2� 1 ��83�4
<br /> �]EE� C�F Tf�L15T"
<br /> Lva� ��: 1 D't 3fl�7�4 ��[��ti�7u�d� �'age 7
<br /> cas�s and expenses af ap�ra�ion and co[lection atta�-n�ys' #ees, to any indebtednes� secured by this Deed �
<br /> afi Trust, afl in such order as Lender may de�ermine. �`he entering upon and ta�ing pnssession ❑fi �he
<br /> Property, �he co�lec�ian a# such rents, issues and profits, and �he app(ica�ion �hereof shall not cure ar
<br /> waive any defau�t or notice o� de�au[t under fihis D�ed ��T�rust or in�alida�e any act done in respvns� �o
<br /> such defiau[t❑r pursuant�o such na�ice of default; and. natwi�hs�anding the �an�inu�nce in passessian Qf
<br /> the Prvp�rty ❑r� �he ca[�ectian� receipt and applicatian of ren�s, �ssues ar profits, Trus�e� ❑r L�nder sha11
<br /> be enti�led to exercis� e�ery righfi pravid�d �or in the IVvte vr the Related Documents �r by law upon �he
<br /> vccurrence af any e�ent a�defau[t, including the righ�t❑ �xerc�se the pawer vf sa1e;
<br /> �b} Gammence an action to fiar�clQse this Deed a�Trust as a martgage, appoint a receiver ar specifically
<br /> enforce any❑f the cQ�renants hereaf; and
<br /> �c} D��iWer to Trus�tee a written d�Glaratian of de�auffi and demand �or sale and a written no�i�e ❑f de�aul�
<br /> and e[ection ta cause Trustor's interes��n �he Property ta be sold, vvhich �nv�Ec�Trustee shall cause�o he
<br /> duly fi[ed�ar re�ard in the appropria�e��f�ces of�he Cvun�y in which�he Praper�y is Ioca��d; and
<br /> �d� 1Nith respe�t ta alf or any part vf�he Persanal Praperty, Lender shall have a�l the rights and remedies
<br /> a�a se�ured party under the Nebraska UnEform Commercial Code.
<br /> Fvreclusure by Pvv►rer a�Sale, If Lender�lec�ts t� foreclos� hy exercise of th� Power of Sa�e herein conta�ned,
<br /> Lender shall not�fy Trustee and sha[f depasi� with Trus�ee this Deed af Trust and the No�e and such �eceipts
<br /> and e�idence o�expenditures made and secured hy this D�ed of Trus�as Trustee may requ`rre.
<br /> �a} lJpan receipt ❑f such nvtice fram Lender, Trustee shal� cause�o b� recarded, pub�ished and deli�ered
<br /> t❑ Trustar such IVatic� o� 17efaul� and No�ice af Sale as then r�quired by law and 1�y�his Deed af Trust.
<br /> Trustee shall, wi�hout demand ❑n Trustar, af�er such t�me as may then �e required by law and a�ter
<br /> recordation o�such Nvt�ce o� De�ault and a�fier Noti�� afi Sale ha�in� been giuen as required by law, sel]
<br /> �he Pro�er�y at the time and place a� sale ��xed �y i� �n such No�ice v� Sale, ei�her as a ►nrhale, or in
<br /> separate I�ts vr parcels or items as Trus�ee sha�i d�em expedien�, an� in such order as it may de�ermine,
<br /> at pub��c auctian �❑ �he highest bidder far cash in law�ul money v�f�he �Inited S�afies paya�le a��he time
<br /> ❑f sale, Trus�ee shall deli�er t❑ such purchaser or purchasers �hereaf i�� good and su�ficient deed or
<br /> deeds c�n�eying the prvper�y so sold, but vrrithou� any �o�enant ❑r warranty, expres� or impfied. The
<br /> recitals in such deed afi any matter� ar fac�s shall be c�nGlusi�e praa� of the �ruthfulness thereo�� Any
<br /> persan, including withvut limitatian Trustor,Trustee, ❑r Lender, may purchase at�uch sale.
<br /> �b� As may be p�rmitted by [aw, af�er deducting all cas�s, f�es and expens�s a� Trustee and o� this
<br /> Trust, including cos�s ❑�evidence❑��itfe `rn conn�ction wi�h saC�,Trus��e shall apply the praceeds a�sale
<br /> to payment v� (i� all sums e�cpended under th�terms�f this Deed v�Trust ar under the terms of the Note
<br /> n�t then repaid, incfuding but nat I�mited �v accrued interes� and late ch�ar�e�, �iiy ail o�her sur-r-�s then
<br /> secured hereby, and �iiiy the rema�nder, if any, to the person or persQns le�ally en�i�led�here�v:
<br /> ��� Trus�ee may in�he manner pr��ided by law pnstp�ne sale��all �r any par�i�n ���he Property.
<br /> Remedies Nv� Exclusi�►e. Trustee and Lender, and ea�h of �hem, shall b� en�i�led fi� �nfvr�e payment and
<br /> performanc� ❑f any indebtedness or obligatians secured by�his �]eed of Trust and �v exer�ise a!! rights and pawers
<br /> under �h�s Deed v�Trust, under the Note, under any af �he Rela�ed Documen�s, or under any ❑�her agr�ement vr
<br /> any laws now or hereafter in for�e; notwiths�anding, some �r a!! ❑�F such indebtedness and vbligatians se�ured by
<br /> this ❑eed of Trusfi may now or herea�ter be o�herwise se�ured, whether by m�rtgage, deed af trus�, pledge, li�n,
<br /> assignment or otherwise. Neither the acc�ptance of �his Deed ❑f Trus� na� its enfior�emen�, whether by court
<br /> action ar pursuant �a �he power of sale ar ❑�her pavvers cvn�ained in this Deed of Trust, shall prejudi�e ar in any
<br /> manner a��ect Trustee's �r Lender's righ� ta realize upan o� en�orc� ar�y pther securi�y now vr herea�er he[d by
<br /> Trustee or Lender, it�eing agreed that Trustee and Lender, and each of fihem, shall be en#itled�a en�ar�e�his Deed
<br /> vf Trus�t and any other security nvw ar hereaft�r held by Lender or Trus�ee in such order and nnanner as �hey or
<br /> either vf them may in their absalute discretion d��ermine. Nv remedy �on�erred upan �r r�ser�ed, t❑ Trus�ee nr
<br /> Lender, is intended ta be exclusi�e o� any oth��- remedy in this Deed af Trust ar by law pravided �r permitted, bu�
<br /> each shall be cumula�ive and sha�l be in addition to every ather reamedy given �n �his peed of Trus� vr nflw or
<br /> hereafiter existing at law or in equity nr by statute, E�ery power ar�-ernedy gi�en by�he IVo�e or any v�`the Related
<br /> Dvcuments ta Trustee ar Lender vr �t� �rvhi�h �i�her a� them may be vtherv�rise entitled, may be exer�ised,
<br /> concurren��y vr independently, from time tv �ime a�nd as v#ten as may b� deemed expedien� hy Trustee ar L�nder,
<br /> �nd either af them may pursue inconsisten� remedies, Nv�hing in thEs ❑eed vf Trust shall be cvnstrued as
<br /> pr�hibiting Lender from seeking a deficien�y judgment against�he Trusfiar ta the ex�ent such a�tivn is pe�mit�ed by
<br /> law. Electian by Lender to pursue any remedy sha[! nat exc[ude pursuit a# any other remedy, and an e�ec�i�n to
<br /> make expendi�kures or ta tak� action to perfarm an obliga�ion of Trus�or under this Deed a�F Trust, a�ter Trustvr's
<br /> fai[ure to per�orm, shall not affect Lend�r`s righ�to declare a de�aul�at�d �xercise its rem�dies.
<br /> Request�For Nvtice. Trustor, an behalf a�Trus�or and Lender, hereby r�que�ts tnat a copy of any Nvtice of Defauit
<br /> and a cflpy of any N��ice af Sale under this ❑�ed a�F Trust be maiied ta �hem at the addresses se�farth �n the firs�
<br /> paragraph v�this �eed o�Trust.
<br /> Attorneys' Fees; Exp�n�es. I� Lender ins�i�utes any sui� ❑r acfiion ta enfivr�� any o� �he �erm�s o# this deed a�
<br /> Trust, L�n�er sh�11 b� en�it[ed to reeo�er such sum as �he cour�may �djudge reas�nalal� as a'Ctorneys' fees at triai
<br /> and upan any appeal, Wheth�r or not any court ac�ion is in�al�ed, and �� �he ext�nt nvt prahibited by Iaw, a�i
<br />