2� 1 ��87�3
<br /> Payment of Prin�ipal and In�erest; �th�r Char��s.Bflrro�ver shal�prfl�:np�ly pay when due the princip�.l af and
<br /> in�erest❑n the debt awed under�he�ontract and�a�e charges ar any o�her��e�s and�harges due under the�on�ract.
<br /> Ap�licable Law. As us�d in this Security In��rument, �he term "A�ap��cable Lav�" sha11 mean a11 c��z�ro�ling
<br /> app�icable federal, state and 1oca� sta.�utes, ��g�.la�ions, ordinances and ad.m�.nzs�ra�ive rul�s and �rders ��ha�have
<br /> the effect of 1ativ�as vve�l as a11 applicable f nal,��an-appealable jud��ial�piinions.
<br /> Charges; Liem.s. Barrovver shall pay alI ta�es, a55�5Sri1�11�5, charges, fi:nes and imposi�ions at�ribu�ble ta the
<br /> Praperty v�hich may attain priari�y o�er th.i� ���urity�nstrun�ent, and leasehold payments or ground ren�s, �f any.
<br /> At the reques�of Lend�r,B�rro�rer sha1�pr�mptly furnish to Lend�r r�cei��s evidencir�g�he pa�m�n�s.
<br /> Borrovver shal�promp��y discharge any Iien which has priarity��er th�� S�curity�nstrumen�t unless�arro�ver: �a}
<br /> agrees xn wri��ng �a �he paymen� of the �bliga��on secured by th� 1i�n in a maxu�er accep�able to Lender; �b}
<br /> cont�sts �n gaad faith the lien by, ar defend� against enforc�ment of�he lien in, Iegal pr�ceedings whic� �n �he
<br /> Lender's opi�ax�n aperate to prevent �he enforcem�nt af�he lien; �r ��} se�ures from �he holder �f the Iien an
<br /> agreem��.�sa�isfact�ry�❑ Lender subord�ating the Iien to this Securi�y Ins�rument. �f Lender�ietermir��s�ha�any
<br /> par�af�he Pr�perty is sub�ect�fl a lien urhi�h may atta�n priority over th�s 5ecur�ty Instrument, Le�der may give
<br /> Bflrrov�er a n����e iden�ifying th� ��en. Borro�ver shall sat�sfy�he Ii�n or tE�.ke�ne ar mare of the �ctions set for�h
<br /> abvve vtrithin 1 fl days af the g�ving of r�otice.
<br /> Ha�ard ar Pr�perty Imsu�ance, Borravv�r sha�l k�ep the irr�prove�n�r��s�zow existing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Property insur�d aga�nst�oss by fire,hazards��c�uded wi�h�n the�erm"ex.�ended cvverage" and any othe�r ha�ards,
<br /> inc�ud�ng floads or �laad�ng, f�r tivhich Lender re�u�res insurance. Thi� insurance shall be rnain�a�ned in �he
<br /> amou.�.ts and for�he p�ri�ds that Lender requ�res. The insurance cax-�-i�r praviding the i.nsurance sha1l be ch�sen by
<br /> Borrovv�r su�jec� to �ender's appr�val which shall not be unreasflnab�y �vt�i�hheld. �f Borr�Wer fails t� main�ain
<br /> �overage described above, Lender may, at Lender's vp�ion, obta�n cav�rage �a protect Lender$s r�ghts in �ie
<br /> Pr�per�y in a�cordance with se�tion�it��d Prat������of Lender's l�ghts i�the Property.
<br /> AI1 insurance policies ar�d renetiva�s shall be a��eptable �� L�nder �and shall �nclude a �tandard m�r�gag� clause.
<br /> Lender shall have th�r�gh��to hold the p�l�c��s and rene�va�s. If Lender requires,Borrau�er sha1l pro�npt�y gzve to
<br /> Lender a�l receipts af pa�d prem�ums and r�n�v�a�no�ices. In the event of Ioss, B�rravc�er shal�g�ve pramp�not�ce
<br /> �o�h�insuranc�carrzer and L�nder.Lend�r m�.y make pr�of�f�oss i.f nat n�ade pramptly by Borra�e�.
<br /> Unless Lender ar�d Borra�ver o�herw�se agree in urriting, insurance proceeds shal� be applied �o restor�tior� or
<br /> repair of�he Property darnaged, if, in Lender's soi�e discre�i�n, the r�sfor��tioa� ar repa�_r is economi�a��� feasible
<br /> and Lender's s�curity is no� lessened. If, in Len�er4s so�e discreti�n, the r��stvratian �r repair�s nofi �c�nom�.ca�ly
<br /> f�asib�e or Lender's security would be�essened,�he�nsurance prace�ds sha:ll be app�ied�a the sum�secu.r�d by�his
<br /> 5ec�r�ity Instrument, v�rhe�her �r n�t then due, with any excess pa�d t� Borrower. If B�rrawer �bar�dons the
<br /> Property, or daes not answer�vvithin the numb�r�f days prescr�bed by A�p:l��ab��Law as set f�r�h in a notice fr�m
<br /> Lender t� B�rrower that the insurance carrier has flffered ta �e�tle a cla�m:, th�n Lender may col�e���he insurance
<br /> proceeds. Le�c�er may use�he pra�eeds �a repair or res�ore �e Praper�y ar to pay su�ns secured by this Security
<br /> Zns�rumen�,vvhe�her or no�then due.The p�ria d�f time for B�rrov�er�a an��vver as set forth in the n�tice�ri��b eg�n
<br /> when�he no�ice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrawer o�ier�rise agree �n writing, any applica�ian of proceeds�o principal sha.11 no�extend
<br /> or postpone�h� due da�e af the payments due urrder the Contract�r change�he amflun��f the payments. If under
<br /> the sec��on ti�l�d.A►c�e�eration; Reme�ies, �he Prop�rty is a��uir�d by Lender, BarrovUer's rxght to any�n�urance
<br /> polici�s and proceeds resul�ing fram damage �o �ie Property pr��r�a �he acquisitian �hall pass to Lender ta the
<br /> ex�ent of the sums secured by this 5ecuxi.ty Instrumen��mmed�ately prior�n�he acquis�ti�n.
<br /> Pre�e�vation, Ma�ntenar�ce and Protection of ��xe Property; ��rr���r's Loan Application; LeaS�ho�ds.
<br /> �arrower sha�I no�destroy, damage ar impair�h.e Praper�y, al�ow the Property�Q de�eri�ra�e, nr comm��vvas�e on
<br /> the Property. Borrower sha��be in defau�t if any forfeiture actian ar pr�cee��.ing,v�rhe�her civi�Qr cr�m�na�,�s begun
<br /> that �n L�nder's good fai�h judg�.ent cou�d resu��in forfei�ure af the Prfl�e�-ty ar otherwise ma�eriaX�y impa�r the
<br /> Iien created by �his Se�u.ri�y �n�trument or Le�der's secur�ty in�er�st. Barrov�rer may cure such a default and
<br /> reinstate, as provided in sec�io�.�i�l�d��r��vver'� �.tig�� �o l�ein�����,by causing�he act�on or pr�ceedzr�g�� be
<br /> dism�ssed with a ru�ing that,in Le�.der's good faith de�ermina�ion,�r���ude,�forfeiture of the Borro�er's ir��eres�in
<br /> �he Property or a�h�r m.a�erial impairmen� of the lien creat�d �y �his S�cux�ty Ins��u�n�n� or Le�d�r's �ecur�ty
<br /> in�eres�.B�rro�ver sha�I alsa be�n defaul�if Borr��wer,during�he Ioan appl��cation pracess,gave ma�er�a���r false or
<br /> inac�urate informati�n ar s�atem.ents to L�r�der �ar fai�ed ta provi�e L,er.�der with any material znfar�nation� in
<br /> connection wi.�h the �oan e�idenced by the Con�ract. If this Security�ns�rumen�is �n a�easeho�d, B�rrfl�ver sha�1
<br /> comply vv�.th aI�the pr�visians af�he�ease, If Eorra�ver acquires fee ti�Ie��the Property,the Ieaseh�Id�nd�he fee
<br /> ti�Ie shall no�merge unle�s Lende�agrees�o�h�r�erger in writing.
<br /> Pratect�on vf Lend�r's Rights in the Property. �f Borro�er fa��s �a perfarm the covenants and a re�men�s
<br /> �
<br /> contained�n�h�s Secu.rity�nstrument,or�h�re is a legal proceeding that ma��r significan�ly affect L�nder's r�ghts in
<br /> the Prop�rty �such as a proceeding �n ban�r�xptcy, pr�bate, for �ondemnation or farfeiture ar to �nforc� I�ws �r
<br /> regula�i�ns}, then Lender may da and pa� for vvha�ever is necessar�y �a pr��ect the value of th� Propert� and
<br /> Lend�r's righ�s in the Property, Lende�'s ac�ion�may include paying��y stu:ns secured b�a lien whi�h h�s rior�
<br /> � �Y
<br /> over th�s 5ecur��y Ins�rument, appearing in�o�,paying reasonab�e a��orneys'fees and en�ering�n the Pr��erfiy ta
<br /> make repairs.Although Lender may take actian under this sect�an,Lender daes n��have to do s�.
<br /> Any amou.n�s disburs�d by �endcr under this sec�ion sha�� becom.e additic�nal de�t of Borrower s�cured by this
<br /> SeCl�x'1ty InSt�ment. Unless Bflrrawer and L�nder agree to o�her tern�s ��f payment, �hese amo�nts shali bear
<br /> ��444-2015 C�mpliar�ce 5ystems,Inc,d 18A-A5C6-2�1 S,I2.3.1,I 1�5
<br /> Consuaner Real Estate-Se�urity Instrument I]L2�3d Page�❑f 5 www.carnpliar�cesystems.corr;
<br />