_ _ .\," ' �ti.'.�: ..Y„ "ti.i�' 'y - . �:is. .m� '•Y!f;�'`— F _ t"
<br /> il f. .�, r. �e'�j;.' ':��`m�n -._,xw�e;.�F
<br /> - ,( 50• ' '�-`r4. t "%'� 4r' _
<br /> -'tt .�'."` •�'�' v.ktfR.L._�.ie'tn-,..s,...-«-._i_"';.'
<br /> _ .:.�:.� .a7z`.e ...y:rJ,°,, .e� 'yf:m�iF�i''t, �.J.S,t - nt�+�-`u°::s-:i°:.`u.Ci :1 �. S•.xcdF:�'6'� Ya:: �.L-.✓ A- 'L�
<br /> ��_r�s�;. ',���'�''l���-ti..� _s 3 �� a 3�` F 1��e'�- :4-; .z,�x '�.�'�"��'YT� a;r .1`�1tF{�.�x_�i.'�'�Z� ..�s._4._..�..�..���.�.,_���...
<br /> --'—_ ���y,�'fS'?�71. -�`X�,ctti�Y�.' rr:t,�.�� '('.P,`"��i1�' lY�C�,.�...--.,- ��..a�w.'++.o�-.r-'..�s��rs�wa.r.—. — .�.�-' - ` --
<br /> �—�
<br /> � � �
<br /> i
<br /> R ��- ioo5s4
<br /> � If I.�adec reqnired mortpte imurance as a coaditio�o�mat�inj tlje laa ixund.by 4his SacEUity Inmumeat,
<br /> Borro�rer s1t�l1 PrY tbe�iurns raryired to�aintain ttse iasuraace ia e�ees uati�weh time a t.be raryimnsat for the
<br /> is�rtc�oa wminate�in�aace�rith 8atm+rer's�ad t.ander's written�t�eemant ar apQl�abk ta�►.
<br /> !. I■�etf�■. Ler�da or ib asent msy m�ce r�uoa�bie a►tria upon�d i�pa�sioo:of tl�e Property. t.enda
<br /> sbaU pvrBorro�rer notice at tIse t�ne otar prior to an�aspecbou s�a�f�iai crs�ooabk cau�e for t!k iatp�ction.
<br /> 9. Ca■�tio�. Tbt pnoc�eeds af aay a�rard or claim fa da��oees.di�ct or coasequa�tial.in oonaectian�ritL
<br /> any ooada�uostion or ocLer takin�of�y part af the Property.or ta 000veyaace in fieu of oo�ademnatioo,are hereby
<br /> _ dtip�ed rad�Lta be p�id to Leader.
<br /> In tbe e+rait ot�totst takir�d the Prcpaty.tbe proceak s1�W be�pplied co tLe wmt tavmd by tbis Securiry �
<br /> — Imtro�►t,Mbetber or not tbeo du�,Mitl��ny e:oa�s paid W Borr��rrer.In the�v+mt da p�etitl t�inaj dtLe Prnperqr.
<br /> luitew Hbrto�va�tad I.eader otber�viu��aeia Mrittnj,the swns�atu±cd by t�n Se¢urity In=ttumait tball be reduoed by
<br /> tbe�edouat d'tht pnocee�s mvttipbed tr�3�t fotlo�vio�fraetion:(s)tbe Wtal amount ot the�ms ta�ured immadiatdy
<br /> ��divided�Qt��c�e fiir r.�.�id v�tue oitlu rr�cpeny isameaisuay betore tthe tafiny Any e�Vacx shau be
<br /> tf the PivQaty is ab�nd�onai by�aarv�rer.or i�aftet noticx by I.eader ta BocroMer tt�at the condemnos oRas tv , .
<br /> m�ke an��rar�d or�stle a cfaim fa da��es,BorroMer Gu'h to respoad to Leader�rithin 30 days sRa the date tts�aoticoe u -
<br /> pvea.t.eodat is fr�arized W colkct aad apply tbe p�+�oaed�,at its option,dther to ratontion ar repair af tbe Pcopaty or �
<br /> W tbe anns saeured by thit Sxarity Iratnuamt,�r�t8ea c�r aot tlxa duG
<br /> Unle�I�det aad Borro�ver otberMiu yrx ia�rsitinj.�ay appliatioA otprocad:to�iiiscipal sbalg not extaid er
<br /> ! patpoex tLe dne c3ata ottbe monthlY P�ymmts rd'errrd to in p�rsgapbs i aad 2 or chanEe tl�e�mouat of�ch p�ymesca. �.
<br /> 10. B�rer�Nat Bd�wi;Farrer�■ee HT:�wir/er Nat s W,�i�er. Extemion of tve time fa�r�a�meag�c
<br /> mo�llattioa ot amoRuapo�nf'tbe�ums tecured�y c�is Securtty Iastraa�t uanted by t.enaer W a�q succasor iu
<br /> iatecest at Hor�+a�ver ahaU r�atrt�xrate w rek+�e thee��ity of the oriyiaal Bac�a�►u or BornnMa's�uaer�wrs ia interest.
<br /> IRSder�aU noe be requir�C t;�cammeaoe proceedfag,s�pinit wy suo�es�or in interest or refwe to extend time for
<br /> paymmt ar atbalslse amorqstiaa c�sbe ttu�s aec,vred by th�s Saeurity Instrumlat by resson of any danand taade
<br /> � by the orijin�l B�!�vet or er's r�s ia snsa�at.Any forharanoe by IR:nder in exuci:ing any right ar remcdy
<br /> tbsU uot be s�var�et atoe pe�iWde the eaer..s�e of utg�t or remedy. �
<br /> if. S�ec+won rt a��De�Jat�t��d L�aMdtpi Ca�t/�es. Tlue cove�antl�mc�a�aaeats of
<br /> tb�'s�udty�trw�e.at��iad aad beatst the r�aa�r+c�s aod�oP Lender and Horro*►er.subjeee r,�cite provisions
<br /> dpint�la��ds covai�ats u�d��11 be joia�aad uveral.My 8orro�ver Mho cadpu tbis Sec�ci.t�► .
<br /> . InWrammt bat daa aot e�eeute tbe Notc�s�cs oc�r�tbit S�ar►ty Instruaxnt anly w a�art��rant�d eoavsc�
<br /> W.s H�r�ra'.�Staac m tke rrvpeny►u�C tbe t�s;�rthit seauYCy Tn,rn,mmt;ro�i�nac per.00.uy oblfpue to p�y
<br /> tbe w�a�ecured by tltis Sacu�.zty Lutnimeo�fi u�d�c�)�rees th�tt Lasdcr�nd�y otber Aorro�ver msy yra to eatrnd, � .
<br /> ` mo�g:faebar os matce my�ccammodations adtb stprd w the tams of t2w Secwity Instrummt or t1�e Note�rithout . „
<br /> tbatBarro�var'sca�ea� .
<br /> 1]. Lor�1�r�. If the laa�ur�d by thi�Securiry Inprunxat u wbjeot W�4�r wbicL iets maaimum!an • _'
<br /> ol��e�. �ad tbtt la�r a!lwlly�ate�reteai w tlut the intee�at or wLer lan dur�collectad or to be colkcted in f
<br /> coca�ctloa �vith the 1an exceed tbe pErmitted Itmits��t;�:(a)any wch lo�cl�u�e sball be reduoed by tbe amount �s
<br /> oec�y to reduee tbe c1�ar�e to tbe parnitted Ilmit;a�ad(b)any wau alrady oollected from Borro��rbich exceeded : � ;
<br /> �, per�.�ud 1imlu�w311 be re�ndad w Borr�rer.La�der mty ef�oa�e to m�lce thb retiind by reducin6 the principal orved �
<br /> w r d e r t�e N o t e ae i�m�I c i a j�d l n e e t p�yme:►t t o H o r r�o+�►zr.I t�c r.f'v u c t r e duees pri n e i p a l,t he r e duct i on�ri l l b e trea t o d ai s '
<br /> P��'�P�Y+�'��Itbout anY pre�Yment char/e underc a1u N�
<br /> 13� LNWMio�AAYe�I�■iw� ltf�d. �enactment or expirnt�on o�ipplicsble 4w�1�tbe elfxt of
<br /> re�6eriry aaY Provi�on of t3ot�tote or thu Security Ias�vmrnt euiastorcabk aa�ar:�ta�to Iu tenns,Lc+rc�er.st iU optian, : -
<br /> msy requir�1mrt�adiate pyr�t la full ota11�uau txured by t�Sacurity Instrunuet aad may iavc�cs any remedia r ,-
<br /> �by p�rs�pb 19.If Larder exes+ci�a thL optian�I�a�der shaU Wce the eteq tpacifkd in the�d pangrapb oP �
<br /> �?f
<br /> i� Nofla�, My notice w Borm�ver�rovidad��r in this Seeurity Insttument s?ull be dven by�!rlsverinj it or by .;:�,;
<br /> a�ilins it by�nt cla�mail unlat applicabk laM raq+�a we of aawher method.The notice�h�ll t�c�irccted to the
<br /> Prepaty Addnys or ariy e�her aQdra�BortoMer daiip�ta by notice to L�der.My notice to Lender�ba11 be�iven 6y
<br /> tttt clw rnsil w�.eader's addr+ar uatad 6erein or Ny c�er addra�l.ender daip�ata by eotioe to Borro+ver.Any nocia
<br /> �pmvlddTnr 1�thi�Sacurity Insuucx�t�hall be deaned eo hnve been pven w Borrower�,r Lerider when pven a�provided
<br /> P��p
<br /> ; 1'. C�Ltw;�e�aMUl�►. This SaeuriL9�lnstrummt thall be�avemed by lederal b�and the IaN of�he
<br /> jd�.�sioo in�vhic6 tbe Fiope:ty b focated.In the eg�t that�ny p[avition or c4we of this Sacurity ln�trumrnt or the
<br /> �e c�oAicn�fth appticable laM�sucb r.�i�ict�mot d[at ather provaions of tbis Security In�trument or the Nate
<br /> +�tsi�ean be pvea eQeet rvitltout tbe conitictin j prcri�ion.To this end the provi�ions of ihis 5rcusity lmtrument anA the
<br /> — Noteue de�Lr�ed w be tevrnbk.
<br /> ii. Bo�row�e's Oo/p. Borrorver:h�ll be dve�aee conformad copy of the Note s�d oit6is Securesy jnstrumrnt.
<br /> 17. T�arl�ir o�tre ProMety or�Be�eael�t tr�qrrt Is Borrower. 1f i!1 or any put of the Property or�ny
<br /> lntuat in it i�sold or tna�t'ared(or Us benellcial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Bonower is not a n�tunl
<br /> �snon)without La�det's prior Mdttm oonfeet.I.ender msy.at iu aption.requlre immedl�te ptymmt in full of�ll suma
<br /> '" �a�urad by �bis Security tnstrument.HoMever.this option�tf1 not 6e aaercised 6y Lendtr if exercise is prohibited by
<br /> _ �� tederal laM a�ottludate o�tl�Seourity Insuument.
<br /> - Jf I.ender e�r+ci�a tbu option.Lender sh�U�iveHorm+ver notice of�ccekration.The aotice shal!providea periad =-_ _---
<br /> _ otnot Iwtt�an 30daystram Ihe date the notia is ddiverad or mWed within which BorroMer must p�y all sums�acwed by
<br /> tba Sacwity i�t.1{Eorro�►er f�to p�y�hae wau prior to the expintion of ehv perifld,Lender may iavolce any �
<br /> rt�o�diripe�mittedby this 5ecurity Instrument�vithout furthernoticeordemar�d on Borro�er.
<br /> � E!�!�!!�'�P.�!r P�..�..� I�P�rra�a��ia cas��si�st�8urs�:r s3=s!0 i�:rc:1�:r�ght sa h=re
<br /> enforomferit of this Security Instrument discantinued at any tirne prior to the eutilr of:(a)S d�ys(or such other period u .��
<br /> � �p�licabk Lw tnsy specify for«insutmieet)6efote sale of tbt Pra�ert�.nu�a,�•��in rny m«rer�f We cnntiined in this �!'�1
<br /> � � Seenrity In�trummt;or(b)entry of a judjrrtent enfotcins this 5ecurity instrumrnt.Those conditions are thit Bonawer: �
<br /> (�)pyt Lader all tunu ahich then wauld be due under thi�Security �nstrumtnt anA the Note h�d no a+ccele►ation �
<br /> � aoeurred;(b).cura u,y default ot any other coven�nt�or yretnKnts; (c)p�ya all eapenses incorred in enforcin�thi� r••
<br /> n
<br /> � Sxurity lmtrument, insludins,but not lirnitod to,re�tantbk attomeyn'fe�;and(d)tdca such acrion as Lrnder msy ��
<br /> r�o�bty re4uise to a�ure tlut 1he jidy of thn Security insttument.I,ender'�n�f►ts in�he PropeMy �nd Barrawei•� _
<br /> abliptidn [a py ti�c sums secured 6y th�a 5ecurity testrumast shal! continut unchsaaed. iJpon reinsuttment by :, '
<br /> - 6o�ro+ret�tl�is Secunty inatrummt and the obli�tians jacured b�eby shall rem�in fully d[eetive as if nv accclention had
<br /> }t� accurre0.t�ar►ercr,th»ri�!►t co rnn�ace�h�Jl not�pply�n the case of a�eelrnlion under pu�raphs 13 pr 11.
<br /> __� 3 f
<br /> .._ ��'.
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<br /> �f.�,F �
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<br /> I�j''�'
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