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<br /> -"d'��^u"Sf,;:'ti'. c�a� -:`i.i3.:F� :�_'a"+'�°:'1f': .L� ..y i�,.;� �.��`s:.�-;w..S ���c♦ _-:i� �c� r:. �.�} t..4,.� �� 4. �'^-. :� i. ��Z:n �,;�s..':;e.: � � ,y a;:l. E�
<br /> _';:L1iIlt� ����`�'�'����f �t� �• �``�� R �� --_— _ � ��s.x,�i.:.?df�i.ysil3,�t<�ddiltt'•_— �C2eli:.�:'�.'L,1�.�, 5.:'�-
<br /> R"•- F���rst�c•= ,,;,,F.'xf:--
<br /> � ' � '" � -- �
<br /> � .
<br /> _ t: _
<br /> � �4-�-�t4��06�4 � . .
<br /> S.T�x�i,Ain�aeNrf�,we�C��u.T�ustor shali pay att isxes,nssessmer.ts Qr►d ofhar chci��es;:c{eeluding,�vitl�oui limitotion, Ii,ces and i�fe-
<br /> po�itrons ottributoEle lo tha�'roperly,end teosehotd pnymems or grcvnd�ents,it any.6nfnrze ii�n s�rtnu itecam�d�i;rquent.irustor sliall promp-
<br /> __ Itp furnish fo Benetk�ory a11�tices of amaunts due under this poiagrapt��ustd in t;�n�+rent�rut7��r,�tall make poyment directly. 7rustor st�nit
<br /> � prorr�pti�iumisfi to&nrtkiory rece�pts evidenting such paymants. Trustor sftol) pu�,�nll tn�c�:,c�;n1 assessmems wl�ich moy Ge tevied unon
<br /> 8enei'Kiary's intefast herein�upcn ihis Deed of Trasf withaut�egnrd t�any taw that mni�60�n�efed impesing gayment of the whate ar ony
<br /> �` pvr�t+�eof upon�h�Benalicia�, .. ,
<br /> 6.A�tNMi li�a Mi►�tt�di�n sf f�a�fk{�r�•�S�eYriq.Trustar shaf)muke ati pag�+caf�a(interest ar�d principnl ortd Faymenis o�ony.
<br /> othet t1YX��s, fess and expenses contractad to be paid to any existing lienhntders nr pr%Ar 6bnRiicicries undEr any prior d4ed o�trust ar ncar-
<br /> t�b�tor�the tfate they o�e deliriquent artd promptly pay artd discharge vn�and nil otl�ar llans,tlaims or charges wh'rch rnrsy,j�oFordize fh�
<br /> seturitr pranted herein. If Trusta faits to moke nny such payment or inits b pertur�r anp•oF the covenonts ord a�retmenfs ccr4osna��TS tit»s
<br /> Qsed oI Tnnt,or in ariy prior mortQc�pe or deed of t�ust,of if any action a�prvice4ding i�.�ommenced vrhictti materidlfy offet�s BEr.�k;iFa-�,r"s��-
<br /> ` tersst�in the Prc�pesty,incfuding,but nat limited to,emirt�nt domnitt proceedia}�s,or pmcea4ings invotving a decer.dent,or iE Trustor�'G1'�3 9¢(Jay �
<br /> Trusta's dehts g�e��tly as they become due, then B,�sietcciary, nt Heneficiary's aptipn-and without notite to or demand upan Tr4stcc�nnd
<br /> — � wiihvuf releesFttg�r•is2or from any o6ligafin�I��c�nd�s`,.may make sud�a�pear�nces,cilsbnrse such sums,and take sucl��,�io�s as is necessory
<br /> - ta profec!Senefi�ciary's interest including,bs:t�not limit�i ta,disbursement of��aosanabte oftorney's fees,pay�,Qnt,purchase,contest�r cosR-
<br /> � pramisE of ar►r eacumErartcQ, dtt�ge or tien,ond enttg�!g��tbe Properh�tm m�{:e��}toirs. In the eve�il that Trustor shall toit ta�rcrc;re iee-
<br /> 'surance ar ta pay tnxes,ass���fs,or nny ofher c#�arges ar to maY,e onN pqy�renf�tn•existing prior lien traSders ar 6eneticiories. ITE��?F�'i Sr�.
<br /> � ►nay protwe such irtsurance an�i:nake such poyment.Any nmaunts dis6ursed by�BenRftuary.pursuRnt to this Porograpl�b�FrJf frecome addi;e-�}
<br /> indebtedness oF Trustor secured by this Deed of 1�usf. Sach amaunis stiall bo payat�i�upan.nnt�r�from Beneiiciary to Tru�'or requesting poy-
<br /> � � ment thrreof,ond shoq bear interest irom the date of disbursement at tho rntn_pR��iii�fsort�.time to time on outstanding nrincipal under thr,
<br /> (laf�unless payment o1 interest of suth rate would be cr�e�t►•�7ry to applicabla luw,in;w�iich eveni such amounts shull6ear inlerest ae the I�igt�est
<br /> - �!�ia�ermissi6te under applitable law.Noihing cantained'+n this Pnragrvph 6 sfibil;require 8eneficiary toincur ony expense or teke ony ocfion
<br /> ' hereunder. .
<br /> � 7. AsiiBmneM o�Rents. Bcnefitiary s'nill hove 11ie right, pawer�u�fa�=mulhar�l:�during the can�inuonce of this Deed of irust �o collect !he
<br /> rents.issues ond profifs oF the Property ond�ot any pers�nal proparty lacoted II�Rr��oi►,wi1h or withaul toking possessian of the pro�er ty o(iecled
<br /> __ ' hereb�,and Troslor hereby obsolutely and unconditionally assigns ail'sucft r�nl,,.issues artd profits to Beneticiary.Eieneficinry,however,l�ereby �
<br /> --� consents to ihe Ta�stor's tollection ond�efQ�lion oi suth rents,frs�a�anc)profits os they occruQ and become poyobfe so ta��g as Trustar es not,
<br /> � at such lime,in deFault wilh respect to�aYrr;c�n of any inde8tednas�sacur.�d�hereby,or in the��r5ormonce of ony ogreem.cr.s;;�re;:n�f�r.Upon
<br /> ' : any such detault,Beneficiary may at un�iiir;^.eilher in persan,b��agant;:vr by.receiver to be�>.�::nted by a court,w+Ihout notice and wilhaut �
<br /> ►��rnrri Io the odeqvaty of anp s�cur.ty fas ilir�ih.t�t�Indit�as harr�b���sasur�d�.(4)enier upon u�tnlce possession vf the Properly or ony port . �
<br /> th�pc�i';and in its own name s�e I6r.orothe�;�•_r:itlett,�ud�renf�.,,iaa�es and pror"s5,.�n�ludir�'.'('c3SQ pOS)������d unpoid,and apply iho some.
<br /> (ess tostf orxl expenses of operatfan en��•:��hction, includlnc�reasanc���atforneys fees, up�r.W-t ind�btedness secureft l�oreby, and in such � �;,=
<br /> , order as Beneiiciary may determine; (b��ar�i�rm such acts atirr�pQir m:�rotection os mny be ns:essary or proper to cansene the volue of the ' �.:
<br /> - Property;(e)leose the same or any part thereof (or such sontnl;.larm,and upon such conditions os its judgment mny dictote or terminate ar ud- .
<br /> just the terms and eanditians o�aas�existiiig leose or(eatac,..tli�thss Trustor and Beneficiory ogree olberwise in writi»g,ai�Y opDlicotion ef r.•�,;,'s,
<br /> issues or protits to any indebtH��ss secur4d hereby sliall�n�I�es;fnnd or�ostpone Ilie due dote of the instollment poyments as provided ir�;;,i.� -�
<br /> ' promissa��ote ar thange 1he amount af�� installntantE..,llip Cnfering upon and takinp possessian o!the Properl�, Il�e colleclion ot suc`z
<br /> , . ,. � renis, issues ond protils, and the applicatic;�thereof os oiuresoid; sholl not woive or cute any ��f�ult or nolice of detQUlt hereun�fer,or in-
<br /> votidate any at done pursuont to saeh notice.Trostor atsu assigns to Ueneliciory, as turll�er secer.ry for the performnnce of tl�e nbUl�ntionc ��
<br /> �' .• • se��:r.r�hereby,oll prepaid rents ond all monies which�i�y hnv�been or aiuy hr.rcuftcr be deposite3 r�-,�,s::;J Trostor by aiiy Inssce ot Il;e('eo• —
<br /> • p��to sewre the poymeat oi uny rent ar domoges,ond upon:deiouli in tl�e porformance ol a��:;�ct';! e E,�:visions I�ereo(,Trustor ogrees�o
<br /> deliver suth�ents and deposils to 6eneficiary�.Qelivery ot wrilten notite�f Beneliciary's exercise�I''��•�-�i`;"s gronted herein,to aiy tenant oc-
<br /> tupyirp said premites sholl 6e sulticient to reQuire svid tenant fo pay said rent to Ihe Beneticiory�.r-�•;;urlhcr-��tice. � f
<br /> 8.Gnb�wn�tbs.lF fitle to any qorl oi the Property sholl bo taken in tondemnotion proecedings,by righl c',�minenf dornnin or cimitor nclion, � .
<br /> or sholl be sold under threot ot condemnution,a0 owards,damac�es and proceeds ar?I,cr.�by assiyned und shull be puid to Oeneliciury wl�u shull
<br /> apply such owords,domages and proteeds fo Ihe sum secured by this Deed of Trust, r:.±i;the e�:ce<��,if uny, pnid to lrustor.Ii Trustor receives . i,;`
<br /> any notite or oiher informotion regardin� such actions or proceadings, Trustor sliall give �::c�rpf wrilten notice tltereoi to benelicinry. �
<br /> ,. +�`
<br /> - Benetic'KKy sFwH 6e eutilled,ot its optian,tv comme�co,appe�r in und prosecu►e in i?S own n�me any such uction or proceedings und sholl be en-
<br /> _ tiiled to make any tomprointse a►setllemont in connection with ony such aciion ar;-f�tceedings. �
<br /> 9. R����iq !4t E�elvtir.e,. Getieficiary shul{ be enliilr� to eniorte puyrnerot rr.�performm�ce ol a�Ty ind�c(�tedness or obliy�itions secured
<br /> hereb�and to exercise►aU,ri�h�rs and powers under this Oeod of lrust nr under any ot?,er uyreemenr n�r.cu:td �n conn�ctian herewith or�ny luws
<br /> now or herea�ffer. ;rr f^,I.'Cf;,n�t�rithstonding some ar oll oi the such inde:;t�dness ond cbli�olions sr•_:�,r:�d hereby rnoy now ur i.r.tealter ho othFrr-
<br /> wise seeurtd,vds,�!?':er�y rntirtctage,deed o�trust,pledge,lien, assignment or ot1n7;��:se.Nei�+�e�the acceptance oi this deed of Trosi nor ik
<br /> — entortement whether by tourt rr.�ion or pursuant to Ihe power ot sale or ail�er,p i�Q{'��J t�.arein ton►nined, shaq prejudice or in m►y mnnner or 1�rf
<br /> — 8eneliciory's right to realiYe�ry:�ar enforco any other security now ar tierecfi r:r 1�;'�by Oenefic�nry, it beiny nqreed Ihot 8enc�lici�ry s��::'.t�:_�
<br /> i entilled to entarte ohis Ooed ol Trust and ony olhcr sawrity now a I�ereo(ter I�eld by Oenefir,ia��-u,suct►oider c�nd muni�er us ii muy in i1s;,f�-
<br /> solute disattion determine. No remedy herein coulerred uyon or reserved to Ornelic'sury is inten�ir:�lo brs exclusive al n�ry ulher re�nedy here�n
<br /> or by luw p�ovided or permiltod,bui ench sholl be tumulutive anJ shnll be in addilio�r tr,overy ather reniedy given hercunder or nuw or hereuf�er �
<br /> existing of low or in equiiy or by stntole. Evety power ar re�i�edy prnvided hereumir.r this pr,ed at Trust iQ t;onaliciury or In which it inny bc
<br />-��I vtherwise etifitled,moy be exCrcised, tuncurrei�lly or indep�ndontly, (roin linte tn litne nu�l as uf�•�rn ns�uuy he deeiucd r.x���dicnt I���imti�i�uyr
<br /> arrd it rta�pursue i��eansistanl rernedies.NoN�ing Nerein st�all be construed ns piohibi�ing Ueneiic r;,�t�rom seckiny n deliciency Ivdy�uc•nt uyu��,st _ __ _ _ _
<br /> the lrusta to the extent suth aclion is permitled by taw. �
<br />� 10. Tr�nst�r�!/r�pe�t�t M�umpt�on. li al)or nny purt oT the property or mry i�fterest th�rrr�; i;sc�ld,Iransf�ir��}or tmiv�yrd Uy hus►nr �
<br /> wit�wut 8en�►fitioty's priar wrilfen caiisent, extludi►�g(u)Ihe treution uI o lien or entumbrmtte sul;oidinnte►n this Uerd of l�ust,�tr�tbe c���u•
<br /> _ tion o!n�xtMsw�nney sa_rur�t y i��tr�eS!tQr 1«i5.l�!�d�a�l:u�s, (s)a 3r�xetslcr h f tlevis�,(�9cCEiif bi b��fteci�iio��of S��v uirf�it fllf>EIE eli{i U{�i .
<br /> �oint tena�f a (d) ihe grant of anY IeuseholJ inlerest ot three years ar Iess nut toNvininy un u��tivn fo purchnse, firneliciu�y muy. nt � .
<br /> �� Beuefitiaiq's onlion, r1._�+w_u.::��o sums setu►!B Dy titiS Qted Ot Trust to bd iiun�ediatoly duC uud poyoble,or cciuse 1hr Truste�lu tile n nnt�cr
<br /> � af detnuit.Ber►etitiury slWtl huve wnived suth opliou fo uccelerato it,�ttinr to thr. sofe. tinnster nr cc.uvtrya►►:r, (fir�r�Gc;��Y��nd�h� �a��c�,n to
<br /> � wlrom Ihe property is lo Ge Sot�or tronstcrrad re�th u�recrnent in writiny Ilu�t the tredil ot such�eison is suti,(uttury�u Ucnet�ciu�y��nd Il+ut
<br /> ttre interest�wyuble un Nie sunis secured by this Uecd uf 1rus�sholl bv at su►���ata us Uenelic�ury shull rcqvest. �
<br /> , �
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