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2� 1 ��87�3 <br /> i��eres� from �he da�� �f disbursement at �he same rate assessed on advan�es under th.e �ontr�.c� an�i sha11 be <br /> payab�e,v�ith int�res�,upon notice from Lender��Barrower request�ng paymen�. <br /> Inspectian. Lender or �ts agent may make reasonab�e en�ries upan and inspecti�ns �f the Proper�y. Lender sha�l <br /> g�ve Barro�er no�ice a�the�zme of�r prior�o ar�.�nspec�ian specifying reasonab�e�ause for the i.�s�ection. <br /> Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or��a�m for damages, d�rect or cvnsequen��a�, in ca�.�.ection v�rith any <br /> cond.emna�zor�ar ather�akzng of any par�of the Praperty, or f�r ��nveyance in��eu af�ondem�at�a�., are hereby <br /> assigned and sha11 be paid��Lerider. <br /> �n �he eve�� af a �vta� �a�ing af the Propert�, �he proceeds shal� be app��ed �o the sums secured�y this Securi� <br /> Instrumen�, vvhe�her or nat then due, vv�th any exc�ss paid to ��rrovver. In �he event of a part�a� taking of th� <br /> Property �n�vhich the fair market value �f the property�mmed�ate�y bef�re �he �aking is equal to or greater�han <br /> �he amoun�of�he sums secured by �his Security Ins�rument immedia�e�y before �he �aking, ux��ss �3orr�wer and <br /> Lender o�herwise agree�n�rriting,the sums secured b��his S ecurity Iristrumen�shal�be reduced�by the amauz�t of <br /> the proceeds mu�����ied b�the fo��ow�ng frac��an: �a}the�ota�amount af the sums secured immed�ately before the <br /> �aking, divided by �b� �he fair marke�value of the Property �mmed�ate�y�efare �he taking. Any ba�ance sha�� be <br /> paxd to Barr�v�rer. �n the even�af a par��a� �a�ing of�he Property �n which �he fa�r market va�ue �f��.e Proper�r <br /> zmmedia�e�y befare the �a�ing is less �han �he amaur�� of�he sums secured immedza�ely before the tak�ng, un.�ess <br /> Borrawer and Lender otherwzse agree zn wr��zng ar un�ess App��cab�e La�v o�.taerw�se prov�des, �h�proceeds shal� <br /> be app�ied to�he sums secured by�his Secux i�.y Ins�rumen�vvhe�her or no��he sums are th�r�due, <br /> If�he Pr�perty�s abandone�by Barra�ver, or if, after nat�ce by Ler�der�fl �3orrower�hat t�ie c�nd��or affers�o <br /> m.a�e an award��set�le a��aim for damages}B�rrower fa��s�o respond�a Lender within�he minimum number af <br /> days estab��shed by App��cab�e Law afte�'the da�e the no�ice is given,Lender is authorized to co�1e��a�d apply�he <br /> proceeds, at its opti�r�, either t� res�orat�o� or repa�r of the Propexfiy or to the sums secured by �is Security <br /> �ns�rument,v�rhethe�or r�o�then due. <br /> Unless L�n�er and Borrower o�herwise agree in wrz�ing, any app��ca��on of proceeds ta principal s�a�l�no�ex�end <br /> or postpone the due date of the paymer��s due under the Con�rac�or change�he amaunt af such payn���ts. <br /> �orrovver Not Reieased�; Forbearance By Lender No� a �a�ver. Extens�an of the �irn� �`�� paymen� ar <br /> modif ca�ian of am�r�ization of�he sums se�ured by this SecU.ri�y �ns�rument gran�ed by L�nder to �o�rotiver or <br /> any su�cess�r xn �n�erest of BorroWer shall n�� aperate ta release the ��abz��ty of th� or�gina� �orrawer or <br /> Barro�ver'�successors in interes�. Lender sha��no�be requir�d to con�nence proceedings agaix�st a�.y successar�n <br /> interes�ar r�fuse t�ex�end�ime fnr paym�n�or otherw�se m�d�fy axnvrt�za�ion of�he sums secured by this 5ecurity <br /> �nstrument by reason �f any demand made by the �riginal Borra�er or Barrower's successnrs in int�res�. Any <br /> forbeara.nce by Lender zn exercis�ng any r�gh�or remedy shall no�be a wazver of ar preclude �he exercise of any <br /> righ�or rem�dy. <br /> Success�rs and Assxgns B�und; Joint and Several L�abx��ty; Accommodativn Signers. The covenan�s and <br /> agreemen�s �f�his Security Ins�rument sha1T bind a�.d benef t��ae su�cessors and assigns of L�r�de�'and Barr�wer, <br /> subjec� �o �.he pravis��ns of s�c�iQn �itled Transfer of the Property or a Benef�c�a� Interes� in B�rrov�er. <br /> Borrourer's cavena�.�s and agreemen�s sha��he�oin�and severa�. Any persan who ca-signs this Securit�r�ns�rurnen� <br /> but has n� �ersona� �iabz�i�y und�r �he Con�ract �"Accamrnadatzon 5�gner"}: �a} is co-signir�g �his Secur�ty <br /> �ristrt�ment onl�r �o martgage, grant and convey �hat Accommoda��on 5igner's �nteres� �n �he Prop�r�y under the <br /> �erms af �he 5��urzty �nstrument; (�} xs nat persona�ly vbligated �o pay the sums secured by this Securi�y <br /> Instrumen�; and�c} agrees tha�Lender and a.�y other Barr�vver ma�agree to extend, madzfy, forbear or make any <br /> acc�mmodat�ons wz�h.r�gard t��he terms of this Securxt��nstrument�r�he�o�tract vvxthout tha�Acc�mmoda��on <br /> Sxgner's consent. <br /> I�oan Charges. �f�he Iaan secured �by this Securit�r In�trurnent is sub��c� tfl a �avv which se�s maximum �aan <br /> charges, and tha��aw�s f na1�y in�erpre�ed sa that�he �n�erest vr a�her laan charges ca��ected ar to�be co��ected in <br /> cannectian vvi�h the loan exc�ed the permit�ed limi�s, �hen: �a� any such loan charge sha�l b� rec�uced by �h� <br /> amaunt necessary�o reduce the charge to the permit�ed �imi�s and��} any sums already collec�ed from��rrawer <br /> which exceeded perm���ed �zm�ts Wzl� be refu�der� �a Barrower. L�nder may cho��e �o ma�� �h�s refund by <br /> reducing the prir�cipa� o��d under the C�z��rac� or�by mak�ng a direG�payment�o Barro�rer. �f a re�'uza�.reduces <br /> pr�ncipa�,the reduCtiian vvill be�reated as a par�ia�p�repaymen�urider�he C�n�ra�t. <br /> Nfl�zces. Any notice to Borro�ver prov�ded for in this Secur�ty �n�trument shall �be given by de�zvering i� �r by <br /> ma�Izng it by f rst class rn.a��unless App�i�ab�e LaW requires use af another rn.e��aod. The notice shali be directed to <br /> �he Prflpear�y Address or ariy a�her address Borrou��r d�s�gna�es by notice ta Lender. Borrower agrees �o prov�de <br /> L�nder vvi��Borrow�r's most current mai�zng address, a� iti may change fram��rne-to-�ime. Any notice t� Lender <br /> sha11�e give�.by�rst c�ass mail to Lender's address sta�ed here�n ar any nther address Lender designates�y nat�ce <br /> �a B�rr�vver. Any�.ot�ce prflvided for in thxs Security Instrum.ent shall be deemed�o have been gi�en�o Borr�wer <br /> ar Lender�heri given as prov�ded irz�his paragraph. <br /> �overning Law; S�verabi�ity.Thzs Security�sha��be gaverned by federa�Iavv and�h��aws of�he state <br /> of Nebraska. In the even.� that any provision or c�ause of�h�s Se�urity Ins�rumen� or �he Contract conflzcts ���h <br /> Applicable Law, such conflict sha�l na�affect o�her pravis�ons af th�s Securit�Instrumen� or the Cantrac�vvhich <br /> can be given effec�w��hou��1ie conf��c�ing pr�vzs��n. To�his end�he provisions of th�s Security Ins�ru.tnen�and�he <br /> Con�rac�are declar�d�o b�severable. <br /> Borr�wer's�opy.Barrower sha��be given one copy of this Secur�fi�Inst�rumen�. <br /> �2��4-2415 Compliance Systems,�rtc.618A-A5C6-2015.� i 5 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instr�ment DLZ�3� Page 3❑f 5 www.compliancesystems,cam <br />