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<br /> r,-�s'• � ��e a4 t� 'r 't;314c ��°:.^':.•r •� ��',(�.t;::. .i> a "''Y"`
<br /> v2t c.':�en:•.`, �.e �k'�'_ .� a����t� :?a�,: �.�;� 'c:[� ".:;f'+ .��'t' ]u..' - �'��'- � 'a�<c:c[v...u,�--
<br /> n � ae:� __ -.a' 'ti'�F.' «,s !'�,�: � �i`='sF,,F' '" x `4 ��.. Y,„ �h"s-zi:' �1� 'f�- :.i"'r,. '�'•r";-•
<br /> �. �� t;,I���11A't",•uL?L`-'_`v$IL�&i�c - "i•. "_k�.:5, r �C�;��s�:.•, �o.»�'Fif:''�'�.r; 3"..,ets:`�r��i�n�h�..;.�h,
<br /> ___�'�����is�l.' 4k�1} ��.:;c ._ -=,["K,�!!k.��.`��...` ��' "y _' _' C., R t�l x�i :,,�=-=-- _ .
<br /> �`�t�.�E(i.r. 1 i� °h - w' v a3 .:a-� - =-=--
<br /> _ � m.N� n `Y� -°���_�
<br /> � ---- � , . _._._� .. � �:
<br /> � AIDJUS'TABLE RATE RID�R � �Od- �Q�58�
<br /> (I Year Treasury lndex•RauCaps)' � •
<br /> THIS AD7USTABLE FtATE RID�R is maQe chis __ 30th dyy n� lanuaiy .19 �Q: _
<br /> ond 'u i:scorporsEed ihto and shall be dcemsd to amend �lnd suppfsment tne �tortgagt. Oe�d of Yrust, or Savrity iked(tl�e"S��dty . .
<br /> � � (astn�asnt")oP the s�mt dtte given by thc unt�ers:gned(tltc`•Borrow�ei")to sc�ure 8orrower's Adjustadle[tate Nnte{the"Note"1 to FiOME
<br /> F��iUL SAVIN�iS i ROAI�!ASS4C1ATiaH q�tii9AN0 lSLAND.NEDRASKA(che"Lsnder")of the s�ne d�te and cm+tring the
<br /> ptfYj�Cftjt 4'lSCii�Cis.'ifl tI7C SCi.U7itjr{ilii5ttiti�Ttt ai7Q tOCitf`Q�i: .
<br /> . 2915 Circle Oriu�. Grand Ysland, NE 69801
<br /> (Propersy Address) � �
<br /> 1'W Mo[e cost�i�s pravf�wn sHowdK tor a�ta�ra it�S likrest nte a�d ny iao�Aiy
<br /> �yscats.Tl1+�ote atso 1(�iv�6e�soQat my i�terat nte an csarite af an�ou ttmt aid '
<br /> �ko�e mt�iw�a a�d tl�e�iteom rate!ns�t p�y.
<br /> ADDI'i'IONAL QO7/ENANTS.In additian trs the coctnants and agreemtnts made in tE►e Stcurity iituttuazat,Harrowar and Lendu
<br /> ,, funher covenant and.agree as fof[ow�: ,.
<br /> A. CrTE�tFST RA'I'E Alr�MOti'�'HI.Y PAYMEB 2�AhG�S
<br /> , . The Note p�avides for an initial interat rate of • !'e. Sec[ion 4 of ehe Note provides for G1f.nFis�n the intarc�t rate anQ tQe
<br /> � . montl�ty payrnents,as faitows: . � ,
<br /> �. 111�7�'REST RATE AND�tO.ti q'Xf.Y'P4"t:47L-:�'T�'tfAA.'�.ES •
<br /> � fA) C�.�e n,te+ march 9 i�
<br /> The interes ratQ E will pay may cd�ang:�?�E'irst day of ,1L�� ,and on[hat day every
<br /> � tweZve 12} rnonths thereafter.L��s-'.i c�::on a•hich my enterest rate cauld change is cal:e�a'•ChE[►�sl3zto."
<br /> � (9) 7're I�dex
<br /> , • &ginning with the first Change l�rt.,my in!erest rate wili be based on an Index_The"Index"is the uixbly.a�-zrctEz yield on United Siates
<br /> -� Treasury secutities adjusted to a cc�:�'r�.t ma.urity of 1 gear.as made availabic by the Fedesa4�Reserve�nard..'i�tt most recem Index�g+.ve
<br /> available ss ef the datc 45 days before each Change Datt is calted the"Cunent lei••�,,,�"
<br /> If the Index is no longer availabte.the Note Holder will choose a ncw i�aucnc which is tr,ied upon aa�p�rpb:r infara�ttion.Tht Ivote � �'
<br /> Holder R�Zt glve me natia of this choic-�: � ;. ;:
<br /> . .,,�;`
<br /> ��j� .C9it�4tio�olCLaKes , . :�;-t;:!
<br /> � &forceach Change Date.ihe h�.3�I�.�_s�r�iil:�lculate my new interes!r�tr by adding ��� �`' a����a�F prrcentage '� �.��''�
<br /> ' ' points( Z•50 %)to the Current Incci�a,�ff roanding to the rtearesc I/Bth of 14b,subject to ehs ltruels stattrl in Stction 4(D)6elaw. +•�:y'��'
<br /> This rounded amount wcll be my aew interest rate unt7 the next Change DaSe.
<br /> TFe Note Holdet will then determine the amount of the monthly payment that would b:.sutficient•tu se;+ay in full the principa!l am
<br /> expesied to owa on that Chsnge Date in substantially equa!payments by the maturity date at my�i�,v fnicrest rato.Tli;result af ihis ca�cutatian � '
<br /> will be the new amouvt of my monthly payment. ; -
<br /> (D) U�iq o�I�ktest Rate CAsetes
<br /> The interest rate I am�rea,r:��d to pay at [hc iirs[ Ch.ange Date ti,:ll.not be greater than ' ���z� �10 or t ss than ;,y;__
<br /> 6•�2 _.%i,7':�creafter r�,r iasar.rest rate will rtever be in:::r:�:.i or decre;::zd on any s•ingte�Efiange Uate by m�re:tatr, twQ Z • '=.
<br /> ;. ,, peT=�-f'� tram ahe rate af i�`�::-�:�:;have been paying for thepreceding n�::���w momhs.Theminimum interest ratt�n tiiis Joan wiU never be ' �
<br /> _ less than s•25�__olo and the maximum interest rate will never be grea�t�:�ihsrn.� 13•z 5 c;,;, ' -
<br /> � {E) EffecUref7►�a��t�hu�ss ,
<br /> My new intfrest raie wi116ecome effective on eact►Change Date.Y wiU pay theamount of my new mantbfypaym:nt bzg�nning on�t►e f'irst � •-
<br /> monthlypaymentdatea�e:theChas!�:Dateuntilthearaauntofmymonthlyp�ymcntchange.s��a'sn, •
<br /> , (F1 Notke ot C�a ;,�
<br /> , Tht Note�ioldcr•s�il;:L*�ail or c9elivet to me si notice befort each Change Ua:c.'F'�c notice aill advise�u_nf: ' ' �r;,.
<br /> (i] thene�mterestrac^.•�•.^.myloanasof'theChang°:.J2te; , . ��r.�
<br /> ' ti��) the amaunt of my n.�t�ySy payment fc�llow ing•b:;r..�(�;�nge Uate; , '
<br /> (iii) any additional ma��:rr.�Hhich the Note Hulder is requ;rcd todi;closc:aad ��r�
<br /> (iv) IheaddressoPthtassa:ia.tioaynucouldcontactregarding��ny_�cie�;.i:.,:�,.�.;f.�arrti:zd;usRn�ie��i�:oti:e.
<br /> D, CHARCESi;I.IEPiS .
<br /> UniParm Covenant 4 of tne Security�rr.,;y rram:nt is�.•nendcd to re�,..7:s•�r;,tl�ws: '
<br /> — .' � I.Chutes;IAe�s.Borro�xer shall pa;�:I taxcs,as:r�smcntS,and vencr chargec,fines,and imrositions attribuiaG:t tu tft:Prnpeny which may
<br /> attaln a priority over th:a Se�urity Instrumcnt,atld iezschold paytt�ents of gruund tent;,if any,in 1hc manrier p:ntii:ltd un:fer par�r�ph 2 hereof
<br /> or,if not paid in such manncr,by E3otruNer making paymei�t,when due.direcNy ta the p�y�ec ehereaf,t3orrower sh�ll'�rnm,��0y fiunigh I,cnder
<br /> �;1 nc::c;s vF amount�due undtr tRis parugrnph,and in the ecent florroK•et ShaN rtiake payi»:nt directly, I�Of�AwpT SFI�II'�tqlilptly iumish ta
<br /> l.endrtr srCeipis eviderx:ina sueh gayments. Bortawer shali promrtly di;sharge any lien whicfi t�as �+riority over Uei9 5ecurily Invtra�nent:
<br /> "� , piowtver,f3orrower sha!!not be reyuired to cliticharge any sucti hcn SP�frll%�5 tlor�ower. (a1�Itatl agtce in tivtiting tu ttr. r3ym:nt of the �
<br /> — � cib(igation secured by sueh If�n in the manner ncceptable tu t ender,(b�shall in gond f.f:th conte.t auch lien hy,ur defsrri 1gain:t enforcement uf
<br /> Such lieq in.,Itgal prnceedings which in theopiniot��f 1_emler oper�te t�r prevent Ihr en Yotcemcnt uf'thr licn or forfeittue ui th:f'mperry ar�ny . �
<br /> ` ;+�tt theleof:nr(c)sha11 secure from Ute hnlder ut su:h licn an ac,•reern:nt in:► form satisPactory to Lender subc�rd�halil�:.�ucti lien to ttiis
<br /> 5cceritY t��strumsnt. .
<br /> lf t.ender determi�t:s iha!nll ur any part ai thc Nro�+crty is sub�CCt t�a lien at�ich may attain a p:io;ny otic�ihir Scciuity{t,itrun�c»t, �
<br /> t
<br /> �� • ��P.��l'S����o:�t�Y[L"Lt.^.AJS::�G�,.,i��1�jiRa i1iCh ilEiS.Si3fic'�tSii.}ci�)E�dii�iy�Uttr IICtt t��fi11tC cmC VT TTTpTC Ot t�1C:tC[t0T11 SfL i(jfTli a�'T6St
<br /> within icn days of the giving of the noticc. �
<br /> �� - -
<br /> w► [.. �. ��T«�t:
<br /> � lJniform Cusenarit l4uf chc Saunty In,�nirncnt is umcndcU t�rcad.'it falluws• �
<br /> h
<br /> 11. �teUcr.Yx�.ept fur�ny nuti�c reyuircd under npphcahic!aw ta he g��:err iu anuihcr tnanner,(a►any nut��c n+Is;�rrut.rr�.rnbnlcci tn;in th�c �
<br /> Stcurrly ln.tn�incnt sha!!he g��cn hy�tll4a�ng it nr by mailing it by firat rlass tnid tu lic�rros�crat th_•Pru�:rty�ti�1;lre..��r iit�u�h�rhrr adclrc_ti f
<br /> as tie+rrc�wer may cTeS�gr,:�tr�•y nc1sice i�,lxttJ�r a:�rv:zdrd hrrcin.un9 IG�any��asire 1��i cnder�[:�,]!hr��cr l�F f,rcr �l.�����,::�!�i�!�n.1::', ea
<br /> �ddte:ssla'edhtrc�tsi+ri��st�:Hnth^taddtt�;a�.lr;�der:n,i�,tl:•�,�gn�tct�rn:�frr.ta(i��r-o��eta;ptn<<Jc:tl�:�ri�� 1uti �:�r�.�-�•rn.�.f��itnr,p•Ine "
<br /> ' ';^.utrtq tr�srrun:enE<r:�ft Ae dcc+rest tutie�c Y••ce}ignci�t<�Ih�rr:,o.rr„�i•:n i:i:�t�cr�c��cnu:th:�u,�rnrr ti. ••;r�i•c,l���.tcr,
<br /> _� �...
<br /> — _�i:
<br /> --ir`�
<br /> =�e rj �
<br /> _�,`
<br /> . €
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