- .�:G'._ A � Vi.i �'' d� 2:.. ,.[C.`.. :d�w:_..:'�.-.th:,A .+.��.. . . . '
<br />.. .�ES:�v: :fli�mi_'-x� =:S161.Sii�� ���t4' - [N.[:ItL4�"�]b°3�IY.T'�i�Y�.Liii�"�++ �Y�'--��RY � ��.�`J��' ••}-�. _ J.�l_ �_.
<br /> � . . � _ �_ '__ .' -. �
<br /> - R� 90
<br /> ` � � (i Year Treasury[ndea-Rate Caps? ...
<br /> THIS ADIUSTA�LE Rlt7'�RIDER is made titis �,4 day of 7ant�r� _t9 �Q
<br /> ,
<br /> � 7nd is incorposated ir,�Q and shaU 6e desmed to aneen6 and supptemtnl the Aiottgagt.Deed of Tnssr� or�riry Deed (the"Security
<br /> lnsuumenF"►of the same slate�'sren 6y the urtdersijnod�the•'Boaower")to secure Hflnower•s Adjustabte Rat�Note(t6e"Note")to HOME
<br /> --. FEpERAL SAVIltGS t�l,OAN ASSOG►ATION OF GRAliQ ISIAND,.NE@itASKA Ethc"Lender")of che ume date and cavering the
<br /> . ptopertjr desctsded In tHe Security Instrument and tucated at:
<br /> � � 1710 B�idle Lane, Grand Island, Nebraska
<br /> (Propercy Address)
<br /> __ '[1B�ote easuis pro�Wor�Yawiu�far cba�es t� wy i�terat nee a�d �j �oatidr
<br /> p��esb.TUis�ote aito ii�I4 tie a�o��t ey[rterpi nle pa c1u�Ke at a�y oMe ttape a�
<br /> " at�o u�e.hte.s a.i tMe.asf■■.r,ee t nt�1 E.r.
<br /> ATtDt'[`iONAL COVENAM'S.ta addifian ca the ccrv�.a.�ts and agreements made in the Securiry Instrumast4 Barrowe�and Lender
<br /> fur.hcr cavenu�t and agee as falinivs:
<br /> A. !N7'E�'8T RA'1'E AND M011TE�.Y PAYMENT CHANGFS � -
<br /> . The Note provsdes for an inhial interest rnte crF �2•5 °io.Se�:�an 4 of che Note provi�f.ac chaaga in the interest r,�i�6tid the
<br /> monih3g payments.as follows: • . .
<br /> • , � � �. IAiTE'REST RATE AND/llONTHLY P1lYNF.NT G�TtL'h'�� :.,: . .
<br /> ' (A3 C�rr�e Il�as .. .' '�•
<br /> *.;` .
<br /> � . T'he interat nte I will pay may change on the first day e.`': � �9�r^ ,19�_.and an t.�r;�L+3ay every
<br /> � _����_menths,theeeafter.Each date op whiY�:��,`.Zterest rate could change is caller!a"Change Date.''.� ,
<br /> , (�) 11ie i�ies � • ,
<br /> Be�innina with ttse first Ct�ange Date,my interat rate wi3f 8e�asCd an an Irtdex.Thc'7ndcx"is the woetdy a�cr,s�e yield on United Statts
<br /> � Treasury securities adjusted to�canstant maturity of 1 ycar,as ma.�'.:�:x•silablc 6y the Federal R�erv��oard.'I'he most r�t lndea figiue ` � .
<br /> • ar•ailable as of the datc 45 days 6efore each Change IIate is calt�d the••�.�..^.at Indea." . .
<br /> ; lf tde Indes is no bagu available,the Note Holder x°?!c��r�;a sew index whi.c.h is based upon compuabl�infortnation.The Nate ' � �
<br /> � Ho1du will aive me notics c#tir.'rrdaaloe. • '
<br /> ; (C) Giai�/o�ol Cf� • � _
<br /> Before e�'s ci."':3an�e Date.the Note Holder will calculate my new ir.�•.s:sc rate bY adding f ouT percentsge __
<br /> pointA( �'•� �li)to the Currenllndex and rounting to the nearest I/8th of 14i,subjxi to the limits stated in Section 4(D)below. •�
<br /> � ThIr rouaded amoant wiil be my�ew interest rate until the neat Changc Date. �"�`=
<br /> �
<br /> The Na[e Holder wilf then determiae the amount of the monthly payment�hat would be sufficient to repay in full[ht psfncip�l 1 am
<br /> eapectal to owe ori thnt Ch�e Date in sudsta.�tinUy equal paymrnts by the maturity date at my new interest rate.The result of this catcutation
<br /> ' will be the new�MUnt of my monthly pa}^a�rn.. -
<br /> (D) Itmtd os tatem*.kl+e3t Q�usa -
<br /> The interest r�tt { .:Y•�g��ired to pay at the �rst Change Date will not, l� greatcr than �-S�_°�o or Itss than ��s�—
<br /> j 10.5 ��,'{'herpftec.my interat rate wiU ncvcr:x increased or dccrea�sed on e,scy singie Change Date By mare than two perr.ent
<br /> � (,�-C�� .ri.r:m the rata oi interest 1 have ban paying for thc preceding�w•elvP months.The minintum interest rate on this toan will never be
<br /> :�, las than_�y�''r...... _4i anA the maaimum inteTest rate will rtever be greater than 16.0 0;0,
<br /> QE) Eifective Dite of Cb�
<br /> My neK•intere,st rate will bn:ome effective on eac'.t•wr��nge Date.1 will pay che amount of my new monthtp pay�r;,ri beginning on the Grst ��
<br /> monthly psyrnent date after Ihe Change Date until�ihe a:?:ount of my monthiy payment changes again.
<br /> (F7 NollaolCra�a :ra�r,
<br /> ' .The Note Hotder wilt mail or deliver to mca notice Defore each Change I)atr.'ihe no�i�:r wi1�a���:st me of: • � -
<br /> , . ,-�_.
<br /> , (i) the new interest rate on my loan as of the Change Datc; � _-
<br /> ' (i3) the amount of my monthly payment foltowing ihe Chc+nge Uate:
<br /> (iiit any additlonal matters which the Note Holder is requircd rn discluse;and
<br /> (iv� theadErrssoftheassociationyoucouldcontactregardirz::i:yques[inr.sabouttheadjuctmentnotice. �
<br /> 1D. CHAitCE5:LIEN�1 ," .
<br /> '��::�!orm Covenant 4 of the Security lnsuum;nt!s amendr:''_�rcad as foAows:
<br /> � �. CYv�e�;l,k+�.Borrower shall p�y all t�ccs.,assessments,and other charg�,�n:s,and impositian�:itr.ribntabie to ehe Praprrs.y+vhich may
<br /> ai�.ain a prioi:r;�c�•ar tnis 5ecurity Instrumcrr,.a,r,d leasehotd saymcnts of ground rents,it any.in the:�c;�.cr provtdc�.�r,4er paraYrrrr�.'�2 hereof
<br /> , �r:,s;F not p�id'rn such manner,by Ra;rower making paym;;ss:,when due.dirertty to tht��e±'ce thtreuf.liorrower s'till(;rrn��tly!'ixtn;sh Ltndtr ,
<br /> oii•cxxJCq of aewunts due under this puur�ph,and in t'ht�event Borrawer stull mal:�s�ayment directty,Barrower s�ll pro�sft�;+t�arnish to�
<br /> ' . Lttedt!'recdp:4 evidencing such payments. Sorrower shait prampt�y dir.ct:argc any lien whieh has priority ovcr this Securiiy [r,�,rumeat:
<br /> ^'"' however,l3car•�a�wer shal! not be rcyuired t�dischargr ar,y such lien�,.�fung as Norrc�wer. (a)shall agree in writing to th:r�s;nu.nt of the
<br /> ' � � �� a�ligatiun sfcured bysuch lien in�he mnmkr screptable tu Lender.(b)shall in goucl f;�iih can[ese such lien by.ar defend eg�inst enforcement of
<br /> •un:�lien in.tr�al prc�cec�dings which in lheopinion of!e�det operate to prevent tl�e enPorcement of the lien or forfeiwre of the Property or any ;
<br /> � pn�hereof;ar(c)aha0 secure ham the holder�nt such litn an agtetment in a torm sat;sPactury tu Lender suborGinaNng such lien to this
<br /> Security Instrumet►t. �
<br /> , If I,enQer dtte�mines thit a13 ar any part af the Property is subjcct to a lien which may attuin a priurity ar•er this ScYUrity lnetrument, , t
<br /> "'� Lender ehall sice 8n►rower a notice iderrtifying setch lien, fiarrower shall sa!isfy cuch lien ar take one ur rn�re of Ihe actions set torth ebove .
<br /> - - WiflUf1[!1i d1y's hT 11tt givettg 6T(1t fl6fiCC. � �
<br /> �� � �
<br /> '^° f.. tf V!R C
<br /> ��� L ltnituEmCn�eni�t 14 ot tf�c Sccurity tnsttument is amrnded ta read as Ioltuws:
<br /> t4. �otice.F;rcept fur ony not�cr rc�uiacd unciu:ippticab:c law tn Fx:gi�en in anuth;�manncr,(a)�ci}n„tice to liurwwer��ruudeJ fur m tl�is ^
<br /> tir�uNty In.trument shall he g��en Ay deliti•enng ii<�r hy m�,ti:R�f by E�t54 Cla„n�e►i iu itbttuuer�t 1RC Nrnr:rty Ad:lrns e,r at cuch��ther sddre:c
<br /> .
<br /> � us f�s�trc�w;r may dc+igt�ltr by n�ti�c a►I.cndet ft�.ptotiidcd Fetnn,and(bl any notice to F cudrr c!r.tlt t�r Ei�cn b�tint�I:ics ma�t���i cn,lcc'c �� 4
<br /> s�:1:ts;�tateJ t�ttrtnc�e i:�;a�,h c;thr.t a�l:;tE°.;a�,E r�i�Str man d.srg��a�r h.nf;ta.r tts ti+�rscr.�rr ac;r:�.��fcd I�c�zFrt hn�t�c�;�,.r�+r�+L;ur�t ff�r ia!h�-
<br /> tie�utNy(n��:ua;ent ut:alt hc Cecr�rcA tn h.��e�cc�n Et+:eu tn F�r,rrc,v:cr��r!end�r�:hen E;t�cra in th:�nanncr..r•�.-,.�iat t,crcm ,
<br /> �
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