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<br /> -- .. -tSi�''�����6.."'`t•�'�j*"��-•.�atas......:.�... _�'x��`<�°1�ii�a.�',':;;�-• :y^� .c*a: <.�:":• :�;s�43`n.}.v.�%s ic:-.�i�:�"•G��'TZ`��..�.sSi.'�(���z..�FP�— 5-�'t�:.3���•��t�.�e.�e.�:g.: �C_: ---
<br /> i �
<br /> � �--�10052� . .
<br /> 1 i.Att�Mr�ltM•UpN(?�twMe R/ell�Iflj�Ii. UDon detault by Trustor in the payment of or perforn�ante of If�e tcrms nizd ra�xi�Ua��s ot
<br /> the Nota,or ony tetiew�ls,madifieattons�r exfensions ff►ereof,or fhe payment oE ony other indebtednQSS 5ecarrectliereby or in the periorm�nc�
<br /> of aay of the converta�ts or ogreements hereuctder.8enetitiory may d�cture ai!sums seeure�hr.rehy immediatefy due,and payabte and 1!�susne
<br /> --- shail ilxrtt�pon betort�e due a�d paya6te vrithfluf presenimtnt,dernrnid,protest or notice o1 any ki�td. ihcrcntter, �}c��rfici�uy,mcry delivcr�a
<br /> rTnr�tee o�r�tten declaration of detautt aad darwnd for sofe.Trustee shall have the pawer o�sale of tho Froperiy nr,d it Beneticiary decides the
<br />— Pronefi�r is to be sold i1 shaH deposit wilh Trustea this �eed of Trust and the ttote or notes vrid an�othcr dncurr�ents evidencing expenditures
<br /> secure6 hereby,ond slwfl tklirtr to Trustet e vrritfen nolice of detaul!ond etection ro cnuse Ilie ProperSy In be sold,ond Trus�ce,in fun►, shn!1
<br /> prepare a s+milar�ofice in the iarn required bY low which shall bc duiy fifed tar record by Trustee. � .
<br /> - (a)Affer the lopse ot such timt as may 6e required by law following the recordation af Hotice oF Qefault.and tFotiG3 af Defovlt ond Notice nf
<br /> Sok hovirq 6een giren os required 6y fow,Trostee.wittw�t dema�d on Tnntor, shnll sell the Propert��in one er more pnrcels and in su�:h ordet
<br /> � os Trusta�v determine on the dote and at the time and place designated in said Natice of Sale,at public rn�ctian to the higltiest�idder, fhe pur-
<br /> chate prite payaWe in cash in bwtul money of the United Siates at the time af salr.The person tnnducfing the sele moy,for any tnuse heor thg .
<br /> deems expedienl,�►astpone the sale from iime lo time untit it shal!be completed and�in e�cr�such case,nvtice of postponement shc{t�e q+verr
<br /> by public tkcfaration thereof 6y such person at the lime and ptace last appflinted iar the sQte;provided,it the sale is postponed far tcnger thaR �
<br /> one(i�dax beYond the day designated in the Natice af Sale, notice thereof s{iQ11 be given in the some monner as tF�e��girut Neticp of Sofe. ,
<br /> Trustee shall exltule and deliver to the purcfiaser its Deed conveying the Praperty so sold,.6ut w+thout any converiaiit ar.xerras;tK,e�ress,or
<br />_ irt+ptied. The tetitols in the Dted of ony matters or fac3s sha�l be tnrctlusive prooF uF tf�e aa�thfulness thereof.Any �esso�,inctu�+i�.r�ithflut .
<br /> fimitotion Frust+ee,may purchose ot Ihe sale. . .'.`�'��:
<br /> (b).Wt+en Trusfee sell�pursuont to thc powersh�r�;�,Yrustee stwll appl�Ih�prmccedsRrfho snla ln payment of fhe casts msd erpr.ns�s oI , ,
<br /> txetcis'u�qfh�powecet�41�.�nd ot IGe salt,including,wilhout(imitotion,lhe p�5;rnez�I ot Tna�t�e's fees iiicurred,which Ifustee�s�r.-e*y��i�oil nut .
<br /> ` in the aggr�rfe exce�i tke follawing amounts 6osed upnn the amount secv�rd.�i�r,Ji}�ii►rd�remuining�snpuid: 5 percentum eri tl,�ao[unce .
<br /> � , thereof;ond then to fhe.items set fohh in subporagraph(c►hereol in the arde�lfl��iri stuir=_ii: ,
<br /> (cj Atter paXing 11te Fttliu spetified in su6paro�raph(6),if the saln is by Tru�'�_�__,:+�r�h�.��roper cowt nnd�Iher costs of foredasur�=and solr. '
<br /> - 'if iht sofe is pursuunl to judicia)(arecbsure,the proceeds of sute shpll 6e appfic,£�ii:t�ie+r�r��r stufed below fo Ihe pnymeN Uf: � .
<br /> (1 f Cost oE any evidence of titte procured in cannection with such sale and oF uny rr�►:nciQ r�quired to 6e paid; �
<br />� . . ; l2) Attameys iees; . �
<br /> � (3) All sums then sewred herebY: � . . . �� �
<br /> (A} lunior trust deeds,martpoges,or other li�ihffi:�ers;and " ,. z
<br /> . (S) The remainder,if ony,to the persan or per•vhs legally entitled thereta: ; _
<br /> - .. �. .,�•r;
<br /> (d) It the Bene9iciary of Ihis Deed��;Trust is a bank as d�iined by Nebmsio taw,nny srotement contuined in o�ry othr.r sectian of Ihis ctcr.d �,`y:
<br /> ..
<br /> notwilhstonding,the Beneticiary shull nof be entilled tn receiti�e or take artd d�l;tor sholl�ot be obligated to pny or give;any confession o(judg- `_ "_
<br /> ment,power of attorney to tontess judgment,po�ver oF a1t omcy to uppeur�nr o borrower in a juditiol proteeding or ngrcerr�ent to poy the cosls ;�=ti-
<br /> � ot eollettion ol the ottorneys'lees,untess such acts of colt[:clian�MO��td isut mherwise be prohibited by Nebraskn lavr.Provided, hnwever, thnt ` -
<br /> ; fhis section does not apply 10 the Trustre tee re(er�ed to in parnprr�sh 6{qI.Provided lurthar,thut tliis poragraph shalf not apply Io lhis Uceci ul
<br /> � Trust,it fhe Beneficiary is nat a bunk. '
<br /> ' 1 T.AAditi�twl Sewrity In�truments.Trustbr,al iis oxpense,will exetul�cu��detiver to the Benefieiary,.Qrompf(y upon demand, such securi-
<br /> .' t;�rf,;:strumeats os may be required br Benetitituy, ii9�orfti��p�•5ubstonce SaSis'actory fo Benvficiary,co��erinq a�ry o( the Proper6y convey�d by :
<br /> ;. �i�{�Oee�ttE ttv31. whitb setutity ittflttun��i�s s�tt�U 6o aticiilifafal•seturity(ar lrustor's(nilhfu)pertormwiee of nit ol Ihe tc��nc, cnvenimts cmd
<br /> ��orrdilien�c�ti�is Deed oF Trust, 1he pulmissory nolps:secUlr>9�ltereby,and ony other security instroments executed in connection wilti this tran-
<br /> soction.Such instrumeat�,l�rSl be recorded or iilid o��Tn�isor's expense.
<br /> 13. Appeintment ot Svi�essvr Trwlee. Onn�iiticiry.mxy,. Iwm time ta time, by n wri�t�n inchument exrculi�d anil �n knmvi��d��rd by
<br /> ' Beneticiorp,cnailed to T�ustor and�ecoxded:n 11ie covat�,br;cou-ilies in which Ihe Properly is lototed and by othorwise cumplying wi�h the provi-
<br /> . sions of th9 uppiicable(ows of Ihe Stato of�NeS:osk4,.sv�JstilUt��suctessor or successors to the Trustee nomed herein or acting I�ereunder. � '
<br /> 1�/. Inspeetbn�.Bentticiary,or its v3entt�,re;;xe;enthtives or workmen, ar p�µttio�i�ed tq er{� f,qt�.�g►ty�,r��!�PE Iime upon ot in ttny ��art • • ,�.�
<br /> of the Property for the pucpose of inspedlr�g tli��s�r�e and for thc purpose ot er,fori.n�inq•ypy�;�1��t�'`'�f�aut��roited to pei(orm undi�r the /,_
<br /> terms of the Deed of Trust. � �.�. - .�.r'� :��.�c'yai r`�,'�+�. ,,;��-�
<br /> — 1 S. OPtion to ioreelose.Upon the vccurrencc o(any defoult}�ereunder, Beneliciary sha(f fiave the o�tion td ittreclose this Ueed ot lrust in
<br /> the monner provided by Inw for the fu��f�osure of mortgagss on real praperty.
<br /> 16. Fortbrronee b��a�eflciarY HaA Q Waiver.Any iorebearance by Benefitiury i�1 exercisi:•.a;ony s-�?I�± or remedy hereundr.r, or olherwise �'
<br /> • a(torded by appfitnble tasr,sl:o11 not be n�aaiver of or pretlude the exe�cise of,a�iy such right or remedsF-t�:kewise, �he wu��cr by acm��ii�i��ry uf
<br /> , ony defautt of lruslor under lhis Deedrf.irvst shufl not be deemed to 6e o wniver ot any other or similnr defaul�s subseque+�tty ucc�err�au�.
<br /> 17. Tr�ite�r flot Refessed. Extensior:of the time io�payrn�nt o� ntodi(itnlion or tttttprtitplion ot the sunts Srrurr��1 hy fliic b��d �I l���si
<br />-- � g�anted by t'.E+;eticiay tn nny successor in interest o(Truslar s3:llt not opc�o�c Iv releucr, in nny mniuu+�,the liubilil�•�; ih�•uii��in��!i.�r,�,t��e ��•.�
<br /> , lrostw's successor in i:�tc,ses�.Ileneficiary stiall not be required�o cornmencr�a-�cQedi��ys ayuinst such successnr nr rr.luce b r>:ir�,<i tiwr. t�.�
<br /> p�ment or otherwise ma�iity omortatotion o!the sums secured by this Ueet!aP irust by reusan ot any demand n�nde by the o��yinul Trustor�u��[
<br /> Trustor's stu�cessa in'►�►t�rest. '•
<br /> 1$. MtriIC19'tiory'sl�ut�Ers. Vlilhou; ullecti��g fhe liubility of �he l�usiur o� any ulhrr pr�tun hablt• (ut ►hi�puynirnt ul �iny nbtiqnhui�6rrri�r
<br /> menlioned,ond wilhoul ul�etting Ihe lisn or churge of this Ueed of irust upon ony�orliun nt thr i'ropc�ly nut thrn i�r �hr�f•tvlui�•���Iru�.rJ u�
<br /> seturity(a the ful)ome����7 of pll unpaid obligntions, Beneliciary nTny, trom ti�ne fo time nnd vrithnut notice. I�l►el�'1�SP tfuy(�i'�5011 SO�IUIiIn h�► _ - - --
<br /> 1 �_<_.�
<br /> - extend the moturily or ailer m�y of Ihe terms of nny such obl;y��tions. (iii) grtu�t ullrer inde�li��ntrs. !iv► rrlriisr� u► i��ronv��y. nr r�iu�.��1�; b�� •
<br />-� reltused or ttconveyed ot m�y iime at geneficiary's options eny parcel, poNian or all al tlre!'ruperty. (v)Ir�kr ur ��•I��n�r�uny ��tl�er o� ud�l�n�mnl �
<br /> stturit�ior any abl�gotinn herein nrenti4ned,or(vi)rnuke tomposilions pr other urtctnyemenfs wilh debtart m r�lutrtm Ihr�e��� i �
<br /> �� ,fY. ��f l[�Yi�li�i. Upan r�quesr of irostor, jru�teC ot irUStCe�s o�livn, prior iv tecU��vey�n�tc oi tlik {'ra�x-F.y i�► Iru.lc�c. :u..�i::=s4o . �
<br /> _ t....�__.e......_ ::.I....�... e...ti t..�......d........ ...:�i.:.-•----..�.__..... .o ..� i_. _.._ ._...� �... :.. t...er t��,n�l wLrn av�J���urd Erv wanuc•.rnv
<br /> � •v�orvvu�u.neS .w..n. .nsa.. .u�L.Q w..3n�ei� rnn��e��rroa� ntC�cvi�, �rh�s� �n.' i�-�iri�o v1 =!;• ...... "--- . . . — .
<br /> notes stutiay thnt said c�otes ure secuied hereby: provitJed fhc�l nt no tiuie st�ull Ihr set�rc�d��riuupul, fU1wr udvmuos. m�► ineluJ�n,�•.�,m� i�J
<br /> � � va�xed ta proteel the security,e�ceed a+�aygreyute pri�tc��cil on�ounr ol S 3tia OtlO.UO '
<br /> 20. Rttonr���nct b�Tr�slee.llpor►writtQn request al BcneliciU►y stuti��g Ilint nU sun,s aecured hereby hn��br•��„pu�:1 o��d rpc���s��•�����d�.�
<br /> o! th;s Ueed of irust m�d Ihe ttolr�o �ruslee lor tantelit�litin nnA rptt�nliun und upu�r ��uyinent hy I�uttur c�l iruch•��c 1�•��c lr,��+,•r :h:d�
<br /> — tE4hlsv�y fCe 11uStUf,nr ti�e{�ersnr+or persous tea!il!y p�►liltr.d flierelu. wi1M�t�u!wnt�anly, r�u��,��rtiut�uf th�1'�u�,rr�y tficn h^?d fn•r�•�if�.t��� ih�� . �
<br /> �Kifqlf in tU:h�eGUt1v@yUnLC 0�Utty ntblfbC9 tJt IUtIS Sltpl!�,�Cci�tE�u4ive QSUOf tl1 t1�8 1►UZIiIU�'�0551t�erCOi T i�e grn�tli���n nr��li�iv��rl�y,�+� ���r�•iv ►"' ~
<br /> � br d�scrEbed os"tlse ae�son or perROno Cep711Y Nntiiled It�NrMb'.
<br /> �-.
<br /> .��'i.
<br /> �` k�
<br /> � ��� .I
<br /> .,.;�
<br /> ^�,t• .�
<br />