�� t:;�h t .,.,a..wutd3..,,` �.a.....�.:.. ="- ._.:..��,.� iiTi��:a ya��.y�Aq, i-iriS,� �"hc' 2�- -' --=- .
<br /> . -.,� ___ _ _ wzt2Xt� '✓i.,`..`�i�i� •-..�. r .nM-s3��1F s :i�w�' :�J�S;ff.�6$.1::.+.�tJ _ �'�<"a' ".���..o.Yar��a.�'�...u:i:�
<br /> `1i'��"-:�i�L'�n�Ti���ti..,,'�e}:a� -
<br /> �--' 1 '_' �
<br /> insurance p�emiums,ground rents,and al!otlrer charges whatsoever levied uport or assessed,placed qr made against tde Trust
<br /> Property.Trustorlurttrer agrees,upon writisrs request by Beref;cfary.to promptly deliver to BeneFciary a/l receipts forthe payment of
<br /> � such charges. Tiustar►;kewisa agrees to pay sll taxes,assessments and ather charges levred upon or assessed,'ptaced ormade
<br /> � aga�nst,a measured by,this Deed ef Trust or the reCardativn hercof.
<br /> � 5. Application of Payments.All paymenis rer.eived by 6eneficiar�as to.any de"vt,liabif,ty orobligaaon owad to 8eneficiary by Trustor
<br /> . � may be appl;ed Oy Ben�liciary to the payme.n o1 the►rrdebtedness or to any such other debi,irabit;ty or obligation,in any order or
<br /> �Q manne�ot appGcatian whicA Bsneficiary,in its absalute dis�reDOn,deems appropriate. Untess oihenvse electad by Benencrary,ar,y
<br /> � such paymenf shaJ1 be deemed apptied first ta L+re paymen[af a�sy debt,liabiliry or obligation other tharr the Nofs.
<br /> — 6 Charges;Lens.Tiusior witl l�ep tha Trusi Fmpetty free frcm all liens artd�ncumbratrces which in any way may,in the judgmeni of
<br /> � Qenefi�iary,have paairy ove►,ar impair the seCUrity of,this Deed af Trust buf'Tiusioi need not discharge any suCh lien so rong as
<br /> Trustor sha10 agree,in writing,tn pay the abligatron secured by such Gen ia a manner scce/atable ro Bene�ciary and sha�i in good faitA
<br /> O� contest such lien by appropriate fagal prxeedings elf�eca�e io prevent the enforcement of tt�e lierr ertd the loss of any interest�n or
<br /> � part of the Trusr ProFerty.
<br /> 7. Nazard lnsura�rce Trusror shaf!laeep tfre buildirtgs end otherimprovements naw exis6ng or hereafter erec'�t rSn Ure Trust Pr+operiy
<br /> insured by J�surarrce camers sa�sfacinry to Bertefrciar�against loss by frre,hazards irrcluded In the term'%ti.,�tr."-��..�d.ror�rage"arrd, :
<br /> suCh other ha�.CaSUalties arrd contingenCies as may be reqlv?��`!'�:�'��Cat}`>in such�.r,.Qants�'!�'-�:�r�:�ir�.�s?s rr:�z��
<br /> �' . ° . r�r��iredhy�r'sr��►�a=_^r� 7�e,e�+,.Jicyati:.*.�n^..n�esha.4lbssi�+;:�o��::Y�:��Yr��r�1��:�'r�,��;:�r.i�t_�r�?�yrxr*-��.ay:rdbe , , : -
<br /> �$'SP�i�L'iY:Tt]97�3;�ii;�:�'7i'�.����lf`�Si��T3ji�cm�t'�SIAr'ris7S11C�f;CL�:'S�=ii6i�h:Cjf;c"1'iC�''�?��i`f^d:ysl���«��N3�rovisronsinfavorofar.d
<br /> – , • • �� ��rF�acce�L���=:u��n�'�r`��,r��j�r''��ir�"�Lr��s'i`"Sura-r��e palicies shal!be pa;�fn the r^���rov�ded�.cnder paragraph 4 hereot
<br /> or.if not paid f��n�rsmdrr,ar,i:y'�rustarrs�,'ang paymenl at least fifteen(15)days pdor ta tlte due date,directly to the insurance
<br /> canier.Benefrciary shall have ti►e righf to ho/d the peJicfes a��d renewals thereot and Tiustor shaD promptfy tenriish[o Bena�iciary alt
<br /> renewal notiees and all paid premium receipta recenred by it.fn no eventshail BeneBciary or Tiustee be held respvnsible for lailure to
<br /> pay lnsurance p�emiums orloi any�oss a damage arising out Af a defecf!n any Roticy or arising out af any/ailure of any insu�ance
<br /> company io pay far any/oss or damage insured ag�inst or for failure 6y Trustar to�ffect the insurance requi�ed hereunder.ln the e�ent
<br /> af loss.Trustor st►a//give p�ampt notice by mail La the insurance carsier and B2neficiary.8c3ne�ciary may meke prcol ot lass if nof
<br /> made prRmptly or in proper/orm by Trusfor.AJI poticies of insu�artce and any and all refunds ol uneamed piemiums are Ae�aby
<br /> assigrted to Beneficiary as edditianal secunry far t6e payment oJ the fndebtedness.In the eveni o}BeraefiCiary's exorclse ol lhe powe►
<br /> � of saJe contalned herein,ar�n l�o ovent nt toreclusure,all r�ght,ht/e and inieiest ol Tiustnr rn and to any insurance palrcy then in tOrCe
<br /> �hal1 pass to the purchasei.at the trustee's sale or foraclosure sale. In caso ot any loss,the insurance praceeds m3y,at the eption of
<br /> Herteliclery,be applied b}Benefrcrary upon fhe lndabtadness,or�ny part ther�a�and in such arder and amount es�eneliciary may
<br /> – def�m►Ine:a said rnsurance proceeds,at tho opUOn ot BeneGciary, may oiiher be us�id in replacing or resionng the Trust Prope�ty
<br /> partraliy or totally destroyed to e cond�!ion satis/actory to BeneJrciary;or said insurarce proceeds,or any portion thereaf,may be
<br /> released[o Tiustor. Untess 8eneficiary and Trustar othe�vrso agree irt writing,any such eppticafion of insurance proceeds shall not
<br /> - extend or postpone the due date o/tho Note,or any lnsrallments called for therein,or change the amount ot sucb installmenfs.11 fhe
<br /> � Trus[Property rs acquired by BenefrGary pursuam to rh.e exercise of the pawer of sale or ofher lorec/osure,all right,dtle and interoat o!
<br /> Tiusto�in snd to any lnsurance proceeds payable as a result of damage to the Trust Properry prior to the sale or acquisition shali pass
<br /> fo BeneJiciary and sha/l be applied fir5t to the costs and expenses,includ/ng attomey fees,incuned in coliecting such proceeds,then
<br /> in the mannei and in the order pravfded hereln.
<br /> 8. Presenrafion and Malntenance of Trust P�operly.Trustor will keep the buifdings and ofher improvements now ar hereafier erected on •
<br /> tfre Tiust Property in good repair and canditfon and wiJl not commit ar permit waste,witl rtei alter the design or structural character . .
<br /> constituUrtg any bvilding now or hereafter erected on and constituting the Tiust Property withoui the prior written consent of ;
<br /> Beneficlary,�+tl not do any act or tl:rng v.!-ich wauld unduly impair ot depreciate the value�_��Tiust Proparty and wili not abandon , ,.
<br /> the Tiust Pro�SEry. Trustor wrll not rerr.ave ary fixtures constitutlng the Tias!Pioperty unless;`-,�same are immediate:y c�,�laced wrih .
<br /> l:ke property sr:�;ect fo the lien and securir�inte�est of thls Deed of 7rust and o/at/easi eqia�aiue and utJiby. Tiustor wi;l compty with .�,,;
<br /> � a�;�resenta::G h,�*crre ord,'nar.ces,regulatians and rec;.c::rements ofany goverar^��.:�al body which are�pl.�Iic;able to ihe Tiust Pro,�wr`�t .:..;-.:`-`_
<br /> �n�r 7�the oc��ancy and use trereoL if thfs Deed of Ti�ust is on a unit in a con:��r.-:um ar a planned:.:!`7evelopment,Tiustar�!r,r:;t' ��:-�:r-
<br /> :, ,,,.
<br /> p?-9�rm ai�cF�r�stor's obligations crc'��:he dectara�rons or covenants creating ar goverh;r3 the condominium or G'ae atanned unit _��
<br /> c2velopmerrr,;::a bylaws and ieg�la�a�.s c:!the condominium or ptanned�nii davelopfr,ert,,.,'��the cons?ituaRt docur:_�ts. :
<br /> S. _�r spectlon.Benefictary or its agents r..a���r:aN reasonablo tirrres,ente�upon the Trusi Prc�,�r to�the p�r�rose of;r.���tion. �-=
<br /> ��noficlary shaq hava no dury to make suth inspect�ac^and shall not be liable fo Trusta or t�any persc:r�.r, ppssessiorr 1f it makes or ;
<br /> , faifs to make any such Inspec!ion.
<br /> 10. Protectlon ol Secuiity. If Tiusto�/ails io perform any o/the covenants and agreements conf�:��d In this ir ed ol Trust,or il any a�tion
<br /> ' o�proceeding is commenced which c"��s or may adversety affect the Trust Praperry or ti;�r,�r.,:rest o!Trestar or Beneliciary therein or �
<br /> � the ht/e vl Trustor therefo,then Benefrc�ar/,at its option,may perform such convenants ar�•�r_�reements,make such��pearances,
<br /> .G.fend a�ains�and Investigate such acGon or proceeding and take such ofher action as Beneficiary���^�s necess�.:�,�to protect Its r • .
<br /> eYCe�est iRCluding,but not limited fo,disbursement of re�son3b/e attomey tees ar..d sntry upon the Truss Frc�eriy f����co repairs.My ,,'
<br /> a.:.cunts dis�ursed 6y Beneficiary pu�suant to th;s paragraph tU,with interest r:M���Aon,shall constltute�I•:�b,'�dR��s c17�usto� •�'
<br /> s�c;��d ty+:`r.;Deed of TiusG Unless Trustor and Beneficiary a5:se to othe�ter.^�s of�2�r^enf,such��,.�:s Sh�lt 1,�1�ayab/e upon ;,�
<br /> nr,lce from��neliciary to Tiustor reqa�.�'r.g payment thereof. 2rr shall bear inierest fr�r..:n�:��s cf�•;�u�semer.t a�:he default rate, ,�,
<br /> �`aey,set fo►th!n rhe Note,or otherwise�.che highest rate pe�m�red by law.Nothing cor,.����:-^J'-�,��%�graph shall requ/re
<br /> C'vaneliclary to incur any expense or take an�action h�r�under. Tiustor inovocabty authorizes and err,�s.lw 3rs Beneficiary to enter upon �
<br /> the Tiust Pioperfy as Trustor's agent and,in Tiustor's name or otherwise tn peAo�m any and all covena;,s and agreemants to be
<br /> performed by t�ustor as herein p�avided.Benel�clary sha//,at its option,be subrogated to any encumbiance,lien,claim or demand
<br /> and to atl rights and securitJes/or the payment thereot paid or discharged by Beneliciary unde�the p�ovlsions hereof and any such
<br /> subrogation rights shap be additional and cumulative security lor this Deed oJ Tiusf.
<br /> 11. Condemnation.The proaeeds of any award or claim for damages,di�ect or consequentlfll,in connection with any condsmnation or
<br /> � other taking of tho Trust Pioperty,or any pan thereof,oi for conveyance In lieu nl oi ln anliclpat/on of conCemnation,are hereby
<br /> + asstgned to and shall be pald to Banaficlary. Trustor will Iile and prosecu�o,in good laith and with due diligence,its claim lor any such
<br /> awa�d or payment,and wlll cause the same to be collected end paid ta Be�neficiary,and,shouid it lall to do so. Trustar inevocably
<br /> aufhorizes and empoNers Beneficiery,!n the name af Trustor or otherwise,to file,prosecuto,sQttlo or compromiso eny such clalm and
<br /> to collect.�ecelpt for and�otain the proceeds.N tho Trust Prope►ty is abandoned by Trustor,vi,altor notice by Beneficiary to Tiustor
<br /> that the condemnor ollers to make an award or settle a cla�m lor dameges. Tiusta la►!s to�espond to Beneficiary withln thirty(30)days
<br /> ' after the dato such noGce!s malled,Beneficlary�s authorized to collect and apply the proceecis in the manner indicated hereln. The
<br /> procee0s ol aay eward or clalm may,a/ter deducfing ei�reasonabie costs and expenses,inc/uding atto+ney fees, which may have
<br /> been lncur�ed by BenoticlAry tn thQ collection thereof,at the sole discrotion of Beneficlary. b9►Qleased to�rustor.applied to
<br /> resto►atian o1 T�ust Pioperty,or applie�fo the pAyment ol the Indebtedness.UnJess BertEF�:r 1�y and Trustor ofherwi��agreo in writing, �-- --_-
<br /> ..�hy such appbctttion of proceeds�c�^���iedness��`�all nat extend or postpone the due�`�'��`"e It'�:.�>or the pap�r��^t o�any �
<br /> j ���tallments colled tor tl'�<<t�r�:�.
<br /> .'� �niStal PJot R9leased.[�'"�.�s��r.c"~�`.+°.fOT�)�j'"_ .:a'.'rQG�r.^.vtiCf�OF»"'�!c�.^?t..r:22.':ir;0�•>�, •��it;:� cSS�"c";'i•c.^`,::�i �,f5 7�"� ,
<br /> � . roanys�cc:;=•� f IRlnffi7�SlGS IrL',S'f�':S,�r-•:f�Gt C'�.^'ii',-'�i:?�8�2d.°r:;!"c.'.��".'..a.i�S',1.".°:ZL'"/,.�Gj�r•:.��.'�T c.^.2'1/'USfO�'S':1.�.^rv+c:;:�': ," •
<br /> �Cf@/ESL �::t.'�5�'�rary she/l not be rc¢:r���:1���COf,":•^c^1`��N rbCEE:�H�y 5 c y�1.�5.`SJ�'S.�Cl.',5:�✓•�/"C`.S 3.':_°�it I1d I;!%'��°f��pd'J�"';?°�'•5�
<br /> � . �therNlse'n���ly&momzalron of fho fr.abteCress�,r reason ot any demar.0�.���b�7ru�tor ar,B Tr�.,.';��3 s��^e s'�ssrs ��
<br /> m imarvst f°=-'
<br /> � 1�. Flnancial Inlorm�tron. Upon r�quest of Boneficiary, trustar wdt provldo to BQnahciary,withln ninery(90}d�tiys of tho close ot aach hsca► ��
<br /> yver o!T�usto►,the consolidated balanco shQ�t nnd s►atement of�arnrnys of Trustor and any and nll guarantors�f thv Inclobtodnoss
<br /> � ` secured horoby,i/Qny,c�nd wlil piavida end ctvhver iv gonoh�it�ry such other hnanciai informat�on and in such marfnor as BRncfic�ary �
<br /> � m�y reasunably rayu�rs!borrr hmu to funo. ��
<br /> --- r . �.��
<br /> 14 !"uiancial C',gut���dnts. In�dd,Uan t�t►ny vtfrar l�n,�ncr<�!tuvun�nts i�t Trustor rrtt�UE�m��n y othGt�tq�eernont.rnstrurtiont or tfoCUnr�nt,
<br /> - ircr.stor t:IT7I�CU1i7f7I�/P�/r1i flttf�SIii1/I r:�►U::t t►rry�rnrl tdt gu�trtrrrtnrs ut tht�InrlabtetfnesS SfTCflfP.tl hHlt'by!(f COflijll�f LVdIJ. pt tJ8�t' ` �
<br /> Gf)1►7(dlil�lL'U iY�ih. tliG/U7lUWUr(j(�r��fnr.i�I GovUlt.ilR.^, (ThR':/�ar�ryr,�ph shi��t r�:,t 8(7!)1/il CWE7/�8/�IS.�It(1�C(/Uit�'/hE'/IIS�1!!��tpt SE`1
<br /> (G!!h tr�ttl�lt}
<br /> ` ,,f`�: 1S 5�►!r�tlutp r�t f r.;1:a15- 'v'Jithm t��n f i(�r�1,1p::7�IU�d�m,tnrf. Tr��;'u�;Ir.�it!tm!r�;h f��Efpnc+f,r i��ry tr r.;horf��'t� rr�t�frf.,rl frr hy lrutirar ti�•It�rirf
<br /> �. r � !�� � + �� "t_ti fir�t J r}.•S� 'i i ir,
<br /> � J t. f��.i/r ti; �.';.t(,r,t fhlr Iru•.t!�(,�;�;ri j �.�anV Ij,�rtirrn���rn��,.t�r•t I��flrl.q u�r��t'h r;r,�, Irn�n.r��u.,�l trr�,re�t'�� l�,��� ��: t 1 i.
<br /> y'; ril(!tt>�,j�:+r!�,i<.G��(�:�nt f�y�.{!' t�lrrp:ll,1 rd Ur i U(i,111f.ftlq�i!hl;l'�i;lyltblft(t�i �.rl� h �.J,111 r� �l�t:f ,��r �...er:nr ,i�(n�•r��t.�.n�tlrit ilf��n�r���.�1�. �•rl�• �
<br /> � _C��� '. � . _ . .
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