persan� anc� �n the manner �res�r�bed �y Applic�.ble
<br /> Lavvo TruS�ee,with�ut�emand�n F�rrowe�r, �ha�� �ell the Prop�rty a�public auc�i�n �o�he�ighes�bidlder
<br /> a�tihe�ime and plac�and under�he ter�n5 dlesignated�n�lhe�oti�e of���e�n one o:r rnore parce�s and�n any
<br /> order TruS�ee �e�erm.�n�5. 'T'rustee m�ay p;�s�pon� sa�e af a�� or ax�y parce� af' �he Property �y pub�ic
<br /> ann�urnceme�t a�the tim�and��a�e of any pre�iausly��h�du�ed sale.Lend�r or�t�designee may purchase
<br /> �he Propert�at any��ie.
<br /> Upon recexpt of paym��� of the pr�ce �id, r[`�-u5�ee shail de�iWer �o the purcha5er '�ru5tee'� deed canve��ng
<br /> �he Pr�perty. The re�it�ls in the Trust�e'���eed shall be�r�ma f�cie e�idence of�lh� �ruth of the 5tat�men�5
<br /> C<�7?OD4-20��Comptiance Systems,Inc.61$A-7D9C-?D 15.1?.�,l.I l�5
<br /> Ca�sumer Real�stat�-Security InstriFrr�er�t DL?43G Pa�e 4 a�'S ���v,�oinpliar�cesystems.cam
<br />