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<br /> -s,._�.�.L�u13:ifi i.4,� `T'y-�"a''-^�.' .�t• 1s__S` - ^i� _��`.3��r�ti�,�iti_3S�F'�iT` °c'�, .c - i�:e:!'r� .,2s�.,�IIYw`t >Ir.qt�_.:f:.t...; :� �.�::r.a_� _ �._s:��em,,
<br /> _�.!`�,uiYir:w�i.r..Lu;..:.� ,;�t�e..ka�`•"'� _ 'y5�`� - - €44':u.i�:.�x.• `�.T�`���c�`'-�..`. --'o���iCa�n:x�r.�,stis=u�_ _ __
<br /> � - .�.____ �
<br /> D. U11flFOilM 5�CUR1'[Y 1:1i5i'RU111EN'I;GElYERNitG LA�Y;SEV�lIdILIT1�
<br /> Uniform Cavenane i S of th�Security Instrument is amendect to ratd as fellaws. �
<br /> . � 1�. t�'�[otw x�rEp�t�tras�e�t;Gortrtl�LaR:StsernblNty.This form of�ecurity lnstrument combines uniform covenants for natiortai use
<br /> aRd nun-uniform covtatints with lim{ted variations by iurisdiction tm sonsticute n unifarm security instrumeni covering real property. '1'his
<br /> - Security Instrument shali be go�emed 6y Federa!Iaw an3 ths[aw of the jurisdiction in whicis the Pivperty is located. la thr event that any
<br /> psu:�isl�ti O!�usz of fhis�eC:ty EaStFtitailttF 0i th=i�IOx eoss�Ct�:eritt3 3ppli�lt�C L1w�satch cosflia s�l�noi a�'fece eihrr pravisioas of this
<br /> Sesurity Lnstrumeat or the Note which cu�be givtn ei'fece withaut the rnnflicting pra�ision,and tu this end the pro��isions of this Seruri.y
<br /> tnstsumeat and Ghe Note are decLazed to be scverabte.
<br /> __._ Uniform Covenant t7 of the Sxcuriry Instrument is amended to read as foltou s: ,
<br /> 11. T'n�ster af tMe Propeirty nr asesefic�xi leterest ih Bnrro�er.[f al�or anu p�Tt of the t'rflperty or an interest therein is sotd or uansPerted
<br /> (ar if a 6uieficial interrst in Banoq•u is soid or transferrcd ar<d�arrawer is not a natural person)withaut Lender's psiur written cansent,
<br /> L�nder may.at Lender's option.declare att[he sums securcd by this Security Instrument to be immediately due aed payabla i-Iowever,th�s
<br /> optian shall tiot he exercisecl by I.eadr,:�iiex:rcise is rtor authorizes!by Federal[aw.Lender may waive the exercisr of this opti�n if:(a)Bonower
<br /> causes to be submitt:dtq Lender inf�sr�rs�tian requin�d by Lcnder to e�•aluate the intended transferee as if a new laan were tHeing made to the
<br /> • tran�£eree;and(bi Ls�dps reasana6t«�at4e'�mi�es that L,ender's serenrity wiU not be impaired isy the lnan assumption aad that the risk of the
<br /> breacPi eE:iny rn��enar_r.slr�ECt iu this Se�urity lnstrumcnt is acceptable to Lender.
<br /> To[he eatent pen�*;r..�6:.a�li'�61e taw.Lender may�charee a rcasonable fee as a condition to LendQr's consemtt.�the loan assumption.
<br /> Lender may aJso require x:ze transferee to keep atl the prum;ses.�r d agreements made ia the Note and in this Sec:urity Insrrument.
<br /> "lf Leader exerc-�:�such aption roaccelerau°,Lencier sha�i niail Ronouer rtotice of acceleration in accordance vt•ith paragtaph 14 hertaf.
<br /> Such notiee shal!provide a period af not tess tha�t.3�day;rrom che daee the norice is mailed wirhin which Bonor�er may pay the sums dec;ared
<br /> _ � d�e.If Borrower faits to pay such sums prior tc:;:e expiration of such geriod,Lender may.�citheut ftsrther notice or de�aand on Honower,
<br /> invoke any rtmedies permitted by this Sec�irity ln�trvmcnt."
<br />_ � "Notwithstanding a sate or transfer,Burrmc�d�will coniinue tn be obligated urtder the Note and this Security Instrument anless Lender has
<br /> -� released Sonower in scri3ing." �
<br /> ,
<br /> • : :�
<br /> �
<br /> F. 8�19iN CHAyGFS • � '
<br /> � If the loan secured by the Se��r�:.Insttument is subjccc�_;,law which sets maximum loan cY,arges,and that t�s�;:�finally interpreted so
<br /> � ihat the interest or other toan char�es collecte3 cr.�o be.:ollrcred in connection with the loan excecd permitted limits,then:(1)any such loan � ,
<br /> � charge shs�ll lse reduced by the amount necessar:;,.:���Quce the charge to the permitte�timit;and(2}�ny s:c-*is already collccted from bonower ' ' � -
<br /> ' ' whieh exceeded permitted limits wiU be refunded to Borrnwer.l.ender may choo,e to make rhis refund b�;.,°ducing the prineipal oived under the , � '.. �
<br /> �
<br /> Nate or by making a direet paymer,t.r.�..r�orrower. If a rr,fund reducc�principal,ihe reducsir.n will be treated as a partial prepayment under the
<br /> Note. ' ,
<br /> IN WITNESS 4�i}f�1F�tEOF.&�rrowet h�erra�:ned tl�t5 Adjustable Ratc Rlder.
<br /> � �_--._.
<br /> — � ' � ' -u�
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