2� 1 ��83�4
<br /> I�EE[] ��` T`RLJ�T'
<br /> Loan No: '[�'l���37�i4 �������u��} �ag� �
<br /> �vurts of HALL County, 5tat�of Nebraska.
<br /> No 1lUaiver by Lender. Lender sh�a[[ nat be deemed t❑ ha�e wai��d any rights under this ❑eed ��T�us�unl�s� such
<br /> wa�ver is g���n in writing and sign�d by Lend�r. No deiay or ami�sion on�he part a� Lender in exer�ising any right
<br /> sha[I opera�e as a waiver of such right ar any ather righ�. A waiver by Lender af a pro�ision af�his Deed o�Trus�
<br /> shaff nat prejudice vr constitute a vvaiver �f Lender's right a�therwise �to demand strict cvmpliance with that
<br /> pro�ision vr any other pro�isian ❑f this Deed o� Trus�, [Vv prior waiuer by Lender, n�r an� cvurs� of d�aling
<br /> between Lender and Trustor, shali cons�i�ute a wai��r af an� o-F L�nder's ri�hts vr o� any o# Trustvr's vbli�ations
<br /> as t❑ any future �ransactions, Whene�er the cansent ❑�F Lender is required under�his D�ed vf Trus�, the granting
<br /> vf su�h cansent by Lender in a�y instance shall nat �on�ti�ute can�inuing cansen# ta subsequen� instances where
<br /> such cansen�is required and in all �ases su�h consent may be granted or wi�hheld in the soie dis�retian a�Lenr�er,
<br /> Severability. I� a court o� compe�en�jurisdic�ivn finds any pra�is�on af this Q�ed vf Trust�o be illegal, in�a�id, or
<br /> u�nenfiarceable as to any circumstance� tha� finding sl�all not make �he o�fending pro�isian i,llega�, in�a[id, or
<br /> unenfi�rc�able as �o any ❑ther circumstan�e, ff �easible, fihe a��ending prouisivn shal� be cansider�d modified so
<br /> �hat i� becames lega[, �alid and en�arceab[e. lf �he a�fendin� prfl�isi�n ca�nvt be so mvdified, it shall be
<br /> considered d�ieted from this ❑eed of Trust. Un�ess atherwise required by law, the illega�ity, in�a�idi�y, ar
<br /> unen�orceabi�ity ❑f any pro��sion �f this Deed of Trust shall nv� �ffe�f�he legality, �alid��y or er�fnrceabili�y o� any
<br /> a�her provision of�his Deed o�Trust.
<br /> �uccessvrs and Assigns. Subject t❑ any limitatians stated in this Deed ❑fi Trust ❑n trans�Fer �f Trust�r's interest,
<br /> this Deed o� Trus� shall be binding upan and �nure ta the ben��ifi o�the parties, t�eir successar� and assigns. ff
<br /> �wnership of the Property becames �ested in a person oth�r�han Tru�tor, Lender, withou� na�ice to Trustor, may
<br /> deal vvith Trustar's suc�e�svrs wi�h reference�o this Dee� �f T�us�and the lndebtedness by�nray of fvrbearance vr
<br /> exfiension without reieasir�g Trustfl�frar� th� ❑bligativns of�his Deed a�Trust�r liabili�y under the lndeb�edness.
<br /> Time is v�th� �ssen�e. Time is of the essence in the performa�nce �fi�his D�ed of Trus�.
<br /> WaiWer vf Hamestead Exemp#ivn. Trustor hereby �-eleases and wai�e� all righ�s ar�d �enefits af �he ha�nestead
<br /> exemptior� laws of�he Sfiate o#Ne�raska as to a1� [ndebtedness�eGured by this Deed ��Trust.
<br /> DEFIIVITC�IVS. The fallowing capitali�ed wvrds and terms shall have �he foIlar�ving meanings when u�ed in this Deed of
<br /> Trus�. Un[ess specffically stated �� the c�ntrary, alf referer��es to dc�llar amoun�s shall mean amounts in lawful �vney
<br /> vf �he Uni#ed States of America. V1l�rds ar�d term� used in the singular sha[[ include �th� p[urai, and the pfural sha�l
<br /> inc[ude the sin�u[ar, as �he cantext may requir�, Words and terms no� o�herwise de#ined in th�s Deed vf Trust shall
<br /> haue the meanir�gs attributed ta such terms in the Unif�r�n Gomrnercial C�de:
<br /> Sene�iciary. The word "Beneficiary" means Fi�e Points Bank, and its successars and assigns.
<br /> Borrawer. The ward "Borr�wer" m�ans Gl L�DGE #�4 �F THE FRATERNAL �]R1�ER aF P�LfCE and inc�ud�s all
<br /> �o-s�gners and cv-malcers signing the No�e and ali their successvrs and assigns,
<br /> Deed �� Trust. The words "De�d p� Trust" mean �his �eed of Trus� am�ng Trus�or, L�n�er, and TrusteeE and
<br /> includes wi�hou� limita�ian all assignment and secur�ty in�erest prauis�ons r�ia�ing to the Persana! Prvperty and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> Default. The ward "Default" means the Default set farth in this Deed vf Trust in�he sectian��tled rrDe�aul�".
<br /> Envirvnmenta� Laws. The words "En�irvnmenta� Laws" mea�n any and all sta�te, �ederal and �oca[ sta�u�t�s,
<br /> regula�ivns and ardinan�es r�lating to th� pro�eG�ivn af human hea[�h or #he enr�iranment, incfuding withaut
<br /> lim�ta�ion the Comprehensi�e En�iranmental Respvnse, Com�ensati�n, �nd Liab�li�ty Act a�F 198U, as amended, 4�
<br /> U,S.C, 5ectian 9�U1, et seq. 4"CEFtCLA"}, �he 5up�r�und Amendments and R�authvr��atian Act o�F �98�, Pub. L.
<br /> Na. �9-4�� {"SARA"�,�he Hazardvus Materials Transpor�at'ron Act, 49 U.S.C. SeG�io� 18D�,et seq., the R�svurce
<br /> C�nser�ation and Recn�ery Act, 4� U:S.C. Se�tian �9U1, �t seq., ❑�a�her applicahle sta�e ar�edera� laws, ru�es,
<br /> or regulatians adop�ed pursuant thereto.
<br /> E�ent vf Default. The words "'E�ent❑f De�ault" mean any of the ��ents ❑fi defaul�se�forth in�his Deed��Trus�in
<br /> th� eWents of default section of this deed of Trust.
<br /> Guaranty. The wo�d "Guaran�y" means the guaranty frorr� guaran�or, end�rser, sure�y, vr acc�mmo�ati�n party ta
<br /> Lender, inc�uding without[imi�ativn a guaranty af a[[ ar par�af the Nvte.
<br /> Haza�-dous 5ubstan�es. The words "Ha�ard�us 5ubstances" mean ma�erials tha�, �ecaus� v� �heir quantity,
<br /> c�ncen�ration or physi�al, chemica! ar infectivus characteristics, may cause ar pase a presen� �r pa�.en�ial hazard
<br /> �a human health or the envirvnment when impraper[y u�ed, treated, st�red, d�spase� �f, ger►erated, manufac�ured,
<br /> transpor�ed ❑r otherwise handled. The words "Hazardvus Subst�n�es" a�re used in their Wery braades� sense and
<br /> in�lude withvu� limita�ion any and all hazardaus �r tvx�c substanc�s, materials or was#e as de�ined by ❑r f�s�ed
<br /> under the EnWir�nmen�al Laws. The�erm "Hazardous Subs�ances" also includes, v�ii�h�u#lim�tation, petraleum and
<br /> petra�eum by-praducts ar any fracti�n thereof and asb�s�os.
<br /> CmprvWements. The word "Impro�ements" means a€I existing and future impro�ements, bu'rld�ng�, struc�ures,
<br /> m�hile hames affixed an �he Real Pr�perty, �acilities, additions, replacements and vther constru�tian on the Real
<br /> Prvper�y.
<br /> Indeb�tedness. The word "Indeb�edness" m�ans all prine�pal, int�res�, and other amounts, costs and expenses
<br />