'� .. �.._. 'ti�..t _. .. c:tct�.,.'�+t .. . �: ..,� : .: ., . e 4 ..-- � ,�< Gc ' _ ':j:.. ._, „(: �;.'vlC G i.K`"'..
<br /> �a�...,,..�� } 4.L..ea:.S� aa�ltf.._.c. � C`'. �f�,:�s",.� Y��1 t�w•: � �`1 'Fi+�c�:i.vt c�P. � � r4 (� � �l� k � ��:°tu.�-_._.,..--
<br /> -�FA�Sai�Y�S..���ifir.s�r'�.�_`��,..rc`Y.AS��^1 aC�� .�..�,����' ��`� �i�u � f4r-.r;��iY��``��..�.c:rA�.�t4��:r�+31'€�.�iN..,....__-`----
<br /> --- — y -- — — - _'�i�F-'
<br /> � T� . . � ""- - �
<br /> � � :, � 90-- 10�63Q .
<br /> t 1.��ee�Nnt�UM�Deiw�ft;R�mtaip;S�f�. tlpon defauli by 7rustor in ihe Raymtn!af ar perforniance ot the term;a��d ca�ditions of '
<br /> t�Note, ot ony renewdfs,mod'ititotion3�ex9ensions theteot,or tttc paynfent ot ony aihcr ir�dehtedness seared lureby oc iii the per Im mnnce
<br /> of anY af fl�eanvRnw�fs ar ogreerrtenis hereundes.Benetitiory ma�rleclore all sums seeurrd iicreby imnrediately due orxl payc�bte arNi tl�e smne.
<br /> � shall thereupan become duP orx!paYnbte without prssenimeret, danw+id,protesf w�iotice af any kBr�d: ttiereollcr, �cuci►cim y muy dciivcr to.
<br /> Truster o wr�lten dec!aration o�defautt and dzma�far snte.Truste�shall Ex�vs ttt�power of sale of ttte Praperty and if Beneficiary decides���c
<br /> Pco�trlY i3 tQ Ee sof�it shall deposit with Trustee this Oeed oF Trost�nd 1he t�ote ar�otes and any other daurnents euidenc�flg expenditures �
<br /> � sscure�h�eb�,o�x!skut)detiver to Trustee o writfen notice o(defoutt und eiection to cause the Property to 6e satd,and Trustee,ir�tur�r,si�otl .
<br /> prtpart o siaribr notice in the(orm requi�ed by faw whicb sha�)b�duly tiled ior recard by Trustee.
<br /> � (o)Aft�er tlie tapse af suth t�me os may be required by(avr following ihe recordation of Notice of Default,und tlotice af Qet�ult ond Notice of
<br /> So1e i�aving been givrn ut�equired 6y(aw.Trustee,without demar�d on Trustor,sholl sell the Praperty in one or more parcels and in sach order
<br /> os trustor nwy determirte on the dale and at the time and ploce des;gnated in said Notice of Sale,at public auction to ihe highest bidder,the pur-
<br /> �' , � 2}IO54�!!!C!payc�la in cosh i�Inwfu!►noney of the Umted States at the time of sole.The person cunducting the sate may,for any cause he or slie
<br /> deems expedienf,postpone Ihe sale from fime to lirte until it shaD be compteted and, in every svch tase,notice ot poslpanement shall 6e given
<br /> br publit dectoratiort thereof by such persorr at ths fime nnd plot�fost oppointed fnr the sale;provided,ii the sate is poslponed for langer than
<br /> �� �(1j�Y���the day dtsignoted i�#the Notice of Sale.notice thereof shQll be given i�the same mamser as the original Nolice of Sale. .
<br /> Trustee si�all execute ar�d�iver to 1he purehaser its Deed canveying fhe Property so sold,but witliout any convenant or warranty,express,or
<br /> impl9ed.ihe recitcls in th2 0�3 of any motters or tacts sha{I be concius+ve praoi of the truthfelnesa thereof. Any�erson, including�vithnut .
<br /> limitetian Trustee,moy purchose ot Ihe sate. '
<br /> ' (b).1Nhet1 Trus�ee sei�s pursuatit fa ttr_ po�ers hertin,Trustee sholt o{�ply Ihe proceerls uf tt�e satc to paymrnt aF the casls nnd exprca�f•�.at
<br /> exertising the power af eale and of the soSe,iaduding,wiitrout limitoTion,Iltepoyment o(Irustec"s fces iucur�ed, which Irus�re's 1c�•s sl�:r:l nut �
<br /> �t;tMt,aqgrec,*a1e exceed th�fotlowin�amounts based upon the omount secvred hereby and re�ain'sng�iT�aid: 5 percentum on th�f��Gc::ce ,
<br /> ' S!�ts.�c�;pnd then to the items set forth in subparagroph(t?hereof in the order therein stated. ' '
<br /> �'c�A(ter pca�:ng Ihe items specified in subparogropb(b1,iE fhe sote is by Trostse,or the pro�e�taurt c�.n�ether casts oF (oreclosure a�r:salc=. � �
<br /> i�`the salt is pc�'suont to judicial forectosure,the proceeds ot 5ule shc?1 he applied in tl�e arde�s4�t.c�belaw Ia Ihe payn�ent csl:
<br /> (1) Cast of any evidence of title procured in conriection with such sale artd of any revenue required to be poid: �
<br /> (2j Attorneys fess; .
<br /> (3) AI!s ��a ihen secured hereby; , ,
<br /> (4} lun��r tr:�;l d¢eds,morigoges,a�ather lienhotders;and
<br /> (S) The rerneinder,if er,�..to!he�YT�1J~+hR�e•�:�ts legal►y entitled tbereta. •
<br /> (d) (f fbe Beneficiary ol td�is Oeed ol Tcust is a bar�is as detiaed by Ne6roska{-:�r. any stalemenl tonta;rtc�i}c��;�y�:!tz� sec�im►ot ttcis deed � � �..-"
<br /> notwilhstonding,the Beneficiory shotl not 6a enlilled to reteive or take and debtor shall not be obligoted ta�:�����t r;n-.y confession of judg- -
<br /> menf,power of attomey to cantess judgment,power of ottorney to appeor for a borrower in o juditiol proteec:.;c:r:1.-e.r^�ent to pay the costs '`
<br /> .. .. .
<br /> ot tolledion of the altorneys'1ees, unless such acts oi collection would not otlierwisP be prohi6ited by NehcasS�o to�r�,Provided, howev�r, �h�,t �_
<br /> , ihis sediandoes not apply ta�he Trustee tee reler�ed to in porograpli b(b). Provided lurthcr,t1ia1 tl�is parog;apl�sl�all no1 ap��ly lo tl��.s[T��ed ul
<br /> Trust,if the Beneticiary is not o bank. .
<br /> . 12. Adlitan�l Sec��iiY t�sfrwnents.Trustor,ot its expEnse,will exawte and deliver to Ihr Beneficiary,promptly upon den,and, such cecuri• ;
<br /> ty instrumerts as may be required by Beneticiary, in form and substance sotisfadory.to Omieliciary, tovering nny ol Ihe Property cotwt+yr.d by ��:�
<br /> thii.i?eed of T�ust,which searily ie►slruments sholl be addilionol secvrily tor lrustor's loithlul�erlormonte ot nll oi Ihe terms,cov���nn�s ond
<br /> . Es�ntlitions vt lhis Oeed of Trust,the promissory nofes setured hereby,and any�sil.c;r seturity instruments e��'�:�ted in connection witCi'l�;:s tran-
<br /> salion.Such insi►uments shall be recarded or filed at 7rustor's expense.
<br /> 13. Appeintment ol Suaessor Tr��tee. a����r��a�y ���ay. from tirne lo tim�, by n wiillen insfiu+ur.nl ex�•cul��d and u�kn�►wl��d����d by
<br /> Btneficiary,maikd to lrustw ai�d recorded in the tounty ar covnlies in which the f'roperty is located unJ by otherwise complying witl�the piovi- .f•
<br /> sions of 16e opplicable tows of the Stote of Nebrosko,substitute o successor or successors to the Tr�stee named herein or ncting hereunder. .
<br /> — � 14. Inspectien�.Beneficiary,or iis agents, represent�tives or workmen,�or�i'author�ed to enter�t any reosonable tin►e upon or in any part :.i..,
<br /> .-. •
<br /> of the Properl,y tor Ihe purpose ot inspecting fhe snme ond tor Hi�(:1r�jo5E of'perfo►tniifgatfi n�tfie atts it is ciuthio+r�:i V�peilorm undor Ihr. . _°_
<br /> .. ��_
<br /> terms of the Oy:�d af Trust.
<br /> 1S. Op�ien io Foreelosa.Upon the otcurrense oi a�.�defQUlt herevnder, Benefitiury shall Iwve ihe option�o tareclosa tt�is Oeed�I lrc;st i�i �
<br /> tlie rtmonner prvrrided by(ow tor the ioreclosure oi mortgoges on real property. '
<br /> t6. Fo��t�e.r,��br ee�.tt��Qr No�a wa����.Any forebearonte by Benetitiury in e�erC�sing any righl or remedy hrr i�undei, or olhnrv�ise
<br /> ` u(tordedbya�:l,ait;aflie(ow,shnll not beo waive�oF or p►ecludet�ieexercise of nny such ric;ht ar cemedy. likewise,�he w;:�-re� by E3enr:li�iury of •
<br /> � ��delauN cG Fru�ta►under ihis Deed of T�ust shuq not 6e decmed to 6e u v�uiver ofi r.�,� �t1i�r or similur de(uults subsequN++��y occurrinq
<br /> V. ?rYftlt ll�ol'Releas�d. E%ICI15t00 O�1IlB 11(nC �Ot �1UY11tCI1T OC In0(IIIiCUfA�t r;C st��4rtt7t11i011 Of 1IIC SUmS SrCU1PiI Iry Illt� Ili���i i�( t�u��
<br /> grt�nted by B9r�efitiary to uny Suttessor in iuterest of hustor Sliall nut upe�u�e tv�r.1c�t��,in c:��y�uttlutw, the(iubibly��I Ilre•oi iqinul (�uclui �md
<br /> irusfor's successor in interest. Beneticinry s1ia0 not be required to caiumerrce proceedinys nyn�rist such successo� or�rlu��tu rx►�nd�i�ue fnr
<br /> paymenl or otherwise modi(y mnortixutioit oI tl�e surns secured by fhis Uecd of liusl�y reason oi ni�y dc�nunil mnde I►y�h��m iguai) IrnSlui und ,
<br /> �rustor's suctessar in iiiterest.
<br /> 18. Eene}iciar�'f Powets.Y�elbout ullectiuy the ItC�.>iGfy ul Ilt!+1tU510� ai nuy olhri pi�i�.rni hublt• fut Ilti`puycurnl ol uny +�bin�uUim hri��u�
<br /> �. mentioned,ond wilhouf al(ecling the lien or churge ot this Dee�!ol Trust u�on rri�y portion ul the Prapei 1y nut ihen u� �hc���to1c���•s�lr�����d uc , `
<br /> seturify 1or thE tu��amou►d o!all unpaidobligotions,Beneiitiury muy,(rom tin�4 t•�lime anil withuut notice. G)rcicnst�u��y ��f�r son so liubl��. ��i►
<br /> - e�fend Iha moturity or olter nny nf th8lEnnS Of nny SUtI�o�li�nlions, (iiii gmnt nlhcr indulyi�nrt�S. (rv}irli�n:�� nr ir�„rr+ry m i uu�.�� t�t I�r ,
<br /> reftuStd oi reCO�rveyed uf Uny time nl Ue��eliCiaiy's u�tions uny{��ucel, porlion or�II ol the Ihoper ly, Iv)t���.r o� ���I��„ti�u��y:.th��� o� c�d�hr�onnl
<br /> securitY(mranY obligutionhe�einiucntiaued,or ivi)muke cornpusilions or uther or�m�ge�nem�s vrith dr.bt�,�c�n�c�laNun tl���<<�i��
<br /> ; Tq. /YfMff A�YMC!!. Upon reque5f o� frUSt6f, iruaree ot irustee's option, prior tv r��vnvr.�vnt�v� iln•i'rr+��•r il +F: lsu;t::t, ::ttty ::::s!.r �'
<br /> �.�, tufure aAvcu�t�s ta T►uslor. Sur_h tuture c�d+ruuces, w;Ih iuterest ll�ereun. sl�al!be secu►ed bv dus tr��t IJ�•r�l v.h�•n �•���1••�����-� br P�������'���";
<br /> . nvtes atatir,g thut snid notrs ure srw:ad t�e�eby: provided Ihr�t Ut no timC sl:ull tht t��C��rpd�ninupal, (ulurr udlun���5. ��:�f mr ludnry tiinn:iid
<br /> Lvonted tQ�rote�t the srcurity,exsreJ un c�gg►eyaTC atintivti!pm�unt ot S �2�,E)U0.d0
<br /> h
<br /> 7U. Rrunre��nee 6y 1r�stee.Upvn writlenrequcst of 8enei�cucr�s�ahr�r�►hut nil cv�nc Sr�rurCtl I�CtFL+y�41:F•!,�we{nn) uin�r�����t !�•���•n t..,
<br /> - pf Ifll: Itecd�f irust�nd tfir. 1�71C }U�ttlS1A.C' (Ot frIIILP��111+h1► bu�f/Cfp�If�Ull (Iluf up'��e �:(��nu•�It �ry• f�utlut ��I I�r�.h�.. .. (�,•.�, 1r•�.�i•r cl� �!1
<br /> f@GO(tYC�RO�lUSPfit. Qt 1hC�1UiSU�F Ur �e�SCni fi;+�t' �t�:''l�Ct�I�+CIQI'J. :�t1�I=�}}f e�t!!!ll��fy ntri (1:�tttt:��pf ��m{-i�:in�t7� •hru L'•'1 hrrri_ar!�•� Ih�= � � `
<br /> �
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<br /> bL�des!riE•Ed os"t1�Q pCf S�it►Or�,nt5(JttC le4;ntty r.utittt��l tt�er�tr�..
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