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<br /> _ �- 90-�oosl� .
<br /> _ Borrowes aad Lender cove�nt aad sgrce as foltovcs: acqvires the progcrcy otheru•ise after default,the Lender shali. .
<br /> - appiy.at thc unts of the commcrtcement of such proccedings,ar
<br /> I- That Borrower wip Qay the indebtedness,as hereintsefore at the time the.property is otherwise acquired,the balance the�.
<br /> provided. Privilege es reserved to pay the de6t in xhole or iu remaining in the fw-cds uccumu[ated under(a)of paragsaph 3 �
<br /> Fart on any insiaUment due date. preczding, as a crcdit aguinst the amoLnt oF principal chen
<br /> 2• That, tagetDer with,and in additian to. the ntonthJy temai°�ng va�aid u�der said naie.
<br /> �aytucnts o€principal and intcttst payable under the terms of 4. That th�e Borcower wil,pay grn�nd rents.taxes, �
<br /> the aate secured hereby.ths Bonower wil!pay ta the(ender, asse�srucnts, Wacer rates. arsd otber governciema.►or muaic�pai �
<br /> on Ehe first day of each manth ur�til the said note is fully paid, charges, �"�czs, or im�ritia�� for wluch provision has noi 6een�
<br /> the following sums: mad�����=cfs�r�;��defa�.itt thueaf the Lender ma
<br /> (a) A sum equal to the graund renu. if any,next due. plus
<br /> [he s����tt,�L tG>gorrawer�c�ll prompily de�iver the ���
<br /> t3+�e prearil�s that wi'1!next become due and paya6le on policies °Fr�'�`''=y'��'���-�efor to ths Lender.
<br /> � af Gn and other hazard iasurance covering the pra�r.ti, plus ' .
<br /> _ tns�and asscssmenu�ext due on the property��!!dr�tinroted S• The Bonower wilt pay all taxes which may be Ietiie.9 uppn;= ,
<br /> lt}s rhe Lcnrder/less all sums already paid therefor diviis�by the the Lender's incerest in said reat estate an�impravements,and� -
<br /> ' mzmfrcr of:manahs to elapse befoie ane(i?�month prier to tfre w�cb may be Ievied upan this instrument or the debt secured••� " �
<br /> • :<fuz?when sut�lt ground rents;prtmiutns,taxes and�„�u�s,�ents hereby(but only to thz ertent thac�uch is not prohib3ted by[aw: .
<br /> ,w�iU:�ecome deiinquent. such sums to be held by Lrn.�•(�trust �d on�y to the extent that such ta�71-not make this loan '
<br /> � gay said round restts, premiums,taxes and s _ usurions),.but exciuding any inc���!�.iax, State or Federal� ` �
<br /> ta� g �� ,. .
<br /> �sessments; aad , imposed on Lender,a^_d wiU rle't��e official receipi shawin� �
<br /> ' • such payment witE►tFe!�der. Upon violation of this
<br /> _ (b) AI!gam�.�ts mentioned in the preceding subsection of undertaking, or if tt_�1�;�_�ower is prohi6ited by any!aw nov►•��r•�
<br /> this paragraph artd all payments to be made under the note hereafter esisting frc,��r�v�g�e schole ar any portion of th� '
<br /> secured hereby shall be added fogether.and the aggregate nforesaid taxes, or 4r�.-,r�e ren��;;�of any court decree
<br /> amount thereof shall be patd by the Borrower each mr,�ath in a pronihit:ng the paytr•���cg che•?���a-.•�xer of any such taxes,�r
<br /> � singte payrnenc to be applied by the Lender to che fa::owing if such!aw or decree,�.�;c;��s�.�<<:,�,y amount so paid b;�thf:
<br /> • items in the arder set fonh: . Borrower shall be cr�,i�.�:m��ta::�::�t�the Lender shall baee
<br /> , (1)gronnd rents, taxes, assessments, P:re aird r,ti;r�hazard �he right to give ninc�.;�;a:r s u�;.�,;.�tice to the owner of•thc. • � �,
<br /> ia.s:srance premiums; premises, requiring th:pstmer.3�3E::1.;..��ebt. If such noti�tse � � �
<br /> given,the said deht sH�a.'.:become�y�:,.�Sayab]e and coll�.Yi.lile ti�, ' �
<br /> — {3I)interest on the note secured hereby; the expirauon of said ci-ety days. .,, . � �.
<br /> (IIl) ssmonization of the principal of said note;and 6. That shoutd the Sarrower fail co pay any sum or kcep an�a. I � �
<br /> (I!� late charges. cor•enant provided for in this instrument, then the Lcnder,at iiti�
<br /> option,may pay or perform the sam��an�alt expeaditures sa . �
<br /> Any deGciency in the amount oP such aggregate monthty made sha11 be added to the prineipal sum owing on the said
<br /> payment shall,unless maQe good 6y the Borrowzr prior to the nate, shall be secured hereby,and shall bear interest at the raie
<br /> � dne date of the next such payment, constitute an event of set forth in the said na:e, until paid. '
<br /> default under this mortgage. Thc Lender may coltect a "late ' �
<br /> ; charge"not to exceed four cents(4a)for eash dollar(5l)of �• That the Bbirowe-G�eby asslgns,transfers and sets�v.�^r. �
<br /> a�,:h pa y m e n t more t han �fteen�l 5)days in arrears to co�•er the 1O►h e L en der, ta be app�:�:tou�;d iJ�e payment of thc note � �
<br /> cz.'t1:3:cxpense Involvcd in haadling delinquent payments. and all surns secured herc�y in��:.�f a dePauli in Ehe '
<br /> performanca oP any of the 2etma:c��wnditlons of this i
<br /> , 3. That if the total af the payments made by the Borrower »strument or the said re•.�,ali tre zents. revenus��;:.rtd inc�ma� •
<br /> under(a�of p.;.r��aph 2 preceding shalt ezc�ed t"�e a.�nount of to be derived fmm the�,.'gremises durin�suctc:�i�ne as tht� *
<br /> payments actu4Ly made by t�: Lender far ground re«ts,taxes �ndebtedncas shalt remx:�-;a:�p�9d,ar,,d�he Lender�!:all hswe �
<br /> . and assessmrnts or insuramce�r�;miums. as the case r�ay be. Dower to apDoini any ageac or agettts it may desire for tho � t
<br /> such excess,if the Ipan is curc.:t,at the oDtion of th: PurAos:of repairing sa:��remisss and of rentin�ttze same and �'�.v�
<br /> Borrower.shall be credited by the l.ender Ea� subscquent �11ecting the rents, re�r.x�}��s and income. and it rr,ri;�pry ��ul���f
<br /> payments to be made by the Eiortowa,cr rr•f'unded to the said incomes al!expens�.s of repairing said preml�s�nd . �
<br /> Borr�wer. If, however. the monthly payrr.::s made by the necessary cammissions:t.�r; expenses incurrecl in renting and '�•
<br /> Bonower under(a)of paragraDh 2 preceding shaU not be managing the same ar_r� uf collectinE rer.tals therefrom;ehu•
<br /> , suP�cient to pay ground renu, taxcs and assessments or ba(ance remaining,if ar_y,to be applSed toward the dizchritaC of
<br /> insurance premiums,as the case may be, when the same sh.all said indehtedn:ss. •
<br /> : become due and payable, then the 9orrox�shall pay to the A. 7'hat the Borrotitec ui�l kcep the improvements�un*�
<br /> I.tnder�tny amount neressary t�make up tli�defieieney,on ar existing or hereafter erecrcd on the property.insured us mt�y+ (st•
<br /> beiore the date when paymcnt oi such ground rents, tt�xes, reyuirecl 1'rpm ti:ae to time by the Lender against loss by�firc
<br /> assessments, or insttranee prEmi4ims shall be due. !P ut any �ime and ather hazctrds,casualties and contingencies in r,u�h�u��unts
<br /> - th�Borrower shall tender to �he Lender, in accordance wi�h �hr and for such periods as may be required by thc I.�ndrr and wiq '
<br /> -= ptovis}o�s of the note secured hereby,full payment oi the entire pay promptly, wben due. any premiums on surh insur�nus..
<br />� indebtedness represented thereby,the Lender shall, in camputing pruvision i'or payment vP which has not beem m�de
<br /> the emaant of such lndebtedness,eredit to the account of the f�ereinbefore. All insuranee shal!bc carried in campunic�
<br /> Borrower any b�fance remaining ln Ihe funds accumulated under approved by rhe Leitder and the polic9es and rene�cai,thureo�'
<br /> the provisians of(a)of paragraph 2 hercof. If there shall be a shall be held by thr Lender and havc attached therota iat�
<br /> defautt nnder any oP the provisions oP this instrumea�t resulting payable clvuses in favur of and in form r�ceeptable t4 thu�
<br /> -.•.�
<br /> in a public sale of the premises cr�vercd hcreby.or if the l.endcr
<br /> :-- --
<br />