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, � <br /> ".: �;�:`'';a;�� Yg - .c,�.� ��,.3�c"t'�, i�u .:�L �c � ..4�'_..,.�a,o-�.+xG''a.4Sr""_� -�S `'w �k:.i:s'� E' �, .. ,..:itimi� '"'"'.,�'�t�'.�F`sfc�Ci"���.4�f�'&i�3� '�'cn'}2Y4.ivlX.xr.'4•''� '�v..:.. �,.;i:i._.- <br /> -�4_.�i�k�oailY�l:`i.i�tl�rikTO" oii�isa�f-s-kr''�,rS�1'i''-��� -�i�i3�.4t 1�.��y� C w� _^ �L�..,c - <br /> YL�1UeA'd'a'-:ii�.�i(Y�fl '�`�.s�atiaSi.CL:L... <br /> : � . _'_"'.'_ . � <br /> � , ' , . <br /> E ' <br /> � ; � _10a�3� � . <br /> - 2T: lMlkr=.Excrpt fer nnyrcotices.dem�rsds.�e4uests,or otlter cammunicafions requiret!un�er Qpplicable taw to 6e givrn in anotl�n� n�„n <br /> ntr,whenever BenetinQr�t or trustor grves or serves any notiee(inciudiRg,wifiiout(intilation,noi:ce of detnuit pnd oolite ut snlet. �t�rmartds rn. <br /> _ gutsts o�oiher cort�muni�atian with respect to this iJeed of Truse,eocb suth notice,demand,request or othet tonnnunicalinr�slinll be in wr itinq , <br /> � atd shall b�eitesiivt ontr if the same is deGvered by personat serr'ce or maited b�teriif ied muil,passoge prepaid,veturn receipt requcslrrt,ad- � <br />__ dressed to the addrass as set forih at the 6egiruting of this Oeed af�rust. T�ustQt l�reby re�.tests fhut ts topy of any tsoiice of�etattlt,ony <br /> notice of sate,required or permitied to 6e given the Trustor Aereunder,be rrsuiled to it at the oddress set forth ot she beginning of this Deed of � <br /> Trust. My porfy mey nt any fime chatge its oddress for suth notices by detiver'arg or rrr�iling to 1ha other parties hereto,as afaresaid, a notice <br /> _ oF such tlwnge.My nctite heteurtder shQl)be deemed to have 6ee�given fo Trusior or 8eneticiory, when given in the mam�er des+gnnted[ie�ein. <br /> � 2?. Gsrsn�!n.Y6is Deed ef Tr�st shoil6e govemed b�r the laws of the State of Ne6rosko. <br /> 23. Sots�tsari�w�A�i��,This Deed of Trust and all terms, condifians�d obligotions herein apply to ond inure fo the benefit of and hind <br />� ofl portks hereto, fheir heirs,legufees,devisees,personol representotives, successors and assigns.The ferm"Beneficiory"shal{mea7�he <br /> owrKr ona holder oi the Note.whether or not r�rmed as 8eneticiory herein. � <br /> 1�. J�i�t�i f�tenl li�it�. A!1 convenants and agreemtMs of Trustor shofl be joint und several_ , <br /> 25. Setret�bilifr.(n tbe evenf any one or mort of ihe provisiarss contn;ned ip this Deed ot Trost,ar the Note er any other security iiistnimrn� • . <br /> given in tonnectian with fhis trnnsaction sholl ior any reasan be held to @e involid,i{t�gal or unenf.cctF�bfe in atiy �espeU, sucl�invnlidity, i!- . <br /> iegatfil�r ar unenforceability shall, �t the option of Beneficiary, nat affect mry provisian at this Dee�€Q�irust,6�S.this Oeed oi Trust sholl br cm� <br /> strue�as'rf suth inralid,i!I��t,¢r.��rtentortea6le pravisiars hat�never beea rontained(��rein ar ther��:.If the{ien of this D2ed oF Irust is i�zvntici � <br /> � or unenforceobte as t�s cm���ztaf the de61,or if the lien is imatid or uRenforceable as to any�vri of the Property, the unsec�r¢d or porr�ntly � � <br /> secur`ed portion of tlr�:�fi����s'zal!be tontplefely ppid prior to Ihe pnymeuf p!Iht+r�mnitring pitd c�c�urd er p��tiully cr�urrd��m tiacT nt Ihr d�d�t, , . <br /> ond ol)payments made on th�dG�i, whether volunlC'ry ar under forectosure or other c«fortemene action oc procedure, sl�all be conside►�s�f,iu � � • <br /> � . hove heen tirst peid on o�d appli�;to the full pnyment of thu!porlion of the debt �xtT,ir.h is not secured or not tulty secured hy�he lien oP c';�; ' <br /> DeedaO•Trost. - . _ � .. <br /> � , 26. Nwnber and Gertder;Captions.IrYherte�er used herein,the singutor number shnll include th��l�rnl, tt�e pturol, �he sinqulcu, nnd Ihr ucc ' ' <br /> a�any gender sho1F be opplicabfe to ol�gan�:r�,ihe taptio�s artd heodsngs of the parogrcrpt�s of ti�:s Ured ot lrust�ire for convenience anly an:i • � <br /> are not to be used to interprel or�Lf�:re the pr�visions here�t. ' ' � <br /> � , ' 27. Accept�nce 6�Tru�tee.Tr�°sfQe acte�ts this TrusS �vs�.-�this Deed of Trust, d����k�c�ted�nd ocknowledged,is mnde pu6lic reco�d s,�. • � <br /> provided by law. • ' <br /> ; IN WtTNE55 WHE4EGE,irssscrl��s e£acutc-d r��is O�ed o1 rrust as nL ttraC�y and year i«Et a�ove�n�T%�ten. , � <br /> . ' <br /> � x � -�-�-- -- _ .� <br /> am s D. Riley� 4— - . ��` <br /> ' Q-�---- . ��_�.�.-. <br /> ! STATE OF NEBRASKA ) ron . i l�y - �= <br /> } ss. - <br /> COUNTY OF �qLL ► ames Riley, Jr. _ <br /> On ihis 2°d doX of FebruAry , 19 90 ,trefo�e me,�(tA undersigned,o Notary F��blic dvly eonunissioned a•�3 quuliliecl fnr ''' <br /> saidcoun..ty,persor•:r;�.l�cumeJames D. Riley� Sharon J.. Ri?c-_y (husband and asa.:e) James Riley, Jr. (a ��., le 9s� <br /> to me kr,c;�c,�t�be�l�n�iGenlicut persons whose names are subscrihcd to��sgoin�i���sru;��nt c::�i ackauwlyd{;c�::5(�e��x��tz:?:un il�������R�Ffi�n � <br /> Iheir vcluntcur�asa an�f}r.'eed. . <br /> � Witness my Gcndr,z,a�;�otariol seol ot lA%Cc:J:� _ 1�1 un��i��said eounty, Ihe Jule nlor id. <br /> !� ' �;'�� . -. <br /> , ����� ----_�---15 ury Publit i���� .. . . _�i�. <br /> ������ � - . <br /> My tommission e�pires: M1��A►��1� '.�� <br /> , .. <br /> � , <br /> I <br /> � - • <br /> � • -- _ <br /> :—-- - <br />` � ' , ` i <br /> 1 <br /> -- . . �. � i <br />�_� . _ . . � ' � <br /> �� <br /> .. , I <br /> ti <br />� . � <br /> . �, <br /> � � <br /> �. � , �- <br /> -3c. <br /> __J/` <br /> T��' <br /> __i�i,k.;t� <br /> . � <br /> � � <br />