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2� 1 ��87�3 <br /> Tra�sfer�f th�Property�r a I3ene�cxa�In�erest�n Bflrr�we�-.If a�l�r any part of the Pr�pert�y�r an�in�eres� <br /> in it is sold nr �ransferred �ar if a beneficial in�eres� in Bflrrower is so�d ar �ransferred and Borrower is not a <br /> na�ural persan} �vi��out Lender's prt�r v�rrit�en consent, Lend�r may, a� its optian, require immedia�e pay�ent in <br /> fu11 of all sum� secured by �his Securi�.y Tns�rumen�. However, �hi� op�io�n sha�I not be exerc�sed by Le�der if <br /> exercis�is pr�hibi�ed b�f�d�ral Ia�as of the da��of th�s 5e�uri�y In�trumem�. <br /> If Lender exer��ses this opti�n, Le�.der sha�� g�v� Borr�wer no�i�e of acceleratian. The not�ee shali pr��ide a <br /> period of z�ot less �han the minimu.m number of days established��Appl:icable Law fr�m the dat� th� na�ice is <br /> �ie�ivered or mai�ed v�r��,hin v�rh�ch Borrower rnus�pay al� sums secu�red by� this 5ecuri�y �nstrument. �f B�rrovver <br /> fai�s �o pay�h.ese sums pri�r to �he exp�ratz�n o�'th�s p�riod, Lender ma�r invoke any remedies perm�tted by th�s <br /> Security�ns�en�wi�hout fur�her notice�r d�rr�and on Barravver. <br /> Borrovver�s R�ght to Reinstate. If B�rrower meets certain c�ndi�ions, �3arrawer sha�� have the righ� to have <br /> enforcement of this ��curity�ns�rumen�di�c�n�ir�ued at any�ime pr�or�� the earlier of: �a} 5 days �or such o�her <br /> period as App�icabie Law may specify for re�nst�.temen�}befare sale of the Proper�y pursuant t� any po�v�r of sale <br /> contained in t�is Secur�ty �nstrument; or �b� entry of a �udgment e�fo:r�ing ��.is 5ecurity �ns�rument. Those <br /> condi�ions are that Borrow�r: �a� pays Le�der aIl sums �rhich�he�wn�x�d be due under �his 5ecurity �ns�en� <br /> and�he�antrac�as if no acce�era�ion had o�curred;�b�cures any default af any other covenan�s or agrecmex��s;tc} <br /> pays a1I expens�s incurred in enforcing this 5e�urit�r Instrument, i�cluding,bu�not�imited to,r�asanable�.ttQrneys' <br /> fees �o �he ex�ent perm��ted by la�v; and �d�takes such act�on as Lernder may reasonably re�uire to a�sure�hat the <br /> �ien af thi.s Securi�Instrument,Lender's rights in the Prop�r�y and I3�rrovt��er's ob�iga��on�o pay the surms secured <br /> by �his Security Instrument shail c�n�inue �.u�.changed. Upon re�nsta�ern�nt by Borrnvver, th�s Security �ns�umen� <br /> and �he �bligat�Qns secured hereby sha11 r�main fu��y effectiv� as if no acreleration had o�curred. Hotivev�r, �his <br /> r�ght�.�re�ns�a�e shall not a��ly in�he case flf ac�e�era�ion under�h�sec�ia�1 titled Transfer of the Property or a <br /> Ben�f��ial In�erest in B�rr�wer, <br /> Hazardou5 Su�stan�es.Borrotiver sha��not�ause or permit the pr��ence,t�se, disposal, storage, or re�ease of any <br /> Hazardous Substances�n or in the Property.�3orrovver shall not do,r�or aI1Qw anyane e�se�o d�,anythin�affec��ng <br /> the Pr�perty that is in violation of any Environmental LaW. The preceding �wo sentences shal� n�t app�y�o the <br /> presence,use,�r storage on the Property flf small quan�ities of H�.zar�ous S�ubs�a.nces that are genera�ly re�agnize�. <br /> �o be appropria��to n�rma�r�s�den�ial uses and t�main�enance of��Prop�:rty. <br /> Borr��ver sha��prampt�y give Lender writ�en notice�f any inv�stigatian,claim, demand,�awsu��ar other ac�ion by <br /> any governmen�al ar r�gu�atory agency ar priva�e par�y involv�ng the Pra��erfiy and any Ha�ardous Substa.nce ar <br /> Env�ronmen�a.I La�v of �vh�ch Borrovver ha� actua� l�nowl�dge. If ]Bo��ower learns, or is notif ed by any <br /> governmen�al or regula�ory au�hority, �ha�any rernflval ar a�her rem�dia�iora�f any Hazard�us Substance affec�ing <br /> the Property i� necessary, Borra�ver sha�� proxnp��y �ake all nec�ssa�y remedial actions in acc�rdanc� wi�h <br /> Environme��a.1�,aw. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are th�se substances d�:f ned as tax�c or hazardous sub�tances <br /> by Enviranmen�a� Lativ and �.ie follaw�ng subs�ances: gasoline, keros�n�, o�her flamma�ble or toxzc pe�ol�um <br /> produc�s, �oxic p�sticid�s and herb�c��ies, v�lati�e solven�s, rnateria�s con�taining asbes�as �r forma�d�hy�:e, and <br /> radioa�tive ma��rials. As use�i�n�his paragraph, °'E�viranmental Lav►r" n�eans f�deral la�vSrs an�laws of t�e sta�e of <br /> Nebraska that r�la�e ta heal�h,safety or environmen�al protec�i�n. . <br /> Accel�rationg ]RemQdies. Lender shall give notic� �o Barrti�vver pri�r �� accelera�ion following B��-r�v��r's <br /> bre��h af an��ovenant�r agre�ment im th��Security Instrumen�or thfe��ntract under,which ��c�leration <br /> is permit�ed��u� not pri�r to a�c�leration �nder the se�ti�n �iti�d Transfer �f the Praperty or a���ne�c�a� <br /> In�erest in �3�rrower, �xnless Applicable L��v �r�v�des oth�rwi5��. The not��e sha�� specify: �a) the d�fau�t; <br /> �b� the act��n required ta cure the d�fault; �c� a date, r�o� less ����n the xn�nimum nur�n�er o� days <br /> established by Appli�abl�Law from the�ate the n�tice is g�ve��o Bor:rower,by which the default n�ust be <br /> cured; and ��I} that failure to cure the �efau�t on or b�fore th� date ��eci�ed in the notice may re�u�t �n <br /> a�celeratior� Q� the sum� se�ur�d b� th�s S��ur�ty Instrur�ent and ��a�e of the Property. To th� extent <br /> perr�utted by��w, �he n�ti�� shal�furth�r�nfc�rm Barrow�r of the x�ght�o reins�ate after acc�l�ra��n and <br /> �he right to bring a court ac�ion to ass�rt t�.�n�n�ex�st�nce of a�le�ault or any�the�d�fens��f Borrn�ver to <br /> acceXexa��or� �nd�a��.If the defau��is not cur�d �n ar befor� th� da�e sp�c�f�ed�n the n�ti�Q,Ler�der at its <br /> opt�on may re�uire ixx�n�ed�ate paymen� in ful� of alI su�s sec�ured �ry thi� Secu�ty Instrum�n� w��h�ut <br /> furt�er demand and may invnke the po�ver of s�Ie and a�.y �t��r r�xrnedies per�xu�ted by A�plicabl� Law. <br /> T� the �xtent �ernrutted by �aw, Lender �hal� be entitled ta c�llect al� expenses �n�urred in pursu�ng the <br /> remed�es pro�id�d in thi�Secti�n,in�ludin�,�ut not l�n���d to�reas� attorneys' fees an�costs�f title <br /> evid�nce. <br /> If the�vrwe�-of sa�e�s�nvoked, Trustee shall rec�rd a noti�� �f defaul�in each cou�ty in whYch any part of <br /> the Propert�is lv�a�ed and sha�l mail cop���af such not�ce i� th�m�nr��r prescribe�l by App�icable La�v to <br /> Borro�ver �.nd to the ath�r persons pres�ribed by Applicab�� I.1avv. A�'ter the �ime re�uired by.As.pp���ab�e <br /> Layv, Trustee �hall g�ive pu�ii� natic� of sale t� �he person� an�1 xn �he manner pres�ribed �y Applic�b�e <br /> Law. Trustee,�ithout demand�n Borrvwer, �hall sell the Prop�rty at public auction �n �he high�s��idder <br /> at the t�me and p�ace and under the terms d�signated in�he no�i�e of S�Ie in one or more par��ls a�d�n any <br /> vrder Trustee deterrnuines. Trustee may p�stpone sa�e vf all �r any� parCe� of the PrQperty by �ublic <br /> annvuncem�nt a�the�ime and place vf ar�y previ�usly sch�du�e�i s�.Ie.1:�ender ar its designee r��.y purchase <br /> the Pr�perty a�any�alee <br /> U�ao� �ece�pt vf payment�f the pr�ce bid, Trust�e sha�� del�ver �o the�urchaser TruSteers deed �on�e�ing <br /> �he Pr�p�rty. 'I'he recita�s�n the Trusteeps deed shall be prima f�c�e ev�denc� of�he tru�h vf th�statements <br /> C�2004-2015 CampIiance Systems,Ir�c.518A-A6C6-2Q 1 S.12.3.1.l 115 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-SeGurity Instrument DL2436 Page 4 af 5 <br />