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<br /> 3�. lbHe��.Euepf;tos��rtiy�ntices,�9eman6s.nqvests,ot�oti�er taau�wnicatroiis�equ:rcd uiider opplicahle low�o bc given in m�ati���r nwn
<br /> ner,wheneve�8er�eiitrary or Trustar gires or serves any�wfice(inclttding,without IimitQtion, nolice ot defauU erid notice ot s�,le),d:rm��aris�r�
<br /> �uesfs or oi�her'tnrtsmunkatinn with resFett io Ihis Oeed of Trust.eoch suth natice,der�and,sequest or other con�!nu�rcniimt siinil br.ii�w�itiny
<br /> r tu�d s�t1 be efiettiv�only ii ehc same is det6vared br persoial servica or��wited 6y certi[ied ns�il,pas�aqe Prepaid.�elurn reteipt sc�duesl��E,«d• �
<br /> ! dt�ssed to tfie�r�ss cs set torth a►tite beginrting of this Deed of T�st. Trustos hereby re�resss thot o copy of any notice mf cfi��fiy;�it, cmy
<br /> - � Retice a�sels,rr��sd of�ms1Sr�ta�a g:�a:3he Tr�stor here�.be rtiailed t�if at the alriress set t�rth ot the Mg�nt�ing nf tttis.I��ed,n(
<br /> � Trust. Arr�pert�r mog a:on�time change its address tor suchnotices by delivering oc mailing to the olheo pnrlies herelo, os atoresuid,�sa�lic� ,
<br /> of sut4t ttitmne:Anp natise hereunder sha�t 6e deeme�f to 1�ave been given ro Trustor or&netici�rY,whece given in the manr:er designoted he��i�t,
<br /> . _ Z?. C��anda�iu�r,.111it<peed of Trusf shoH be goveoned br the lawsof ihe State of Nebrasko.
<br /> �.'
<br /> ?3. Srcceiwrr:�d.Aan�:.lhis Deed ai 7rost cnd aU terms,conditioas ond abtigatinns herein appty to and inure to the ben�tit ot�n�1 l�ind
<br /> aN pariies heref�, thea F�t+rs, legatees, devisees, personal representafires, suctestors and assigns. ihe term "Benelitinry" shalt ntrm�tlie
<br /> � �� awn�r and holdi�of f6e Note,vrhether or not rwmed as Beneficiary hetein. � ..
<br /> 24. 1�i�t�i S��er�l l�ii�itr.A11 convetwnts and agceements of T�ustor shalF be joint and se+rerol. � . .
<br /> 25. Ser*ri�ii�.(o the erent ony ane or mare of�the prdvisions cantained in this geed ai Trus�,or tho flate or any olher securety�inslr+imant
<br /> gii�Qrt en,ton�ettion with tti�s fransoctivn sha111or arty.rea�an be held to be invalid, illegal or unenfarceahle in any respECt, sud�invntidity, et-
<br /> kqgu#ity,er unenfarceabilify shall,nf fhe optionof Benefsiiury,aat offecf any provision of this Oeed of Trust,but this Deed of trusf slin44 be cnn-
<br /> � sir+�ed os if sdf�i involid,ilfegdt,o�ungnforceoble pruvis�on trfl6�ever heen cantained herein or therein.If the lien oi this Oee�9 nt Trust is invatid `
<br /> ar unenforceabte os to anY pnrt oi the deb�, or if tt�lien is invatid ar unenforceable as to any part o1 the P�aperty, ttie unservr��i or partinlly .
<br /> � sett�e�portion oF fhe debf sholl be tompletety paid prior�fo the payment of Ihe remainiicg and s�!cured or partinlly secured pm eiail n(:t�ir drbl. .
<br /> ond nif ptt��nenis mode an ihe debt, whether volunth'ry or cnder faretlosure ar olher entortement attion or procedu�e, shall 6e cvnside�etf:tu.._
<br /> � � hove ltee�f���u�d on ond applied fo the fut)payment af that panion of the debt which is nof sewred ar nos (u{lr�:�cured by the lien oi�Git:. :
<br /> Oeedot Tr�t�C. .
<br /> - 2G: Nuinber and Gender, Captions.YJhenevEr�seQ herein,tlie singular number shali i�ubde the plurot, the plural, fhr�inqulnr, nrxt �la�u;r �
<br /> ot ony gender shall be applicabte�a ai)gendcrs.[h�cuptions and heudings oi Nt�pnrographs ol lhis Dced of lrust are lor convcnicncc unty and
<br /> . ure nof to��used to interpret or define tE�e pravisians hereaf.
<br />-� � 11. Rc�roTmaee 6Y iru:tee.Trusfee�c¢epis this Trus1 when tl�;�C�pd ot Trost,doly executed and atknowledged, is ma3e pu�lic recarA a:
<br /> ' i pr�tii�t��ll���. -
<br /> !I�L�d4LtiE5SWt1ERfOF�Teustar hus execoted this Q��tt��Trust as�f•fYse�uy cv ye ifirst abov writt �i.. °
<br /> . .
<br /> � � ' - `- -'-- . ;.
<br /> Louis J. oto, Jr. �?'4
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<br /> CUUNTY OF PALL 1 -
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<br /> � On�his_�et _ day.oi FeUruary , F.g 90 ,betore me,lh�undersigned,o Nofory Publir tivly Contn�issioned aitJqunt�lieJ lor
<br /> � said county,�rsannally come._�uia J. Sotcs� ar.,�a.si�le�erson _ . "`
<br /> lome knawi�tcc[�s Ihe identicul perso��s whose names are subsctihcd to thc(v�r�oing inshuinent uud acknowled��ed Ih�_r�'•:c�i�liun Ih�'i�'u� t��b�� �
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