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'.4� Y ' �t .i1�i'.^'; ���h2M!Y1i1N'v-�:2)::'IC ��!����. ...h4 \��.ti<.4.;i�le��••��'�.1:.�..11:• 1'. ''e�li c4�ie.:.:: � ��! T�i4 "ti.V`£.:-. <br /> - -.�T^c`i.�t�y�d�.+rl`.��17t• _ -i'���t.'�i7'S�i�S�iSCi�A'fi�f -= r��:li�iil➢II4 ' . ••4 ���tiS'LT:�-.i.���r�z�9•`---�"�•� ::'•C^"' - ^cSf���:�f.w dLti9i:r'ttc5i. <br /> _ _ ' � _'____ �2'rs"�`dL'��Yil lll'�� - ' " — <br /> _'_'_'. � .. _ - � <br /> ' �{���� iQO�� i <br /> V <br /> w <br /> UNl�'O�CM COVENA!vT'S. Borra�ver and Lnrsdtt cAVStiant a�d agrte es followsc • <br /> r 1. Pt�t of Princi�r[aad Iat�Preaymtnt aa�Late Chs�c. Borrower shall promptty pay when due � <br /> � the principsl of arsd interest on ttie dcbi evidenced b3i the Nute snd any prepayment and late charga due under the Not�. <br /> y � Fu�c ior Ta:es a�Iasva�ee. Subject ro appticable law ur to a written waiver by Ltnder,Borrower shall pay <br /> to I�et►der on the dsy rnantl�ly paym�u are due under ihe Note.until the Nate is paid in fitli.a sum("Funds")equai tn • <br /> �t�vdRh of-(a}ytsrly taxes and �«�e�ts whirh may attairs priority over this Sxunry lnstrument; (b) yearty <br /> ta�sehold psymenu or ground rtnts on the Property. ff any; Ecj yearly huzard insuranct premiums; and (d) ytarty <br /> mmtpje insurtnce premivass.if any.These items ue csll�"escrow items."Lender may estimate the Fun�s due on thr <br /> , b�sisofcurreatdats�nd re�tontbltestimuaoffuture�scroa items. <br /> T6e Funds shaU 6e held in sn institutian the depasits or sccouats af which are insured or guarantad by a federaZ or <br /> — aute tr�aKy►tinciudins I.ender if I.eader is suc�an institutian).Lender sball apgly the Funds to pay the acraw itams. <br /> Lender mty not charae!or holding aad npplying tht Funds,uialyzing the acconat or verifying the acrow items.unless <br /> - Lender p�ys Borrmva interest on tha Fnnds and applicabk law permits Lender to make sush a chasge. Bosrower and <br /> Lender may sgrce in wrriting that interat sbsl!be paid on the Funds. Unkss an agramrnt is made or applicabte Daw <br /> , raquira interat co be paid,Lender shall not he required ta ps�y Borrawer any interest or eamings an the Fuads.Lender <br /> �hall sive W Borroxa.without charge,an annuai accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds�ad the <br /> : purpor.e for�vhich each debit to the Funds was mada The Funds ue pledged as additional security for the sums s�cm�9 by <br /> this Secuiity Instruw�n� <br /> . If the antaunt of th�Funds hetd by Leadtr.toget6er with the future manthty payments of Funds piyable prior to <br /> � the due durs of the escra��is�ms.shall excaod the amount required to pay the escrow items when due,the eacas sh�ll be, • <br /> at BoiroMe�s optian,eithec graQtptiy repaid to Barrower or credite�to Horrower on r�n_�thly paymenu of Funds.If tbe <br /> � amount of the Fua�s hdd b7;�sfer ss not sufFcient to psy the escrow items when due,Barrower shall pay to Lender any <br /> amauAt necasary to make�the dt�ciency in one ar more payments as required by Lendes. <br /> Upoa payment in tv�:�of all sums secured by this Security Instnunact,Lender sha1J pro�.�g nfund to Borrower <br /> any F�6etd by I.ed�er-If under puagsph l9 ths Property is sold or acquired by Lender.Ler.��r�trall ap� lster <br /> than immrdiately prior t�tIte sife of'the Property or ids acquisition by Lender,any F�s held by Lasder at the time of <br /> � � appGcation as a credit a,g�t the sums secured by this Securiry Eastrument. <br /> 3. A�ii�tlo�oi��eusb. Unlas applic�ble law Gra�+ides otherwise.all gs�g�enu rueived by Lectda-under <br />. parasriphs 1 arsd 2 shatI 6r�lied:Snt,to lue cbar6a due ander the NotC second,tu prepayment charges due under the . . <br /> Not�tbird,to amounts pcy�L:e under paragnph Z;fourth,to intereat due;a�Gtat,to pr.�cipal due. <br /> 4. Clrr�er I.kar. 19orroNa shaU psy aU wces.assessmmts�char�es.fines�a�;mpositlons attributable to the <br /> PropeRy Mhich msy attiin priosity,aver this Security Instrununt, and I�seho2d �syra�nts or ground rents� if sny. . <br /> Borro�ver thall p�y these obiigatians in the m�uuur provided in parsgrsph T,�r ef not paid in that muults.Borrower shstl , <br /> pay them on time directly e�the peraon owed payrccrc�.HorrAwer shall prm�s�Syr fumisb to Lender a]]'�otices of unounts <br /> to 6e paid under tbis par�rapb.If Borrower nukes clzsse piymenta d'uec�I�..Bonower shall proz:�griY�furnuh to Lender <br /> receipts evidancting the Qayments. ' � <br /> Borroxa shaU promptly dischutt any lien ahich has gcia:;ty over this Security Instrum��t:u,,.�-1as Borrawer:(a) <br /> a�raa in�ritia�co the pymtat of the obii�srion secured by the t€m in a a�r acceptable to Len�er,;'�)coatesw in good �_ <br /> fdth t�e lien by,ot def��s ssainst enforcemmt of the lien in,lepl proced�:�wbich in the Lender's cspinion operate to � - <br /> prevent the enforceme�:af=he lirn ar forfeiture cG"uny put oPtbe 8roperty;�r(c)tecura from the hotder of the lien aa . <br /> • a=ra�ent atisfictor���xnder subordir►atin�thr t;rn to thi9 Security Instrument.lf Lender determines that any put of <br /> t6e propert�►is subjxt:a�lim which�sy s:'�;.�priority over this Security lnstru�•mc,Lender m�y give 8otroxer s <br /> notice�des�rsf'�ir�the trer:.Borrower s�r�l aat:�3�e�e lien or uke one os more of the actians set forth above within 10 days <br /> QEche�ivir.j a�'nocia. y <br /> S. Hwrd I�risce. Bono�ver shali 4a�x the improvemenu nav��istin�or herafter err�tsd on the Property ;�;:: ��. <br /> in�ur�ed apinst loss by��e,hazuds incJuded�rithin�he term'•extended covr,+iae"and�ny other hazards for whicb l.�der � ��'<� <br /> roqu�ra intur�nce. This it+.surtnce sba116e maiatained in the amounu and for the per.flds that I.ender requir�. TUe ;�_ <br /> inwraace canier providinj the insurance shalt be chosen by BorroMer eubject to�.ender's tpproval which shili not be '• <br /> unreasoaably kithl�eld. <br /> All insuruice policia and renewals shall ix acseptable to I.ender ar:d ahall include a standard marigage clause. �� <br /> I.ender shall have tfu ri�ht to hold the policia an��neMals.If L�tnder requira�Borrawer ehvl promptiy pve to Lendtr <br />_ vl receipts otptid premiuns�nd renewa!notices.In the eveet�f tosa,Borrower shdl give prompt netice to the lnsurance <br /> carrier and Lrnder.Lender msy mske proof uf loss if not nude�ramptly by Horro�er. <br /> Untas l,cnder and Borroxer otherwist sgra in Nsitin;,in�uranae proceeds shtll be tpplied to ratontion or rcpalr <br /> of the Ptoperty dunasad,if the restantion or repair is ecorcomically fwible and Lender's aecurity is not lessened. If the <br /> ratotation or repair is not tconomically fwible or Lender's sxutity would be lessened,the insursace proceed�shali be <br /> applied to the aums recured by this Security lnstrummt,whether or not thtn due.witfi�ny exces3 p�id to Barrower. If <br /> -��� HorroMer�bandon�the Property.or does not antrver withia 30 diys a notice from Lendre thu the insurance c�rrier has <br /> — o�ered to settk a elum,thrn Lender mty collect tht insurance proceed�.L.ender may use the proceed�to rep�ir or restore <br /> t6t Property or to p�y sums eocured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30�dsy period will be�in <br /> when the notice is=iven. <br /> Unless Lender;nd Borrower other�vise a�ree in�ritin�,�ny�pplication of proceeds to principa!shaU not eatend or <br /> patpone tite due date of the tnonlhly p�yetrents refsrred to in�aragaphs 1 and 2 or ch�nge the amount of the p�yments.If <br /> �' under put�raph 19 the Prape,tty is uquirec!by Lender�Borsower's right to any insUrince policirs�nd procceds resvJting <br /> �re from dam��e to the Property prior to the uquisition shall pas�to Lertder to the extent of the sums secured by this 5ecnrity <br /> Instrument immedi�tety priar to the acquisition. ``�-��� ` <br /> � 6 Pr�atbn a�Mv�tewee ot Yso�erd,Leartfiold�. Borrower shall not destroy.dam�ge or substantiaUy � <br /> chatite the Propetty.alloM the Property to deterior�te oa commit waste. 1t this 5ecurity lnstrument is on a lasehold, <br /> Borrower�haU comply with the provisions otthe leasr,and if BorPOwer aequires fee title to thc Propeny.the Iasehold and <br /> � tet titk�11 eoe merRe unks�Lentkr tEsea to the rrur�etr in�rritin�. � <br /> . 7. Prot�etior o!Le�der's Nt�ta te t�+e Prooerty; Mortp�e Insur�nce. If Bprrower fails to perform the <br /> =1�� coveetants�nd ajreement�conturted in this Stcurity there�s a teg�l proceeding that tn�y significantty affect � <br /> � j i.rnder's ri�fts irf the PrOperty(such as� proeeMing in bankruptcy, prob�te.tor condemn�tion or to enforce laws or <br /> L. tejulatiorff).then Lrndev tn�y do�nd psy for wh�tever is necessary to protect the value of th:Property and Lender's ri6bts � <br /> � in the Property.Lertder'e act�ons msy include p�ying�ny sums seeuted by a lien which has pnonty vver this Secur�ty ��,., <br /> Irtstrument.appearina in court.psy�ng rasonable a�ttorneys'fees snd entenng on the Property ta rnakr repairs Although ��� <br /> ; t.tnder m�y tike actinn unQer th�s p�ngrap}o T,Lendrr Qoes not have to do so. <br /> Any�mauat9 d�sburstd by i,tndet undcr thas priagraph 7 sh�ll becc�me add�tcunal debt�i Borrnwer sernred by ch�s -'" <br /> 5ecurity instrumen� Unlas iic€�rrc,wer and I.cnder agree toother terms of payment.these amnnn:s shall txas intereet frum '�' � <br /> � tke dite of dtsburr�ment aQ the !Vntc rate and�hall be payablc. w�th mterest, ufion not�ee frnrn !er�der to Etorrc�wer <br />..� j; �cque�hn60ayme�t <br /> .., <br /> ; <br /> . _ ���ij� , � <br /> V_f'_ <br /> r, .=f. <br /> �L:. <br /> 4 <br /> _._�_. .__ - ��.��.� �wwri.»a - <br /> -m-�_-.4_s�-iC'9-1.� _.._ —_-- 'y _— <br />. . -'_ .�... . �.. __' —"_:... .��..Y:�.�� _. <br /> ,�: . -. . .._::��_�.-.�r� .-_.__. <br />