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<br /> Exhibit uA" .
<br /> Le�el DQaaription�
<br /> � A tract of land aomprisiri� a �part of tl�e Southeast �?uarter (SC'�) �
<br /> of Secti,on Otte {�)� To�rnsh3p 'Fen E 10) J�or�h, Range Trrelve (12) � �
<br /> ��esL' et' the 6t4i P.I�t. iii �iall Coe�tnty, t�ebrasl:a, more partice�larZy
<br /> � veeeri6ed aa follot�e: � �
<br /> Uec3n»ing at tlie soutLt�res� corner of saic� ��utheast C�u�:�#a�� (���.;}' . ,
<br /> • aC �aia Sec tian One �1); th�nce north al.an� °:l�e Frest :�.irc� 2if �s�#i�
<br /> Svutheast �2uarterr (SE'�), aseumed bearin� o� ��e dioa�th, a distiarice of , � .
<br /> 2,641.68 feet ta tho riorthwest corner of sa�d So�t��east �?uarter (SF}4); .
<br /> . tt�ence g89°56�UG"E alon� the 1Jorth line a� said �c�utheast �uarter , � _. �
<br /> ' (�E�r) , a cli�tance of 2,593•G3 fPet to tlie �est ri�ht of way line of
<br /> I[i�hway tJo 11; therice S00°01�08"B alon� saE:s�d right of a�ay litse, a
<br /> , disi:arice o� 557.9 fe�t; �hence S89a58�52"YI alnt�� �,said ri�ht o�' �i����
<br /> line, a diataiice o�' 20.0 feet; therr.�e SUO°Ql'00 '�"-s alon� said rig��t of �
<br /> ; c�r�,y line, a d�.stance oP 771.0 fpet; .'�henc:�: ld 89Q5�'S2"E ala�g said : -
<br /> ; r�.�bt of way Pisie, 3 distance of 24 a� feetfl therice SOQ°Ul'OE3" E ��
<br /> , along .said r:L�ht of caay litie, � di4�asi�e ��°.• �17.0 .fee�; tlience S38°41' �.- r
<br /> �0"��1, a d3.sta��ce or �o3.E3b fee�; 'tI��aice S00°pl'4�'��, a distance of :;��.
<br /> 3fi0.U2 feei:; tlietiee i? $�^511'lU"td, � distanee of' �;��7 Pee�; the»ce . �� ,=--
<br /> 5�00°02'Sg°��, a distaraee of 2gg.88 Teet to ��e sQ�th li.ne oi' said ,��=-�
<br /> . Section One {b�; tf��tice r�8g°55�o6" �1 alonP t�e �outlf line of said � =
<br /> � SecL-io» _Oi�e (1) , a d�starioe of 2,34� .53 feet to *��p point of be�innin�. -
<br /> � . .
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