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<br /> - -_-- - --- 4, aa�i3'�i�a�.� -vi5_ -d�$ii�c��=�5r' kib_:
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<br /> 16 Covenanis of Trustar with RespeCt to Leases. W�ttraur tAe prior wdsren consenr a19eRefi_r.�ary. Trusfar shati nol, directly orrn rr8cify,
<br /> � with respeci ro any�ease of space�n the Trust P�a�erty,or any porfivn thereof, wh$jher such tease is now or hereafter in existence: '
<br /> (a) Accept or permit any prepayment,dis�ount ar advance paymenr cf rerrl hereunCer in excess cf one monrh,
<br /> (b) CanceJ a terminate the samg,or accept any cancellation,term�natior�or surrerrrJ�r rlrarzot,or permit any eve�ri to occur which woutd
<br /> Qccur thereunder to terminate ar c,artce/the same,othsr than termfn��on for nanp.�,vr�,�n?of rert�
<br /> � (c) Amend or mod;f�r ths same So as to reducs the term thereof,tha re�riat�aya(sle ttr�3reuae7er,a►tp char,ge any raaewal prQVisians
<br /> therein contained,
<br /> (d) Waive any defauft thereun6�er orbreach thereot.
<br /> {ej �fve an���,wa�i�drt�r.��ral tt!°reundQr o!tafce any oJr:�acfiQn in C�nn�L•'A{�&herawifh,or Hrith a/essee thereurtder,whiGh
<br /> wou(d have B+o sM�i F�utg tt►e�at�re of the lessnr's inieresr U;ereundar or thR p�aperty subJect thereto.or ot impairing the •
<br /> pasition ar iAe�r�,st of.lherein,or .
<br /> (� Se11,assign,ptedge,mori�ge erotAerwise dispase of,or en�umber its interesi in an,y said lease or an y rents,issues,prafits issuing
<br /> '_� wansing thereurtder. �
<br /> 1 T. Waiver of SYatuhe of Limitativns. Trme is ot ttre esssnce in ail af Trustor's ob/igativns an�,duRes hereunder,and to the extent pe�miPted
<br /> � by taw.Tiustor waives all preseni or!utvre statutes of limiiaf�ans with respe�r fo any daht',�i�nar►d or obl'�a6on secured hereby arrd
<br /> - arry action or proceeding fp'{the pwpose of anforaing this Deerl of Tr�st cr any rioms or rem�lies contained herein. �
<br /> � 18. As�ignment of DeposiLS./r�jhe event constrcictian of imp.mvemerits is contempleled�y t3se,lna�evidenced by Ure Nofe secured
<br /> hereby,as addiDonal secu:ify there(ore, Trusfar hsreby t'r�sfeis and assigns ta Benef�qisry,a<<ri�/if,,tit/e and i�rteresi to any and a!J
<br /> monies deposited 6y w ae behalf of Tiustor witlr any ciry,counry,public bGdy or a�ency.sarij�t,y,dl&trict,utiliry company,and �
<br /> any other body ar agency,:for the instaliation or to sesure the insfallatian of arry utiliiyi hy Trusfi�.:��tta�ning to tire TrUSt Frapeny.
<br /> , 1S. Corporation or Par[nersh�p���stence.It Trustvr is a corpora�on,gene�al Fa�urership_r�r.l�mjj�,¢�annership,it will do all things
<br /> necessary fo preserve its i�orporate ar partnership e.xisience,as the case ma,y Pse,an��11 qgti;�^,.&nd privifeges under the�aws af the .
<br /> state af its incorporation af,arganization. �
<br /> '. - 20. Forbearance by Beneficia�?y Noi a Waiver.My fnrQearance by Bene�re�aryr.!rr exercisr"ng any,r�gtrt or rs}�redy hereunder.or oth�rc��se
<br /> aftwded by applicable/as4r,sha/1 not be a waiver of or prec�ude ths exercl.�-�of an�r suCh.�ignt orrmrratly.The procurerrrent af
<br /> � insurance or the payment pt ta�ces or the dischange of liens ar+cfr�rges by.�eneticiary.sti�!!not be a��iver ef Berrefraary's r�!:�ro
<br /> accele�afe tire maturity o�;he Indeb�dness. •
<br /> 21. Remedies Cum.ulafive_Alt remedies provided rn this Deed of Trus1`�e d�.:`•�rct arrd cumulative to any other right csremedy ur,,�c�this -
<br /> ; Deed of Trusf or affard7sr by law a equiry,arrd may be exercised c�nr,urr�z?ify,in¢ependentfy or successively_
<br /> 22. Successois arrd Assigrrs$vand;Jaint and Several llability,•Cappons.Ths cavenanl,s,erra�agreemenis herein cont3inetJ shap bind,artd
<br /> the�ights hereundersha!l inure to,tlre resp�ctive successors arrd assigns of Beneficia,r+l,,Trustee,and Trusior.Rlf covenants and
<br /> - agreemenis of Trusior shal►be jainiand saveral. The capGons and headrnas of tha pa.r�gT�phs of this Deea of Trust are for
<br /> canvenience only and are noi io be used ffl inierpret or denne the pravisi�ns her�f
<br /> 23. No�ics.Fxcept for any�qtice required under applicable law!o bs given in anothsr mann�ei(a)an�rrGtt�e to Truslor provided for in ihis .
<br /> ; Deed of Trust shaH be givan by mailing such ncti�e by certifred mai/,retum receip�req�es[ed addr��.��to Trustor ai i�mailing
<br /> address sei forth above or ai such other addre-�ss Trus[ar ma f designate by nuUGe t.o:�Beneficiary�s pravided h.erein,and(b)any
<br /> nouce to Beneficiary or Trustee shall tie given�y ceRified mr�il, retum receipt r�qrPsta�/;to Boneficiary's and Frustee's mailirtg
<br /> � address sfsifed herein or to such ofh�3r«:�dress as Beneficiary or Trustee may de�ignR)e.by noGce to Trustor as provided herein.My
<br /> notice provided ta in this Deed o�7r��r sha/l be deemed ro ha ve been grven to trustor,Beneficiary or Trustee when given in the
<br /> mann�r d�signaisd ha��in. ;
<br /> 24. Goveming Law;Severabriity.This Deed af Trust shalJ be govemed by the laws vt t,fie Stata of Ne6raska.In the event any p�ovisinn or -
<br /> clause of this Deed of Tiust conflicfs with app/icable law,such conf/iat shsf/not affer,�pther provisinns of this Deed ot Trusi which can �.._.
<br /> ' ba given effect withnat ths conflic6ng provisions and to this end the provisians of tJa1s,D$ed af Tiust are declared to be severab/e.
<br /> 25. Events of Default Each af the fo!lo.Hing occunences shap constitute an event�t�eJau��,heieunder.(hereinafter cal!ed an"Eveni '--
<br /> oJ De!aulY7: ;:.,�
<br /> (a) Trustor shalJ lail to pay when ctue any princ�pa�interest,or principal anGi int�;rest on the Indebtedness, ,;•
<br /> (b) My wanarrry of fitlo made by Trustor herein shall be untRr°,
<br /> (c) Trustor shall fail[o obServe or p@�form any of the Covenant5,agr��ment5,a conditions in thls Qeed of Trust.
<br /> (d) My representation ar wa�rartry made by Tiusto�on any linancia!statements or reports submitted to Benefrciary by o�on behall of
<br /> Tiustor sha/l prove/m�s�or ma¢erialty misleading,
<br /> (a) Trusfor shalJ fail to peda�m.o�observe any of the covenants,cond�trarts or�g!e;�ments contained in,or b/nding upon Trustor under �
<br /> any building/oan agreamant,secunry agreemenf,loan agreement.financln,n StA��?�nt,or any nthe►agreement,instrument o� �
<br /> � doCUmeni axeCUted by Trustar in ConneCtion with the toan evlQertCecf�y thg N;�t�;� °��s
<br /> � (/) A frusiee�receiver a Jiquid�'v,�Zf'.a Trust Propsrty or of Tiustor�ha.Ii hE spvniated,or any at tha credirors of Tiusior shalt frle a
<br /> petikon in bank��ptc�against Trus•or,or lo�the reorganizaGan of Tiustcy,,�u�svant ro the Feateral Bank�uptcy Code,or any simitar �
<br /> law,whethe�lede�al wi state,and it such order or petition sh�l1 not hr:,H:sGharqed or dismissed within th1Ky(30)days alter the date ? .
<br /> on which such o�de�•qr psiition was lilad. ,
<br /> . (g) Trusror shall lile a pertibnn pwsuant tv the Federat f.�ankrup�cy Code or any sim,tar law,lederal or stafe.or i!Tiusfa�shal!be
<br /> - adjud�8d a bank�upt,nr be deClered insolvent,or shall maRe an assrgnment lor the 6enelrt ot creditors,or sha/l admit in wr,ting!ts
<br /> inabrl,"�to pay its debts as they become duo.or shall consent!o N�r,;appoinfinent of a receive�af all o�any part of the Trust Pmperry,
<br /> (n) FJnal/r�dgment lor tt;�paymenf ol money sh�;i Ue rendered�gaipsl Trustor and Trustor shall not drscharge the same,or G�use i�to
<br /> be discha�ged,wdhi�thlrty!30)days after thp entry ther:!71,0�sh&li not appeAJ the�elrom ar Irom fhe order,decree or procQss upon
<br /> ' whlctt cr pu�suani ta which said judgrrr�rrt was grar.t�d.l��sed,or errtered,and secure a stay ot execution pending such appeal,
<br /> (i) 7iustor sh.d�ll se/l oi conv�y Iho Tiust Property,or any p�r!th°reo%or any interest there�n,a shall bg divested cf r!s tiBg.or any inte�est
<br /> the�ern,in any manr,sr o!way, whether volunta�ily or invalurtta�ily, without tha writfen c�nsent o1 Eenel/clary boing firct had Rnd
<br /> obfained,or
<br /> (j) !/Trustor is a cor,v�r�tion or paRnership 3n�muro th.�!iNy pErcent(50'';'d)c!tho shares or benel,•cial mterests in such corprration o�
<br /> paRnershlp,as the case may be,sh�!/bo tisnsfene94r ronveyed, wr,e�^si va/untn•ril,�or involunt�ril;�, without the written consent a1
<br /> Benelicr'ary being lir�s►had anci ob!2ined.
<br /> � 26. Accelera:ion of Debt;Falec�osuro.U�an thQ accur��nce of any Event of Default,or any time ihereaker, 8aneliciary may,at its opUOn,
<br /> decla�e a11 the IndebfQdness secured heieby rmmed:arely due and paya-b1�3 and tho same shall baar intoresr at rhe da/ault rate,il eny,
<br /> sei loRh in thfl Note,or othenvise at th9 hir.�rtst r�te�4rmitted by iaw,�nd.Inespechve of wheth�r 8enef�ciary axercises said op6on.�t " --
<br /> may,at its aplion and in its sole disC►oGon. withCt�t a�`}r/uRha�rrotico ar dom3nd to ot upon Trustor,do one or more of the tollowmg; �
<br /> (a) Bene6ciary may ente�upan, take possesslon cf m.3nage and operate the Trust P�opQrty or any part thereof.•make reparrs end
<br /> alteratians and do any acts which Beneficlary�eems p�opei to protocf the secunty therenl,and either with or w�thout tt�k/ng
<br /> - prrssession,in its own nam.e.sue fnr or othe rwiy�cellect and receiue rents,Issues and profits,incfuding those past dua and unpard.
<br /> - mr�appiy rhe same.tess COSts 8rt�ex�FnSRS Ol�pe�BfrOn�nd C011ect/On,mciu6�ng reasanadrg�ttOm�y tees and BenellCiary� �
<br /> costs.upan tho htdo6te�rtess seCUrod�+ei�+b��nd in$uch orde�us BenefiC�ary m�y determ�ne. Upon request ot Beneticiary, T�ustar �
<br /> � i Eh�,�l�SS°mG'!°�fld Sh�11!!?a,k�3y3�la�J!4 r�_q„nel,�rary�ny�st the 7r�l.ct pr��er►y whr_r.n has hnen�Qmnved. T�?n enierrn5 u��.^.�n�
<br /> L taking/�ofiSCSSiO/)�f(h0 TiUSI P/o�t�rty,th�+cv/rect�on of any rvnts.issues and pra�rts.and the appNcaUOn the,HOt as��faesa�d. shall �
<br /> nvt cure or wa�va ari�dafal/l t!t,rp,qfOrU�z!h���+�1K0�O;�u�mrg,or aHecl any nohce ot defaurt a�nohca o�sarv he�eund��r n�
<br /> rnva!fdata nny act dvno�+ursu;r�r r7ar�S1C�7 f'tOs�C�* NntwdAStandrng Elenef�crary s conbnuance,n pnssess�on or.ece�pr and e'�
<br /> rrpplrcatron ot�ents,rssue3 oe;nrvlds, �fer F,',r,rary s1r�u Ge vnt�U�d tn ex�rc�se avery rrght prvvrded tor,n rh�s Ueect nt 7ruct�r d;r(av� ���
<br /> - upon Or 7f(pr thp p�CU�►v�Tc!��+ar:E�GIf�C��iWfauit. nrcludrny!h�rryl�t to exerc�sc�NIE'pDN��I Uf Sd/C� �Q�ly U�f11E'(tC��C�1f5/(!}E`//E7(��U UI
<br /> � !!r?s pa�eg.�-tpt,mb��6;+t�'t,4�n L�/f3nnC�.'�C�7t�r7t such trrn�os HCr,�frCiury rrt�7y detPrm�n�w�tnt�ut ft�{��ufl fi�fr�(=�titt�qu�rc.�c=t:r�,� - .
<br /> # s�cu�iiy to�!h3 Jnalaf3!e�!�;s�e�ur�:i 1�c�4�by. •- -
<br /> �. (�ft �BIl�'IrCr�tt-y S4r3!/. Iti1dh:�d.'fd[J1i.'(��J f,h�1;r,'i��U�9�y ot a»y sceur�(jr/L)I/hC1 IIIC{��11�jf1!rE'S5 SEt�'rC';}i:t,rp(i� j:r.f'/il�i�Vtl,'�t H:�,
<br /> �1j/D.7:I317t('t��O�i/�f.•.P�VI'l�t1(/�"111�C��!/fCh�:/.�(1',11J�i�r`1lCUG'tl. �7�!htY'11l�bGC'p,�•�Icl�"!!7T:'i:•L'::S'Utr(�� ."f'f:'��1. �?tr.1''�d!":ilj(��h',.� it!1:.�
<br /> �`�: P�o��erty���rr;r�l;fJ�[tf'r�•h;5i�m{�t±h:fr��r'i?�'if/r43•r'nf�.�;SUUS,rn�/P.��f,l;!►�pr�frn�rr
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