�...�_,.�:. �a�i���-�;:,a. ..-.«.��ra�n :. �` a+ 'at�Viiii��Sl�----_-__ -�.� _ ��w-.:.,,+�sa.-a�rrw Kv�r.,a-:_ --_
<br /> --- -. � . ,., ..
<br /> . . . . . . ..�. a ..
<br /> �— _ i.: —_
<br /> �, � �.
<br /> (d) ea�ebdary may elect ro cause nre rn,sr�roperry o►any nan u►ereot ro be sald under the power.of s�:.and In sucn evenr,
<br /> Bene�idary or Tiustee sAaN ghre s�ch nadce o/deteuM and ne6ce oisate as may ba then re�uire�b��Stt�►�,T/tqreaftqr,upon the `
<br /> expfraeiar of s�ch eime and the ghdng o/�uch noace o!sete as rn�y tAen be re4utred by tew.Tru�ai:dta timg ahct;�!ace specifled
<br /> by the nobce ol sale,shall seH such Tmst�rope►ty,ar any part thereof specrAed Dy Benefrccary,at pubt�t&uatl�n ta Jis highest
<br /> Wdder lor casA in lawfuf nwney of Me Unifed States ol Ameriea Upnrr receipt of paymern o�the pties fii�„Tiusiee sha/l apply tl�e
<br /> proceeds in the fdlawlag araer.fj ta the cost atrd expertses of exercising the po�rer of saie snd fl!iltA sate.�nciud�ng but not limitad
<br /> �o.inrstee's fees a not rrrore than 5500 00 p/us one-half of ane pgrtent at the gmss sate p�Q..and tnA��a�te ettaney faes.fn)to
<br /> r ths/ndebfesiness,ar.d Tii}the excess,if any.to�lre person os persons legally entrtted therefa
<br /> 1.. `. - NI casts arrd expenses r�cumed by 8enefrciary rn erdorcing any rig�f under tAis Deed ot Trtrsf,inatudtn�►�N',hmtt lfmftation,absbact or aUo
<br /> -- �.-.{��a�praisa��es.�ums frx titlle insurance,atcamey fa�s and cowt costs,shat/be end cdn:fituta tndadtf�rlttess secured hereby.
<br /> � � . � �2f. �uaes oi Tiustee.Tiusror agees aiar., .
<br /> (a) Dtrtias end obligefions af Trustee sha/l be dete+rnined sotely by tAe express prvvisfor►s o�thLS O�ad�t,Tni�end Trustee sha!!n�8.��
<br /> : � Nable excepl for the pe�tormance o1 such duuries and obligarions as are speci�icelfy ser tanh h�rn(n;and.r►n-rmplied cavenants a
<br /> Q� obN�aL�ons sbat+be knposed upoa trustae. .
<br /> � (b) Ab provlsl�on of this Deed o!7rust shalt require Ti�stee fo expend ar risk iis own tunOS.pl at3��avise frtcur any�ir�anclal obflgallon!n
<br /> d the perbnnence of eny oi its duties hereunder,a rn the exercise ot any of rts rights aj po�vers. :
<br /> � � (cj Tiv�tse may cansult wid►courtsN ot its own cJioosing end th�advfse ot such cocrosM shaN be fW!and complNe auMorizadar and �
<br /> • �,,,� prntsetiwr in dre r�espsct o�eny ecti�on taker�or suffered by!t hereunder in good laifh and reliance thereon,and
<br /> {d) Trustes sha/1 not be liabte tor arty ac6on taken by dt in good taith end reasonsbty be�eved by it ta be authalrad w withln its
<br /> � diacrsGion ur rfQhts or�owars canferr+eQ apon it Dy this Deed o!Trust.
<br /> 28. Security Agnemena end Fixture filing. Thls De�d o/Trust shall constitute a sacuril}►sgreemsnt and 6xture liling under tha prvvtaiona at
<br /> Q fhs Npbraaka Unffom+Commercla!Code with respect to those fixtures descri6od in the preamb�s hereo!as conshtuEng e part nf the
<br /> Q! Trust Prohsrty,togetAer wlth a/f other p�ape►ty ol Trusror,eirher simll�r ov dissimi�a►ro the sema,now a�freroafter IoCate4t et ot on the
<br /> Trust�raperry.
<br /> 29. Futwe Advartces.Upon rr�quest ol Trusta.Beneficiary,at Benefialary's aption,priar ea ft�3?•:ecaarey�n�e al the Trusi Property�y
<br /> lrustee M Tnutor,may mAY�future advanoss to Tr��tac.Such futuie advenae�w�ih i�r[��sJ tlleret►n�sttal!be aecured by thls!leed of
<br /> Trust.Af no Bme shall thd princ�pal amaunt of the Indebfedness secu�ed by tht��eed nt�Tius!ncrt instutling sums advartced to pratect
<br /> the securiry.exceed the toTal sum of S .Advances nf disbur�cra�antu�m�tda 6y Beneficiary to proteci tha seaurity,
<br /> ; under the tarms hereQf,whi1Q discretionary,shali not be deomed to be opttana!gdasnces.
<br /> - 30. Reconveyence.t/pon peymenf ot a!1 Indebteclnass securad by thls�eed af rni�$enaf��i�ry shall reqr�est Trtrstee to reconvey the
<br /> Trust Property arrd sh�t1 surrrnder thjs Deed aLTruM and aD notes e�rdencin�Irtde6igdnass secured by th/a Deed o!Trust to Tru�tee.
<br /> , Tivsfee shall reconvey th��ivsf Property without w�rrr,nry ana w;7haut.char��!b!hA�qersan�r persons fegal(y enb8ed thereto.3rrcCc
<br /> - � person orpersdns sh��s�'�il cosis of recordad�n.+f eny. �
<br /> ` � 31. Substitute fi�u�f�e.Eene�ci�ry,at its option,may from time ro Jare rt�rtr�Ve�Ti��.tas and appntnt a Successor Trustee t¢a�Tcvstae
<br /> ; appointedlre��sw�rd�f�y�insbumenirecaded Pn the county in.Ktll,�tr•thlS'U�sd�iTrusiis recorded.IN'rtirout conveyartc��fi t"re Z�:st
<br /> Properiy,the���s^.�ar�ifr��e shaN succeed to a1!titls,power an�d�`•'�s cnrr�e�red upon Tr�stee heretn ar.d by applieabla faw- � •
<br /> 32. Miscellaneous Righ��f 1s�+�Iciary.Beneficiary may ai any�tlrrrs�rd`rarn t6r�iYs�i.me,without notice,conserrt to the making ot accy �
<br /> � plat ol the Trust Proper"�r��r t�ie creabon of arey easom�nt[her�on ar.�.m�`����t�c�rx��resuic�ing use or occupancy thereof or agree tu
<br /> aKe►or amend the femss rzf thfs Desd of Trust.My parsonal�mper�y�r�rdr:i�g�pcn the Trust Property after the 7n�st Propeny has ;
<br /> � beon possessed or accupisd by Bene�cfary,its agent vr any p,erclr�::r�-la'1oN�r.g Trusiee s sa/A,foreclosure,or under any deed in!i¢L . .-
<br /> af Trustee's sale or(orecj�sure,shall be concfuslve.ry presumed to h��e baen�Gandoned by Trusto� � -
<br /> ' 33. N�ce ro Trusta.Trusfie hr+�rsby requests that a copy c��`�ny notice oi defautt arc���otice ot sa/e mada or executed by Trustee purc��,�rr -: : �
<br /> � to the pravisions her64fiGv:�enf to Trustor at its mafltng�ddress set forth her�l�al�ave. "�'{"`°�
<br /> �,,c::.-
<br /> ' , IN WITNESS WHEREfl�F L�ris Deed oi Trusi has been duly executed thn day and year fi�st abov iC�
<br /> �'�
<br /> n . N� o ,�:.
<br /> � STA7E OF NfBHA,�F�.� ) amela S. Nel o � �i'�
<br /> ' )ss. °
<br /> ; covnnv oF J��R ��' � ��
<br /> , ��{ �
<br /> ,'�` ,,
<br /> On thJs d��r d�` , f 9—,beforg me,a nota�^,�;,.�:�-f�:����.��fai ssid counry,personally ceme -,
<br /> ,and .
<br /> . Or �,known to me!o bo the ldertlt�l�gra.��^s wha �
<br /> slgned the toregoing O�d o:'i'i�;;s�and acknowledged the executror tr^�r�s�t��E tnelr votuntary act and deed,and the voi�::;..y 4ct��;�!� �.�;
<br /> dee�d of said cornan..�o�r. '. �
<br /> Wl1NESS m y h&rt�t�r-��+::tiJ�al seal on th/s the day and yQa�last a.G;:���..tten.
<br /> (SEAL) .
<br /> NOUN PuDl;c .
<br /> _ My tomm�;sion ounef �
<br /> )ss. .
<br /> COt1NTY OF HA1.L _ )
<br /> #
<br /> Oru�tis ?' day ol...I`e b*"•'y , 19 Yf2,boforo me,a notary public�n end for said County,pe�sonaLy cnme ��e�K�5��'I sv^ ,
<br /> �Uwe+[ ,S A/rJso:� •-- -- - -
<br /> an� � ,known to me ra be the idenPical persans who �
<br /> f� • s�a;:er��t,e la�ggrting Dee�c�:'7�rusi and acknowiedged the executior�ther�of to Dh,heir voluntary act and deart.
<br /> WlTNESS m y Nar.-,y�:^;n:��r;al sea�on this the day and yea►last abc:v�w�itten.
<br /> °� ` - --
<br /> � �s�a� �c.s�r�-,. �J. C•.�,-L.,..,,�,`�- �
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