2� 1 ��8484
<br /> � no�i�� �o Borr�wer. A sale migh� resulf in a change in the ent��y �knovun as the "Loan Serv�c�r"} that
<br /> �ol�ects P�riodi�Paymenfs due under fhe No�e and �his Security�nstrumen�and perForms a�her mortgage
<br /> loan servicing obliga�ians under the Note, this Security Instrumen�, and App�icable Law. There a�so might
<br /> be �ne or mare changes of the Loan Ser�icer unrela�ed t� a sale o�the No�e. ��there is a change a�the
<br /> Loan Service�, Barrawer wii� be�i�en written n���ce of�he change which will state the nam� and address
<br /> �f �he r�evu Loan Servicer, the address �a which payments should be made and any ��her information
<br /> RESPA re�uires in �onnectian wi�h a notice afi transfer�f servicing. If the N�te �s so�d and therea�ter the
<br /> Loar� is serviced by a Loan Serv�c�� other than �he purchaser flf the Nat�, �he mortga�e ��an servicing
<br /> obligatians �o B�rrower wil! rema�n with�he Loan Servicer�r be transferr�d ta a success�r Loan Serv�ce�
<br /> and are no#assumed by the Na�e pur�haser unless otherwise pro�ided by�he No�e purchaser.
<br /> Neithe�Borrower nor Lender may�ommence,join, or be jained��any�udicial action �as either an
<br /> individual litigant ar the m�mber af a ciass} �ha� arises �rom the o#her party's actions pursuan� to �his
<br /> Secur�ty Instrument or that alleges tha� the other party has brea�hed any pro�ision �f, or any dufy owed
<br /> by reason of, thEs Security inst�umen�, unti� such �3arrower ar Lender has n��ified the other par�y �w€th
<br /> _ such na�ice gi�en in complianc�with fhe requirements af Secti�n �5}of such alleged breach and afForded
<br /> fhe ath�r parfy hereto a reasanable periad a�#er the giv�ng of such na�ic� �o take correcti�e action. I�
<br /> App�icabl� Law pro�ides a ��me peri�d whi�h mus� elapse �efore �er�ain aC�ion �an be �aken, that time
<br /> period wii� be d�em�d �o be r�asonable far purp�ses a��his paragraph. The notice of aGc��eratian and
<br /> oppor�uni�y to cure gi�en tfl Borrowe� pursuan� �o Section �2 and the no�ice �f accelera�ion gi�en to
<br /> Borr�wer pursuant ta Secfion �8 shal� be deemed fia satisfy#he notice and opporkunity to fake correcti�e
<br /> actian pra�isions of�his Sect�an 2fl.
<br /> �'i. Hazardous Substances. As used �n �his Section �1: �a}"Hazardous Substances"are th�se
<br /> substances defined as tax�c or hazardous substances, pollu�an�s, o� wastes by En�ironmentai Law and
<br /> the �v!l�vu�ng subs�ances: gas�l�ne, kerosene, other filammable or ��xic pe�ro�eum producfs, taxic
<br /> pest�c�d�s and her�icid�s, Wala�ile sal�ents, mate�ia�s con�ain�ng asbes�os or �ormai�ehyde, and
<br /> � radioac�ive materia�s; �b}"En�ironmen�a[ Law" means f�dera! laws and laws of the jur�sdic�ion where�he
<br /> P�-oper#y �s located �hat reiate tv heal�h, safety or envi�onmenta� p�otection; �c}"En�irortmen�a� C�eanup"
<br /> �ncludes any response action, remedia� a��ivn, �r rema�al ac�ion, as de�ined �n En�ironmental Law; and
<br /> �d} an "En�E�onmental Conditian" m�ans a condition �hafi�an �ause, cantribufe ta, �r�therwise�rigg�r an
<br /> En�ironmental �leanup.
<br /> Borrawer sha�! not caus� �r pe�mit the pres�nc�, use, d�sposa�, s�orage, or r�lease af any
<br /> Hazardous Su�stances, o� threa�en �o reiease any Hazardaus Subs�an�es, on or in the Pr�perty.
<br /> Barrawer shall nof do, nor allow anyone else to.do, any�h�ng affec��ng�he Proper�y�a}tha��s in�iolat�on of
<br /> any En�ironmen�al Law, �b}which cr�a�es an En�ir�nmenfal Cand�tian, ar�c}which, du�fa�he presence,
<br /> use, o� release �f a Hazardous Subs�ance, cr�ates a cvndition that adverse�y aff�c#s the va�u� af �he
<br /> Property. Th� preceding twc� sentences shall not app�y t� th� presence, use, ar s��rage on the Prop�rty
<br /> of small quant�ties of Hazard�us Subs�ances that are gene�af�y recognized �o be appr�pr�ate �o r�ormal
<br /> res�dentiai uses and ta maintenance of�he Property �in�luding, but no� limited to, hazardaus substances
<br /> in consumer pra�u�fis}.
<br /> Borrow�r shall p�omptly gi�� Lender writ�en notice af�a}any inves�iga�i�n, �laim, demand, iawsui�
<br /> or vther actifln �y any go�ernm�ntai or r�gu�atory agency o� pri�at� pa�ty in�fll��ng �he Proper�y and any
<br /> Hazardous Subs�anc� or EnWironmen#al Law af which Barrawer has actua! knowledge, �b} any
<br /> �n�ironmen�al �ondit��n, incfuding bu� na� lim��ed to, any spil�ing, leaking, discharg�, r�lease or th�eat of
<br /> release of any Ha�ardous Substance, and �c} any condi�ian caused by the presence, use or relea�e o�a
<br /> Hazardous SubstanGe which ad�erse�y afFects�he�alue af�n� Prap�rty. If Barrow�r learns, or is na�i��ed
<br /> by any g��ernmenfal �r regula�ory auth�rity, �r any p�i�at�par�y, that any�emo�a�flr oth�r remediatian�f
<br /> any Hazardaus�ubs�ance a�fec�ing the F'rap�rty is r�ecessary, Borrovver sha�l promptly tak�ali necessary
<br /> rem�dial acfians in accordance with En�ironmental Law. No�hing herein shal! creafe any obli�a�ion on
<br /> L�nder f�r an Environmen�al Cleanup.
<br /> � 3 o v [� s 4 s 2 s s � � r� c M a R T v v -r �
<br /> NEBRASKA--Sin�ie Family-Fannie MaelF�eddie Mac UNlF�RM INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3�28 '1��1 �page�2 of�4 pages}
<br /> Mortgage Cadertce Dacument Center Q 3�27 Q�114
<br />