.. . . _ . .__ ._ ._. : . .. .. . .: �. . �,..,� �,,• :>. 'JS,ti:�'.-:.:_r?:
<br />_-�i.nGYh;. � � ti vi'i ' h`dc1— '1C •[.tl'[K'=1:Y�"4...\aw..�.<.�::I.�e^Yi��2rh.rusrF3:_.��:a._``=ti,I.<v`;=��:;:3J_4'L.f. ('11:! ..-�i:.:k`.r5�:.}�..�:.���t.]i°�"j�� �ii.Y�:�..7Gi�L k'i'k�.r.w}4r.1'.�E " t�.'. � ,�
<br /> . _— . ---+,:i��EUS�S. -°'vY��_i1��4s"'`s` lisanuau'ir�' ''�dl�lmi c� ��}��� - . .
<br /> 1 — __ #5�1R��SS._�'lfiylf:������ L6..tf�---
<br /> �-�-"___.. . � _". < �
<br /> � ' .
<br /> t . �� 10058�
<br /> 1 Nox UN�EO�tt�C�vErrwnTS.BarroMer aad l.ender furt�er cavenaat arid s�ra u folioars:
<br /> 1!. � Rea�lie� I�r �It�i�e �otiee tQ 8oti+�w+er �eior to�folbwf�B�orrow�s
<br /> in�M otu�con�t oe�t t�e�6S�,writy L�eu Mt�ot/r[or to�aelaadoa Yaiei�nRa�13 a�d 1� �
<br /> iuiw aMlk�ik bw�iir ot�a�rbef.aUe■offee tiW�city.t�tie tef�l�(6)t�e�etfo�reqairei to ciu+e t�e
<br /> � wfa�i�tt?�i�rot Iw c1�3�'im f E�oe rie due t�e�o�tic�b�irtt to H�rawer.�y wtikb t�e deia�tt�t 6c core�
<br /> �■i(O t�t fill�re to�rt3f�e refi�ltor at Udore t!e i�e�i�L t�e�otlte�y rawlt fa acakratioa o[+ile sus
<br /> t�s[�i y t�S�euritjr irtr�t aii�e vl►t�e Pra�ertr.'!'i��ia sYell firtrer fafore Botrrtatr o!t�e rl�t to
<br /> - �e�Rer aocekndai s�d t�e rt�t to 6�s eoart aelioa to aree!t�e aos-eziste■ce ot a dehWt or aay otLes
<br /> �ele�c at�oe�u to saedasttaa�ai�le.Ittie 1etiNt is�ot c+rrei o�or 6efare t8t date ap�ciBei iw tle�otke.I.e�le:
<br /> tt its o/tio�a�Y re�ire t�ifate /a�wti!it h1t ol W��hr t�b Se�wdt9►Lstr�e�t witlo�rt i�rt�er
<br /> ie��i a�i��oice t!t pwer ot�ie�d a�T atier`reaeiie��a�ted�'y�liai{e taw.Lealer slialt�e e�tItkd to
<br /> _ collece ail��w i��j.Mtw(y t�e eeseiles�e+oriied ia tWs�a� i9. i.ctNtq. b.t r�ac tis�Etea ta
<br /> rearo�ik steoneTs'tie�tN eaps aEtlHe e�fie�es
<br /> — It tie pwer�ot sak ds t��otcei*TnNe��ti reeord��odoe ot lelf�rit i�eacY eo�utf is riis�aa��rt ot t�e
<br /> Pfro�ert�is loat�i iud�tl�a!!c�o�ies nf ae��ottee is t�e�au�r�caedlei 6�a�lip6k!aw to�oce��eera�i to tie
<br /> ad�r/e�so�s Prae(iei 6�►aNiicaWs tsw Albsr tie ti�e�tred 61 y�lie�iie tas�Tnqtee sY�ll dx��ic�otlee oi
<br /> rale to tie�er�o�s ui i�tre�es�naa�fred b�af/Iks6le taw.T�witiort deaaed oa Borr�ower,si�[�dl tie
<br /> Pro�ert��t�{ic arcKo�to t!e IJ�Mat bi/aer at tire dae ssi ph�e a�rNer t!e terrs desipecd V t6e aoHce of sak iw
<br /> � o�e or�ore Mreeb�wl i�uy or�er Tr�stee�etee�iaes.Yr�tee�a�'o�t�o�e sak of rll or a�y Mrcr!ot tlie Pro�erty!�
<br /> �ilic anot�ceut�t ai tk ti�e a�d�tace ot a�y p�t�io�s[j sc�i�e�s�le.Lt�ier or Ifs��sy�rquse tl� .
<br /> Pro�ere�at,uy s.1e.
<br /> v!��dlK�Ml�����bia.Tr�stee s1��eE€rar to t�e/rrei�er Tr�tee'�dad ooa��t�e
<br /> Pio�ert�.Tl�e recifa4 i�t�e Tr�ee':dai tWQ be�rlirs hde e�e of tre tr�do of ttie�eeb�aic t�srsia.
<br /> � rr�e,i.u.�ty t�e�e�oc�[�s or ti�e raie i�tie rouo+H,K oeler:cs�t�e,�es�e,aa or cre s�i.e�rii�.bat�s u� .
<br /> t0.TnKe�'s[eea a�er�itte�by a�tl�aele bw�rsaroiaNe attar�e�[ee�(b)to all so�s seo�red by t�s 3ecority
<br /> I�a�ea�aM(c)uy e�caaR to t�e�erso�or�ee�ost iepliy tat[tled M i�
<br /> 20 Lender ie PoNe�io�.Upon acceiention undu �a�ra�h 19 os abandonment of the Property. �.ender(sr�
<br /> pes�a,by a,�ent ar by judicisUy appointed rectivet)shall be eaatled r�mt�upon,take possasiea of and manage the
<br /> Pmpaty and co eollxc the rents of che Praperty including those pist d,r,G Any rents collectcd b�beader or the receivu
<br /> � s}aaU be appJied fint to psyment of the cests of maaa�ement of the Prc�aty and collection of n�s, inclt�ding,but not
<br /> limited to.receiver's fea.praniwas on rereiver's bonds aAd ressonabk attoraeys'fep.and thm to th�:�ur.r��ured by
<br /> � tdis Securitg Instrum�nt� :
<br /> 21.il'seo��a�o�Upon payment of all surr�s secwed 6y this Sec�ty Iristrument.Lender s�:I noqupt Trusta to . .
<br /> r�convey t6e Property xrrd ahall surnnder thas Sasurity instruma�t and�t:irc�ta evidencina de�t se�s;..�ed by this Security � ' '
<br /> '_.::::,�,r,
<br /> I"nstrument to Tiustee.Trustee shall reconvey ttx�'ogesty witheut rvuse�t�r aad without charge r�t9re pers�n o:persons �„�
<br /> tepl{y entItkd to it.Such person or persons shsll p�y any��tion cosu. � `
<br /> 22.SYl�ttt�t�Tc�tee.l.ender,it its optioa,msy Crtx��me to dnse remove Trusta and appoint a succasor trustee
<br /> to iuy Tnuta sppainted be�eunder by�n insw�mt recorded'm the county in Mhich this Securiry Instrument is recorded. '
<br /> Without conveymce of the PropMy,the succasor trusta stWl s�ccad to al!the title.power aad duties wnferrrd upon . .,;
<br /> Trustee lurein and by applicabk 1aM.
<br /> 23.R�wt for 1Vadte�. BESrr.mMer rcquats that capies of the notica of def'ault and s�1e be sent to Honower's � �`
<br /> �ddras�rbacb is the Propetty Ai3dra�. �
<br /> ?�4.Riien to tidfe ; •
<br /> , Setsrity ia�te�ai�Uone or mae riden ue ax��ted by Barrower srid raorded tasethea Mit�.
<br /> sfta 5ecusicy Instrunx�rr�;�:.he covensnts and t=raments of acb suc6 ri�s�:all be incorporated i,m•.c��nd shall amend and f
<br /> ��ple�asmt the coveriants u�d ajraments of this Security daswmeni u if the rider{s) wea����rt of tbis Security
<br /> Yaurumrnt,[Check�ppticabk baa(a)l
<br /> .._. (y�„�, Adjusubk ttate Rider ❑ Condo:niYx:�m Rjder [1 �.� Funiis Aider _ ,� �
<br /> p y�t wae� p p�nea u�� ne+��„t waa � �`�'��
<br /> tiraduated Pa ."i.•;;:,.�
<br /> _ . . ❑ Ot1sMs) IsPecify) ;:'�.:;;
<br /> BY SI(3NiNO H�L�ar. Borcoxer accepts and a�a co the terens snd covrna:.:s c��r.ar;.:.ed in this Security .,,-����
<br /> � lnstrument u�d iA aay rr,der(y execu:ed by Borrower and recorded ' it. ,
<br /> ........................................................................................ .:.L.. . .. ..............f.�...... ..
<br /> �r��.... ................. 1)
<br /> Ronald L. Uc,nBehren "eor�0""
<br /> __ ........................................................................................ ....����...�l,l� .u�:✓........ ..(Sql)
<br /> Una (�1. UonBehren -�aro,«
<br /> On this 3bth day of January ,19 90� �afore me. ehe undersigned. a Notary Publit '
<br /> _ �� duly commissioned�nd quvired far said county.personalty came pr_nald L. UonBehren and Una �1. � _-_ _..___ _
<br /> v nB�hren, Husband and Wife ,to me known to be the •
<br /> � ��entical person(s) whosr namt(s) �re subscribed to the foregoing instrumeatt and acknowledged the execution
<br /> theraot to be th�ir votunt�ry aet and deed.
<br /> Witness my h�nd and rtotuial seai a� Grand Islar�d, hebra5ka in said county,the
<br /> -�•► . Ga4E a�ure3�ici. � �
<br /> � ..- �"----- �Ii� I�. / / ,i ..�/!. i��/,. �! . -
<br /> � L. �AK�1 M L MC�tE�W�i' � �!. ......... ...� ..,.. ... .... ..._ . . . . . .
<br /> �%/'"" ' • �
<br /> � AyO�+.E�o�u�. E? ������ (�EQ[/�ST FnR RECUNY�YANC������ pub��� c�
<br /> �
<br /> �!�
<br /> TCi y'RL'5tEE �
<br /> � . 7ht widCtligited i�!he hc�ldtt Esf ihC n«Ee or nnte;���.ureJ hp ttit�f?eed�i trust �a,;3 n�•�re e�r i���te,. re+¢ethcr • `
<br /> . with�I!uthar�ndetrteUness sccured bq�h�s Oee�1 c�f 1�u�c,ha:r L�een pa�d m tuli Y��u�re t�erehy�Eire:tcd tc+�ai��cl�.��d
<br /> n�te c�r rtotes�ntt lh�s Uctd c�f i'ru�i. ►�hati ate dct�r,errd P�erehy, and �a re�nnvev, «,th��ut ,.arrasetti. ,elt�rre c�r��tc
<br /> - r , nc�u► hctd bv y�,W undcr this ftred r�f�ruwt t�, {hC �)L'fSpt1;�r{�rrcotz�icpail� Ctit�tlC�} I�1Ctetij ..
<br /> ,
<br /> f'�. ._.�
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