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=�.' —�,.��si`r�'�..-,�':��Xai��t1'�iiay" _�`�i�i_ _ ..;� .,:t - '�3t���`tit7a��.;k��ys:*�:��c _._. —_ .tru -- <br /> — ' ." � <br /> ' � � - O�Eti 01��TRQST 90-= 1��0614 <br /> - �TM{SDEEDOFTRI)ST,modtthis��t dc�af Febzuary ;� �q90 b�a�amonp _L�uis .T. Soto. Jr.. a sin�le , <br /> wl�e1S° P.O. Box' 27e, Waod Rives, �tE 6$D83 <br /> tt ma��a�address is ' , <br /> (herein"Trustor")J axl B� OF WODD RIVER ,whose mnitinp addrtss P.i0., Box 487� Wood River, NE <br /> � 6Bd18.lh��m'"iNStee"an�••Benef€tiory`•) , 68883 <br /> �_ fOR YAlUABlE CON5I�ERAT(t3N,insluding the iadebtedness iadentified her�in and Iha lnsst herein ueoted. the recei�t af which is hereby <br /> odcnowled�ed,Tiustor irrsvaa6(y gronis. transfers, comeys�and asssgns to Tsustee, IN tRUST, WlT�:FQWER OF SALE, for the beriefit and <br /> sacuritr et Bentticiory,under and subject to tfie tes�ns and conditiorts of thi5 Q�ed of Trust,therefll property descr�sed as foRows: � <br /> � The S� of Lots 1 and 2, in B1nck.=i5, i�:the Oraginal Town of Wood River, Hall County, <br /> H�braska . <br /> . +•. . <br /> � � ' <br /> _ � _. • , <br /> � ' • • ' <br /> ' <br /> ! tOGETNER WITH,a�E r�;s,p�ofiis,royalties,income und other benefits derived from the reol preg9r�y�ait leoses ar subleases covering the ' �; <br /> �eo)property or any pa�t,vn there�f�now or herea(ter existing or¢ntered into,and oll righi, title and i;�ttrest of Trustor ther��un�er; oll in- ; .,-�� <br /> ! terests,estote o�othet��sims,botfi in Iew and in equity,which Trostar now hos or may hereafter¢rquire in the reat praperty;ali easements, ;;_-__ <br /> righis•of•woy, tenemertt�, hereditaments and appurtenances thereot and t{ierelo; atl oil and gus rights and pro°its, water rights and�woter '_-- <br /> � staks all ri�ht,title and intere3f oi Trustor, now awned or hereoftet acquired,in ond to Qny land lying�':hin the right•of-way of any str�et or _ - <br /> : hiqhwoy adjoining fhe�eal praperty, any and a!t ?�viidings, fixtures, improvements, and appurtenars�s:�ow ar hereofte�eretted lhereon or <br /> . belorginp thereto,(herein rei�rred to os"tmproti�,�:�e�""or"�mprovements");ond any ond ail owards.r;:de for the taking by eminent domain = <br /> or bfr any practeding or Purchase in lieu thereof,of tc,��a�tcF��a�rry port of ihe real proporty. � <br /> All of the►oregoing estote,property and interevn{�ereby tonveyed to Trustee herein coQoctively refxr:s�to as ih�"T'roperfy". � <br /> �.� THIS DEED OF tR115t�l{Qil SECURE: � ' . . � <br /> ` (o)TtH pnymem ag ixx��ebtedness eviderxed by:�ustor's note of even date�erewith in ihe principni sam o( Twentv-two ; <br /> � � thousand �nd na/100 ----------------------------------------- Oollors (S 2�ODU•UU ,: <br /> topelher wilh interest et tl�e rote or rptes provided Iherein,(i,.�r2in,tagether with uny ondl ail renewals,modifications,and exfensians Ihcica�; � � : <br /> raierred to os Ihe"Note")both principol and interust on 1he Note beiig payuble in ptcordwue wi�l>>I10 tonns sel iutth therein, retere�ue to , <br /> � which is herebY mado,the linal poyment ot printipol ond interesf,if not sooner paid and if rto rene�ra's:,modi(icntions or extE�rwr,ns are mode, <br /> . dw ond payobk on ° ' � <br /> � (b)ihs performance ot each opreement and covenant of Trostor herein contained;und -'r�- <br /> . (c)The paYment ot an�sum or sums oi money wilh interest thereon which may be hereaftar p4id os zdvanced uoder the terms of this Deed oF ___ <br /> Trus1. ' <br /> ' (d)ihe poyment af q��r 4ulure odvances nes�ss�ry to protett tho secarity or ony tufure qdvance nn�.�at Ilie option oi tlie partias;and .. <br /> (e)The pesdu�n�����i an obligat�cr�vf ony other person named in this Trust Oeed ta o benefieiar,�. <br /> 10 PRC1'TELf T6�E SCCt1R1iY OF 1H?S C'1�fD OF TRUST,7RUS10R HEREBY COYENANTS QNC+-a��C-ES CS GQLLOWS: - � <br /> 1.f�y��et e�►rindpl and letsrat.Trustor sFall promptly poy when due tho principati o�and interest fln the indebtedness evidanced Uy Itie <br /> __ Not��and all ather cfr�rpes and tees as provided i�.i the Note,and the principol of and interest an cr,�C-uture Advonces sewred by lhis Deed ot <br /> '� � Trust. <br /> — • T.Wur�nt��t TIt1�.lrustor is lawiully seited and possess�d of good und inJoiensible titiv and esloto to tlie propnrly I,ereby convcyed and <br /> hos the r�ght to gront ond tonvey the Properly: ihe Properly�is Iree aod clear ot nll liens and encumbrontes excepl liens now of retord;and <br /> � Truslar wil)waront and defend Ihe 1i11e to the Property ogainst alt claims ord demands. <br /> ' ' 3.M�t��t��n1 Corn�pN+a witt�Uws.Trustor Shol)keep the Vroperfr in good tondition ond repnir and s1�a11 noi c�mmit woste or pe�ntit <br /> � ittrpoirme�t or deteriorotion of ths PropeNy and shall eomply wiih the provisions ol any lenso il Ihis Dced o!irust is an n lease��old.�to inzl�rove- <br /> . menl now or he�euHer erected upon tl�e Property shall bo oltered, removed or demolisheJ wilhout Iho prior wriHen consent oi iienci;ciary. <br /> T�ustor shal)compir wilh oll laws,ordinorxes,regulotians,covPnants,tonditions and restr+ctions uf tetting the Property ond not commit, sulfar, _ _ <br /> � - .� <br /> vr permil any at910 be dane in or upon tha Properly in violotion of any low, ordinnnte, regulntion, tovenout, toi�dition or resl�iclaon. Tiustor , <br /> � slwll tompkte or restore promptly and in good workmanlike manner any imDrovement on Ihe Property wt�ich rnoy be danioged or cfestroyed ai�d i <br /> par.wt»n dw�011 tbims for(nbot pertormed und m�aleriols furnished tlieretore and(or ony olterolions thercof. � . <br /> � �, letw�t�.lrustar, ot its expense,will nwinlnin with insurors upptoved by fienefidory,insr�rmtce with respecf to tf��in,pruvcarrei►ti urxS <br /> � , p!lryattai�vprri�,cvr►si�:v�m�i�w Praperi',uyu.nii FviS$y l���,'.:yhtr:s�s,ta:�zda,t"'!a!l:ni�s.;le r�nrl hn�nr�tc rovt�r�fi by standaid��ctanded <br /> to+rero{p endorsemetN,in un amaun! equul lo ot least one hundred perccnl of the lull rcplocemenf v41uo Ilicreot nnd insurnnte uyninsl such <br /> , � oth�r iwiords and in suth amounts as is customarily cbrried b�owners and aperolors oi simular properties or as deneticidry o�ny reyoire lor its <br /> prot�tlion.t�usta will comply wilh suth other rtquirements as Benef itiary muy from firi�c to time reyuest lor the protection hy insurante of Ihe <br /> intere;ts o/ ilw��sp�cliw purfios.Al)insu:ancs po�itias maintninrd pursuunt to thas d��ed o) �rust Shut{no�ne ioustor und Oenc�iciurv ns 7u• <br /> sured;,us their resptttive interesls moy uppear,anil provi�o thul there shafl be no tnnceltotivn or m�dilicution wi�huut no iess�+hnn t S dals <br /> priar.nittrn nolilicutia�r l0 8�ntfici�r�. In th�erent orry pulicy l�ereunder +s iro!eenewed o�e oc belore 15 d+Fys ptiur to itc n.pi�«hr�n dtit�, <br /> 8e�efitior�mo�protvre suth insurunse in uctoidunte wilh Ihc provisiuns ol parng►aph 7 htreoF. Tr ust�r shul!�{�liver �u i3cn�li��o�Y rhh o��qinai M1, v. <br /> , policiet 4�iniurtxK6 cnd rei�ewots fl�ereol oa me��conies o4;uth poiitiCS nn;!rene�vr�ls tl�etent. fuilurv fo(u�rr'sch sc�c4�i,uu<<:t�.e h� t�u=.�a�. ur <br /> reaewe'►usreqc��tEdF.erEU�1dCr iftnll,a1 Il��optlo�iol Uenelictory,ca����tutto�ctnuti. <br /> � <br /> . :� <br /> ---___� . <br /> --.;� <br /> - _3!►�+� <br /> �- ;s' <br /> �;l�.� , <br /> . t-J��.'� <br /> ;.: <br />