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<br /> �6. Gorenants ol Tcustar with Respeea taLeases.Withoui the priar written c�nserrt of 8enaficiary, Trusfor sha11 not,directiy Qr indirecUy;
<br /> with respect tn any lease of spacg in the 7rust Property,or any pa�tion thereot,whether such(8ase is rtow ar her'eafter ie existenCe:
<br /> _ (a) Accept ar permfi ar�y pr�payment,discount or ad�ance paym�nt of renf hereunder in exaess af ena motrth,
<br /> (b) Gencet a terminate the same,or accepi sny canceltation,terminatian or surrender thereof,os permit any�event ro occur wfrich�sroutd
<br /> occur thereunder to termi�►ate os cancel th�same,other tha►r tarmtnaBoR tar nonpaymenf of rent,
<br /> � (c) Amerrd or modify the same so as to reduce tha term thereof,the rernal pa/abts thereunder,or ro cPrang�any renewa►Arovistons
<br /> rtherein contair►sd.
<br /> — j� {d) Waive any defauh tl�ereurrder or breach theteaf,
<br /> � (e) Give any consorti,waiver ar appmval thereunder or take any other actiun in connecL'tt�'.ff��wibh,or w'dh a tessee thereur�der,which
<br /> Q wovtd have the effect of fmpairing�fre value of the lessor's irrieresi tl►ereusderar tir�prr��r�rbf�thereto,or of irr►palring the :`
<br /> ;_ � posldon a interest of BerreScie�y,lt�?t�in.o� ': �.�. . , � .
<br /> (f� Se/l,assi�;pledge.rnonga9'e aY-�1►,s�g+s��e d�rpase of,or Qn�z�mberits interest in 9ny��t�t`lc���r�r����nts.i�s.Profr�issvir,g :
<br /> ::':{'.:,.; �.� '... . .ar arisrrrr�..t�rereur�er. ;,. . :. .� :� �: � _ �:.`: :
<br /> �.�"�-�� �: f?': Wsiver af Staiute of Vmita�orrs.Trme es of the essence irt a!I ot Trusto�s obligatlons and dinles lraraunifer,and ro the extent pemritted "�
<br /> :•,�;��.
<br /> � - , Q+j bylaw,Trusior waives a1J presenr orfuture statutes of limiiations wiih raspect ta arry deb�demand ni obllgatinn,secured hereby sr►d
<br /> . . anyaction or proceeding forfhe purpose of enforcing this Deed of Trust orany dghta orremadfas aonJainad har9is.
<br /> 18. Assignment of Deposits.►rt the event construciion of improvaments is confemplated bv iha laan eus�snced Bp the Note secureti
<br /> hereby,as addi�oRa1 secvriry�herefore,Trostor hereby transfers and assigns!o Bene�rafar/.aJi dghf,title and ihtere�i fo arry end el! ,
<br /> ma�les deposited by ar on behalf ol Tiustor with any ciry,caunry,pubtie tredy or egency,sanitary distrfct,u61ity eam�pany,and
<br /> any other body a egertcy,Po�Me installat►on or to secure the insialtation of any util►ry by Trusroi pertaining Yo ths Treist PrvpeRy. _
<br /> 19. Corpora6on a Panneiship Existence. !t Trustor is a corporaUvn,generel paRnership,o�lirnited partnership,ii wilt do ell things
<br /> necsssery ta preserve its corpaaie or partaership exrsienco,as the case may be,and a►!rights end privifeges under the laws ot the
<br /> statis ol Ks Incaporation or aganize6on.
<br /> 20. Fdbearance by Bane6ciary Noi e Waive�My to�bearance by Benefletan/in exercisrng any ripht orrremedy hereunder,o►othen�vlse
<br /> afforded by applicab/e law,shalt not be a waiver of a�prealude tha exercJse of eny such rrght or rrtmady�.The prxurement of
<br /> � lnsurance a the payment al taxes or the discharge of liens or chargos by 8ensfici�ry shA/1 nat de a w,�iver o!Benelrclary's right to
<br /> accelerete the maturiry ol the lndebtedness.
<br /> 2 f. Remedles Cumula0fve.All remediss p�ovided in this Deed af Tiust are disiinct and cumulpi/va to an�s other righi or remedy under this
<br /> � Deed o!Tiust or affarded by/aw or equity,and may tre exercised cancuaenfly,independantlp orsuccessivety.
<br /> 22. Successors and Assigns Bound;Jaint and Several Liabifity;�aptions.'Ilos ca►�enants arrd agmemant�herein contained shalr bind,and
<br /> ti►e rights hereunder sha/l inure to,tha respective successors and assign�o!�ertet7sisnl. Ti��afae,and Tiustor.A!I covenanFS and
<br /> -� agreements of Trus[or sha/l be�aint and several. The captlons end headiag�ot thR pRrsq.mphy of this Oeed of Trust are fa
<br /> convenience onfy and are not ta tre used to Interpret or defina the proviQinna hereal,
<br /> 23. Notice.Except for any no6ce requlir3tt urtder eppliaab/e!aw ta be glven in nnafher manrr�r,.(r�)eny nntice fo Trustor provided!or in this . . ,
<br /> Deed of Tiust shall be given f�y malirr�suah natice by cedNlsd mafl,ret�rn racefpt rr�-�u�tvd�d�lr�sed to Trustor at 1is mailing
<br /> � address set forth abave or at suCh nL`her arddtess a�Truatnr pray deslgnatp by notfcr�fn(?�.�e�cf2r�as provlded herein,and(b)any �� :
<br /> • notice to Beneflciary or Tiustes sha11 E�e given by certNlad m�u;.retum recerpt reque�r.•�,La Beneficfary's and Tiustee's malling ,
<br /> address stated heretn a tca such af.►re�address as E�neflutanJ ar Tvusfee may destgnsit�G�y notice tn Trustor as pro�rfded hereln.My �
<br /> n�tice provided far in thls Deed af Fiust shall ba deemed to have been gh�sn to Tru�tur,f�eneficisry or Trustee when glven in the r
<br /> manner deslgnated herein. � �-
<br /> � 24. Gavsming Lsw:Severrtb(li1y. Th�s Ueed of Tiust shall be governed by t/ti�lecvs nt ttse�tate ol Ne6raska.In the event any p�visTon or
<br /> clauEe af thls Deed et Tpust contl'z^ts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affeci�W'her p�ovistons of this Deed of Trust wi►ich can
<br /> � ' be glven effeet without the co�i��finr�provisions and to this end the prvvislons of tfsl�O�d o1 Tiusf are dec/ared to be severable. -
<br /> � 25. Fvents of Defau/L Each of the fior'rur�,a;r�occurrr�nces sha//constitufe aa event of de'a::,uF'R�sreunder.(heralnafter calJed an"Event –
<br /> o/t1e►aulY'): .'
<br /> (a) 7rusta shaU lail ta�ay�vhen Que�:�y p��ic��.ra�.lnterest,or prfncrpal and irrterest an�+•�_:ndebteQn�ss, '� �
<br /> (b) My wananty of title:nadA f�}�Tiu�;�r here/n shal/6e untrue. '
<br /> (c) Trustor shall/ail!o olrserve ar�s�.�orm any oI the covenaiit.=,rigreemenrs,or cartdirrr�t;in this Deed of Trust,
<br /> • (d) My representation arrvarranry mada by Trusfor on any frtahclal statements orre��c;.s sabmitted to Beneficiary by or on beh�:f�t
<br /> ' Trustar sha/l prov�lr�!:w o�matsrially mtsleading, r .
<br /> (e) Tiustor sha111ait to rsf,�`�rm o��►"senre any o1 the covenents,cortditions or agreements contalned Tn,or b�nding upan Tiustor urder '
<br /> ' any burlding loan agraemem,���:uriry agreemant,loan sgreement,linencing stafeirrent,or any other aQreRmenL instrumeni or ,
<br /> docurr�ant executed by 7rustor�y�connectlon with tha loan evidenced by the Note, " •
<br /> • {/) A Gusfee,receiver or liquldator of the Trust Prope�ty or ol Trustor shall be eppointe�>.r.c any of the credltors ol Tiuslor sha!//ile a �
<br /> ' petit/an in bankiuptcy agalnst Trusior,or tor the reaganlzatlon of Tiusror pursuant ta°�°e Federal Bankruptcy Code,or any simllar �.:�f��=.
<br /> - law,whethe�federa!or state,and if such order or petition shall not be discharged o��'�missed within ihlrty(30)days alter the date :� i
<br /> on whJCh such orde►ar petition was liled,
<br /> � (g) Tiusfoi shall tile e pefitlon pursuani to Ihe Federa!Bankru�afi:y Code or any simirarr���,w, /edeial oi state,or/l Trustor shall be
<br /> adJudged a Dankiupt,or tre decla►ed Insotvent,or sha/l m&!aa an assignment far Cfrr3 henefit ol creditors,or she11 admit!n wrlUng its
<br /> lnability!o pay its debts ns�hey become due,or shall consenf!01he apAointmeni af a rocelver of e/l ar any part of the Tiust Properry,
<br /> (h) FInaJ judgment for the payment of money ahe1J bo rendQred agalnst Tiusrar and 7rustor shall not dischaige the same,or cause it to
<br /> be dtschaiged,wrthin thlrty(30)days a/ie�fhe entry thereot,or shaii not appeal therefrom oi irom Ihe o�dei decree or process upon
<br /> — whlch or pursuant to which said Judgment was granied,based,or ontered, artd secure a stay of executian pending such appeal,
<br /> - (i) TiusCOr shall sell or convey!ho Trust Propariy,or any par!fhereo%or any Interest therein,or shall be divested o1 its title,or any intv�est
<br /> thereln,in any manne�or w�y,whethe�voluntarily or invOluntarily,w(thot�t the written cansent of Beneliclary being li�st had�nd
<br /> obt�lned,or
<br /> (j) !!Trustor 1s e corpo►ation or pgnnershlp an8 mo►e than lilty percem t50°io)o!the shares o�bonelicial lntQ�ests In such corporation or
<br /> paRnership,as the case mny be,shpli bo hansfened or conveyed,whether volurttnrily or lnvoluntarily,without tho written consent ol
<br /> � Benefic/ary belrtg lirst had�nd obta/ned.
<br /> � 26. Acceteration ol l]abt;Forec/osu►e.Upvn the occurrence of Any Evenf a/Dofault,or any dme thareaftor,Berieficlary may,et its opilan,
<br /> dec/are all the IndB�+tedness seCUred hereby lmmediatety due and peyable and the samo shnll boar Interest at the defeult rt�te,if any, _
<br /> set lorth!n the Nar�cr otirerwise at the highesr►ata parmlttad by law,and,InespeCUve of whether Beneliclary exerclses sAid ortion,it %�-��- -
<br /> – mey,at lls optiorT r,f�.1�:�n its sole dlscretian,w/thout any lurther nolice o�����!^artd[a or upon Tiustot,da one o�more of the fd'�;un-�:
<br /> � ra� aR�er^;,iary may Qnte�upa�,ta�ce possesston ol,mbnage and oper,�,e';rs rr�st�tw�jerty a any pa�t thereofi make repaiis�:� ;
<br /> � afteratlons end do eny acts u�t+ich Benetic�ary deems proper to prc:c�c�^s Srn��-r�:��1��..*ocf,srd�rthe►with or withouJt t8klr�g/
<br /> � �G�56S��OTi.IR%�S OVJJi FiSfiiv.S'Uf1�al tlf Q��1L'JI.i.?CQJICCI t!lll�1£'C811'�'°L•:°+:.�.•`�.°.��5'=:'t.`e,p�'�?�?5_C1T(='+JCINT�lhlf$(a n��ISt lJIIA i�7•:i U1 h.�.��-�y �
<br /> � and t+pply iha same,less costs and expnnses ol oporaUOn and collecr�on,lncludrng taasGraL;g attorney leas and Boneficrar�'s ' �
<br /> +,�� rncts, unnn�hr�brNabtednesa secu,Rd harAhu nnd In such a�de�as Beneficia�Y/naV dete�mine. Upon requost ol BenaliCiary. husta
<br /> � shal!essembfe und shall maka avatiteble to Br�noficlary ony ol thn Trust Propttiry whlch has boen removed. ThQ entoring upon�rnd t
<br /> � faking possesslon nl the'Iiust Propvrly.lh�cai�oction ol any�enfs,rssues end prvl,ls,and tho t+ppiicatian Ihoreo!es aloreseld,s1►n�t �
<br /> nof cuie n►wt�ivcs ai�y de►auff thorato%�o or fhoraFrtte►ncCUrring,or aNect eny notrCe ot defaulf ar notice of salo hvr�undar ar
<br /> — Invelitdafe any act dar►d pu►su�nt tv any suc/r notrcn.Notwlthstartding Beneficiary's continu�nce�n�vssUSSian ar racc�lpt�nd ti
<br /> �� uQpfrCabtm ol renls,lSSUUS o►prohts. Bonvlic/o►y shall be antitfud to exo+Cise ovvry r+ght providod lor in this dQnd of Au;t vr by law
<br /> upan or eNnr thv vccurr�nco vt c►r��ver»ot l�ulautt,!nLlud�nry lhri nghf to axerc�sca tha�cnvcrr r�t sarE� An y ol fhd 1teUans rul�rrvd lo ur ��
<br /> th;.s 1rtia��raph mt+y 6o tak�an hy E�nnp►rcraiy�si suclr hmu f��[3anf�hcrrry no,ay clntorminv w�th�iit rvy,ircl ta the��rfc�s�uric y L�t unr �` �
<br /> Y;�
<br /> 5f�CU►�ry lat tlrfl Inv�btbrinEJSS,oCU�v(1 h�rpby.
<br />� lb1 L�crrajl+��i,iry,ht�fl. w:Nrutif r�yurd tu ff•'O O(JC�fJU(1C`f U�fill y$EJ('Ut+��l�O//Iin I!1(�Ubff?Cllit?SS:5[!C(ilf�d e:orct�y hn r��raNCrci tu 1h�•
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