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<br /> '' _ . - gQ�.Q0588
<br /> � lF I.endu requirod martgage insuraace as a condition ef making dse Ioan secured by chis Seruri.t;!�n�zrament,
<br /> Borrowev sl+aU pay the praniums requirrd ta ma.intain the insuranct in effect unW such time�s tf�a raguit+ema�t fqr.ihe
<br /> — insurance terniinates i��ccordsnce�vith Botrowtr's and Lender's�6ttcn�rammt ot appGcable law.
<br /> �;IayeclE�a. I.rnda or its ag�t ma�malce re�s�abk e�►u�es upan sn�inspectiaas of the fr�spcstp. L�}�
<br /> shallW'ts Borcwrcr notice u the time of or priar to an inspecrion sgerifycns reuanable cause For the inSpection.
<br /> 9. Co�iaaistio�. The praoeeds of sny aNard or clsim for damiges,dinct or cortsequential,in connectian with
<br /> my condannation or other taicir►g of any pare of the Property,or for conveyusce in lieu of condemnation.ue hereby
<br /> _� auipbd u�d aha116e paid ta Lender_
<br /> In the eveat of a total taking of ib�Property,the Drocacds shal!be applied w the sum€secured by this Security
<br /> — Inswmait,Mhether or not then due,+viil�tay e�cas paid to Borroxer.In the eYent of a�srtial uking afi the Property.
<br /> unkss BorroMa and I.euder othenvise�gr�r.�n.�v�etu�,,the sua�s sxured by this Securiry Iaftr�ment shelI be reduced try
<br /> the amaunt of t&e proaeds multipJied hg tlie fi3lrnviAg fiaction:(a)the total amonnt af the sums socurod immedistely
<br /> before the talcittg,divided 6y @)the feir m,trkrs.v�Iue af the Properc�immediat�ly bdore ttie tafcing.Any bala�ce shalt be
<br /> paid W Borsower.
<br /> _ , If the Fmpaty is abandoned by Bvm�;er,ar,if,aftu notice by Lender tci Bocrawu that the condemnor offers to �
<br /> make m a�evud ar settte a claita for damsgts,Earrocirr�fuils to respond to LendeF�ihin 30days aRtr the date the notice is
<br /> aivcn,Lettder is=uthorized to soUect and ap�ty the pre�reeds,st its option,either ta rrstoratinn or repair of the Property or
<br /> to the sums securr.d by this Secur6ty Instrunrxat.,wheiher or noi then due.
<br /> ' Untess I.�sder and BorroMrr oth�agrex in.writing,any apptication of proceed�c�s grincipal shall not eatrnd or
<br /> postptme the due date Qf the mnnthly pa�raeai�i referrrxi to in par�gr�phs 1 and 2 or changs 23�ce�raount of such payme�u.
<br /> - 1�1. Borrower Not Refea�ed;Forbeasaaoe �� �ier Not s W�t�a. Exttnsie:>���the time for�►ymant or
<br /> mad�ti�n of amortization af the sums socured�E�cs tlus Securiry Instrum�¢�ranted � i.endu to any sueccssor in
<br /> intet�af 8ua,a+vsr sheU not operase tn r�ease the i:ability of the aPrgittal Baere�ver or Bt,T,�cs�vds succeasars in inttres�
<br /> Leader st�[�nat he,required to cammers�x.rsroceedings against�.;y successor i� inter�t�c.*refuse to extend ti�f,'Q.r
<br /> psyenmt er Cihes�rise modify amajtiratfon aFrne s�secured by t�is Security Gzs:rumtr:�'��teason of any demand n:a�3e
<br /> � by theori�nal Borra�+er or Hortawer's su�:essors i�1 gn�t.Any forlxarancet���?�..endu uTexercising any right or remedy
<br /> shaU not be s Naiver of cr�pr�ciudc tht eac:cise of any rigi�t or rema�y. :
<br /> _ ' ll. S�cceso�s�ad A!��aoLt a�i Sera�al LiwbiiiIty;�o.s"�e�s. �n:,;R;,venant4 and agramens of �
<br /> ' this Secwity Instrument sriaU�ind�und 3�ads�the successors and�s of Len��a�d£�:-r.s��r.subject to the provisions
<br /> , • of pan�ntph 17.HortoMer's c:avenants and�..gzeemrnts shall be joint and several.l�y Hor����who co-signs this Security .
<br /> � Instrva�eni 6ut daa nat eaecuu Ihe Notr.(a)is ca-s�i�sing this Security lnstrav�xe�t only ta-o»gage,grant and convey
<br /> thst�rrawer's'snterast in tlir 3'roperty under the terms af this Secwity Insuu��:;(b)is not personat!k u�agated to pay ., .
<br /> the s�rns aecur�b�-this Se�ourity Instrument;and(c)agras that Lender and a»y other B�rrower may agree to e��:,d, � �
<br /> enadify�torbar a�s maice aay accammodr.sions with regard to the terms af this Security Ias�rument or the Note witTt�:r�t � '
<br /> that Borro�ver's cnnsent, .
<br />: 12. Lws Cti[�ts, If the loan securod by this Security lnsttvment is�:��ct to a law which sets maximum loan -
<br /> di�iges. and that law is finally inurpreted so that the interest or other la�, �:�arges wllected or to be coAected in �
<br /> c��:nection vvith t�he lou� exceed 1he permitted limiu.then: (a)any such loa^:,�arge shall be reduced by tl�e amovnt ��
<br /> � necesssry to reduce the chsrge to the permitted Gmit;and(b)any sums alrady cs�Ls�ctsd fz���Borrower which excadaf � '`'=
<br /> permitted limits will be rrfunded to Bomower.Lender may choosc to maice tr�;r�Wrca is,��u,lucing the principal owed —
<br /> � undt�the Note or by msking�,�irxt payment to$orrcva�.�r.If a refund reduces�,=�sipa3,z1�e satuction v�rill be treated as a ��
<br /> parEi��repsyment withaut aa5 prepsyment charge un�ec ehe Note. ,
<br /> �3• T�siatioe A1[eet�s� I�r'� Rt�hb. l�i enactment or expira:an of applicabte laws has the effect of '
<br /> rendering tny provxsion of the Note or ttu:��ecurity lnstrument un�aforceable according to its terms,Lender,at its oga:�:r.^, `
<br /> may roquire im�ar�dute psymrnt in fup �£all sums secured by this 5ecurity lnstrument and may invoke any remedties : k�
<br /> permitted by pusgrtph 19.lC�ender oaerci:,es this option,Lender st�all take the steps specifi�in the second paragraph of ;�.
<br /> parigraPh 17.
<br /> 1�. Nodces. Any nat:ce to Horrower prorided for in this Security Ire����wrrsent shail be given by delivering it or by �
<br /> mailing it by first clus mail unless applicable law requires use of another r�a:'�xi.`The notict shall be dirteted to the �
<br /> Praperty Addras or any other address Bonower designates by notice to Lendr.: Any notice to l.ender shall be givea by
<br /> � , first class m�il to Lender's address statcd herein or any oiher address Lender d��;r.�ates by notice to Borrower.Any notice
<br /> provided for in this Secuaty Instrument shall be deem�d to have ban given ta G�i^-�wer or Lender when given as provided �
<br /> in thi�na.�graDh.
<br /> IS. �.t�is�Lw;SersnbWty. This Security lnstrum�a;�ci:a11 be go�•erned by fedcral law and the!aw of cl�n_
<br /> jurisdiction i�wfsich the Property is lacated. In the event that any�Sr���is�o:e r;clause oi this Security Imstrument ar�:�,+e
<br /> - Note con}licts with spplicable Isw.such cantfict shall nnt affect otHer provisior,:.of this Security Instrument ar the hate
<br /> which can be givrn effect withnr�t the conflicting provision.Tv this end the pra�a,��ms�s of this Security lnstrument and the
<br /> � Note are declared to be severzhle,
<br /> lb. Borrower's Ca�y. Borrower sha116e givtn one canformed capy of the Note and of this Security lnstrument.
<br /> 17. Tnnter of t�e Prooerty or a Beseflcial l�terat 1� Borrow�er. T1'all or any part of the Property or any
<br /> interest in it is eoW or tnnsferred(or if a benefiriil interest in Barrower is sold or transferred�nd Borrower is not a natural '
<br /> person)without Lender's priar written consent.Lender may.at its oplion,require immediate payment in full of all sums �
<br /> � secured by this Security lnstrument. However, this option shall not be eaercised by Lender if rxercise�s prohibited by
<br /> =�a feden!Iiw as of the date of this 5ecuriry Instrument.
<br /> _ li Lender eaercises this option,l.endtr sh�ll givt Borrowet natice of aceeleration.the notice shal)provide�period � , � �
<br /> � oi not less than 30 days from the date the notice i�delivered or m�ilod w�thin which Borrower must p�y aU sums secured by
<br /> this Secutit}lnstrument.lf Sorrowu fails to pay thae sums prior to the expiration of this periad,l.ender may invokc any
<br /> remodies permitted by this Security lnstrumrnt without further no�ice or demand an Harrower.
<br /> �r 1�.8errower'�Ri�t to Rei�te. if Aonower meets certatn cnnditions, Barrower shaU hAVe the nght ta have ;,�
<br /> - - eniorrement of this�ccartty tnstrument disrantinued at any timt phot to the earlifr o�(a)5 d�ys(or sucb other period as
<br /> � applicabk law m�y specit'y fot reinswtement)btfore sale of Ihe Prapcny pursu�nt to alny pow•er of sale containcd in this f
<br /> � � acc:ysii�iniicuri,eni.trr toi rniry vi e�uu'gtncni cnior�ing inls�xtut�iy ii7SiTUmen[ �vsc cvnditions ar�inai imrruvrcr. 'y`
<br /> L �(�) psys Lender all sums whuh then would be due under this 5ecurity lnstrument and the Note had nn acceteret�un �
<br /> occurted.(b1 cures�ny dtfault of�ny other covenants or Agraments; (e)pays a11 expensts �ncurred in enfnrrmg Ihis 'h.�
<br /> � _ Secunty InstQUmtnt,including,but ttiut i�mited to,reason�ble ittomtys' fees.�nd(d►ukes such ectinn ns Lender may �
<br /> _ rasun�bly requ�re tn assure th�t tht lien of[his Secunty Instrument. Ltnder's r.ghta :o the Nro�eny nnd Bdrrawer's
<br /> o�l�phtitt tu ps}� the sums setuted by th�s 5ccunty lnstrument �hall co�ntmue unchenged U�n re�n5latemenl t►y :, }�
<br /> � Bortu�rtt,this Se�unty instrumer+i ond ths ot�lrgvnons sttuttd htfeby 5ha11 tcme�n fully eff�nve ns if n�•acc etet��rart had
<br /> cKCUrred Hc�Mevet,th�s nght te�re�ossite shrll not spply iri tht cg�e t+f arccletalwn uncler para�►aphs 1���t 1�
<br /> � `.'
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