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2� 1 ��8484 <br /> exercising any right ar r�m�dy including,w��hou�limitat�an, Lender's acc�pfan�e af paymen�s �rom third <br /> persons, �nti�ies ar Success�rs in lnterest �f Borrowe�or �n amaunts less than �he amount then due, <br /> sha!! na�b�a wai�e�tif ar preclude#he exer�ise of any righ�flr remedy, <br /> '13. J�int and S�rreral L�ability; �o-s�gners; 5ucc�ssars and Ass�gns Bnund. Bo�rower <br /> co�enants and agrees �hat Borrower's obligations and liability shall be joint and se�eraf. Hawe�er, any <br /> B�rrower who co-signs �h�s Securi�y Ins��ument but does not exe�ute �he Note �a "cv-signer"}: �a} is <br /> caMsign�ng fhis Security �nsfrumen� oniy to mor�gage, grant and con��y the co-signer's interest in #he <br /> Fraperty under the ferms of this Se�urity instrumenfi; �b} �s not personai�y o���ga�ed ta pay the sums <br /> secure� by this Seeuri�y Ins�rument; and �c} agrees �ha� Lender and any other Borrower can agree �a <br /> �xtend, madify, ��rb�ar ar make any accomm�da���ns wifh regard tv�he�ermS of�his S�curify�nstrum�nt <br /> ar the N�te without�he c�-signer's cansent. <br /> Sub�ecf tv the pro�ision� of Sec�i�n 18, any Succ�ssor �n In�eres� of Barrow�r who assumes <br /> Borrowe�'s abliga��ons under �his Security Instrumen� ir� wri�ing, and is ap��a�ed by Lende�, shall obfain <br /> al1 of Borrower's rights and benef ts und�r th�s Securify �nstrument. Barrower sha�! not be released �r�m <br /> Borrawer's obl�gations and li�b�lity under fhis Secur��y�ns�rument un�ess Lende�a�rees�a such re�ease in <br /> wr�#ing. The cavenants and agreements of this Se�uri�y Ins�rument sha�� �ind �excep� as pro�ided in <br /> S�ction �0} and bene�it the successars and assigns af Lend�r. <br /> 'l4. Laan Charges. Lender may charge Borrower fees for ser�ices perfarmed �n conne�fiian wi�h <br /> Bo�r�wer's defaul�, for �he purpose o� pro�ecting Lender's in�erest in �he Proper�y and rights under this <br /> SeGurity �nsfrument, inc[uding, bt�t not limi�ed tfl, at�orneys' fees, property inspectE�n and �alua�ivn �ees. <br /> In �egard t� any other fees, the absence o� expres� authorify in fhi5 Securi�y lnstrumen� to �harge a <br /> spe�ific fee #o Borrvwer shall nat be cons�rued as a prahibition on the cha�ging of such ��e. Lender may <br /> not charge fees fhat are�xpressly prohibited by this Security Ins�rumenfi or�y Applicabl� Law. <br /> � if the Loan �s subject fo a [aw which sefs max�mum foan cha�ges, and that law is ��nariy <br /> �nt�r�reted so �ha� the in�erest or other laan charg�s collected �r �o �e cvllec��d in �onne�fian wi�h th� <br /> Laan exceed �he p�rmi��ed limits, �hen: �a} any such �oan charge shall �e redu�ed by the amvun� <br /> necessary�o �educe fhe cha�ge t�#he permit�ed lim��; and �b} any sums a�ready collected frvm Bvrrower <br /> wh�ch ex�eeded permitted limi�s►�vil! be refunded to Barr�Wver. Lender may choose fio make this refund by <br /> reducin� fihe prin�ipal owed under �he Nvte or �y making a direct paymen� to Barraw�r. If a re�und <br /> reduces pr�nGipal, �h� reduc�ion will be treated as a par�ia� prepaymen� withau� any prepayment charge <br /> �whe�her or no�a prepaymen�charge is pro�ided�ar unde�fih� Note}. �3orrow�r's a�ceptance af any such <br /> refund made by direc# paymen��v Barrow�r will cons�itute a wai�er af any right�f action B�rrower might <br /> ha�e arisin� out af such fl�ercharge. <br /> '15. No�ices. All nc��ices gi�en by Borrower or Lender in c�nnec�ion wi�h this Security lnstrurn�n� <br /> must be in writing. Any natic��o Borrvw�r in connection with this Securfty Ins#rumen#shafl be deemed ta <br /> ha�e been gi�en to Barrower when mai�ed by �irst class mai� o� when act�aliy de�iv�red �o Bo�rovuer's <br /> notice address i�sent by nther means. Notice to any on� Borrowe�shal! c�nstitute notice to al� Borrawers <br /> unless App�icabfe Law ex�ressly requi�es vtherw�se. The notice address sha�l be the �'roperty Address <br /> unless Borrow�r has designat�d a substi�ute nat�ce address by notice ta Lender. Bor�ower shai� prompt�y <br /> na�i�y L�nder o�Borrower's Ghange o�address. If Lende� specifies a procedure far repor�ing Borrawer's <br /> change of address, then Borrower shai� only repork a change of add�ess�h�augh tha�speGffied pr�cedure. <br /> There may be only one d�signaf�d na�ice address under th�s Security Insfrumenf af any ane�ime. Any <br /> nv�ice �o Lender shall be giWen by deliver�ng it or by ma�ling it by first class mail �o Lender's add�ess <br /> sta�ed herein unless Lender has des�gnated an��her addr�ss by natice to Borraw�r. Any no��ce in <br /> canne�tion with th�s Secur��y Inst�umen�sha�i na� be d�emed ta ha�e �een gi�en to Lender until actually <br /> rece��ed by Lender. lf any not�e� requ�red by this Security Ins�rumen� 'ts also required under AppliGabl� <br /> Law, �he App�icable Law requirement wi�l sa�is�y the co�responding requirement under fhis 5e�u��ty <br /> lns�rument. <br /> � 1 fi. �arrerning Law; Se�erabil�ty; Ru�es af Construction. This 5ecu�-ity �ns�rumen� sha�l be <br /> 7"r � � Q C� f� 4 5 2 $ 8 �* � M C M 4 R T D Q T � <br /> NE6RASKA--Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN�F�RM INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3U28 'Il�1 �page 74 of�4 pages} <br /> Martgage Cadence❑oGument Center a 3027 Q11'14 <br />