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2� 1 ��8514 <br /> D��a �F �'RUSi' <br /> ��ont�n ued} Page � <br /> Trusta�'s property� any assignment for t�e benefit o� credi�oTs, any type of creditor workout, ar the <br /> commencem�nt of�ny prec�edin�under any bankrupfcy ar�nsolWency laws by ar against Trustvr. <br /> Credjtor �r Forfetture Praceedings. Cvmmencement af foreclosure vr forfeiture proceedings, �nrhether by jud�cia� <br /> proceedin�,self-he�p,repossession oT any other meth�d, by any creditar of�"rustor or�yr any governmental agency <br /> a�ainst any property securing the Int�ebtedness. 7his inc�udes a sarr�ishment of any of �'rustar's accounts� <br /> ir�clud�n� deposit �ccounts, v�r�th �en�er. How�ver, this Event of Default shall nat apply if there is a good �a�th <br /> disp�t� by Trustor as to the va�idity or reasana��eness of the clairn which �s the �asis vf the creditor ar forfeiture <br /> proceedin� ar�d if Tru�tor gives Lender�vritte n �oti ce of t�� credifar❑r �ar�eiture proceeding �r�d deposits w ith <br /> Lender monies or a surety bond fo r�he�reditor vr forieitu re pra�eeding, i�an a mvunt determined b}r Lende�, ir�its <br /> sole d�scretior���s b�ing ar�adequate reserve vr bond far the dis�ute. <br /> 8 rea��of Dt�er Agreement. Any breach by Trustar under the terms af any other agreer�-�e�t betwee�"�rustor and <br /> �.ender th�t is not rem�died rr�ithin any�race �etio� pravided thefe[n, including without �imitafion any agreement <br /> concerning any andebtedn�ss a�o�her obligation of�rustor fa Lender,whet�er existir�g r�vvtir flr l�t�r. <br /> �ven#s AfFectin g �ua rantor. �Iny of the prec�c�ir�g e�ents occurs with respect#o any guarantor, endarser, surety, <br /> or accommod2�tian party o�any af the Indebt��rte$s�r any guar2�rr�or� er�c�orser suret� ar accomrrro�ation party <br /> cfies ar beco�es incampetent� ❑f revvkes or disputes the vallc�ity of, flr liabillty ur�der� any Guaranfy of the <br /> ln�ebtedness. <br /> Adverse Change. A material adverse change occurs �n "i'rusta�s f�nancial conditian� ot Lend�r �ae�ie�es the <br /> prospect af�ayment or p�rformanc�of�h�lndebtedr�ess is impair�d. <br /> Insecurj�y. Lender in �ood faith believ�s itself insecure. <br /> �IGHTS AN� REh�1EDlES QN.DEFACJLT. If an E�snt of�efault accurs under thEs l�eed of�rust� at�ny time thereafter� <br /> Trustee ar Lender may�xe�c�se any one or mor�e af#�e fallav+iing rights and remedies: <br /> Accelerat�an Upon Default;Addit�onal Rerne��es, if any�vent af Defauf�occurs as�er the terrns ot t[�e Note <br /> secured hereE�y,�er�der may dec�a�r��II Irideb�ed��ss secured by this�d of Trus�to foe due and pay�ble and <br /> the same sh��l thereup�rt become dt�e�nd payab�e vv�thout any presentfnent,demand,profes#or notice of any <br /> �ind. �'here�fte�,Le��er may; <br /> . <br /> a E�ther in person ar by agent, r�rith or withaut br�nging ar�y action ar pr�ceed�ng, or I�y a rer,�i�er <br /> appointed by a cou�t and withQut r�gard to the adequacy of�ts security, en�er upon and take p�vssession <br /> of the Rnoperty�or any part thereof, in its awn natr�e ar in tl�e n�me�f l"rustee, and c�o�ny acts which it <br /> deerns r�eGessary ar desirab�e to preserve the�afue, rrtarketabi�ity�r renta�ility af the praAerty,or p�r#of <br /> t�� Froperty or interest in the Property; inccease the inaome�rflm th��r�perty or pr�te�t fF�e security af <br /> tf�e Pr�per�y; and, with or wi#hout t�king passess:on �f the Praperty� sue for or othen►vis� co�lect fhe <br /> rents� issues anr�profts of t�e Praperty, in�f�d�n�those past due and unpa�d, �n�f�pp�y the sar�e, less <br /> costs and expenses of opera#ian and coR�ection attarneys'fees,ta any i�debtedness secure�f by tF�is Deed <br /> of Trust, a!I in suci� atder as Ler�der may de�e�rnine. T�-re entering up�r� �nd ��lu'�g possess�on a�the <br /> Praperty, the c.o��e�tion a�sucF� rentst issues and profits, and t[�e application the�eof s�r�li rtot c�re or <br /> �raive any default or notice af defau�t un�ier this Deed v�Trust or invalidate any act do�te in respanse ta <br /> sueh def�ult or p�rsu�nt to su�ch�otice af de�ault;and, notwiths�anding the oontinuan�e in possessian of <br /> the Praperfy or fh�cv«ecfior�, r��ei�t and application of rents, issues ar profits, Yru�fee or Lender sh�El <br /> be�nfitied to exercise every�igf�t provided for in the Note ar th�Related Dvcuments ar by law upon the <br /> accurrence of any event of def�ult,in�f uding tf�e right to exer�se tE�e p�wer of sa�e; <br /> �b� Gomm�nce an�ction tv for�close this Deed af Trust�s a mo�gage� �ppoint s r�ceiver or specif cally <br /> enfar�any o�the caWenants nereof;and <br /> �c� D�liver ta�'rustee�wriften declaration of defaul#��c�demand f�r sale and a vvritten notice af default <br /> and efectior�to ca�se Trustor's i nterest in the Pr�perty tv be so1d,which natice Truste�sh��1 cause to be <br /> c�uly filed�a�record ir�the ap�ropriate vffces of the County in�rhich th�Property is]oc�ted;and <br /> {d) U�lith respect to all ar any pa�rt of t�e persor���prvp�rty� ��nc�er sE�afl have a�l tE�e rights and rerr�dies <br /> of a secured parEy�r�der the Nebraska�lniforrn C�mmercial�ode. <br /> Foreclosure by�ower ot Sa�e. I��endBi'���CtS�Q�O1'eC�oSe by ex�rCise of t�e P�wer of^�fe herc�in vanta�nod, <br /> �endar shal� r�atiiy�'n,�stee ar�d s�tall deposit�rvith Trustee t�is D�eed af Trust and��e i�ote and such recei�ts <br /> and evider�ce of expenditures made and s�cured by t�ris Deed of Y�ust a,�Trust�e may r��uire. <br /> �a� Upor�recei�ot of such no�ice from Lender,�"r�rstee shall cause�o b�reeorded,published and deli�ered <br /> to Yrustar such Nfltice of���a�u[t and No��ce o�.Sale as#hen required b�+law ar�d by this Deed of 7'rust. <br /> Truste� sha1�, vr,+ithout deman� an �rustar� after suc� fi me as may then be i-equi ret� by lavv and after <br /> recard�tion of su�ch i�lati�e af Default and after NotiGe of 5a�e having been gi��n as required �y law, se�l <br /> fhe Property at tf�e t�rne ancf place af sa�� fixed by it En sucl� �1ot�ce o�5ale, either as �whole, or �n <br /> separate lo#s or parce�s�r it�ms 2�s Trustee shall deem expedient,�r�d in such oro�er as i# rnay determine, <br /> at pub�i�a�ctior�fa the f�ighest bidd�r for cash in�arnr�u�money af the l.lnited States payabl�at the�ime <br /> of sale. Trustee s���l aeliver to such purchas�r or purchasers thereof its goad a�d suffic�ent deed or <br /> deeds conveying the property so sold, but witE�ou�t any oover�an�or warranty, expres� or implied. The <br /> recitafs ir�s�cF� deed of any mat�ers or f�cts shall be canclusive proof a�the tru�f�fulr�ess thereof. Any <br /> persvn,incl udi�g without li mita#i�n Trustar,'Trus#ee,or Lender,rr�y purch�se�t such s�Cs, <br /> �b� As may be permi�#ed by law� �ft�r ded�cti�g 2r11 casts� fee� and expenses of Trustee and of th�s <br /> �'rust,ir�c�udir�g costs a�evidenoe of ti#�e in connection vvi�h sa�e�Trustee sh�ll�pAly fF�e pro�eeds af sale <br /> #o payment of ��}afl sums expende�f t�nde�the te�'ms af thEs D�d of Trust ar�nc�er th�terms of the Not� <br /> r�ot 11�vr� ropnld. ir+�ludFng but n�t IfmEtc3d to �acC�.rcxd Ir�LorpSt �lr1d Ic'7�� CI��li"C��S� (ii) al� ot#�er sum5 �he1� <br /> secu�ed hereby,and {lii}t�e remacnder,1f any,to the per�svn or p��sons legafly�ntitied thereto. <br /> ��� Trustee may in the rr�nner pro�rded by law post�one sa�e of a�l or any port�on of the Pro�erty. <br /> Remedies Not Exclusive. Trustee and �ender, and each of th�rn� sf�afl be entitled to enforce pa�rrnent and <br /> periorrnar�ce of any indebtedness or�bli�ations seGured by this Deecf pf�rust antf to exercise�II r�ghts and povwers <br /> un�er fhis Deed af Trust, under the Note, under any of the Re�ated bocuments, ar under any other agreefnec�t or <br /> any lavus nov+,r v�hereafter in force; notvtirithstand�ng�som�or all of sucF� Indebtedr�ess ar�d�b�igations secured b <br /> tf�is Deed of Tru st m�y n�vtir or hereafter be otherwise sec�re�, wh ethe r by rrzortgage, deed o f tru st� pled e, J�en <br /> assign�r-ient or atherwlse, Neithet#h e acce�t�nce a�th is �e�d o f��ust nor i cs enforcement, whether by court <br /> activn or pufsUant to the paw�r ef sale o�❑t?�er powers contai�ed �n thi� Deeci of Trust, sha�l prejudi�e or in any <br /> manner affect Trustee's ar Lender's r�ght ta reailze updn vr�nforce any�fher security novu �r hereafte�- held by <br /> i"rustee or Lender,it bein�agreed that�'rustee and Lender,artcf��Gh of them,shai!be entit�ed to en�arce this deed <br /> of 7Fust and any otf�er security now or hereaf#er he�d by Ler�der or 7rustee i� sucf� order and manrier as tF�e or <br /> either of them may in their absolute discretian detetmine, No remedy canferred uppn or resecWed ta Ttustee ar <br /> Ler�der, is intended to be ex�lusi�►e of any otf�er rernedy in th is ❑eed o f Tr�st or by law provided or errnitted aut <br /> each shail be �umuiative and shail �e in a�di#�on to eve other remed p ' <br /> he�eafter existir�g at(aw or in ec�uity or by statute. E�ery P�wer ar remed �iven b this Deed o�Trust or now or <br /> �flCUl1�'�eC1�5 to Trustee ar Lender or to which either of tF�errr rnay �e o h�rwise entitled�rn��°f tF�e�elated <br /> , y �ae exercisec�, <br />