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2� 1 ��83�4 <br /> �E�L] �F T`RLJ�T' <br /> . <br /> Lflan N�: 1�'l�fl�7�4 ���r���t��� � Page � <br /> reasonable expen�es Lender in�urs �ha� in Lender's opinivn are necessary at any �ime fvr th� proteGtian of its <br /> interest or the en�orcemen�v�its righ�ts sh�ll �ecvme a par�❑f�h� �ndebtedness payab�e vn demand and shall bear <br /> interest at the Na�� ra�e�From the da�e��F the expenditure unti� repaid. Expens�s �o��red by this paragraph include, <br /> with�ut limitatEon, how��er su�je���a any limi�s und�r appl�cable law, Lender's a�fitorneys' fe�s and Lender's iegal <br /> expenses, v�rhe�h�r ar nof �Chere is a Iawsuit, inc�udin� attorney�' fees and �xpenses far bankruptcy proc�edings <br /> �including e��or�s �o madi�y or�ra�a�e any au�vma�ic stay❑r injunct�vn�, appeals, and any anticipa�ed post-judgment <br /> cvClec�ion ser�ic�s, th� cos� ❑�searching records, ❑i��aining title repvrts {including �oreclvsu�-e reports�, sur�eyars' <br /> repvrts, and appraisal fees, title �nsuranc�, and �ees fvr the Trustee, �ko the extent pe�rnit�ed �y app[icable law. <br /> Trustor alsa will pay any caurt cos�s, in addi�ion t❑ al! t��her sums pra�ided by law. <br /> Righ�s of Trustee. Trustee sha[I have a[[vf the righ�s and duties v�Lender as set�orth in this sec�tion. <br /> P�V�IERS A[VD qBLI�►4TIDNS C]F TRU�TEE, The �oi�owing pr��isians rela�ing to �he pvwers and o�Iigations �f Trustee <br /> are par�ofi this ❑eed v�Trust. <br /> Pawers vf Trus�ee. [n addition ta a[( pvwers a�Trustee aris€ng as a m��.�er vf�aw, Trus�ee shafl ha�e�he pawer to <br /> take the �a�lowing actians with respect tv �he Praper�y upon �he written �equest ❑�F Lender and Trus�vr: �a� �vin in. <br /> preparing and fifing a map ar pla� v� fihe Reaf Praper�y, inc�uding the dedica�ion �f streefis or �ther righ�s to the <br /> public, �b� jain in granting any easemen� vr �rea�ir�g any res�rictivn on th� Rea� Property; and �c} jo�n in any <br /> su�bvrdinat�an❑r vther agreemen�a�fec�ing this �3eed a�7rusf ar#he interes�o�F Lender under this �eed of Trust. <br /> Trustee. Trus��e �hall meet all qualificatians required �or Trus�e� un�er applicab[e law. [n additian t� �he rights <br /> and remedies se� �a�th aba�e, with respect �v a�� �r any par�t o� the Prvperty, �he Trus�ee shall ha�e �the right ta <br /> #oreclos� ay na�ice and sale, and Lende� shall have the ri�ht�v fiorec�ose by judicia� fareclosure, in either case in <br /> accardance vvi�h and t❑ 'th� �ull exten�pro�i�e� �y appficable law. <br /> Successar Trustee. Lender, at Lender's ap�ion, may from tim��a tim� appo�nt a successor Trus�ee t� any Trus�ee <br /> appoin�ed under �his dee� o� Trusfi by an ins�rument executed and aGknawiedged by Lender and rec�rded in the <br /> o�fice of �he re�order a� HALL Cvunty, State o� Nebraska. The ins�rumen� sha(I conta'rn, in addi�ion to all other <br /> mat�ers requ�red by sta�e i�av�r, the names of �h� vrigina[ Lender, Trus�ee, and Trus�ar, �he bavk and page �ar <br /> cvmpu�er system re��renC�� where this �eed of Trus� is re�a�ded, and the name and address of the �u�cessor <br /> �rustee, and the instrument shali be exe�u�ed and acknowledged by all�he beneficiaries under�his C�eed a�Trust vr <br /> their success�rs ir� interest� The su��essor �rustee, vUithout con�eyance af xhe Property, shall su�ce�d t� all the <br /> ti�le, pawer, and d�ties canferr�d upon the Trus�ee in �his Deed af Trus�and by applicable law. Th'ss procedure far <br /> subs�i�uti�n af Trustee sha�� gauern t��he exclusivn o�a�1 o�her pra�isions for subs�i�ution. <br /> N�TICES, A�y notice requir�d �o be given under this D�ed a�Tru�t�, ir�cluding withvu� limita�ion any noti�e �f de�aul� <br /> and any no�ice of sale shall be gi�en in writing, and shall be effecti�� when actua[ly d�li��red, when actually recei�ed <br /> by�elefa�simil� �unless a�herwise req�ired by taw�, �rvhen dep�sited with a natianally recognized a�ernight courier; ar, ifi <br /> maif�d, when �eposited in the �Jnited States mail, as firs� cCass, certified vr register�d mail pc�stage prepaid; direc�ed to <br /> the addresses shawn near the beginning ❑��his Deed v�Trust. All copies o� notic�s v� tvreclosure ��am the h�Ider af <br /> any fien whi�h has prio�ity over �this Deed �f Trust shall be sen� �o Lender's c�d�ICE:55, as sho�n near �he �eginning of <br /> �his Deed �f Trust� Any party may chan�e its address for nQ�ices under �his �3eed v� Trus� by gi�ing �armal wr�tten <br /> natice �o �h� ❑ther parties, speGi�ying �hat the purpase of �he notic� �s to �hange the pa�ty's ad�ress. F�r n�tice <br /> purposes, Trus��r agre�s tv keep Lender in�armed at ail times ❑�Trustar's �urr�nt address. Unl�ss otherwis� pra�ided <br /> ❑r r�quired �y law, if there is more than ❑ne Trus�Qr, any noti�e gi�en by L�nder ta any Trustvr is deemed to be natice <br /> gi�en t❑ afl Trustors. <br /> PURP�SE. PURCH►4SE PR�PERTY aT 8�5 N 1fI1�lITE AVE Gf NE, <br /> MISGELLAIVE�LIS PR�V1S[C��VS. Th��allowins� miseellaneaus pro�isions are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Amendments. This Deed o#7°rust, tvgether with any Re�a�ed Da�um�nts, canstitutes the en�ire understanding and <br /> agreement ❑�the parties �s �o the matters set fo��h in this Deed of Trust. N❑ alteration of ❑r amendmenfi�a this <br /> Deed vf Trust shal[ be eff�ctive unl�ss given in writing and signed by �he party or parties sought to b� charged or <br /> �pund b�the al�erafiibn or amendrr��nt. <br /> Annual Repn��s. If the Proper�y is used for purposes other than Trustor's residence, Trustar shall furnish t❑ <br /> Lender, u�on request, a c�rti�ie� sta�emen� a� net op�rating incame r�c�i�ed from the Property dur�ng Trustvr's <br /> pre�iaus �iscal year in su�h �arr-� and de�ail as Lender shall �equire. "Ne� vperating income" shall mean all �ash <br /> receipts from�he Property less all cash�xpenditures made in co�nnec�ion w�th�he�pera�ion a�the Prvperty. <br /> Caption Headin�s. Captian headings in fihis �eed ❑� Trust are for can��nience purpnses ❑nly and are n�� �o be <br /> used'�o interpret ar define the pra�vi�ions of this Deed af Trust. <br /> 1Vlerger. There shall he no mer�er o��he in�eres�❑r estate created hy this Deed a�F Trust with any athe�-in�erest or <br /> esta�e in�he Fraper'�y at any time held by or for the b�n��it vf Lender in any capaci�y, with�ut �h� wri���n consent <br /> v�Lender: <br /> Gvverning Lavu. This 13eed v� Trust wif� be gv�erned by �ederal �aw applicable fiv Lender �nd, to #he extent nat <br /> preemp�ed by federal iaw,�the laws of�he 5tate vf 1Vebraska v�+ri�hou#regard�v i#s canfficts of I�w provi�ions. This <br /> Deed of Trus#has heen a��ep�ed by L�nder in�he State nf Nebraska. <br /> �hvi�e of Venue. lf ther�e is a lavirsu�t, Trustar agrees upon Lender'� reques� to submit to �he jurisdi��ion of the <br />