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�.�'�fi4h�y' t:i�,l,ys�3��`�`- s: c it":�s���',��&...,�A,', a,_ a��e'y'.•`��,') �t'�C+��nw-- .e� �., <br /> _.•--��- � --- � <br /> � . . . _ 90--- 100588 . <br /> UrrlFt�tM CbvE��a7+�rs,. Rorta.�ver aad Leudtt covensnt and agra u follaws: <br /> ! (_ ' tbe i. �faad i tr�rest o�ta6�ad tb h��to�sadu�i �. Borrower shiU prompttY PaY when due <br /> _ � P�PV y y prepiyment aad I:te charges due under the Note. <br /> Z. ��is tar Taues�hi�r�oC Subject t�applicable b�+or to a written waivrr by Leader.Borrower shaTl p�y' <br /> w I:eesder an the dsy rmonthly WYmp�ts ue due urder t8e Nate,unnl the Nae is paid in fiill,a sum(•`Fur,ds")Wual to <br /> a�t�reMh ofi {A�YarJy turs and assasmenta�rhich may attain prioriry over this Security Insuument;(b?Y�'Y <br /> taufio3d psymmts ar grauad r�ab on the Property. if tnY; (c) Yeariy hszard iasunnce pr�inms; and(d) yearly - <br /> � m�i�i����P�mii�ms,if n�y.These itaas ue c�Jltd"e�crow items."I�snder may estim�te tbe Fuads due an t6e <br /> ba�otcurr+�t.dbtssnd s�ssonabk estimsta affuture escro��tcros. <br /> _ T�a Fftfid3 sbs�l:bb bcSd'ut ut institutian tht depoaits ar uxauats of which ue insured or guaranteed by a federal or . <br /> aate a�y.;G96ctuain�Le�des if i.ander is sucb�Institwionp:Y.ender sl�aD apply the Funds co piX tbe escrow items. <br /> 1.e:der a�ay not charae far heldina snd agglying tbe Fuads,s�l}-aing ct�e accaunt or verifying�c e�rox itans,ur�less <br /> . �P�Ys Harmxer intare:t on tbe�nnds and appl�s6k t��germits Lenda t4 m�ic's�ch.a r�arge. Borraarr and <br /> : I,eader mfy��e in�tIna tuat intesesi thall be p�id on cAe Fands. Unlas an a�rx�c�s�c3e or applicsbie law <br /> : .Fnqairrs intrsmtt to be p�id,Lesda s�sll nat be r�qnired co pay Bonrnver�z�interat�z�c��s aa the Funds.I.ender . <br /> �I.pye ta��trrrr�rver..svitl�s:ut chuge,an annuaE sixuunting of the Funds�IZ►:�,�ring credits tnd de�`5 trs the Funds and the <br /> . � p�rpo�e fot w!Iiicb acb de6it w the Futids�vas uaacFa 7be Ftmds ue Flad�xC�s additiona!security f�ci�r sums se�ured by "� <br /> �s�Soait�+I�ztrument� , <br /> ` ` ; If ttee trisoant of the Fnnds hekt by Leuda.w;ether�rith t6e future montblY P�Y�ts of F:uids p�yabk prior to <br /> tbe doe dasrs mf'the acm�r itams,shaA exceed the am�at required to pay the acraw items when due.the excas sl�aU be, � <br /> �; � � atBorro�rer's option�ather prapptly repaid W H�cr.u�ver or credited to Borrower on moathly psyments of Fands.I�the . , <br /> ar�ttinnt of tbe Funds held by Ixnder is not su�cient to psy the acrow ite�s wheA due,Borroxer sh�41 psy to Lender any • <br /> amount nax�ssry W mak=ap the de6ciency in one or u�are payments as required by I.aeder. . . . . <br /> Upon payment in fiill of al!sums secused by this�ecurity Iastrument,Leader shall promptly refund to Bono�ver <br /> aay Fuadt 6eld by I.dsder.If nnder puaaraph 19 t�s Praperty is sold ar scquirod by L.ender,Lender shall apgly,no latcr <br /> � thaa immediately Drio�to�fie s:le of the Property or its acquisition by Lender,any Fun�s held by�i�er st tL+e time of <br /> � applicition s a credit ssai�t the sums tecured by this Security Inatrumea� <br /> 3. AIN��t's7��b. Unkts applicabk 1sM provida othmvisG all paytaents recd�a3 l4y II��s under <br /> parajnpin I�aad 2�1uU be applied:Qtst,to late charja due undtr�the N�second�to prepayma�t ci�ar�a d�i'e�3er the � . <br /> 1�ot�tl�it+d,�s.'nouatt p�yabk ur�der�ryrapb 2;fourth,to interat du�and priscs�al due. . <br /> 4. Ctie�IJw. Bomwver sF�all paY+�1 isxa,aueuma�t�.char�e�.tines a��posia�s anribusable co�t,e <br /> Fit�at9 wbicb may atuin priority,over ttis Seeurity Iastrument� and le�sebold pr��r�u Qr g�aund rents, if any. . <br /> �ihaU p�y tbese obiiptions in tbe marujergrovided in para�rapb 2,or if not pa��tl�aat musner.BorroMer:baU '� � <br /> • &�sY them oa time direetly to the penon a�vsd psymen�Borrawer�hall promptly furnic�co Zender�U noaess of amounta ` <br /> to be p�id uader thu parap�aph.It BorneMer mvca thne pay�nenu directly�BorroNer s1�Y1 pramptty furnish to Lender <br /> �'vesipu evidenefn j the payexnts. . . '.. <br /> Bon�eNer sbsil P�PUY diubar�e any liar v��ich 6ai priority over this Security In�trument unkss Borrow�er.{a) •;;:�:.'s` <br /> �in�tirij to the p�yu�enc of the obliption raa�ed by the liea in s m�naer axeptsbk to Leader;(by contau in�aod • — <br /> ��itL the 11m by.or ddmds aiainst enforcerneat a�°.�e li�ea fir�lt�al proca�inp�liich in the Lender's opinion operste to � - - <br /> preveat tlye enforrement of the lien or ferfeitrs�q�u�y p�rt ot tbe Property;ar(c)ucara from the holder of the lien an <br /> � a�r+eement wtl�factory to Lender eubordiu�sa��e?"sen to this Security In�trument.IP Lender determina that any part of <br /> t]ae�Pt�operty is�ub3act to�lien which s.�g a�a�siority over this Securlty lnstrument,Lender may give Batrawer a ..�, <br /> ���t t��•�R����x«a��cC��:m or take one or mareof the sctioru set fozth�bove within 10 dsys <br /> of the�tvl��of swtice. <br /> s• Has�r+a t�we�. Borto�ver�A.a�i�ee�the improvemenu now exi�tin�or hereafter erected an the Proptrty <br /> �nsund spin�t 1oa bY Are,l�ar�trdsincluQed Nic�ahe term"extended cove»te••andany other hazards for�hich Lendet , ;�. <br /> n9uic�a inwra�ce• 'lhia insurance shaU be ms:�tmi;e�ad ;n the amounu aad tor the periods that Lsnder requira. 'I'!�e :!..�' <br /> �mrurtnoe carri�er pnavidin�the inwrmce slulf t�e�ahaen by Honorver�ubject to Lender'e apprava:wbich sha11 not be •;;.t� <br /> �c�on�bt��vit6hetd. <br /> �iar�snce polieies and rene�+ai+r s�a:l be acceptatl�t;�Lender and shRll inclade a stan�ac+d:nortga�e cuiue. '. . <br /> Yxisder slu�ii�ave the ri�ht to hold the�a�icia and rene�vilt.I�r.rnder requira�Honower sh�l prom�ity aive to Lender � �' ` � <br /> sT!teaipb of paid ptemiunu and renews��tiCes.I�,tha event of low.HortoMer shall pvt pr�mpt natr�e to ihe insunnce � <br /> carrier ub IRnder.L�ender may make proa!'af btt�f`�at made promptiy by HonaMer. <br /> iJrle�L�ender arid Borro�ver ot�Yse ajroe in writin�,inwrance proceeds�hall be�pplied to ratontlon or rep�ir <br /> ot tl�e Propeny damajed.if the rdwrati�ut or repair it econaaually feuible and Lender's security is not lesuned. If the <br /> t�tontion or repair u not econamicaUy ftasible or Lender'e faeu�ity would be les�ened.the in�srance proceeds shsl!be <br /> rpptied w ehe wrm�xuraf by this Secadtq Ia:tz�;r�ent��hether or not then due.Mith any excac.�i�to Borroxer. Il' <br /> _ Blac�o�rer�adon:the Property�or does not a,tit.wrra��vithia 30 d�ya a notice from Lender that th.e ias�nnce carrier has <br /> o�er�ed to kttk a aWm�thrn Lender m�y coliect ctra;:::sura.zce ge�eecds.Lender m�y use the procaods to rep�ir or ratore <br /> the�roper3y or to p�y tumt tecured bg t�ii Setury�f In�smezr�e;n�hether or not thm due.The 30�dsy period�{Il.bepn <br /> � Mha�tbe eotioe i�pven. <br /> Unle�Lender�ud BorroMer dher�vi.�e sp+ee in�►ritinj,any application of proceed:tv principal shdl not extend or <br /> pq�tpoee tlfe due date olthe monthly p�ymenu referred to in prra jtaphs i and 2 or change the�mount of the paymmts.!f <br /> '� �, u�tder parajtaph 19 the Ptoperty is scquired by Lende��Borrower'a riaht to any in:urance policies and procrsds resultin� <br /> troe�datn�e to�he Property prior to the acquisition shtU pw to I.eader to the eatent of the:ums secured by th�s Sescurity -_---- <br /> Irutruaknt immeautely priot to the acquitition. .� <br /> — �• Pn�rtatlo��M M�tavee ot PeoNr�;Iw�eiwl�. 8orrawer sh�ll not datroy,dYmage or su!»t�ntiiUy <br /> ctiaa�e the Ptoperty,dknw tht Property to deteriante or cammit wute.If this Security Jnstrument is on�texsehold. <br /> got'rower�bal1 comply Mith the pnovi:ivns of the Iwe,�nd itBorrowsr acquires ta title to the Aroperty,the leasehotd�nd <br /> '••• fietitk�tl nat e�v�eunler l.n�drr��ree�to ekttnerrs*��r�iti�. � <br /> 7• Pnl�etio� o�t,�'s Yti�b h tbe Pro�eety; Morqye Iawnace. lf Horrowrr faits to perform the � <br /> � � OOY!lWfU�d��ts rerf4iinwr�i�thia C.r��ei��T!!:!t`�:�!!.L't l�:�C:�::C�::f.t�'"�:i�j iii'si a�iy si�ntliCimity anCCi ' <br /> � � L�eadtr�ri�ht�in the Property(�u�h�s�proceedinj in banicroptcy�probate. for condemnahon or to enforce lavr�or �� <br /> �Ltioro).then ixnder rt�y do�nd pay tor whatever it na�es�ary to protect the value of the Ptoptrty a�aA Lender`s nghts <br /> � in tl�e�roperty. t,ender's act�ons nuy include ptyinj jny sums secured by a t�en whirh h�s priarity over this Secunty �� <br /> inftr'ument.apparinj in court.psyin�reawn�ble�ttomeys'foes and enterinj o»thr Property to make reps�ro.Aithou�h �. <br /> LenOer may uice action under this pin jrrph 7.i,tndei doea not have to da so. �.� <br /> � Any imaunt�disbureed by LenOeT undet this pu�npb T shill berome tddi�,ona!det+t df&.�tCOw�i SCCUPEd hy thtb �d � <br /> 6�urity Irstrument.linitu Bosrowe:�nd t,ender��m to othet tetms of pjyment.these amounts shali btar�nterest from <br /> t!u date of d►�bvrsement �� �he Note rate�nd ahdf be pay�b�t, w�th �nttrts!, upfln rtotue from Lcnder ro Eiorrc�wer <br /> � K.�r� raque�t�njpaymem <br /> . � <br /> il� <br /> r ' <br /> i 5�• <br /> i- _ <br /> .iV�i'�'r <br /> t,�. <br /> �•1 �t� <br /> -7 <br /> . <br /> '1�4•'��1: <br /> yt f <br /> '` �• <br /> �..r.'-=� _.. _ -- ---- --- -- .� - ----- -----..�---� ----- ----- ----- -- — ---— - ---� -- - - - - - � - � - - -� - --- <br />