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<br /> S.T�xN.Attwt��Mtt,M�ti���s.Trusfor shaU pa�uli toxes,ossessment�and oii�er chu�qc+s,i:tctuding,v�ithout fimitot ion, (i�i�s and i�n=
<br /> � positians altributeble to the Prapert�,on�f t�oithok!payments or graurid renfs.if aRy,before the somo become definqueat. 1rUStor shull Rromp-
<br /> , ttr turnish to Benefici�sy att notices of cmaunts due unQer this parc�praph,and in the evert rr�stos shotl make poyment direclly, Trussar sl�ul! .
<br /> � p►omptly fumi'sh ttt 8e�tetieiQrY receipls evidetlsin�such poyirents. Trustor shaU poy ait fn:es and assessinents which moy be (e�ried upon ,
<br /> Beneiiciw�'s interesf fserein or upnn this Decd vf Trus4,�+f�'slFnut�ega�d to any Iaw that moy be en¢qed imposing poymsnt of Ihe wt�ole or o��y
<br /> part the►eoi upon Ihe Beneficiory,
<br /> 6•A/�hi�wr Lhsa w�lrrt�ellM�t li�n�►ic3�'s S+cwrity.Trustoc sEioli rnoke al[poyments ot interest and principol and pa}tments o0 ony
<br /> oiher charqes,tess and eapensss contcacteri ta he Daid ta any existing lienho[d�rs or prior 6eneliciaries under a�y prior deed p.f.tru;l ar mar- �� ' .
<br /> tpo{�f befor�ihe dote they are delinquar�t end�rRmptly pay and dischorqa any and a11 ather tiens, cloims or charges+vhich moy,�eqpardize the
<br /> � securily pronted herein. If Trustor failS ta isiaket mtp.suth paYrteent ar toifs ta perform onp aF the tovcnanls ond agreaments taRtained in this
<br /> Oisd af Trust,ar in any prior martgage ar de�d at.4n►st.of iF any actian or proceeding i;comn�erxed wt�ich moteriAlty uft�tts Berteiiciary's in-
<br /> � faest in the P�operty,including,but r.ot(imit¢d t+i,emirtent domain proceedinc�s,or praceedin�s jnvolving o decendenf,.or if Tsustor i�ils to poy
<br /> Trosfor's dt6ts qeneraliy as thep betoate due., then 6eneticiury, at Ber�efici�x}r's optinn and withput notice to or demand upon Trostor and
<br /> without rekosing Tnssta frosn an�r obligoti�p(te�eunder,may moke such appearancss,dishurs�suth sums,,and take such aclion os is necessurr
<br /> to p�otect 8e�eficiar}r's interest iactudinB. 6ut noll:rmited to,disbursement of reasanable attorney's fees,payrn?nt,pusclsose,contesl or com-
<br /> promise oi ony ertcumhrance, chnrge or lian,art:l,entry ugon the Properiy to moke repai�s. fn Ihe event ►tiot Tr�sfar shall tai! to�rocure in- , '
<br /> sucante or to(wy toxes,assessmenfs,or any o��4r tharges or to make any payments fo existing priar(ien holders or heneliciaries,Ueneficiary
<br /> moy prature such insurance and make such po}ment.Any amaunts disbursed by Beneficiary pursuant to this Parpgroph 6 shafl6ecome uJditional �
<br /> inde6tedness oF trustor sec�xad 6p��,ss Qeed of Trust.Sucb amounts shott be payabie upon notice from BerteEic�ary ta Trustor requesting pny-
<br /> a�eni Ifrereof,and shall bear int�tes!tra�n!he date of dis6ur�pmenl at ihe rate payable trom lime to time on outs�a��ding principnl under thr
<br /> Note unfess payment qf interesl et such�ate.would be cacnresy ro opplicabte low,in whith event such omounts shufl beor interest at tiie hiq[�est
<br /> � �ate permissibte urrdBr opplicuble Fuw,ttotFi�►g cantnined in tC�is FaragraQh b shall veqnire fieneficiqry to intur ony expease c�r t�tc6 ony attion �
<br /> hereurrder. •
<br /> 7. At��nment of lteMs. Benef�.i�y shq�1.IT�ff tfie rigt�f, �;awer ond ottthotity duri.-,�.the continuance of this Oeed o[ lrust tu coltect thc+
<br /> renls,issues ond profits ot the Pv�psrty an�,at.any persanai prcpQrty lototed tliereon w;i:�or withoue taking possession ot Ihe property of(ected
<br /> hereby,and Trustor hereby a65o(ulnty�,4yttl.uncorttftionally ossigns al)suth rents,issues ond profits to B2neficiary.Benelitiary, however,hereby ,
<br /> _ eonsents to 1he Trustor's collsttiq�qnd rPtentic��of such rents,issue5 and Frntits as th2y otcrue!:=�tt!'.r�come poyo6le so long os Fsustor is not,
<br /> � at suth iime, in defuult wilh:tRsygtt.fo payment of any indeSt��ness secuPed hereby,or in the parl.�':'�.nte of ony agreem�nt Piereunder. Upajs
<br /> a�ry suzftdeiwlt,Beneliciory may at any time,eilher in per�ert,ay agent,or by veceivc-�r!.'�P np�:�<fe�1 by a coett,,evilhoul notice and witht►i�c. .
<br /> reg�d f6�i"»mde�vacy of anp s�a��ty for ihe indebtedn��s�:;�eby setured, (01 ente-.�:;an and toke possession of the Pro�erly ar any port �
<br /> tbereol,ond in its�+r�rs�rtte sue Cas or olhe�wise collect su�.t rn^ts,iss:r�f and prof its,intluding thos�{;ast dve and unpaid, and cp�ly!he same,
<br /> less tost�ond exper:��f operation and collectio�i, inclu�ir.g reasonable a�torneys fees, upon ony indebtedness secured liereby..ond in such � �
<br /> order ps Beneficiary rr�y determines (b)perform such acts aF repoir or protecfion os msy be netessary or proper to conserve tha volue of Ihe .r..�.::,;�'':
<br /> Property� (t)(tose the sume or any part thereof(or such rentol,term,and upon such tc:��';tions os i4s judgment moy dictate or terminate or ad• ��:;�*:��`"
<br /> just Ihe terms and condilions of any existing lease or leoses.Unless Trustor ond 8enefitiory agree otherwise in wriiing,ony applicotion of rents, • -
<br /> issues or profiis to ony indebtedrtess secured hereby sliofl�ot eKtend or poslpone the due dote of ttie instnlGnent poyments os provided in suid -
<br /> p,romissorY note or chonge Ihe amount oi such inslalln�e�ts. lhe en�ering upon und tnking possession ol Il�e Properly, Ihe collection ot such ' --
<br /> rents, issues and profiis, or►�the opplication thereof os oforesoid, shol)not waive or zsrre ony default or notice ot defuuli liereunder, or in- �r.,:;;i
<br /> , volidoto qny otl done pursuant to sach noticv.Trustor olso rq;i,ns 10 Beneliciary, os iurther secucity for fhe perlormance of fhe nbli��tinns ;';r�
<br />� setured I�ereby,ol)prepoid rents ond oll monies which moy hsr�f:een or m.c/lir,reafter be deposiled with soid Trustor by airy lesscc ot�l�e Pro• �•�
<br /> perty, to secure th�(;ayment of any rent or dani�:,as, ond upon defauit c,z r��.e periormance of any F•fi s1�n provisions hereot,Trustor agrees to .
<br /> deliver such rents m.'�!��posits to Bertefitiory.Cr-_l;`rr.ry of wrilten nfltite o`Seneliciary's exQrcise a!tYL�'i�hts granted herein, to any tenant oc-
<br /> eupytag soid premises shall be sufiicient to re.��1:rL said tenant to poy soid rent to the Qeneficiury un::={;�rttier natic€�..
<br /> 8.Grt�mnoti�n.It tille fo any porl of tlie P�•�erty shctl�e t�knn in condemnotion procecdings,t�r��'�t of ts?r.r,�a•;1 tloninin or similnr attion,
<br /> : o�shoil Ge sold under threat ot tandemiwfiorr,c�i a��vards,ac,;:cges and��c{;eeds ore hareby ass?g���d rjc,i sha11 tn�id to Dear���.�c�ry who shull
<br /> apply sucl�awards,dcannges ond praeeds to tf»��;nf secured by this Uerd cfi Trust,wi�h the extess,if;�ny,paid to Trustor.If 1'rustor receives
<br /> any no!ite or other informoticn.�-c�ording s�c.t attions cr proceedings, Truslor shctt.give prompl writlen notice thereof to beneticiary.
<br /> tleneiitiorY shall be entilled,ot�+s�r'�ion, to commence,c�p�ar:n aitd prosecute in its r,�urt nome ony such actiun or proceedings ond sholl be en-
<br /> tilled 10 make any tomproinise or settlemenl ir�connettion with ony suth oclion or procee•.:ings.
<br /> 9. R�m��lt��Mot Eacl�siY�, eeneliciory sholl be entitled to eniorce pafinent and perfurnwnce ol any indebtedness or ol;:�rii;'ions secured �
<br /> hereb�and to eaercise oll rigMs and powers under this Qeed of Trust or c;rdr•c any other ugreemenl exewtetl in conneclion f�ere���.rh or nny taws
<br /> now or hereoher in torce,notwitlislandinQ sorno or aQ ot 1hE sutl�ittdnb:e��tass and o61i��1iorts secured liereby rnoy nnw or fie�eufter be otl�r.r-
<br /> wise setured, wt�ether by mortgm�e,deod oi Irust,pledge, list�,assignment or olherwi:e.Neither the acce��tonce ot ihis Dcod of Trust nor i�;
<br /> enforcement whether by court uction ar pursuant to�he powar of sats or other pov�ers herein cont�ined, sh�ll preju�Yir.a or i+�cs�y ta�nr�nr,r alfrct
<br /> geneticiay's right to feulizo upon or Qnforce ony o�her security now or het�uHnr held by UeneFitiary, it beiny nyreed tl��t (fenrslicinry shnll I�e
<br /> enlitltd to enlate Ihis Deed ol Trusf unJ a��y otl�er securiry now or hereaNer held by Deneticinry in such ardet nnd mnnner ns it muy in its nb-
<br /> solute dist�etion dele►mine,flo reo�edy herein ton(erred upon or reserved to Uenelitiary is intci�ded to be exclusive of ony nih�r reinedy here�n
<br /> or by low provided or permitted,but ench sbul)be curnulutive und sholl b4 in addition to every other remeJy given hereunder or now o►heren�trr
<br /> �xisling ot law or in equily w by stutute. Eve�}► power or renieJy provided hereunder this Dec�d of Ttust Io Dt+neliciuty or ta which el mny L�
<br /> othe�wise enti�led, moy be exercised, to►uunenlly or inde��ndenlly,I�o�n time/n tinm. �md us c�ltrn<3;�nuy �iC��et�uie��rxprelii�nt �i�v�olii iwy
<br /> ard il moy pursue inconsist�m remedies.f�nthing herein sholl 6e construed us pr oh�bitin�penetic inr y 1ro�n seeF.iny n deiiciency judg�nent ayuins�
<br /> � Itie lrustor to ttb e�tent suth action is permitted by law. ' �--�-�-
<br /> - 10. Tr�dK�t/�qtH�=At�wnplon. If oll or ony ptut of Ihe vropetly or uny interest Ilccrein is so1J, �rm:sterred nr conveyed by l�ustar �
<br /> withou!9tn11itiorY's p+ia wrilt�n cansent,�MCludin9(vf�he ereutinn ot o linn or encumbrnnce suUa�dinc�te to th�s beed uf 1�ust, !b►Ih�tren-
<br /> �
<br /> flNf�f NpUltlttlf�ttt0►Ny�lRUfliy IIt1f��l1 T�I hsUf/h0id 0�7ptItl1K��, (E�o IrUlllfEO��UbYtBb,Udrodn►u•Uy upu.aN���ul�uw upam Ilfw daa�b nl n �
<br /> _ j0int tMpppt tN (d) tlif p�ant ol orty IeUttholJ interost of tl�ree Xears or I�ss not ca�itaini►�g an option to �urch�sc�. f3enelicia�y ntUY. U� �
<br /> Be�ielititnr'soptian,detlure u!I tl►e sums setured by Ihis Uced Of irusf to6b immediulely due ucid�,nynb►�,or u�u�e fhr Tr�alt�e tu lile u nnlFcr �
<br /> _� �.1 d��L..d� 8�....1:--__....• u� . • . . n..._r • i .�._ ._
<br /> � .......,c.eana:cn T srxm�nrve woivc�i svzn opiivn io crcceieroi�ir,�itQi IV �i�@ Sllr(!. ii U�r+�l•r Vr tV�i�r�ti�Kr. c�crn-�rz rr��irq� .:��.jii•:i�i7:��• �
<br /> wiwm 1tK Rxoperly is lo Ise salJ ar trunsierrodre�cl�o��eem�nl in writii��It���l Ihe ttedil ot suth prtsun is sn�islocfory Io Urn�li�icuy w;d tt�ait
<br /> tF»interes�poyuble a�the sums secur ed by I{iis Uc�d uF ii u;t s4u11 Le ul su�►��u�e us Uerrelitinry shnll req�rett. �
<br /> � ���
<br /> 4.
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<br /> �r�rn .
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