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2� 1 ��8484 <br /> go�erned by federal law and the law of the jurisdic�ion �n which �he Prope�y is �ocated. A�� rights and <br /> obliga�ions contain�d in th�s Securi�y Instrumenf are sub�ect fa any requiremen�s and limi�atEons of <br /> Applicab�e Law. Applicabl� Law migh� explicitly or implicitly all�w the part�es to agree by c�ntract or it <br /> might�e silen�, bu�such sil�nce sha�i not be canstrued as a p��hibi�ion against agreement by contrac�. In <br /> �he ��en� tha� any pravision �� �Iause o� �his SeCuri�y Instrum�n� �r the Note conf�ic#s with Applicable <br /> Law, such conflict shall not af�ecf other pro�isions of this 5ecurity Instrument or fhe No�e which can be <br /> gi�en effec�withou�the con�lic�ing pro�ision. <br /> As used in this Securify Ins�rumen#: �a}words of the masculine gender snall mean and includ� <br /> carresponding neuter wards �r wards of th� feminine gender; �b}wards in �he sin�u�ar sha�l mean and <br /> inc�ude the plural and �ice ��rsa; an� ��}the w�rd "may" gi�es soke discretion wi#hout any abliga�ivn #o <br /> take any ac�ion. <br /> 't?. Barrawer's Copy. B�rrawer shai! be g��en �ne copy of the Note and �f this Security <br /> Ins�rument. ' <br /> 18. Transfer of�he Proper�y or a B�nef�cial In�er�s�in B�rrawer. As us�d in this Sec�ion �8, <br /> "In�er�st in fhe Proper�y" means any iegal or henef�cial inter�sf in �he Property, inc�ud�ng, but not �imit�d <br /> �a, thase benefi�ia� �nteres�s trans�er�ed �n a bond fv�deed, contract for deed, ins�allmen� sales contrac� <br /> flr escr�w agreement, the inten� �f which �s �he transfer of �itle by Borrawer at a �u�ure �ate to a <br /> purehaser. <br /> If a�l ar any part af the Property or any Inferest in �he Pr�perty is sofd or transfierred ��r if Bar�ower <br /> is no� a nafura! person and a ben�fieia! �nteres� in Borrawer is sold ar firansferred} wi�haut Lender's p��vr <br /> wr���en �ortsen�, L�nder may requir� immediate �ayment in fu�l of a�� sums secured by th�s Security <br /> �ns�rument. Howe�er, this opfion shali not be exerci�ed by Lender i� such exercise is prohibEted �y <br /> Applicable Lavu. <br /> . �f Lender �xercises �h�s option, Lender shall g��� Borrow�r notic� of accelerat�on. The not�ce <br /> shalf pro�id� a peri�d of not less tha� 3Q days �rom the da�e the notice is gi�en in ac�o�-dance wi�h <br /> Sec�i�n �5 w�thin which Bor�rower mus�pay all sums secu�ed by this 5�curity Instrument. If Bor�awer fails <br /> t� pay these sums prior�v�he expiratian af this pe�iod, Lend��may�n�oke any remedies permi�ted by�his <br /> Se�urity Ins�rument wi�haut�urther notice�r demand on Borrawer. <br /> '!9. Borrower's Righ� to Reinstate Af�er Acceieration. If Barraw�r meets certa�n conditions, <br /> Borrower shaf� ha�e the r�ght t� ha�e enforc�men� af this Securi�y Instrumen� disconfinued at any time <br /> privr to the ear�iest af: �a}fi�e days be�ore saie v�the Property pur��uan��a any power of sale confia�n�d in <br /> fhis Secu�i�y lnst�ument; �b}such a�her p�riod as Applicabi� Law might specify for the termina�ion of <br /> Borrower's right �o reinsta�e; or �c} en�ry �f a ju�gment enforcing this Security lnstrument. Tho�e <br /> condifiions are that Borrower: �a} pays Lender al! sums which �hen would be �ue unde� this �ecurity <br /> Insfrumen� and the No�e as �f no aecefera�ian had oc�urred; �b} cures any defauft of any o�h�r <br /> co�enan�s or agreements; �c} pays al� expenses incurred in en�orc�ng this Se�u�ity Instrument, inc�uding, <br /> but no� limited �o, reasonab�e attorneys' ��es, pr�perfy inspection and valuat�an fees, and o�her fees - <br /> incurred f�r �he purpvse of protecting L�nder's in�erest in �he Proper�y and righ�s under this Securi�y <br /> �ns�rument; and �d} takes such ac��an as Lender may �easana��y require to assure tha� Lender's interest <br /> in the Prop�r�y and rights under �his Securifiy Ins�rum�nt, and Barrower's abligatian to pay the sums <br /> secur�d by this Security �ns�rum�n�, shall con�inue unchanged. Lender� may re�uire thafi Borrowe� pay <br /> such reinstatement sums and expenses in vne �r m�re of�he f�ilawin� farms, as seiected by Lender: <br /> �a} cash; ��} mon�y order; �c}cer�ified check, bank check, �reasurer's check ar cash�er's check� pro�ided <br /> any such che�k is dra�rvn upon an insti�ution whose dep�si�s ar� �nsured by a fed�ral agency, <br /> instrumentali�y or en�ity; or �d} Electronic Funds Transfer. Upon reins�atemen� by Bvr�aw�r, �h�s Security <br /> �ns�rument and obiiga�ions secured hereby shali remain fu�fy ef�ecti�e as �f no accei�ratian had vccurred. <br /> Hawever, this righ�ta reins�ate sha�l not app�y in�he case af accele�at�an under Se�tion �8. <br /> 20. 5a�e of Note; Change vf Laan S�r�icer; Notice of Grie�ance. The N�te ar a partia� <br /> . int�rest �n �he No�� �together wi�h �h�s Securi�y Instrument} �an be S�ld one or more times withou� priar <br /> � 3 a o a 6 4 s 2 s � � � M C M v � T D o -r * <br /> NEBRASKA--Si�gle Family-Fannie NlaefFreddie Mac UNIF4RM 1NSTR�MENT Form 30Z8 'i1D1 (page 71 of�4 pages} <br /> Mortgage Caden�e DaGument�en#er O 3D27�'f 1�4 <br />