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2� 1 ��8514 <br /> ����] �� `�F�[J ST <br /> �Contir�ue�1} Pag� 6 <br /> concurrentiy or indep�ndently,fram time to ��me an�as often as may be deemed exped�ent by'�rustee or Lender, <br /> �nd either of t�em may pursue inconsistent remedies. Noth�ng ir� this Deed of 7rust shall k�e �onstrued as <br /> prohibiting Lender frflm seeKing a defcienc}+�udgrner�t��ainst the Trustar ta the extent such�ction is perm�tted by <br /> (��. Elec��on by Lender to pursue any �ernedy sttall nvt excEc�de pursuit of any other remedy, and an election to <br /> rnake expeR�iitures ar to tafce action tv perform an obligation af�rustor under this Deed of Yrust, af#er�'rustor's <br /> failure ta�ertarm,sh�ll r�ot affect Le�de�'s r�ght to declare a defa�lt and exer�ise i#s�emedies. <br /> Reau�st far No�t�e� �I'l]S�OT�on behalf vf�tvstor and Lender, hereby r�qu�sts th�t a cop�af any Notic�of Defau�t <br /> and a copy of any Notice of Sale undet this Deed of Trust be m�iled t�th�m at the adc�resses set forth in the first <br /> paragr�ph af this Deed o�7rust. <br /> Aftorneys' �ees; Expens�s. ff Lender institutes any su�t or ac�ion to enforc� any �f th� terrns af this D�ed �f <br /> Trust� Le�der shal�be entifled to r�cover such�um as the cour�may ad�u�ge reasonable as attorn�}�s' fees�t tria! <br /> and upor� any appeal, 1NY�ethe�'or not�n�eourt action �s invalved, and to tF�e exten� not prohi�it�d b�r I�vv, a�l <br /> reasona�f e expenses Lender incurs tha� in Lende�s vpinian are nec�ssar}r at any time �or the prate�tian of its <br /> interest or tF�e enfaccement of its rigMts shall become a p�rt of the Indebfednes.��ay�b1�on demand and sha�ll bear <br /> ir�ter�st at the Note rate from the d�te of�he�xpenditure ur�t11 repaid. Expenses covere�i by this pai-agraph inc�ud�, <br /> without limitatian� hoti+veve�subject to any li�n�ts ur�der ap��icable 1aw, �ender's attorneys' fees and Lender's�e�al <br /> expense�, whether or not there is a lawsUit, including attorneyst fees and expens� for bankruptcy proceedir�gs <br /> �inclu�din�e�Forts to madify�r�acat��ny automa�ic stay or injun��ior�}, �ppe�ls,and any anticipated posk 3udgment <br /> r,oflection s�rvic�s, t�e cvs�af searching recards�obtaining title reports�includir��fareclasure r�por#s},�urveyors' <br /> �eports, and a��raisa! fees, t�t[e insurance, and �ees for fhe Trustee, to the exte�t permi�#ed by app���ab�e I��r• <br /> �'rustar also wil�pay any cvu�t�osts,in addifia�to all oth�r surns pra��ded by lav�r. <br /> Rig�ts of Trustee. Truste�shall have al�af the rights and duties of Lender as se�forth in this section. <br /> l�aV��E�S 1�1ND DBLI�AT[0�5�F�'RUSfEE. �'he following pra�risions relafing ta the powers and obligations af�'rustee <br /> are part af this �eed of Trust: <br /> Powers af Trustee. In addition fo all po�rers of Trustee ar�sir�g as a matte�of I�w�Trusfee s��al have the pavtirer to <br /> t�Ke the fo I�awin g actions w i th respect to the Property upon the wrf fte n requ es�o f Lend�r�nd Trustor: �ay jo�r�in <br /> preparin� a�d fil�ng a map or plat of the Real Property� including tfne de�ication of streets vr other rights to t�e <br /> public; {�� join in gra�t�ng any �asement or creating a�y restrickion on the aeal Property; and �c} join in any <br /> su bordinai�on or other ag reem ent affecting th is Aeed af Trust ar the i nterest of Lender u n�er�f�is Deed vf T�ust. <br /> Trustee. fr�stee shalE rne�t all q�ali�cafior�s requ�red for Trus�ee under applicable Ia�nr, Ir� addition to the ��ghts <br /> and rernedies set farti� above, �vith respect ta afl or anJ� part of the Property, tF�e Trustee shall nave the rigi�k lo <br /> fOrECI4S8 �]f f�OtilCB dl'!C� $�IB� and L�nder s�a�l have the ri�ht t❑ foreclose �y judicial fvreclosure, 1n �iti��r ca�e in <br /> �ccordance wikh and ta t�e full exten�provided b�app�icable�av�r. <br /> Successor Trustee. �end�r, at Lender's option, may f�orn tirne to tirne 2��point a successor Truste�ta ar�y 7rustee <br /> appointed under this Deed of Tr�st b�r an instrument executed anci acknowlcdged by Len�er and recorded in the <br /> office af the recorder of Hall Cou�ty, 5ta�e of �lebraska. �'he instrument shall contain, in �ddition to all oti�er <br /> matters require� by state law, the names of the ar�ginal Lender, Trustee, and Trustar, the �ook and page �or <br /> c�mputer sysfem reference} vwhe�e this Dee� af TrusE is recarded, and �I�e r�ame and address o� the successvr <br /> trustc�,and the i r�stru ment shal�be executed and ackno�rle�ged by alf fE�e 6enefic�aries Un�er tf�is Deed a�Trusti ot <br /> their successors in interest. 7he su�csssor tfustee, w�thout conveyance af the Prv�e�ty, shaEl succe�d to all t�e <br /> title, power�and du�ies canferred upon the T�ustee in this Qeeci�f Ttust and by appllc�b[e 1aw. This procedure for <br /> substitution of Trustee shaCl govern#o the excl�sion of aIi ot�er pr�v�sions ior substitut��n. <br /> �EDTICES. Any notice required ta b�g�ven under this Qeed of 7rust, including vtiri��v�t limitati�n any noti�e af d�fauEt <br /> and any not�ce af sale shall be giWen in v�rri�ing, an�shall be effective when a�tually del[vered,v�vhen actuai�y received <br /> by#e�efacsimile�unless otherw�se required by Iavu},whe n dep�sited rr�rith a n2�#��nal�y r�cognlzed overn ight courier, o�,if <br /> maifedt v�rhen depasited in the United�#ates mail,as f i rst c�ass, c��tif ed or registered m�il postage prepaid,directed#o <br /> the addresses sf�own near the beginning a�this Des�of Trust. All cvpies of nvtices ot for�c[osure frvm the h�lc�er of <br /> any lien which has priority over this Deed of Trust shall be sent to l.ende�s address, as sl�own near the beginning of <br /> this Deed vf Yrust. Any par�y may change �ts address fvr� not�ces under this Deed of Yrust by givin� farmai written <br /> noti�e tfl f�e other parties, specifyin� i��t the purpose of the rtotice is #o change the part�'s �ddress. For nvtice <br /> purposvs,Trustor�grees to kee�a LonclQr informod at all times of Trustor�s current address. Unless�therwise pra�ided <br /> �r required E�y law� if there is more#�an ane Trus#or� any notice given by Lender to any Trustor is deemed to be notice <br /> given to all Trustors. <br /> �L�C�'F�ON[C C�PIES. Lender may cop�, electroni�alf}r or other�ris�, and �hereafter destray, ihe origina�s of ti�is <br /> Agreer�tent andJar Re�ated Dacumen�s in th� regular course of Lender's business. AII sucF� copies praduced fr�m an <br /> efe c�ronic form or by any ot��r reliabl�means �i.e., phofog raphic image or facsimile}s�a�l in all respe�ts be cansidered <br /> equiv�lent to an original,anc�Borrow�r hereby waives any r��hts ar objectians to khe use of sucF�copies. <br /> [�ISC ELLAN E�IIS PR�V[S I�NS. �'he fo1[owi ng miscel faneous provisions are a part af th is Deed of Yrust: <br /> Amen drnents. 'This�eed of Tru st� tag ether with any I�elated Dacumen�s� cvn stalutes the entire understanding and <br /> �greement of the pa�ties as to th� matkers set fv�th ir� this Deed of Yrust. 1Vo alteration of vr ament�ment�o this <br /> aeed of Tr�st shal[be effectiv� unl�ss g ivert in writin� and si�ne� by�he pa rty or parties sou�ht ta be cr�rged or <br /> bvund by�he aEteratio�or 2�mendrner�t. <br /> An nuaj Reports. I� �he prop�rty is used for purposes other than Trus#o�s res�dence, Trustar sfnall fumis� to <br /> Ler�der, upor� rec�uest� a certi�i�d staternent of net ap�rating i naQme rer.ei�ed frorn t�e �r�per�y d�ring Trustvr's <br /> �revious fisca�year in suc� for�m ar�d c��tail as Lenr�er shall requira. "Net aperatin� incom�" shall mean a!I c�h <br /> reoeipts from the F�rope�-�!�ess�«c�sh ex�enditures r�de in con�eCt�on wjth the o�er�tio[�of t�l�l�roper�ty. <br /> �apticri 1-[aad�ngs. ��ption henr�ings in this Deed of Trus� arg for conr�enience putpases on�y and are nat #o be <br /> used to i nterpret or def ne the pro�isians ot this Q�ed a�Tru st. <br /> Nierger. Th�re shall be na merger of the interest or estate created by��is aeed of Trust with any of�er interest or <br /> e5tate in the Praperty at any time hel�by or fo�the benefi�of Le�der in any�apacity�r�rithaut tF��writter� cvnsent <br /> of Lender. <br /> Governing Law. ��is �eed vf Trust w�l I be govarned �y fe de ral [aw ap pl�ca��e ta Lender ar�d, to the extent n ot <br /> preempted �y federal�aw,the laws of the 5ta#e of Nebraska wit�out regard to its�onfiiGts�f law prov�sions. Th�s <br /> Deed af Trust has been accepte�€hy Lender in the State of Nebraska. <br /> Cho�ce af 1lenue. If t�ere is a iatir+lsuit, Trustor agrees upon l�ende�s re�u�st ta submit to th�juris�iiclion of the <br /> courts Qf Hal�County,State of Nebras�Ca. <br /> Ja�nt ar�d Severai l.1�b31ity. AII ob�igations ot�'rustar�nder this Deed af Tr�st shall be joint and sev�ral, and a[I <br /> references to Yrustor shall mean each a�d every Trustar. This means that each Trustar signing be[ow is <br /> respansib�e far a1i abli�ations in th�s Deed of�`rust. <br /> iVa 1rVa�Wer by Lender. �ender sh alf n ot be deemed to hav�wa ived any rig hts u�r�der tl�is Deed of 7rust�nless sucf� <br /> wa�ver is give� in writing �nd sigr�ed by Len�er. Na delay ar o�nission an��e�art of Lend�r in exercising any tight <br /> s�all aperate as a waiver of such r�ght or any other rig�t. A vtiraiver by Lende�a�a Provision of this Deed of Trust <br />