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<br /> � =Y---- :�:� �r,�� r: �aY.`. r.�;w ;.'�a'!5- f����_�s=��nY4�s:;,..w�_._r
<br />- -_-.="_:4�1139.S57�zri�::�rWrt�ftt'},m�"ll'`-- --- -- --���T.�G'W� � l��L.���— -- -
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<br /> �I � , . _ . -�- - - - - --. --1 .
<br /> � Statf of N�6raske �►�c...�.
<br /> . De�d of Trust �� 321—�376�76-203 "
<br /> r � � _
<br /> . 'tTdF Qiecd of Tsa�.!"�srity tr�trume�t"�is�«#t an Rebruarg 3 � ���!V�J.
<br /> t9 gfl .Thetn�uaris Terrp D. McGintnfs and Kathy S. McGinais, husband aad wife,
<br /> � ' C`���")-'���sire�s Nationa7. Bank of Ca�erce �ruat and Savings Assoc���r.on, 13th and
<br /> �.
<br /> ' "O" Street. Lincala, NE b8508 � ("71ruKe�"?.'i'he beaeficiary-.is;
<br /> Q�erland National Bank ,which is orgaaiud a»d exisdng:. �
<br /> ; under chc[aAS of h��=asj� .ar.d whose addnss is P.O. Box 1688, 304 West 3rd,r' .
<br /> Graad Isla�d, Ns.��8802 (•`[.eade�"):�.
<br /> ; Witaexeti:Ttwt�Iw F3�stccnvx in considcration af the det+t aad tnist hereinaftea des�ribed and creatM,and the snm of Qne Dal�qh;
<br /> ' (f 1).to him in hand pAid b;r�,�n�Tlt�stee.Ehe reaipt of whi:h�hsreby ac(can�ledSe�,d�.kY�►es�presents grat�t,bargait�and seU,convey�:
<br /> : and confirm. unto tha Ttt,�lee::forevu, all of the foUnwing descri►�i reaI �r,.�:matod tying and being in the County�of.�
<br /> � ; Hall�ansl Scatt of Nebrasfa;to wit:
<br /> ; Lot dne (3) a� tt���,South Seventeen (17) Feet of Lot Two (2), Block ���.:.(1),
<br /> . West Park Ar.ldi.L•ia�.Ci?�. the City of Grand Island, Hall Couaty, Nebraska.:,�;�
<br /> 1 � . �
<br /> ; . � . .
<br /> �
<br /> . ...,,
<br /> � � . F�i^Ti:
<br /> � r
<br /> l
<br /> M which hu the address of Z�a� �. Guater Ave. , Grand Island -
<br /> �n��:,n <<�n�. --
<br /> ; Nebraska 688U3 ("Ptoperty Address"); -"-
<br /> tLF Cedet.� • _ . (�
<br /> To Naee a�d To Hatd t3�n lmtaii�ts above dt�csified,with all che app4rter.�atrces tu��i:�bclang���::d inctudir�,all heating;plumbing
<br /> and li�hting futarrs aad cyaipinnot now or hereafter ana;h�c#ca or used in connectic�u wfr.h eaid real estate u�:�t�Tt.Trusta.and 4o its '
<br /> succason aad assyna,fesa��v.�'ltu Bonawer represrnu tu,aard covenants with,the Tnrstee,that ihe Bonowe7.Tr,w,��od right to sell and�� t �
<br /> convey said premists: Rhut?h�ry���te f'ree from encumbran�ce; and that the Bonower will w�nant and defend the s�.�e against tho(awilrt��
<br /> Q�aims of all persona+�vLv�mnaorer;�!the said�c+rrower hereby relinquishes alf rights of homestead,.r�.d atl cQ4►ri:a1 righ:a,either itt 3aw ,
<br /> . or in equity,and ui[�►tficr c.oniinQent interests of tiie Bonower in and to tl;c ebove-described preraise�h,ilrr,'wntcntia^i�ing ro wnvsy hereby ;��.
<br /> an Absotute title, in�'ae sampt�.includIng att rights of homestead,and other nghss and interests as�t�xesvd. •
<br /> � Frovliei A1�9s�nnd 6hese presents aze erccuted and delivered ur�rn the Tr�ist�,,I3z.Yrust, leo�b�:ver for the foltowing purposes: . �•�`m���.
<br /> - Wrere�s,�hU Bunccver on the 3sd ,day of Fe1sL uary , 1�� ?Q .borrowed fron�the Lender �
<br /> thesumoF F'2fL-y»•four thousand aeve� hundred fifty ard no/100--------�-�--------------------- .
<br /> - iT�.11us(S S�i,fi50.00 ). for whiah � ��
<br /> sum thc Burrewer has exccuted and delivered to ttx Lsnder f3rsrr.ower's promissory�<,rx a°even da±e.bearing�niZTest at tha rate of•�
<br /> ' ten per Ctnium f I0.0 '�i)rer;::num on t3zt vnDaid balaneo w►ti��
<br /> paid.Thes�kl principal utid incerest sh�ll be payabk at ttre oiiiceof Overla�i National Baak,. L'�0. Box 1688,
<br /> in ��and I�land, NE 6$802 . oe ut saclt aci�cr ptacc as the holder of the note
<br /> may dcsignate in writinq. in monthfy instaliments af Four hundred eighty dollars an,i 47/100---------------
<br /> . Dollus(S 48p,�7 ),commencing on the first day of Aprfl • 19 90 .�nd on thc fi►st day
<br /> _ of tach manth thereaf'[er until the principa)and interest are fully paid,except that the Gnal payment o�principal and interest,iP not saonat
<br /> _-� D�d.sha11 be due and nayable nn the first day of March • Z�20 • ' � ,__-_,-_ -
<br /> TF�fprm is uwd n conrNCtion with mortyp�f mwrRd under tf:e one4o tour-f�rnity proprim�ot tRe NelioMt Houtinq Aet(inCiuding S�ctions 263Ib1 en0 Up Whi:N f �
<br /> r�M�i OM•TieM Mptp�In�urante Pntnlum payment�n eccardance w�th the reputatbn�for thofe progiems. �
<br /> �~ Pe�e t af S form HlHY92143�DT.1 13�88�d,tkr.�) � �
<br /> �-4C�ME)�wa� vM►MOntWGE iUflMS•�3t3�293•8100•�BCi0�52�729� 24Ciq y03.17(el � '
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