. . ..+�{3 ���Y�.—'LC: it :...!. - � •.:.<'•�:-�':�.�� ' 'C`'_" •u,•_ ._.v.•". :� cc,,. t.e � '`.:< E.r . -ti.' �:•
<br /> . ¢�i,��2�'���1�;i',t-'4�"�y�,:�yt��f`�tr�!-� ' '�,.�v'�.`+...Fc�.�; .¢�t�; y:a-• ,"�aia '.`E �{: �.}�'�?'' �. G`C�ze..� ...t: �'i �s ..!,b����l 'iwi.x_."ziC _
<br /> t:'s4 vcss,�tiev_� - -
<br /> . � . ' . �
<br /> � 9Q i00588
<br /> � NOK•lJNIF�ORM COVENANTS.Bortv+oe aAd Lmder fuctbe�covenaat and aaree�s fallo�vs:
<br /> ' I�ACOl�lA�00* �l�d. �l�Il�f!/Otk! tQ BOf[Owlr �lIO!to it1'!Ilri� fo�011�Os �(Owl�!
<br /> Mwe�of at►earew��r�at is ti�itSreMriq►IaWns�a�t(Iwt�ot�eior to aoetlentio+�r�er p�nQa�413 oai 17
<br /> �rGw a�liealie ia��raviia�wirel.'�e�ottee�11�eifr: (e1 U�e�etad� (6)t�e�ctio�reQrirs�te erre t!e
<br /> � ieliat�ts)a daoe.rat is f��0�tan trv�tie itte t�e iotfc�e is d*a tQ Hoaor�w.6y witer die defartt oi�t be cw�
<br /> ut(Q t�t taiius to c�ne tl�e�It o�oe betoe�tl�e�te qee(�ei ii ttie Motke�sy�t ia iacekntios of tLe s�uu
<br /> see�rw iPi�d�t See�tt�Lrtr�aest aM a1e ot t!e Pro�et�.Tre rotke�d!tlWtier isfors Borrower�i ti�e rd�e to
<br /> e+eia�q�r�tter sccs�sfta�a�i t�e ri�t ta bri�*cort actio�ta wert d�e�oa-r:iste�ce ot�detwlt ar aay otl�er
<br /> �eta�e vf Bonow�er on�a�i sve.Utf�e defatt:£Q�at c�rsd ot ar bciae�dtte�ciSed i*tk aotfrt.I.tiitr
<br /> � a irs a�n�y re�aire i�u�ut Ml�t ta hit:at�rdl��as Kcse�!6r trd Seerr[ty Ia�Era�eac wit�odt fartLer
<br /> � ���y inroke tfe pNer at ale ua�y edrer r�a�a�wtttei br a�licable Law.Le�der sW�be eadtle�ta
<br /> eoiket a![s=�es 1rc�resd L Nraafy�e teaeiia��Ne/i� trit /u�ryi I9, iict�riia�. bnt �ot li�ted to,
<br /> rsroNa�ik�ttoneYs'lrees aM e�oE dtk e�dr��e�
<br /> - IP tie pwa ot sde is�n�olt�ei,Tnsoee spli recoed a�odee ot aehdt t�e�cou�tr i�w�k a�Mrt ot tYe
<br /> Pf�+o�Mr ts iocate��M�l�n�tl:cpNa of s�Y�at�ee i�tie��raer[Mi bl aNlieark 4w to 8oreawer a�to t!e
<br /> �0�0��6T�PpU�t1+k 1aw.Altes tLe tL�e rea�(red b�a�lk�Dle law.T�tte s6dt d�e PrDiic sotfice ot
<br /> " � s�le W t�e�ersona�nd is tf�e aaa�e�pre�slt�by tp�iksble Iaw.Tr�tee.wit�t deasad os Borrowu.sl�all sNl t6e
<br /> . t'e+oper�r at pu6ltc xndf+o�to t�e�i�at bi�sat the tise aad P�aal uwie:tre teras daip�tEd tt R�e eatke oistle In
<br /> a�e or more�rcelssa�b aey order Tratee iet�rmtaa.Teaata sty oast�oK sak ot aU or uy p�rcel o[dse Prolertf i;�
<br /> pa6U��naa�ceseat u t�t ti�e asd plue ot�/re�taa;ly�C�edoled sala Le�der or its dedpee msy p�rchtse ti�e
<br /> F�ape��jr tt a�.y a1G
<br /> �-r9��!��M7�t oi tje prke bid.?��Irttl ddLtec to Ne prre�uter Tra:tee's dee�cas�eyi��t6e .
<br /> Pro�eety.Tie recit�N i�t�e Tnr�tce'�dad si�al!6e frLoR.6�dt eri�e ot d�e tr�ti o[tYe�nts sade t�erei�
<br /> � Tewtse aMll�ly tie�roce�i�o!tl�e ak i�ttit tolbwi�aier:U31de ayi e:�eiues ot die s��d�di�,brt uwt li�taf
<br /> �� - to.TnRa's tas ar�er�ritbe�Ieg sNlkaile law�i rarna�ile attor�e�s'fee�(b)to�11 s�s secore�by tijs Sccuit�r
<br /> Ia�sa��as�tc1 uy eue�e tnf�re per�oa or/ersoas kpliy e�tttled to I3.
<br /> . 2p.Leader iu,P�oa. �3pon accetentioa under psta�rsph 19 or abu�donment of the Propetty, Lender(in
<br /> , � � petsan,by agmt ar�;;udiciaJy appointod ceceiver)shalt be entitled to enter upon, uke passession of and man�ge the
<br /> , � Property and to col�ect the rents of the Prop�inctuding those p�st dne.My renu collected by Leader Qr the receiver
<br /> � : .. shall be ap�tied first ta psyment of the costs c�mu�gemeat of the Property and coilxtion of renu,iacluding,but not
<br /> � limited ta,rectiver's fea,praniums on recei��'s bonds and reawnable attameys'fas.and then to the sums secured by
<br /> ' chis Security Inscru,urnc. .
<br /> 21.Reooss�e.Upon paymmt of att�ms secured by this See�rity Instrument.Lenaec shall requat Trustcr,tca � , .
<br /> recon�ey the Pcr�rt"�:�d shali surrender this Security Insirument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Secwis.y
<br /> .�:, .,•
<br /> Instru�st co'€�*.rdc.�'tustee sba!1 reconvey the Ptopertg wisl�out�ramtnty and without chuge to the peison or perso�..� :. �. �:°;,�',"•.`
<br /> ' tegiUy as.�c.Ireec!to�.�sci�persaetac perwnsshsl!Qay any c�rc4tiou cost�. . , ; .� .�.�,
<br /> � 22.S�b�t�4t'8rustee.I.ender.at iu��:ron,may f'rom time to tia�remove�'avstee and appoint a succasor trustee � �`.,�_
<br /> to u►y Trustee ap�ai�xd hereunder by an iasrr�i�ent recorded in the rr�us�2y in Mhich this Securr.�.dnstrumeM is recorde�: �`''��
<br /> .°�.5�-.-.
<br /> R►i:hout cunveyartce of tiu P�openy,the suc�or trusta shall sucaee3i to all the title,pnwer�duaa conferred upon ,`�;;`.�-
<br /> Ttusta herein u�d by appticabk IaM. %'f:':=
<br /> �3.R�e�t ta riottn�.BorroMU requa�r that copies of tke naias of default u�d ssk be sertt�13'orrower'a "::=;��
<br /> addras which is the Property Addras. � "�'�'��
<br /> Z4.ltiien to�Is SaeMrleJr IaA��t.if one or more riders ue�zxuted by Borrower and recorded together v�ivh -�j��"'�
<br /> this Security insteument.the covenartta and sgramenis of esch sucb t�id�ahall be incarporated into anA shall amend ard
<br /> supplement the covenants and a�raments of this Security lnstrumena as if the rider(s)were s part of this Secudty
<br /> Ieutument.[Chx�spplicable 6oa(a)J �
<br /> � c�i Adjusubte F.ate Rider ❑ Candomini�m Rider , 0 Z�t Fimily Rider , ;
<br /> ❑ Gradwted Paymrnt Rider ❑ Plannod Unit Deve�rnent Rides ,
<br /> c�i Other(s) [specifyj Acknomledgement � �:�
<br /> BY SIf3NING Bk,LOVY, Borrower accepts snd ��rers to 2�e �rms and coveaants containod in this Security � � .
<br /> In�tru�reent and in u►y rider(s)eaecuted by BonoMer aad re�corded�ir. "3. � .
<br /> � ��-f i��/ ��e�� �
<br /> ..................................................... .................................. .... .................._................................................... ..(Seal)
<br /> Richaz�r A. �;��:,�..=,ker '�0"p1""r
<br /> - ............ ......................................... ................................. ......,r�.��G.��f:t''.. ;Y'.....��(�..�1.�.4�.f.Lt:.t.� (Sa►lf
<br /> Shirley J.�mc,Uicker �°"0w"
<br /> Stk�C�c!��N�BRASKA. Hall County ss:
<br /> -- p�r► this 29th day of January .I9 `-��;'6rf�re �:�r, the undersigned. a 1���cary Pubf�c
<br />-_ ��s duly commissioned and qualiPied for said county,prr�ec�:sl�y came �':.chard.R. mcUicker and 5hirley
<br /> J. mcUi�ker, Husband and Wife � . to me known to be the ` �—
<br /> � idrntics! person�sl whose name�sj are subscribed tc� rZie foregoing instrument and acknowledged ihe execution
<br /> thereof to be their voluntary act and dr�1,... �
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial seai at Grarv� Island, Nebraska in said county,the ,
<br /> "' date aforesaid.
<br /> . „ .,
<br /> M Commissianex,;ires: �u ``�- Y�""► f ��y� � r I � �t
<br /> �� y p f.\ 1v ,. ..,1�� 1� �1 _
<br /> � � MMIlYLfAl1�X1� /IOb •..... .!...... ...'.`• Vn�ar P1lbl�r .s.-!�.-Cs..'�!�:� :�.'-:'."': . .
<br /> ����xqp FtEQUE5T �OR RECUNVEYANC� �qp
<br /> � TU T�uSTEE: , ,F �.�,
<br /> � 'The underqigned is the holder of thr nntr ar notes srcured by ehis [7eed of Tru�z. Sa�d nnte or nutec. [ngether ;:..
<br /> a�th al!uthro�nctebte�3ness secure�by tl3is Uerd i�i Trust. Bare been pa�d�n f�N.Ye��►arf herebv dffc�erct a�tcanccl cassi
<br /> i ; nnte ur notes ancf�h�a [hed of'Trust, which are dehvered herehy. and ta recun�ev,u��hou� ��arr;�mv, a11 ihe rylate
<br /> ttow hetd by you uf�det thts f)rtcf of Y'rus� �c� the�ersotti ur �rrcc,ns legally entitl:•d rt�erett•
<br /> � �
<br /> �. �
<br /> � il�te.
<br /> ��:r�.
<br /> ,,:r��
<br /> ��s'�k.;:
<br /> :f .r
<br /> . ��
<br /> +�' . �
<br /> +'_
<br /> .
<br /> - �
<br />