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<br /> � Lender. In e�•ent aE'loss Borrawer wi(1 give irtaraedi�te notice by Leader shall gi�e notice to BorEowtr prior to acceleration
<br /> i mail to the t,er►der.who may make proof of toss if not made fa3tt�e��,ng Botrawer's breach of any ca��enant os ageoment in
<br /> PFO�PUY bl'��roeeer.aud cacl�inst�rance cDn�pany coacerned � thi�instrument(6ut not prior to aaceIeration under par�graph
<br /> is hereby authorized aad directed ta make payacent for surh loss 12 unitl;s appticabte law provides ottierwise). 7'fxe a�otice shall
<br /> directty to thc i,ender instead of to che Banowet and the spe�iflt;(a)[he default;(b)th:action reqn'ued to cure the
<br /> Lender joindy�and the iasurance praceeds.or any part thereof, defauiti�,(c)a dace,not(ess than 30 days from the date the
<br /> mag be�ppL'ed by the Lender at its opno:�eithec to tht noti�fss given to Boreower,by which the defauit must he cured;
<br /> reductioa of the indebtedness hereby sccured or to thr and(di.�hat faiiure to cure thc defauIi on or before the date
<br /> - f[SiOfili20D OT iC�IC Jf IItC PIO�lr[}d3(I1,3$td.[n cvent of speceifq�.in the notice may r�sult in acceivation of the sums
<br /> fareclosure of this instrument or other traa;fcr oF titte ro the setured oy this ia�strumeat and sate of tht Propertg,The notice
<br /> mortgaged properiy in eafinguishment of the indebtedness s�nl!fa'rther inform Bonower of the right to reinstate after
<br />_ secured hereby.aU right,title and interest of th:Borrower in acce;�t�tion and the rig6E to Bring a court acUoa to assert the
<br /> and to any insaranre policies then in force sha14 pass to[he non�a�3s;ence of a default or�y uthoe dtfense of Bo.rower to �
<br /> purchaser or gramee. �
<br /> aa;c,.{ation and sale. [f the defi�iir.i4:�f c�,ired.on or before
<br /> 9• T6at as additionat and coUateral security for the payinent �he dr�te specificd in the notice,Lrs���:ita option may rer�uue
<br /> — of the note desrn'bed,and all sums to become du�uader this 'mma�;,late payment in fuU af aD`._ 'w�:.�ured by this .
<br /> iastrument.[he Borrowcr herebp assigns to the Lender all '�S��'���t w.�thoui further dfm;ui�sn3 tnay invoke the power
<br /> . ptofits, revenues, royrtitits; rigitts and benefits accruing to the °f�(��end any other remedies ptrmitted 6y applicabte law.
<br /> • _ � Borrower.,ander any and atl otl and gas lqse.s on said premises, �ndvx shall be entitfed to collect all eapcu�incurred in "
<br /> - � with tre:n�t�t to raxave and teee9fit for the same and apply �urruittg the remedies providod in this pargg3aph 13.including. ; �.
<br /> them to caid iadebtedness as weI!Ue�ore as after default in the 6ut:�nt limited to,reasonable attomeys'fees and costs of title
<br /> � conditions of this instrnment,and the Lender may demaad, sue e�����'
<br /> . for and rocover aay such payments when due and payable, but If;J:e pouier of sale is invoked,Trustee shall record a notice af - �
<br /> — �shafl not be reyu'ued so to da.This assignmenc is to terminate dePauii in each countv in which any�art of the Property is
<br /> and become null and void upon release of thi�instrument. lo�c;c!and ahall mail copie�af such notice ia the manner '
<br /> IQ. Tfttl�t�e Borrower will iceep the buildings upon said P�'ascribed by applirable law to Borrower and to the other . '
<br /> � premi��s tn good repair,and neither commit nar permit waste �T�pns prescribed by applicable taw. After the time required by
<br /> • uFon said Tand,Aor Gu[fea the said premises ta tae used for any ��I!jlcable taw.Trustee shall give public notice of sale ta the
<br /> ' unlawful purpose. [s�aons and in the manner prescribed by applicab2e law. � ,
<br /> "�'n:�:ee,without deaand on Borcower.shaIi�sait the Aroperty at
<br /> 11. T[�at if the premises,or any part there�f, �e condemned Puhlic auction to t?�e t�ighest bidder at the tizs,�and place and �
<br />— under tf�e pawer of erainent domaaa, ar acquir�for a public under the terms dc-s;3nated in the notice of'saYe in one or more �
<br /> ux,the damages awarded,the proceeds for the�a�:ing of,or ps�icels and in any order Trus[ee determines. Trustee rnay •
<br /> che consideration for sa:;i acquisition, to the errc-r?2 of the full gostpone sale of all or any parcel of the Proper[y by public '
<br /> ' amount of indebtcdness upon this instrument a:,d r.he note announcement at the aime and place of any previously scheduled -
<br /> which it is given to secure remaining unyaid,a:e+�ereby assigned s:ala. Lender or its designee may pnrchast the Property at any ' �
<br /> by the Bonowtr ta the Lender.and shall be pa::-,.!"onhwith to s�la.
<br /> said Lender to be applied by the latter on acca��t of the next �-
<br /> maturing installments of such indebtedness. Z.1Don recenpt of payment of the price bid,Trustee shal!deGver ��
<br /> to�the purchaser Trustce's deed conveying the Property.The --
<br /> 12. The Borrowos fuaher agrces that should thiw instrument recitals in the Trustee's deed sha11 be prima facie evidence of the
<br /> and the nate secured hereby not be eli;�jble for insuranse under truth of the state�nts made therein. Trustee shall a p pl y the �� ^—
<br /> t he National Housing Acs within es�s?:+_nonths from the date Froceeds of the salr.-:n the following drder:(a)to all expenses of
<br /> �; hereof(uritten atatement of any oEfirer of thc De�anment of thze safe� inctudin8, 6ut no! limited to, Tric?rs:'s fces as
<br /> I�ausing ard Urbaa DeveloDment or authosiud��^t of the p�rmian.d by appticable!aw and reasonaf�G:::torneys'fees;(b)
<br /> , Secretary of Housing an� �Jrban Development da:�e+.i subsequent �o a11 sums secured by thi�Securtty Instr,.-urcnt;and (c)any
<br /> to the eight months'[ir,,�;-�m the 4ate of this instrument, excess to the t•
<br /> person or persons legaJty entitGed to it. �
<br /> declining ce insure sai�r c�.�c.�r.d t his i.��rtgage, being dcemerl ?•
<br /> conetusive proof of sucli uTf:ti�tr'slityy, U�:I,ender os holder of 14. Upon acceteration under paragraDh l3 or abandanment of
<br /> the�ote may, at its optipr,u'xL;rr;;:[t::�:ns se�ured hereby �he Property.Lender(in person,by agent or by judicially • ,
<br /> immediately due and payaS�?e.:Nr,t�f:Iistandittg�Jre foregoing, aPFointed receiver) shall be entitie,! to enter upon.take .
<br /> this optton may not be exercised by zhe Lendet ar the holder of ��ession of and manage the Prr��erty and to coltect ths z-;��ts �`�
<br /> the note whtn the ineligibility for ina�irance under the NationA! oF the Property including those aast due. Any rents collected by • � �
<br /> Housing Act is due to the Lender's fai!are to remit the �nder or the receiver shall be applied �rst tr�vayment of the �
<br /> _ mortgage insurance ptemium to the Bepartment of Housing and �sts of management of the Property aad collection of rents,
<br /> Urban DeveloDment. inclading.but noi;imi[ed to. rece�ver's fees,premiums oa
<br /> rescivcr's bonds and reasonablc attomeys' fces,and then to thc
<br /> 13. That if the Borrower feils to make any Dayments of moncy sums secured by this instrument.
<br /> whrn the same became due,or Paits to conform to and compil�
<br /> with any ot the conditions or agrerments contained in this
<br /> — instrumrnt.or the note which it secures,then thc entire
<br /> Principal sum and accrued inierest shall at once become due and
<br />�. payabfe. at the el�ction of the l.ender.
<br /> ��
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