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<br /> . � � - gp-= 14��634
<br /> : OEED�f TBUS1 James D. Riley, Sharon J._ Ritey
<br /> � T�IISE�EpOFTRUSi.madethis ��� daYaf,��'�bruarv . 14 90 p�nndomanp(h�ssband and uife) James R:ley
<br /> ��.�yap�n� � pezsa�t,;.'?�ti; 3 Box 52, Wood River, NE 68��3
<br /> . ,� e s+s
<br /> � (t�en+n '�nrslor 1s�d Bank •of Wood River .�sa���'^����ss P.O. Box 48?, Wood River NE
<br /> bea�e, gea�3
<br /> (I��in"Trustee'•ond••8�raefic'�►••i.
<br /> FOR VA1�ABlE CONSIDERhTi!.�t�l, i�tclu3in4 the fndebtedsess is�entifed herein ond ti�e trust herein crealed,the reseipt of vrhich is Itereby
<br /> ackrpw�dp�d,Tnrsea irs�v�c:ri�1►9�"ts. tronsiers,ta�e�tss,and assbqns to Trustet. t!��Rt95�. lNITk4 PtlWER 4F S�►!E. for Rhe l�eakfit cnd
<br /> s�i�r dt B�t�eficiary,a�r,dtr�and sub�ct ro the terrtsand ca�ditions of this ticed af Trust,t�ereol praperty desuibed os faltaws:
<br />_ �
<br /> � ' .. ' .
<br /> � ZQGE?�'[��itiiliH, oll rent,,protils,royalties,income ond other Genefits derived trom tha ec-�s<property;all Iseses or Suh'�ses covesing tl�o ( _
<br /> t�ot ptflperty or any portion thereof, naw c►hereo(tcr exisling or entered iNo, and a11 ris�ht, titte and interest of Trus�ac t�ereunder;aif in•
<br /> t��sis, estote or other tb�ms,6otb in lox and in oquily,which Trusior now has ar may hereaiter acquire in the real prope�tyJ ol1 easements, . `_��
<br /> riphls-of•way, tenements,hereditaments ond appurtenances thereof and thereto; afl oil ond gas rights and protits,vrater rights anr�water
<br /> � staks all r'rght,titk and interest of Trustor,now owned ar he�eatte�ocguired,in und fo any land lying within the right•of-way ot ony strest or -
<br /> � hi9hway adjoinitg fhe real ptoperty, ony and a��6uildings, tixtures,improvements, and oppurtenances now or hereotter erected therean or
<br /> bZ�an�is�p thcreto, (herein reier�ed to os"Improvement"or"►mprovements");and any ontl all awards made far the tuking by eminent damoin
<br /> or bY anr p�«eedi�p or pwchos����f v f��nterest her b o conv4yed f o Trustee he�e n co(lectivety relerred to as the"Proyerty".
<br /> � NI of 1h�lorepo�rg estate.Proper Y y . -
<br /> (o}Tito{trsymtnf ot indebtedness evideisced by Trustor's nos�a1 c{�:n�tute herew+lh in the principal sum of �p0,000.00
<br /> . �ne hundred thausand aRd no/100 -----------------------°---- —��lors (S �•
<br /> ' ao9elher with interest al the rote or rates p�ovided therein,(herein,togeihtr�t�fh ony oi�d oll�enewals,modititatiQns,and exiensions�hereot,
<br /> ' r�(ttr�d to os 11M"Nate"�both prirxipa)and interest on Ihe Note 6eing pcYciGl+!in nccordaixe wilh the fenns se1 lorll�tl�erein, retererue to
<br /> which is h�rtby rnode.tt»1ina1 paymenf of principfll and interest,if not sooner paid and iF ao renewnls,modilications or extensions ore mnde, - .
<br /> dw a�d peYobk cn March 1, 1R�i and annually thereafter throu�� ^��a ':__r__^1Ldine,�Szfih 1� 2005__._�s - ;
<br /> � �b)TM performonte ol each apreem�:t n�d tov�:�on1 of Trustor herein contu+ned;and �'�
<br /> (t)TI�e poyment of ar�}r sufn or svr�s oi money with interest thereon wiiith mcy be hereofter paid or advanced under the torms of Ihis Oeed of `:,�♦
<br /> , Trost.
<br /> (d)The paymenf of any iufure ndvaar,�s netessary to protett the seturity or any�uture advance made at Il�e option of the parlios;and
<br /> (e)The per(ormo�ce of on obl+yptian�cf any other persan named in this Trusf Q2ed to o beneliciarY�
<br /> 1,f�Y�1�}�ri�dpG�n/le��nst.Trustcr st'aull p�omplly pay when du�tli�s principal o(and interest on the indebtedness evi�er�cnd by tl�e
<br /> Nole,aM!�li olher chaqes and fees�s provide�in il�e Nate,ond the printipok of ond interest vn any Wturc Advantes sacu►ed by 11ti5 Deed of
<br /> _ �,�� Trust.
<br /> 2.IMwr�IY�t TitIR, irustor is lawlulty seited and possesset�uf good and indeteosiUla tillr. ond estotc tv Ihe Prope►�y hcrehy conveyed aid
<br /> hos the tigfit to prant unt! tonrer the property: the Property is dree and el¢vr oI oll liens ond encumbrunces except liens now oi reca►d;ond
<br /> Ttustor will waronf w�d deTend tht tifle to the Proptrt}►agoinst cll ctuims and demonds.
<br /> ' , 3,M�tMwc��t�c�+irJtb l�w�.Trustor sltof)kee{�ihe Properly in good cm�d"+tion and repair ond shull nol commit waste or permit
<br /> � �', ' impoirmtnt c�deitr'ro►oNon of ths Pro�e�ty and shall tomply wlff►lPie provisions ot ony leosa iF tliis Ueed of trust is on o�easehold.No inrprove-
<br /> �� , men��qw or hereoJler et4tled upon tt�e Property shall be altered,removed or demolisltied withoul the prior written cons�n�of Qeneticiory. , ' _T
<br /> Trustor shollromply withail luws,ordinaretes,�egulations,covenanta;conditioas ond restrictions a(lecting the Property a�x!r,a1 commit,su(far,
<br /> or permif ony Gtl to bR done in or upan the{'ropsHy in viololion o1 any fow,ordinnnce,requtotion,tovenant, condi�ion or rrs►riction.7rus�oc
<br /> � stall eomptete a restore promptty aad in good wo�kmantike manner any improvement on the Property which moy be do+�,ug^d er deslroyed a��d ;
<br /> pop,wMn dut,oN tlaims�or Irbar V��otmeJ ond mcferinls fi�rnished tlterefore und for o�y altero�ions tliereol.
<br /> - i. i+;f,ti�rw��..;sst.:.,a!i!.�x�r.�,�'+�fl4 tr!��nta�n witlt insurers a�proved by Beneliti�►y, insurarrce with respetf to tfic Im�ravcine�its�nd �
<br /> �! persorw)propKlr.tonstituiing Ihe Property,ugainslloss by(ire,lightning,tarnnda,and othct perils nnd hoiards covered 6y stan�ard exteRdCd �'
<br /> • .• •.0---1_, • 1. U e. nl nn�i�ttufHtl�A O�fSltlS�SUEFI
<br /> � eoverope en6orsemen►.in ac�amouni eqvoi rv or Peasr ong inmdreu perce��� �� �:��w���yR,•.�:.�a �a.:,C ..:...�--
<br /> ather horads ard in such arcwunts�s is customnrily c�rried by owners Und operators of sirnular properlias or os Beneliciary moy requ�rn 1or its
<br /> profeclibn.TruStor wil{tomply�i1h suth other reqv�rements us Uene1itiary mny�rom time to time requesllor 1he�rotettias►6y iasuran:c oi the '
<br /> intatsls o)the tes{reclire ptulies. Al)insutance patities muintairted pursuur�l to this Oeed af ?�ust s��ol{nnme Irvslor am.f pe�telic;my us �n �
<br /> `"� � sureQs,us�he�r�es�eztire ir�tc�esls moy appsr�r, nn�provide 1t�at there shn►1 he no cunce�!���io��or ca,odi(ica�ion wi�hovr��v fess �h��t t 5�t�,yy ' �
<br /> +- qi!+t rn+lt(�tbtilitvtion to (ieneiit�+ary. 1n Ihe evtM any polity h¢reun�er is nut rene�ea o+�o*bc�ore 15 d.�ya t,riu� t�r ils pR�,irntiv�f d�itr. .
<br /> 8l+�EeCiotq rr1Uy��otU�!Sutli inSutllnLQ itl(FCCOtdUnCt7 wi�h tt�p provigiUng uI pt�t�'�rttµf►7 licreof. Ttustor s��ut1�e�cv�r rr� t�r�nfic�a�y►'�K t��,R.�::-'•` :' J
<br /> ��litiet o1 ir�sUtt�rsce«r:btr��r�wois�hr�ea)or n:em�t���ies<�E s�c(s��o!:cies itn�I►FtMv,fJ�C tl�riPi?
<br /> ( Fnilv:ctufv��,�;fttv.���:�vi�a�t�rt��1;u��pr r��
<br /> renE�a1S US�Equ:scd h��CCnt_1�►s���'1,u►IIrG cptia;�o�tienel�uu►y,COt:SSi!!►1C tl VCtt7J:►.
<br /> �� �
<br /> .f�
<br /> -_r=V=
<br /> -, .
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